Feminine Belles - Info/discussion/support Thread

Putting down our sword take courage because it leaves you feeling exposed and vulnerable. When we stop wielding that sword all willy nilly then the man gets to step up and protect us like he's supposed to! He can't protect us when he's constantly guarding himself against our attacks or recovering from the wounds we keep giving him. When I think of it like it makes no sense to me to pick my sword back up. It's counterintuitive.

That's exactly how I feel. I've been practicing dropping the sword with friends, co-workers and strangers and the response I get back from those men is heart warming. There is no way I can go back to the way things were.

Five years ago if you had asked me if I understood my femininity, I would have responded with an emphatic yes. However, I'm beginning to realize that I know very little about femininity, especially in the context of relationship and how it is the source of my strength as a woman. And when exercised, will open the door for the men in my life to protect me. :think:

This is going to be an interesting journey.
I don't think you didn't anything wrong here. He asked you out last minute and the next time you already had plans you didn't wanna get out of. I would've done the same thing. Only thing I'd do differently next time is to suggest a time that's better for you if you have plans on the day he wants to take you out.

Thanks for the encouragement and advice. :)

Yes, I think you're right. And my gut also tells me that if a man REALLY likes and wants a woman, he will definitely try at least one last time, especially if the woman is friendly and seems interested despite some scheduling conflicts. After a 3rd try however, I think the guy would definitely move on for good.

You don't know how many times some women have told me how their husbands continued to pursue them in the early stages even despite the woman's disinterest or turning him down. Not saying women should do this deliberately (they weren't doing it deliberately, they were just cautious, not that interested at first, or actually really busy), but it DOES spell it out for me that if a man is interested he WILL let you know , and he WILL make an effort.

Whew! I finally made it through this thread after three days. Threads like this are why I keep subscribing. Thank you all for your contributions and suggestions. I am learning so much.

I had a cookout with a friend on Monday, and instead of allowing him to put the little grill together, which he bought, I did it and then giggled when he expressed upset that I did what he saw as his job. He looked so hurt and asked me how it would look to my neighbors that I put the grill together. I had been reading TQC, so I immediately felt apologetic. He wanted to do it for me and I stole his thunder. I apologized, and he accepted, but for the rest of the night I couldn't help but wonder how often I hurt my exes and never even noticed. I realised if I was a man, I probably wouldn't stay with me either. Lol!

I'm embarrassed by it now, but I can remember treating men like they had no feelings at all. It's awful.
I am working on not living in that regret, and I am putting my sword down for good. I sure am good at wielding that thing, though.

Awww...it's okay. We all make mistakes. Trust me, before I read TQC I was not as sensitive to the fact that men have feelings either. In fact, it took me until my 20's to even realize that men had "feelings" and could actually be hurt or offended by what a woman did.

The biggest "wake up call" for me came when I was dealing with an ex-guy friend years ago. I had an ex-guy friend who broke my heart and was pretty much a "player", but because I was immature, instead of just TALKING to him normally and fully expressing my feelings to him and being vulnerable, I resulted instead to playing games back and actually ignoring him as time went on. Yes, it was immature, and YES he pretty much deserved the treatment (the stuff he would do was cruddy), but after reading TQC it hit me just how immature I was back then and how my actions really did hurt him.

These experiences with him happened years ago, but I still remember how SHOCKED I was when we finally had our "come to Jesus" meeting/"confessional" and he admitted to me that he sometimes was acting funny and strange around me because I was acting funny/strange and he felt like I didn't want him around me. At the time, I was shocked because I couldn't believe that my actions affected him so much. I felt like he didn't even care how I was treating him. I was just keeping my distance and being cold and aloof in order to protect MYSELF from feeling more pain from him. (Again...picking up that sword for protection) We weren't dating..... There was just some attraction and immature game-playing going on. Anyway, it dawned on me then that men actually DO have feelings. Years later recently while reading TQC I thought back to that moment in time and realized that this book really is ON POINT. It's a shame I didn't realize that men are not robots. I think sometimes because they always put on a stoic and strong front, we think they are invincible and not "emotional". But the truth is, men have feelings too.

This experience also forced me to realize that a LOT of times, it is the WOMAN who sets the "tone" for how a man will come across or treat HER. I didn't realize how much power we really have as women until after that experience with that guy friend of mine. Yes, his game-playing and actions were immature as well, but if I had just continued to be MATURE/open/kind/and receptive, I firmly believe that I would have saved myself so much heartache and time wasted. Because either he would have eventually stepped up to the plate and determined what it was he wanted (friendship or more), OR, he would have eventually faded away. A mature woman doesn't engage or spend her time worrying about men who aren't interested in her. She is cordial, but she doesn't think about them. She's only receptive to the men who ARE showing interest. So therefore, he would have eventually disengaged and found someone else to "play" with, or...he would have realized that I was a "high value" woman and not one to be playing games with, and if that was all he wanted at the time, he would have eventually let me be. But playing this hot and cold game only kept me engaged w/him, and eventually it became an ego-war. Hurt feelings and misunderstandings galore. When in actuality, I should have just remained a constant woman grounded in her femininity, not wavering despite his actions. Either way, it would have saved me a LOT of pain.

