Hello my fellow Feminine Belle Ladies!!
Sorry I've been MIA lately, but I was out of work all last week due to an intense studying/ministry course that I took last week. I feel very spiritually uplifted and educated.
It was SO encouraging! Now it's back to reality...
Anyway, I definitely appreciated the comments on this board. I missed you guys!
I have so much to say, but I'm going to try to keep it short lol.
I woke up this morning a little discouraged . I would never in a million years imagine I would be single in my mid 30's. I know we are encouraging each other to become feminine and hopefully meet someone wonderful. However, I can't help but to think why me . I just spoke to my girlfriend and I can hear her kids n husband in the background . They r planning vacations and getaways and I can't help but to be sad about it. I have sych yearning in my soul. We used to talk about the life we wanted when we were younger and I feel she lucked out and I didn't. Smh. Sorry to put a damper but I appreciate this thread and want to continue in the positive direction that we have..
@sweetvi Girl.....pull up a chair and sit down, because trust me, I know how you feel.
I never thought I would be getting close to being in my mid-30's (only a year or two yikes!
) and STILL single.
I have to admit, the thought scares me.
NOT so much because I don't have a husband yet, but more so because I know how society typically looks at women past age 25
, and my hopes of having my OWN family/children diminish with each passing year I'm not married, because I made a vow that I was saving myself for my husband...and I don't want to be taking care of a baby single, unwedded.
I know some women have done that and their kids have turned out perfectly fine, but if I can help it, I want to give my future children a solid, stable, 2-parent household because I know how it was when my parents divorced...
It was rough for a little while until my mom re-married. *sigh*
Anyway, those are just MY OWN personal goals... Anyone can do whatever they want when it comes to kids/marriage. I'm not knocking it at all. Some people choose to adopt. That's wonderful, and any child that can be given a stable home (with or without two parents) is a blessing in itself. I just know that for ME if I want to have my OWN natural children, then I need to find someone STAT....
With all of that said however, I try not to think TOO hard about it honestly. Girl, if we thought about all of the things we wanted but didn't have, do you know just how DEPRESSED we would all be???
@Kimbosheart gave you some really GOOD advice.
Things that I need to take to heart myself lol. We're all here to lift each other up.
In fact, I know this isn't the Christian forum, but I just
HAD to share this point that one of our instructors shared with us during my week of spiritual training. One point he made was so poingnant. He said: "Contentment comes only when you come to truly appreciate what you have NOW as opposed to what you do not have..." It was something to that effect. It's such a simple statement, but it's so profound and true! If we just sat around thinking about all the things we WISH we had now but don't, or all the things we wanted to accomplish by now, but havent....we'd be a bunch of sour individuals lol.
But if you instead sit back, take a look at your life (a REAL hard look) and think about all of the things that you DO have and have access to (things that some people don't even have), things you take for granted every single day, you would feel instantly SO much happier.
I think this "attitude of gratitude" is what Oprah, the Secret, the LOA and even the Bible is always preaching about.
I used to keep a gratitude journal that I wrote in, but now I just have an app in my phone that I use to put in my things that I'm appreciative for. I've slacked off in writing in it, but I think I'll use that app more often. It really is helpful.
So I guess I say all of this to say.... Girl I FEEL your pain. In my teens I thought I would be married by age 23 lol.... My SISTER (who's younger than me by the way) ended up getting married at 23 before me, and now just had her first child w/her husband. I mean, she's been married for almost 8 years, and I'm still single.
I could choose to focus on THAT, or...I could choose to focus on all of the things that I've been able to do at the current moment in all those years that she just hasn't gotten around to doing. While she's been on trips w/her hubby, I've also been on trips with girlfriends and family members over the years. I've been able to deepen my relationship with God, I can come and go when I please, I have FREEDOM lol, I can get adequate sleep lol....whereas right now she's caring for a new baby...., etc. Sometimes she'll call me complaining that she feels like she doesn't have any REAL girlfriends she can consider truly close close friends to tell things with, because she got married so young. Whereas I have a BOATLOAD of girlfriends I can turn to and tell secrets to, because while she was confidinging in her boyfriend (now hubby), I was confiding in my close girlfriends. And since I wasn't married I could go hang out with them whenever I wanted, and in turn really get to know them. Whereas, she couldn't do that much. Sure, she went out on girl's nights every once in a while, but it always had to be planned so way in advance so that the hubby didn't have something planned already. I mean, true, I want to be married (for sure), but when I think about it, there are things I can do that she can't right now. No situation is "better" than the other...it's just DIFFERENT.
One of the things I decided this mid-year is to
STOP worrying about things that I
cannot personally control. I can't control how a guy feels about me. I can't control/or MAKE a guy pursue me. I can't control if a man falls in love w/me or not. But what I CAN control is my feminine essence, my friendliness, my OUTER apppearance, my class and grace, what I wear, what I eat, my fitness levels, how I spend my time, what I think about, places that I can go to meet more eligible men, etc lol. Once I decided to focus on MYSELF this year and improve myself, I started to feel less and less anxious about "will I ever find someone?". There are times when I still get a little impatient (usually around that cycle time
), but I have conciously given up the worrying and the when and how to God.
I feel SO much more at peace w/myself now.
I also realized something else while reading the Powerful and Feminine Book, and also by being on this thread...... While it’s OKAY to get a little discouraged and feel a little down at times about being single (it happens to the best of us),
constantly worrying and feeling anxious about being single or wanting to be married is definitely NOT a feminine trait. Because when you think about it, the feminine essence RECEIVES what comes her way. It’s passive. It’s not the masculine “action-oriented” essence. It is different in that no matter what comes her way, she knows she will get her needs met, and she doesn’t have to worry. This worry-free/care-free attitude is VERY attractive to men.
It may be hard for us to convey this at times as women, but when a woman is fully INTO herself and is not giving a care to the world about whether her needs will be met or not (because she knows they WILL regardless), that type of energy is VERY attractive. Worrying and having anxiety is more so a
MASCULINE trait in that if you're worrying about something, it's because you feel like you can control it. I know I can't control the sun or the weather, so I don't sit up at night anxiously worrying about it.
Men are "doers". They are
givers. If anyone should have the trait of worrying it should be MEN.
Women are RECEIVERS. We are the
passive ones. Just like a electrical outlet. The male part is the piece/chord that goes INTO the wall outlet. The wall outlet doesn't go looking for an extension chord or plug!
No...it receives. Just like our body parts....
Now, I’m not saying you should be passive in the sense of just sitting at home twiddling your thumbs waiting for a man to drop in your lap. No way..
That almost never happens lol.
But go out, do things, look cute,
LIVE YOUR LIFE, but do it without worry. You may notice things starting to shift eventually. Even if things don’t change automatically, you will certainly be HAPPIER when you live life in the present.
My mom always has this saying: “If you’re anxious, it’s because you’re focusing too much on the future and what it may bring. If you’re feeling depressed, it’s because you’re focusing way too much energy on the past (the woulda, coulda, shoulda’s), but if you’re happy and at PEACE, it’s because you’re focusing on the here and NOW. That’s why it’s called a present. It’s a gift in a sense.
So, as cliché and tired as this may sound…Just focus on YOU right now girl. Focus on the HERE and NOW. Like that book states….the BEST and easiest way for a woman to tap into her natural feminine radiance is to be in the HERE and NOW.