I do not want this thread to die.
@TracyNicole now that its been a few weeks do you have any thoughts you can share? I always appreciate your input.
Does anyone else have any experiences with the reading or any others?
As you know, I never mince words on here lol.... So as embarrassing as it is, I'll just bring it out and suffer shame later lol.
*****CAUTION: LONG ol' post coming through****
Last night I realized that I need to up my femininity a little bit lol.
Okay, so last night I went out with a few girlfriends of mine. We're all (4 of us) planning on going on a trip to Europe hopefully next year, so we were getting together for dinner to chat about our plans, where we will stay, how to save money, etc. Anyway, one of my girlfriends brought along one of her friends who is also going on the trip with the 3 of us who I've never met before.
Let me tell you, her friend was the cutest, sweetest little Korean girl I've ever met. Seriously really nice girl.
We hit it off instantly, and I think the trip with us all is going to go very nicely because we're all such a bunch of great ladies.
I found myself feeling really un-feminine however because my friend's friend (the Korean girl) just seemed so
VERY feminine, sweet, charming, soft-spoken, smiley, positive, and girly. It was unsettling lol.
Maybe it's just that foreign-born women seem to be more "feminine" in general than American women I think lol. Idk... just something I've noticed. For example, Lupita N'yongo seems to be more feminine than most as well. IDK what it is about foreign women. Maybe it's just my imagination.
Anyway, at the end of the night, I took a step back and I started asking myself.....what
was it about her that seemed so feminine? Then it hit me. She seemed sweet, quieter, mild, easy-going, laughed easily, had long hair, smiled...a LOT lol, tiny frame, short lol, nails done (french manicure), and most importantly, seemed overall
happy with her life despite challenges.
That's when I realized.... "Crystal...you need to do better"
I'm not putting myself down in any way lol, but I realized last night that I need to do better than what I HAVE been doing on the feminine scale haha.
I need to step UP my game! I used to be so much more feminine and less jaded by life when I was in my 20's and hadn't been through so much...drama.
Not only that, but back in my homestate I was making more money so I could actually AFFORD to get my chemical hair services touched up every 3 months, my hair done at the salon every 2 weeks, and my mani's and pedi's done every 3 weeks or so. Now days??? Ever since I moved out of state, I'm not making half as much salary-wise as I used to, and so I feel like I've kind of let myself go.
I've gained a few extra lbs, I never get mani's or pedi's anymore, and I've just kind of even stopped exercising as regularly.
I'm just being honest y'all lol.
Anyway, I made a resolve this morning to try to do better. I'm still working on TQC, CITO, and Powerful and Feminine, but I've decided to try to work on my OUTER package some as well.
It's in me naturally, but I just have to focus on bringing it OUT more.
I may not have the funds to get mani's and pedi's every 2 weeks, but I can sure buy some nail polish and polish my own nails...
I may not be able to afford a salon service every 2 weeks, but I can sure make sure that I look after and take care of my OWN natural hair, grow it
LONG, and keep it looking nice and fresh.
I even woke up a little earlier this morning and went and did about 30 min of walking/jogging in my neighborhood before work.
So yeah, I realized that I just need to chill as well in my personality lol. Stop worrying so much. Stop being anxious. Reading my bible and prayer helps, but I need to really seriously make it a determination to stop being so worried. I think the feminine spirit is more RECEPTIVE in nature, so it's almost like deep down you KNOW you will "receive" whatever good is deemed to come your way. I really need to focus on the
GOOD in my life, stop complaining, and be more positive. I'm not a "negative" person, but I find that since I've been having financial hardships lately, my "energy" is off. I know money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure can help lol.
Lastly, I realized that I need to have a better view of myself in general. Idk why on the inside I view myself as being less feminine, but when I look at videos of myself, I seem to be very feminine (smiling, easy-going, etc). But there's another side to me that I guess is internal that comes out sometimes, because even my mom says that I can be "different" at times. Maybe because I'm smart I can come off as a know-it-all, overly competent, or sometimes opinionated haha.