And I wondered why I stayed single for so long! :lol: Been there done that. Men are a lot more sensitive than we realize. If they're hurt they shut down and leave without saying anything. Sometimes for good. Us women have to "get it off our chests" and talk about it. THEN we can move on. We expect the same from men but they're not hairy women. :lol:

Again, yes. We've been brainwashed to believe that men "can take it" and have no feelings. I remember the first time I did something hurtful to one of my exes when I was in my early 20s. I wielded my sword and cut him with it. I was genuinely surprised that his feelings were hurt. My sister was like: "why are you so shocked? He's human too isn't he? He's got feelings too." Putting down our sword take courage because it leaves you feeling exposed and vulnerable. When we stop wielding that sword all willy nilly then the man gets to step up and protect us like he's supposed to! He can't protect us when he's constantly guarding himself against our attacks or recovering from the wounds we keep giving him. When I think of it like it makes no sense to me to pick my sword back up. It's counterintuitive.

OMG girl YES!!!! :lol:

I think that because I grew up with sisters I didn't see how men can have feelings as well.

And omg I LOVED that last part of your post (in bold). GREAT analogy! Yes, when a man is too busy trying to protect HIMSELF (and his ego) from a woman's sword-like attacks, he can't feel the necessary vulnerability from her in order to want to protect her. He's too busy protecting HIMSELF! :lol: I'm almost getting the impression (from her book, and from other comments on here) that when a woman is always ready to pick up the sword and defend HERSELF, she will almost always perpetually find herself ALONE...defending herself BY herself with her own sword, because a man won't feel the need to protect her. Why would he? She's already got her own sword drawn! Maybe this is why SOME (not all) women find themselves single and don't even realize it.

I'll even take it a step further..... I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes here, or be offensive...but this is just a thought for discussion....

I'll change the font color just in case nobody wants to see this.....again, I'm just curious what you all think....not trying to start an e-debate/or an e-argument.... But.......... Do you think that perhaps THIS (sword wielding) might one of the reasons why SOME of us women in the AA community find ourselves single more than others? Don't get me wrong, there are OTHER things that are factors as well (racism/prejudice being some of them when it comes to what people deem as "desirable"), but when you think about it...it seems more (how shall I say) "acceptable" for AA women to utilize the sword (so to speak), especially around our men. I'm wondering if this is a reason why SOME (notice I said SOME) AA men have shied away in recent years from dating AA women. I'm not saying women of other races aren't the same way (swordswomen) because there ARE women of all races who are this way, but I'm just wondering if it's looked at as more "common" or "acceptable" for us as AA women to be this way because we've seen so much, watched how our mothers have had to take on so much more than most women, and how we've had to "kill our own snakes" in some instances, etc. I'm just wondering if this might be somewhat of a factor.

Again, I hope nobody takes this the wrong way. I'm just hoping we can have an honest discussion about this. If you don't agree, it's fine to say that as well. I've been thinking about this as I've been reading this book. Not sure if the two go hand-in-hand, but it has made me wonder sometimes....especially when I hear some of the reasons why SOME AA men say that they prefer to "date out". :( Just curious what some of you all think.....
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I went out with some older friends yesterday for lunch. They're friends of my ex-roommate who I consider like an "older sister" to me. Anyway, 3 of the women there were married/divorced and all had kids. When I say that all 3 of them had bad marriages, I mean it. :( I mean, my ex-roommate is in the middle of a divorce, her friend who was at the table is already divorced but her husband is a classic narcissist, and the 3rd friend is also in the middle of a divorce and HER husband is also a narcissist. So anyway, I was listening to their stories and honestly it scared me. I felt bad though because I found myself slipping into that negative mindset of "men aren't worth a dime...". Since I have a background in Psychology I was commiserating with them and sharing classic signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder (one of them has a husband who's bipolar I'm pretty sure...even though he hasn't been officially diagnosed), and narcissism.

