Feminine Belles - Info/discussion/support Thread

Hey, I watched a bit of it this morning, and it was really good. I may have to sign up for this. Those ladies were really insightful.
For women with history of neglect,abuse, rape etc. This video is good and the speaker is black, so I can relate

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For woman with history of neglect,abuse, rape etc. This video is good and the speaker is black, so I can relate


she was great! I'm enjoying most of these speakers so far. But April really made me think today about some of the limiting thoughts I have and the reality I'm creating. I really think I need to revisit my affirmations practice. It sounds corny but they have a way of helping me immensely to reprogram my subconscious.
she was great! I'm enjoying most of these speakers so far. But April really made me think today about some of the limiting thoughts I have and the reality I'm creating. I really think I need to revisit my affirmations practice. It sounds corny but they have a way of helping me immensely to reprogram my subconscious.

I'm telling you, these speakers are all awesome!! I think she will be reposting all her interviews in the future. There some speakers I missed out on...
If you guys missed any interviews, she re-posted all of them. I'm not sure how long they will be up. I missed Day 1 and 2, so that's what I'll be getting tonight

Thank you so much for this. I'm listening to the one with Cherry Norris right now.

@caribeandiva also mentioned that her interview videos w/experts are also up on Vimeo, and sure enough, she has tons of videos on there now. I think they will probably stay up on Vimeo longer than on her AlluringWoman site.

Here's the link: https://vimeo.com/user14031671/videos/page:1/sort:date
I get what she is saying though. Even biblically, women are told to respect their husbands and men are told to love their wives. I guess men need more respect than love and women need more love than admiration and respect.

I think what you are saying here makes sense. Most women crave to be loved and cherished and men crave to be respected, but doesn't mean they each don't also want the other. I can't imagine truly cherishing your mate and not respecting them also, and vice versa.
I've been catching up on the Alluring Woman series on Vimeo and watching some of the videos I missed, and I have to say, this guy Matthew Coast hit the nail on the head. Pretty much everything we've been saying on here, but it was good to get a MAN's perspective. What he was saying was pretty eye-opening to me. Made me think.

I love Monique's interviews.

"Wanting to be respected and cherished at the same time is single." :lachen:

:lol: :rofl:

I get what she is saying though. Even biblically, women are told to respect their husbands and men are told to love their wives. I guess men need more respect than love and women need more love than admiration and respect.


God knew what men and women NEED from each other at the core.

There is a great relationship book about this topic called: Love and respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. My married friends are always recommending it to me.
Hmm...I'll have to check this out.
If y'all haven't signed up for Cherry Norris's 3 part free video series as part of her free gift from the Alluring woman site, you should. I just watched to first vid and learned a lot already. I like how she has live demos of how to apply her lessons and what not to do. One thing she says that really resonated with me is that men don't wanna be with powerful women. I am one of those women cuz I have a strong personality. I attract all these Alpha males but then I end up competing with them. No wonder I'm single. I need to let them lead, and the men have told me that. At least now I'm learning how to let them lead.
Have you read it?
I started reading the e-book last night. I can't put it down. It's a real page turner for me. So far I've learned that it's a cycle between men and women. She won't respect him because she doesn't feel loved by him. He refuses to act lovingly towards her because he doesn't feel respected by her! :spinning: The author calls it the crazy cycle. I'm only on chapter 2. I can't wait to get to the part where the author explains why both sexes act this way,
If y'all haven't signed up for Cherry Norris's 3 part free video series as part of her free gift from the Alluring woman site, you should. I just watched to first vid and learned a lot already. I like how she has live demos of how to apply her lessons and what not to do. One thing she says that really resonated with me is that men don't wanna be with powerful women. I am one of those women cuz I have a strong personality. I attract all these Alpha males but then I end up competing with them. No wonder I'm single. I need to let them lead, and the men have told me that. At least now I'm learning how to let them lead.

I started reading the e-book last night. I can't put it down. It's a real page turner for me. So far I've learned that it's a cycle between men and women. She won't respect him because she doesn't feel loved by him. He refuses to act lovingly towards her because he doesn't feel respected by her! :spinning: The author calls it the crazy cycle. I'm only on chapter 2. I can't wait to get to the part where the author explains why both sexes act this way,

Yes I have her three part series... I like it !!