I know I need to work on that some haha.
basically (if you're still reading all of this lol), I guess what I'm trying to say is that while I'm going to be definitely continuing to work on my INNER self and my inner femininity, I am also going to start making more of a conscious effort to work on my OUTER self as well. You know, act "as if"! I'm not UN-feminine or butch by any means (no way), but I think that my personality at times can come off as a bit brash, slightly masculine, or authoritative at times, and I'm working on just relaxing, letting go, not having to "control" things. It's an "oldest child syndrome" I think lol.
So, I'll be working on not only the inner self (with all of these books), but also on the outer self more as well.
Thanks for reading the thoughts in my head
I read TQC on Sunday in one sitting and now I'm just digesting it. My head is still spinning. I skimmed a lot of the "Burt carefully held a piece of beautiful, rich mahogany in his left hand as he meticulously carved the likeness of Claudia - his lovely bride of 50 years - with his steady, firm right hand" stuff b/c I truly cannot stand that writing style, but I paid close attention when the characters were talking. I took a ton of notes so I won't have to reread the entire book again.
WoW girl! In ONE sitting?? I dont' think my brain would be able to handle that entire book in one sitting. Whew!
LOL at the "Burt parts"
Yea, they get to me too. It's the same thing every time after the session. He goes and massages her feet in his lap. I mean seriously...how many times does it have to repeat that?? LOL! I could do w/out the Claudia and her husband/slave (ooops...did I say that??
) scenes haha.
I mean it's sweet when you read it once or twice... but when it's after EVERY session??? It's like goodness haha...... Alison could have changed up the formula/routine a little bit lol.
I also reserved a copy of Conscious Uncoupling at the library. I know it seems like the opposite of everything in this thread, but I believe it's just another piece of the puzzle. I sometimes carry "residue" from past relationships (e.g., disappointment, anger, etc.) and I've been working at forgiving and letting go for some time. For the most part, I've been successful, but from time to time I discover new stuff I need to release. That said, I'm curious about how to peacefully part from someone without drama. The book is by the same woman who wrote "Calling In the One" and while I know some people will revel in the irony, I think it was very brave of her to do this. I don't believe that just because a relationship doesn't work out, it was a failure. As painful as breakups can be, there's always something you take from it, even if it's knowing what NOT to do again.
Oh wow! The book sounds interesting. Let us know how it is. I still have yet to finish CITO, but that book has already transformed my life.
Good for you in doing what you need to do in order to get rid of some old baggage.
Sometimes I feel like reverting to my old ways because there's a sense of comfort/security. But I know this transformation is worth it in the long run.
Sorry to hear about that creep that was snapping pictures of you at the mall...smh
But yes I agree, sometimes I am tempted to revert back to my old ways/habits, but I have to keep reminding myself that changing up and being more feminine is totally worth it in the end.
Honestly I've been quiet because it's just too much to take in right now. I understand what she wrote on an academic level but I am seriously having trouble internalizing it. I find her teachings so alien to the way I have lived my entire life. I am grieving right now on so many levels for the hurt and pain I have experienced and caused over the years due to my ignorance. I am trying to figure out how to move forward from here.
I understand how you feel.
The book CAN be a bit overwhelming sometimes.
Plus, it's hard for me to put into practice the exercises because I'm not dating anyone right now, so I'm not around enough men in order to practice this stuff with. I work with men in the office, but I'm not usually castrating them....or, at least I don't think I am.
It's so funny how now that I've been reading TQC, I can SO easily pick out and tell who the female frog farmers are...even online when reading blogs or posts from women about relationships.
One woman made a post (not on here...on another site) about how all men are like "toddlers", and that you have to "train" them, otherwise they will just try to get away with anything. I just
and thought to myself... "frog farmer!!"
Whenever a man is (in my mind) "behaving badly", one of the FIRST things I ask myself now is: "is there a good REASON for why he is doing what he is doing?" Honestly, a lot of times women think men are being rude ON PURPOSE (because see....women are more passive in that way lol), but with men, I'm guessing that a lot of the time they're not intentionally trying to be rude or do things that will make you upset. I think a lot of times it's a miscommunication, or maybe something that is taking more priority for them at the moment, and for us as women we see it as them ignoring the issue or deliberately not doing what WE would like them to do.
This book has changed me a lot in how I view men.