But then, I had to CATCH myself! I didn't realize how quick and EASY it is to go down the tunnel of thinking negatively about men in general. :( All 3 of them encouraged me to (in their words) "don't get married". :rolleyes:

I understand their concern and everything, but it just makes me upset. One, because I DO want to get married, and two, because I feel like their stories just make me negative and bitter...and I haven't even been through their relationship horrors! Seriously, hearing stories like these and how their husbands treat their kids, etc. just makes me scared to even be in a relationship. My mom didn't have a good relationship with my dad, OR my stepdad, and when I keep hearing about friends in bad marriages, it honestly makes me very cautious about marriage/relationships in general. I just don't want to end up with the "wrong one".

I quickly tried to turn the conversation positive though, and added that "well, all men aren't like this...there are still some good men out there....". But I couldn't help but wonder...."where ARE those men?" lol..... :lol: I feel like I need to surround myself with more friends who have GOOD marriages, because honestly, MOST of my friends who are married (or who live near to me) don't have good marriages. And when you're used to seeing dysfunction in your OWN family life growing up, it can really make you grow up with a "Frog Farming" mentality.

Idk what to do. I want to support my friends and be there for them, but I don't know what to do when conversations about their "exes" come up. I don't want to just "cut them off", but at the same time I think for my OWN emotional health and well-being, (as well as for the sake of putting down the sword), I need to maybe limit my time w/them. I find that being with them puts me in a negative mind-set about men.

Back before I read TQC, I would happily join in on the male bashing and "yea girl that guy isn't worth anything" type of talk that so many girlfriends and I would engage in during "girls' nights". NOW days however, after reading the book I've just become a little more sensitive to this type of talk, and it almost makes me feel guilty to engage in this type of conversation now days. Does anyone on here feel the same way? Idk what has happened, but ever since reading this book (and I'm not even finished yet!) I feel strange engaging in men bashing. I feel like it makes me put up a guard around men instead of tearing down the walls of the fortress. I used to not think that this type of talk was harmful at all.... But now I see that it CAN be harmful.

IDk what I'm saying lol...maybe I just needed to vent.

Do any of you have friends like these with bad relationships? How do you deal when they want to vent (understandably) about their awful husbands or exes? Some of these ladies I honestly feel sympathy for them, and their feelings are DEFINITELY valid (if only you all knew some of the things their husbands/exes did....or STILL do to them). I'm talking abuse...verbal, emotional, even physical. :( I feel for them, but I don't know how to draw the line between feeling for them, and yet at the same time not turning into a man-basher or feeling guarded around men due to distrust. It's such a fine line...
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@Crystalicequeen123 Hanging around women who bash men is hard NOT to do because they're everywhere! My nail tech (who I've become good friends with) is the same way. Total frog farmer who's teaching her daughter the same things. She's about to go through a divorce and has zero respect or good things left to say about her husband. I'm not in their marriage so I don't know what's really going on behind closed doors but they're staying together for the kids. Apparently it wasn't always like this. They used to be happily married but then it went downhill some years later. She keeps telling me not to get married. After reading the book "Love and respect" I can clearly see what they need to do to start saving their marriage. I don't dare mention it or TQC to them cuz they'd rip my head off. I try not to discuss men or my love life with them. Don't need that paranoia creeping into my thoughts.
@Crystalicequeen123, I have a friend who told me that she is offended when a man is "too masculine". She's the only friend I cant talk to about relationships. I would not have been able to entertain that group even before TQC. When people begin complaining too much about a person or thing they don't like i always ask, gently, "and what are you doing to change this situation?" That's usually where the conversation ends.
@Crystalicequeen123 Hanging around women who bash men is hard NOT to do because they're everywhere! My nail tech (who I've become good friends with) is the same way. Total frog farmer who's teaching her daughter the same things. She's about to go through a divorce and has zero respect or good things left to say about her husband. I'm not in their marriage so I don't know what's really going on behind closed doors but they're staying together for the kids. Apparently it wasn't always like this. They used to be happily married but then it went downhill some years later. She keeps telling me not to get married. After reading the book "Love and respect" I can clearly see what they need to do to start saving their marriage. I don't dare mention it or TQC to them cuz they'd rip my head off. I try not to discuss men or my love life with them. Don't need that paranoia creeping into my thoughts.

Yea I don't blame you. I think if I start dating someone seriously in the future, I probably won't tell my ex-roomie either..... :( It won't be until I'm practically about to be engaged to the guy before I utter a word to her lol. She's just had 2 really BAD marriages, and so she's a bit on the bitter side right now. But I don't need a friend giving me doubts or squashing any positive feelings I may have had about a guy before something serious even gets off the ground. That's why I think I will probably keep it more of a secret. The only problem is, anytime we see each other or catch up on old times, she always asks me: "Soo...what's new? Gone on any dates lately? Got a man I should know about?" Ugh..... :(

@Crystalicequeen123, I have a friend who told me that she is offended when a man is "too masculine". She's the only friend I cant talk to about relationships. I would not have been able to entertain that group even before TQC. When people begin complaining too much about a person or thing they don't like i always ask, gently, "and what are you doing to change this situation?" That's usually where the conversation ends.

