Mini Update ladies....
Well....I took the weave out this weekend. My gf who's a hair stylist took it down for me. Goodbye weave! R.I.P.
Honestly, I was GLAD to get that thing off my head lol...
Idk how people can wear weaves 24/7 ALL the time.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVED the fact that I could wake up in the morning and not have to worry about how I would do my hair, styling was a breeze (just a little brushing, curling, and I'm out the door
), I looked FAB every single day lol
, and I got loads of compliments!
But overall I missed my OWN hair.
I guess because I never really grew up wearing weaves (this was only my 2nd one in my lifetime!), I just grew tired of it after a while. I felt like I was wearing a helmet on my head
. Plus, ever since I went natural, I have never been able to tolerate additional hair that was not mine on my head. My scalp goes crazy! It starts itching, gets irritated, etc. I just couldn't stand the itching any longer
lol... I had to get that thing out.
When I washed my hair Saturday night, I lost SO much hair.
It was coming out in clumps!
I had a ball of hair left when I got through with all of the pre-pooing, washing, protein treatment, washing again, deep conditioning, and then twisting of my hair.
My poor hair!
Plus, as soon as I saw how thin my hair is (compared to the weave) I felt not as feminine anymore.
I may have natural hair, but I'm a fine-haired natural. I don't have dense/thick hair at all.
I WISH! But's just not in my genes I guess.
Anyway, I'm feeling a little better today lol.... But, I DO miss my
long fake hair...
I don't miss it on my head, I just miss the LENGTH.
But I am determined ladies to grow out my natural hair and to do better with my hair care regimen. I've realized that I have to revamp my natural hair care techniques for West-Coast living lol, so I have started re-reading some books on natural hair that I got a few years ago.
LOVE how long hair looks on me, and I LOVE big hair
I feel my most feminine with long hair. It's not even the texture that I care about, just the LENGTH
I wish my hair were thicker also, but I have to play with the hand I've been dealt. I know I won't have thick hair, especially the longer it grows, but I'm just curious as to how long it can grow if I really treat my hair like fine silk. I know femininity is NOT based on how "long" your hair is, but I just feel my BEST with longer hair. I look better too. So far I've been getting a couple of compliments at work about my twists. It's not "wow, you're so beautiful!" or "you look amaaaazing!" like I was getting with the weave
, but I'll survive lol.
MUCH rather prefer my OWN hair honestly. I feel happier w/my own hair...whether it's kinky, coily, heat straightened, or relaxed, I MUCH prefer my OWN hair.
I'll probably experiment again in the future with more Protective Styles using weaves, wigs, etc. But right now I'm just glad to have my own hair back lol