Feminine Belles - Info/discussion/support Thread

Today at work, one of my male 3rd graders spotted me from across the building carrying a huge pack of water. He ran over and offered to help me. As he carried it, I noticed he was struggling and breathing hard but he was determined. I praised his strength, him rescuing me from carrying the heavy load and his character. He beamed from ear to ear and it was the sweetest moment.
Today at work, one of my male 3rd graders spotted me from across the building carrying a huge pack of water. He ran over and offered to help me. As he carried it, I noticed he was struggling and breathing hard but he was determined. I praised his strength, him rescuing me from carrying the heavy load and his character. He beamed from ear to ear and it was the sweetest moment.
Aww... That's so sweet! Little boys usually love to offer their help. I didn't realize what a need that was for them before.
I'm reading Powerful and Feminine now. Any thoughts on this book? I love this line:

"On this continuum of masculine and feminine, the more “polarized” a couple is, the more sexual attraction they will experience. A very feminine woman, therefore, is likely to attract a very masculine man, and a woman who is just right of neutral on the chart below is more likely to attract a man who is also closer to neutral."
I'm reading Powerful and Feminine now. Any thoughts on this book? I love this line:

"On this continuum of masculine and feminine, the more “polarized” a couple is, the more sexual attraction they will experience. A very feminine woman, therefore, is likely to attract a very masculine man, and a woman who is just right of neutral on the chart below is more likely to attract a man who is also closer to neutral."

I've been finding this to be very true lately. Been wearing dresses and bold pink lips daily and notice manly men strangers are more chivalrous and wanting to be in my presence. I'm also hoping it will repel closet gay men :look: I'm gonna check out this book.
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I'm reading Powerful and Feminine now. Any thoughts on this book? I love this line:

"On this continuum of masculine and feminine, the more “polarized” a couple is, the more sexual attraction they will experience. A very feminine woman, therefore, is likely to attract a very masculine man, and a woman who is just right of neutral on the chart below is more likely to attract a man who is also closer to neutral."

I agree which is why I'm working on the feminine aspect. I like masculine men, not really neutral ones.

It's difficult for me as I suspect that I am naturally more neutral.
I wear dresses 99% of the time and men definitely respond to them. I want to amp up my feminine energy though, use more feminine gestures, be more demure, ask for help, use my words to encourage men, etc. It feels over the top :giggle: because I'm not used to it but I think men really respond to it. I've also noticed that just a friendly smile and slight bend of the head can beckon them to come over and talk or hug you or whatever. I want to do more of that. :yep:
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I agree which is why I'm working on the feminine aspect. I like masculine men, not really neutral ones.

It's difficult for me as I suspect that I am naturally more neutral.

That line stood out because I never thought of it that way...makes total sense. I think my appearance is feminine but I need to work on the energy inside and not be afraid of the masculine attention. I don't want to be feminine but untouchable if you know what I mean. A man has to feel like he has a shot with a woman, not that she's too high for him.
I just signed up for this video series from The Alluring Woman, which is taught by a black woman :yep:


Really enjoying the videos so far. Some highlights from MMJ's video:
-being in touch with your needs is feminine
-needs are normal; neediness is not
-feminine=being while masculine=doing
-women create the space that allows a man to step into that space to do things for us
-women in turn receive graciously from men
Oh my Gooodness!! This is what we talked about girls. This video nailed it on the head!!


This was really good actually.

I love the line that the feminine power is in the word "no" - which makes so much sense with the feminine power being a receiving power.

Another thing I liked is her discussion on when you meet a man, how to keep the discussion out of the business deal zone. I plan to try her suggestions since my career sounds more masculine than it is.
This was really good actually.

I love the line that the feminine power is in the word "no" - which makes so much sense with the feminine power being a receiving power.

Another thing I liked is her discussion on when you meet a man, how to keep the discussion out of the business deal zone. I plan to try her suggestions since my career sounds more masculine than it is.

Yes she is right. This video is only available for 72 hours,so catch it while u can.
Oh my Gooodness!! This is what we talked about girls. This video nailed it on the head!!

It really was good! I didn't know the subtle ways I was being masculine. I do the eye contact but then I start speaking first thus robbing them of their chance to lead. I also usually answer: "what do you do" with what I plan on doing career wise. Who knew?

This vid convinced me to sign up for her series. And here I was thinking I didn't need it.
It really was good! I didn't know the subtle ways I was being masculine. I do the eye contact but then I start speaking first thus robbing them of their chance to lead. I also usually answer: "what do you do" with what I plan on doing career wise. Who knew?

This vid convinced me to sign up for her series. And here I was thinking I didn't need it.

you missed the first two gems lol but the rest r still up