Wow...what an odd remark! Lol...how can you be offended by a man who is "too masculine"? That's like a man being offended by a woman who is "too feminine". Does she mean that she doesn't like men who are rude/crude/or show too much "machismo?" What exactly is she saying I wonder?

Oh and I lol'd at your last sentence lol... :lol: Yep, that's definitely a conversation-stopper haha!
Okay! Im currently on page 31 of this thread, Ive ordered a few books to begin with and ive been slowly incorporating increasing my feminine aura during this past week. ITS WORKING.

Recently I drove 40 minutes to meet a friend for lunch and somehow she ended up at the wrong location so I got stuck eating alone.

I wore a beatiful updo/side bun with a cute headband, false eyelashes and my make up was perfect. I wore a black off the shoulder lace top with navy high waist shorts that have a super adorable ribbon belt.

When I arrived I was immediately greeting buy this really attractive waiter. He was a tall white guy with blue eyes, dark hair and a killer smile.

I informed him that I was eating alone and he jokingly told me that he'd keep me company. He also brought over a few crayons lol

I immediately noticed his unusually nice treatment combined with the fact that his eyes were glued to me even when he was with other tables.

He finally comes back with my meal and shyly tells me that I am absolutely mesmizerably beatiful. He even brought me free desert (a cupcake with a tiny heart on top), made my drink and appetizer free and walked me out. I thanked him fir his company and kindness, and he smiled again and complimented ne once more. He then noticed the background pic on my cell and said "you are still so extremely beautiful and your bf is a lucky guy."

This stuff is working!
Okay! Im currently on page 31 of this thread, Ive ordered a few books to begin with and ive been slowly incorporating increasing my feminine aura during this past week. ITS WORKING.

Recently I drove 40 minutes to meet a friend for lunch and somehow she ended up at the wrong location so I got stuck eating alone.

I wore a beatiful updo/side bun with a cute headband, false eyelashes and my make up was perfect. I wore a black off the shoulder lace top with navy high waist shorts that have a super adorable ribbon belt.

When I arrived I was immediately greeting buy this really attractive waiter. He was a tall white guy with blue eyes, dark hair and a killer smile.

I informed him that I was eating alone and he jokingly told me that he'd keep me company. He also brought over a few crayons lol

I immediately noticed his unusually nice treatment combined with the fact that his eyes were glued to me even when he was with other tables.

He finally comes back with my meal and shyly tells me that I am absolutely mesmizerably beatiful. He even brought me free desert (a cupcake with a tiny heart on top), made my drink and appetizer free and walked me out. I thanked him fir his company and kindness, and he smiled again and complimented ne once more. He then noticed the background pic on my cell and said "you are still so extremely beautiful and your bf is a lucky guy."

This stuff is working!

Wowwwwww @AlexandriaKiera!!!! You go girl! :D :woot:

What a great FeminineBelle Experience! :up: If that's you in your avatar, you are cute. :) I'm not surprised that waiter was so smitten lol.

I think we women forget just how much a feminine demeanor, look, and allure can really mesmerize men and stop them in their tracks. I've had similar experiences when I've been out and dressed ultra feminine and had my hair done up, makeup on point, high heels on, with a cute dress. It really stops people in their tracks. It's a nice feeling. :)

It's interesting because I think the reason why it tends to be so mesmerizing to men is because these days it's so RARE unfortunately. I was at the mall recently one weekend, and just for kicks I decided to just do some people watching, because I was telling a friend of mine (who was with me) that a lot of times, women these days don't even wear dresses anymore.....usually we wear pants. And sure enough, as I looked around and watched women pass by, I noticed that most were wearing jeans, pants, shorts, etc. It was very rare that some had on a cute feminine dress. Don't get me wrong, I wear jeans and pants all the time, but really paying attention to this just made me think. I think I'm becoming more aware of this now that I've been part of this "FB challenge" on this thread. It's so interesting....Pants used to be more optional, and dresses were more the norm for women to wear. But now days it's almost like it's the reverse where pants are now the norm, and dresses have kind of taken a backseat, unless you're going to church, a fancy white tie affair, or a wedding.

Don't underestimate a feminine look and demeanor ladies. If you do this, you will probably be one step ahead of most women out here because most women (or most American women at least) have kind of lost this art over the years. :(

I think that now that the weather is getting warmer, I'm going to buy some new summer dresses and experiment with going out in public in summer dresses more and see if I notice a difference in how I'm treated. :grin:
And I wondered why I stayed single for so long! :lol: Been there done that. Men are a lot more sensitive than we realize. ..........
........ Putting down our sword take courage because it leaves you feeling exposed and vulnerable. When we stop wielding that sword all willy nilly then the man gets to step up and protect us like he's supposed to! He can't protect us when he's constantly guarding himself against our attacks or recovering from the wounds we keep giving him. When I think of it like it makes no sense to me to pick my sword back up. It's counterintuitive.

The above is very Interesting!!! I clicked in here and the bolded was at the top of the page and it struck a nerve.

Below is a post that I'd typed up earlier this afternoon to share.

"Ok, I’ve been off-this thread for a few minutes. The Code is a very interesting tool, I see it can very well be a double edged sword.

Basically, I have had a difficult time moving forward with any relationship because I was still missing and longing for an ex.

Recently during a roster building timeframe I met Mr. Hood. He both speaks and acts out provider language; he has been both patient and accommodating to me. BUT I still #Want2GetBackWithMyEX and couldn’t get off the ropes. Also his Hood tendencies annoy the phuk outta me; he’s almost 50+ and can’t resist saying something like “EastsIDE!!!” while throwing up something similar to gang signs when mentioning his hometown…..AND THIS was during an ice-breaker at a damn Drawing Class. I cringed! (this was 1x to many for me)

I’d already politely addressed this type of behavior and admitted that I did not want him to be uncomfortable around me; I want him to be able to be himself...blah blah blah. HOWEVER, I can’t compromise my level of comfort either. I just literally left him a VM and text stating the underlined; while apologizing because I neither wanted to hurt nor disappoint him.

On Father’s day I included the Ex in my list of folks I sent well wishes to. (We’d had a light weight/catching up conversation about two weeks ago but very little contact since then.) On Sunday we had a heart-to-heart talk and agreed to give it another go. This is a direction I feel comfortable moving in. I put down my sword, during the conversation I asked him what I could have done differently; what he would do differently; what does he want from me and what he’s willing to provide/do in exchange. IMHO he was remarkably more communicative than he’d been in the past…AND he actually acknowledge a fault of 2 that in the past he’d denied; all while asking me to help him work on them…..talk about growth!!!! During this convo I kept acknowledging how uncomfortable this level of vulnerability is for me; HE acknowledged his feelings too, and let me know how wounded he felt when we broke-up. [Though we can't agree on who-left-who, we were able to agree to disagree AND acknowledge that we'd rather fight with each other (in love) than with anyone else]

Fast forward: I’m expecting a phone call from Hood in a few minutes to plead his case. I don’t know how to bow out graciously w/o addressing the hood. I’ve already did the “you deserve someone who is more receptive to the love and attraction level that you’re exhibiting” It doesn’t help that he talks like a salesman/hustler (trying to seal the deal) HELP"

Well at this point we've (Hood and I) have already had the phone call. I KTTK listened but stood my ground; pain was inevitable but .....I feel like I bowed out graciously. I feel like such a weight has been lifted off me!!!!
I'm cautiously optimistic about how things will go with the Ex (after all he's an ex for a reason), but at the same time I get a much better energy flow from him.

The truth of the latter reminds me of a part in In Sync With the Opposite Sex where AA teaches that it is important for potential partners to know what type of relationship the other party desires; and what type of relationship they themselves want. She describes different types of relationships (something like):
  • Legacy: focused on leaving legacies for the next generation (think Trumpish)
  • Support: (think SAHM/Working dad)
  • .....I can't remember the rest but the list includes couples who are crazy about each other may drive each other "crazy" and are happy about that...... That may be my case.
Btw, speaking about hair.....

Lately I've been trying to do some new styles with my natural hair that are both practical yet also feminine. I'm thinking about possibly getting some Havana Twists this summer. :grin:

Here are some beautiful hair style ideas that can be done on natural hair.... :) So many times society tells us we have to reach for heat or the flat iron and straighten it into "submission" in order to have a "feminine" look or hairstyle. That's so not true.

Here are some beautiful natural hair styles that I found online that are beautiful, classy and feminine. :D



















The above is very Interesting!!! I clicked in here and the bolded was at the top of the page and it struck a nerve.

Below is a post that I'd typed up earlier this afternoon to share.

"Ok, I’ve been off-this thread for a few minutes. The Code is a very interesting tool, I see it can very well be a double edged sword.

Basically, I have had a difficult time moving forward with any relationship because I was still missing and longing for an ex.

Recently during a roster building timeframe I met Mr. Hood. He both speaks and acts out provider language; he has been both patient and accommodating to me. BUT I still #Want2GetBackWithMyEX and couldn’t get off the ropes. Also his Hood tendencies annoy the phuk outta me; he’s almost 50+ and can’t resist saying something like “EastsIDE!!!” while throwing up something similar to gang signs when mentioning his hometown…..AND THIS was during an ice-breaker at a damn Drawing Class. I cringed! (this was 1x to many for me)

I’d already politely addressed this type of behavior and admitted that I did not want him to be uncomfortable around me; I want him to be able to be himself...blah blah blah. HOWEVER, I can’t compromise my level of comfort either. I just literally left him a VM and text stating the underlined; while apologizing because I neither wanted to hurt nor disappoint him.

On Father’s day I included the Ex in my list of folks I sent well wishes to. (We’d had a light weight/catching up conversation about two weeks ago but very little contact since then.) On Sunday we had a heart-to-heart talk and agreed to give it another go. This is a direction I feel comfortable moving in. I put down my sword, during the conversation I asked him what I could have done differently; what he would do differently; what does he want from me and what he’s willing to provide/do in exchange. IMHO he was remarkably more communicative than he’d been in the past…AND he actually acknowledge a fault of 2 that in the past he’d denied; all while asking me to help him work on them…..talk about growth!!!! During this convo I kept acknowledging how uncomfortable this level of vulnerability is for me; HE acknowledged his feelings too, and let me know how wounded he felt when we broke-up. [Though we can't agree on who-left-who, we were able to agree to disagree AND acknowledge that we'd rather fight with each other (in love) than with anyone else]

Fast forward: I’m expecting a phone call from Hood in a few minutes to plead his case. I don’t know how to bow out graciously w/o addressing the hood. I’ve already did the “you deserve someone who is more receptive to the love and attraction level that you’re exhibiting” It doesn’t help that he talks like a salesman/hustler (trying to seal the deal) HELP"

Well at this point we've (Hood and I) have already had the phone call. I KTTK listened but stood my ground; pain was inevitable but .....I feel like I bowed out graciously. I feel like such a weight has been lifted off me!!!!
I'm cautiously optimistic about how things will go with the Ex (after all he's an ex for a reason), but at the same time I get a much better energy flow from him.

The truth of the latter reminds me of a part in In Sync With the Opposite Sex where AA teaches that it is important for potential partners to know what type of relationship the other party desires; and what type of relationship they themselves want. She describes different types of relationships (something like):
  • Legacy: focused on leaving legacies for the next generation (think Trumpish)
  • Support: (think SAHM/Working dad)
  • .....I can't remember the rest but the list includes couples who are crazy about each other may drive each other "crazy" and are happy about that...... That may be my case.

Oh wow that's awesome! :)

I really hope things work out well for you and your ex. I'm glad you two decided to give it another chance. It sounds like he still has feelings and is open to working things out as well.

I feel bad for the "hood dude" lol, but you're right....he deserves someone who is as crazy about him as he is for you. Also, I agree... a man near his 50's still throwing up gang signs and talking the way he talks is a complete turn off. I'm sorry. :( I'm in my 30s and I find that a turn off.

Anyway, I hope things work out for you and the ex. I think you've been implementing the tips from the book very well, and the results you've been getting are very telling!

I think the fact that you get a much better "energy" about the ex is also very telling. It's good as women for us to use our God-given intuition. If something doesn't feel "right", it's best to listen to that and go with our gut feelings.

I admire your courage to express your vulnerability....sometimes that's the hardest part. I know for me it is. So kudos to you, and I wish you the best! ;)
Thank you!!!!!!!
It's funny because a few weeks ago I almost felt compelled to defend the Tony Braxton/Birdman shituation. From my experience it's a good thing for her if Birdman "Gets" Tony in a way that some other dude may not; however Hoodness and lack of conversation skills are NOT MY cup of TEA.
***BTW my Hood friend didn't throw actual gang signs but the "hometown" hand gesture thingy he does is just as sociably unattractive.​
It took some careful deliberation but yeah to do that so reflexively @50 is NOT something I can deal with nor can I "bring home" to my children(s). HELL NO.
/\/\/\ Even Old Glory said the same thing when he tried to get some action that night......and sometimes she has a mind of her own.

Oh wow that's awesome! :)

I really hope things work out well for you and your ex. I'm glad you two decided to give it another chance. It sounds like he still has feelings and is open to working things out as well.

I feel bad for the "hood dude" lol, but you're right....he deserves someone who is as crazy about him as he is for you. Also, I agree... a man near his 50's still throwing up gang signs and talking the way he talks is a complete turn off. I'm sorry. :( I'm in my 30s and I find that a turn off.

Anyway, I hope things work out for you and the ex. I think you've been implementing the tips from the book very well, and the results you've been getting are very telling!

I think the fact that you get a much better "energy" about the ex is also very telling. It's good as women for us to use our God-given intuition. If something doesn't feel "right", it's best to listen to that and go with our gut feelings.

I admire your courage to express your vulnerability....sometimes that's the hardest part. I know for me it is. So kudos to you, and I wish you the best! ;)
The above is very Interesting!!! I clicked in here and the bolded was at the top of the page and it struck a nerve.

Below is a post that I'd typed up earlier this afternoon to share.

"Ok, I’ve been off-this thread for a few minutes. The Code is a very interesting tool, I see it can very well be a double edged sword.

Basically, I have had a difficult time moving forward with any relationship because I was still missing and longing for an ex.

Recently during a roster building timeframe I met Mr. Hood. He both speaks and acts out provider language; he has been both patient and accommodating to me. BUT I still #Want2GetBackWithMyEX and couldn’t get off the ropes. Also his Hood tendencies annoy the phuk outta me; he’s almost 50+ and can’t resist saying something like “EastsIDE!!!” while throwing up something similar to gang signs when mentioning his hometown…..AND THIS was during an ice-breaker at a damn Drawing Class. I cringed! (this was 1x to many for me)

I’d already politely addressed this type of behavior and admitted that I did not want him to be uncomfortable around me; I want him to be able to be himself...blah blah blah. HOWEVER, I can’t compromise my level of comfort either. I just literally left him a VM and text stating the underlined; while apologizing because I neither wanted to hurt nor disappoint him.

On Father’s day I included the Ex in my list of folks I sent well wishes to. (We’d had a light weight/catching up conversation about two weeks ago but very little contact since then.) On Sunday we had a heart-to-heart talk and agreed to give it another go. This is a direction I feel comfortable moving in. I put down my sword, during the conversation I asked him what I could have done differently; what he would do differently; what does he want from me and what he’s willing to provide/do in exchange. IMHO he was remarkably more communicative than he’d been in the past…AND he actually acknowledge a fault of 2 that in the past he’d denied; all while asking me to help him work on them…..talk about growth!!!! During this convo I kept acknowledging how uncomfortable this level of vulnerability is for me; HE acknowledged his feelings too, and let me know how wounded he felt when we broke-up. [Though we can't agree on who-left-who, we were able to agree to disagree AND acknowledge that we'd rather fight with each other (in love) than with anyone else]

Fast forward: I’m expecting a phone call from Hood in a few minutes to plead his case. I don’t know how to bow out graciously w/o addressing the hood. I’ve already did the “you deserve someone who is more receptive to the love and attraction level that you’re exhibiting” It doesn’t help that he talks like a salesman/hustler (trying to seal the deal) HELP"

Well at this point we've (Hood and I) have already had the phone call. I KTTK listened but stood my ground; pain was inevitable but .....I feel like I bowed out graciously. I feel like such a weight has been lifted off me!!!!
I'm cautiously optimistic about how things will go with the Ex (after all he's an ex for a reason), but at the same time I get a much better energy flow from him.

The truth of the latter reminds me of a part in In Sync With the Opposite Sex where AA teaches that it is important for potential partners to know what type of relationship the other party desires; and what type of relationship they themselves want. She describes different types of relationships (something like):
  • Legacy: focused on leaving legacies for the next generation (think Trumpish)
  • Support: (think SAHM/Working dad)
  • .....I can't remember the rest but the list includes couples who are crazy about each other may drive each other "crazy" and are happy about that...... That may be my case.
I agree with @Crystalicequeen123 that you've applied these principles really well. You're following your gut feelings and that's very vulnerable in itself. Going back to an ex is never easy. It sounds like you two are on the same page though and really want this to work. It's very telling he told you he felt wounded when you broke up. He must really like and trust you to admit that. Most men don't usually share their feelings. You two will be ok.

About Hood dude, you handled that very well. Dumping someone is tough. I'm glad you went straightforward with it and told him the truth. Better he finds out now than a year from now. I don't blame you for not wanting to be with him. At his age he's not gonna change and he should know better. I ain't bout that life either so I'd do the same thing you did if I were in your shoes. :yep:
Wowwwwww @AlexandriaKiera!!!! You go girl! :D :woot:

What a great FeminineBelle Experience! :up: If that's you in your avatar, you are cute. :) I'm not surprised that waiter was so smitten lol.


Yes, my profile is a pic of myself. Thanks so much!

I also agree that its becomming less and less common to see women wearing dresses. I recently tossed out most of my shorts and jeans and ive been filling my wardrobe with mostly dresses.

I feel so much more charming and cute when im not in pants. I also receive a million more compliments if I happen to be wearing a dress.

Next month my bf and I are moving into a new apartment and thus ive decided to purge my wardrobe.

Only girly items from now on!
I just received my package of reading materials and ill deff be updating this thread as I progress on my journey.

Ive made a few personal goals that I would like to accomplish on my journey to improve my femininity.

1.) Wear dresses and skirts 90% of the time

2.) Lose 30 lbs/ be a size 2 (im currently a size 6)

3.) Reach full bsl (im full apl/ grazing bsl)

4.) Cook more healthy meals
5.) Grow out my nails and keep them painted
6.) Get laser hair removal and improve my skincare regimine
7.) Develop a cleaning schedule
8.) Exercise 5 times per week

If I stick to these goals, I am confident that I can become a better version of me :)

The goal is to start small and take things one step at a time
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I just received my package of reading materials and ill deff be updating this thread as I progress on my journey.

Ive made a few personal goals that I would like to accomplish on my journey to improve my femininity.

1.) Wear dresses and skirts 90% of the time

2.) Lose 30 lbs/ be a size 2 (im currently a size 6)

3.) Reach full bsl (im full apl/ grazing bsl)

4.) Cook more healthy meals
5.) Grow out my nails and keep them painted
6.) Get laser hair removal and improve my skincare regimine
7.) Develop a cleaning schedule
8.) Exercise 5 times per week

If I stick to these goals, I am confident that I can become a better version of me :)

The goal is to start small and take things one step at a time

Great goals!! Keep us updated.

I started laser hair removal 2 months ago and I'm BEYOND pleased with the results. It's pretty awesome! LOL, I'm trying to go from a size 8 to a size 6. I also started keeping my nails manicured. I got a tip from this board about the long lasting gel nails, which are really lovely and last for 2 weeks. I drink green smoothies now and/or special K protein drinks and not only am I looking great but I feel great as well.

This is one of my favorite threads. I love checking back in to hear about everyone's progress.
Great goals!! Keep us updated.

I started laser hair removal 2 months ago and I'm BEYOND pleased with the results. It's pretty awesome! LOL, I'm trying to go from a size 8 to a size 6. I also started keeping my nails manicured. I got a tip from this board about the long lasting gel nails, which are really lovely and last for 2 weeks. I drink green smoothies now and/or special K protein drinks and not only am I looking great but I feel great as well.

This is one of my favorite threads. I love checking back in to hear about everyone's progress.

Good for you @shermeezy ! :up:

I like your goals. I'm trying to get back down to a SOLID size 6 again as well. Right now I'm a 6/8...depending on the dress style or designer/brand. But I want to get back down to a true size 6 again. I used to be a size 4 (years ago), and things would just fit me so easily, and I looked AWESOME no matter what I wore. I think a size 4 is a bit of a stretch for me since I'm no longer in my 20's anymore lol, but I can certainly tone up to a full size 6 again.

I have cut out certain things in my diet for the past 2 months, and I have been noticing that my clothes are fitting a little better. I need to get back to the gym though. :look:

Oh and I'm supposed to be getting gel nails on Thursday! :grin:

CUTE dresses @caribeandiva ! :love: Sometimes a new dress can just make you feel awesome!

Hello Belles! :wave:

I just had to share this....

This past weekend I went to a 1920's formal , so I had to get some 1920's style fashion and accessories. Well, on Saturday for the evening formal I got decked out! I wore my new 1920's style dress, had my hair freshly done in long, beautiful crochet braids, had a lovely feather clip in my hair, wore some silver strappy kitten heels, had a black feather boa and black satin gloves. Not to mention, my hair, makeup ( I did the smokey eyes look) and everything was on point!!

I don't know what it is about that time period, but I just instantly felt so FEMININE and alluring.

I had to run errands before going to the party, so I went to the CVS and got so many stares lol. The guy behind the register even made a comment lol. Then when I went to the drive through window to get a snack (something to tie me over before I reached the party) the guy at the window asked where I was going that night. He couldn't stop staring lol. When I told him a 1920's-themed formal, he handed me my food and said: "You look REALLY good in your outfit" lol.

Even when I got to the formal I got soooo many compliments from people on my hair, my outfit, etc. EVERYONE looked really nice! Idk what it is about that time period but it was just a very classy time period. Men looked like MEN, women looked like WOMEN.

Men really do get speechless and take notice when women dress ultra feminine. Idk if it was the satin gloves or what, but I immediately felt more dainty and lady-like in my attire that evening. I felt mysterious, sexy, and seductive too lol.

Think something along these lines....


Anyway....I had a blast that night at the party! Sooo much fun dancing and having a blast!

Just more proof that people really do respond to you differently based on how you are dressed/put together. I find it sad that seeing a woman dressed up in a dress is now such an anomaly that you are immediately given more attention when you look ultra feminine these days. :(