Feminine Belles - Info/discussion/support Thread

****I apologize in advance for the length, but I just had to let this out! I'm having epiphanies all over the place today based on these latest posts! :spinning:

I struggle with this all the time because I find those boards entertaining, however I soak up and become like what I fill my time and mind with. Watching shows like Love and Hip Hop/RHOA makes me more vulgar, meaner, maybe angrier. Thus, I'd sag it does affect your femininty.

Oh I know....I struggle with it too. :ohwell: I don't watch the Housewives shows (well...right now I don't even have cable lol...:look:), but I do find that what I put in my mind (what I watch/listen to) tends to affect how I come across. Even what I read can make a big difference in my "energy"...especially my FEMININE energy.

I have to work on this, and I have to get over my addiction to the ET board, and focus some more of my attention on the Hair Board, Skin/Makeup/Nails Board, The Relationship Board, Health & Fitness Board, and the Sewing/Domestic Board. :yep:

I do believe it makes a HUGE difference in your spirit and the energy you put out. :yep:

You are absolutely right. I had to stop watching Bravo, Lifetime and all of that because it really skewed my perception of reality. No ratchet music either. It's like that saying you are who/what you spend the most of your time with.
WOW! We are making some changes up in here! :yep: :lol: I'm almost getting goosebumps! :grin: But yes, I have to make a conscious effort as well. I especially agree about the music. No music that degrades women or puts women in a masculine/non-feminine light. Also, I used to LOVE those Lifetime movies too, but over the years I started realizing that the plot was usually the same... some man/husband did some woman wrong, she fought back or he was coming after her, woman doesn't trust men anymore, woman survives and makes it out on her own without any help from a man. :lol:

I mean, it's an empowering channel for women, but at the same time...I can see how constantly (on a regular basis) watching movies about how men do women wrong and how they are the scum of the earth can eventually make you become embittered, angry, and mistrustful of men. :nono:

I know this might touch a nerve, but I'll say it anyway........:look: While I LOVE my movies on historic events, the Civil Rights movement/slavery, etc... I can see how a steady diet of these types of films can cause myself (or even others) to be VERY distrustful and hateful of whites (or even other races) in the long run. There's nothing wrong with these movies, and I definitely believe in people being well-educated and informed about their history (especially our history which has been so diluted in the public school system :rolleyes:) but at the same time, I can see how a constant steady diet of this can take away our overall "joy" if consumed on a daily basis. I just wish there were a balance. For every "slave" movie, there were a movie about blacks ACCOMPLISHING things...and w/out the help of the wm...:look:. As a group of black individuals, instead of focusing on slavery and our plights in this country, why not focus on our accomplishments, our inventions, our contributions to the nation, our families, our courage, our educational feats despite adversity, our unique beauty as BLACK WOMEN, etc? That's not to say that people won't do you wrong (unfortunately bad people just exist), but I think having this more positive mindset definitely will foster (imo) more confidence, positivity, and a 'joie de vivre' that is so severely lacking at times today.

Also ladies, we have to careful with what we speak out loud. A lot of people believe in LOA or what you focus on becomes your reality, and what you speak out has weight. I'll never forget this article that I read recently online about relationships where the dating coach asked the question: "Do you like men? I mean, do you REALLY like men"?? She was stating that a lot of women say that they love men and that they want to be in relationships, but as soon as they get with their girlfriends everyone around the table is clinking glasses of wine and comiserating about how some man did them wrong, or how some guy is a jerk, or how that SOB cheated on them, etc. That's not to say that those women aren't valid in their feelings, but the article just showed me that if I have underlying bitterness/resentment towards men, it's going to be very HARD for me to let my feminine radiance shine through, and it will be more challenging for me to attract the RIGHT guy to me. :yep: The author suggested that instead of focusing on the negative things men do, or the painful/hurtful things they have done to you in the past, focus more on the GOOD men out here, the men who are great in your life (your father, brother, cousins, neighbors, in the public eye, teachers, helpers, men doing their jobs, etc) and your whole mindset will change. I can't stress this enough that what you focus on becomes your reality.

So, I'm starting from today to try to make a conscious effort to see the GOOD in men, and when my girlfriend calls me complaining about how some guy did her wrong, I'll offer her comfort, but I'll try not to say: "yeaaa girl these men out here are something else. Forget about the :censored: loser!" :lol: :rofl:

Sorry to ramble on... This whole thread has been such a HUGE eye-opener for me. It's like I'm finally seeing "the light" and getting it. :yep:
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@Crystalicequeen123 Great post! What you said is so true. It is a challenge to avoid these things because we are constantly bombarded. I sometimes wonder if it's bigger than portraying us in a negative light and more about destroying us as a people. Honestly, I really believe that even if you "think" you aren't internalizing the negativity it really messes with your mind in terms of how you view yourself, others and situations. Shoot watching TV will have you believing we are all angry baby mamas and we know that's definitely not true.

Watching how the riots in Baltimore were portrayed was the last straw for me with the news. I know it's good to be informed but you can become over saturated. I listen to NPR in the car and occasionally I will go on to CNN or BBC. That's it. The world is a crazy place but stewing in it doesn't help me make it any better.
@Crystalicequeen123 Great post! What you said is so true. It is a challenge to avoid these things because we are constantly bombarded. I sometimes wonder if it's bigger than portraying us in a negative light and more about destroying us as a people. Honestly, I really believe that even if you "think" you aren't internalizing the negativity it really messes with your mind in terms of how you view yourself, others and situations. Shoot watching TV will have you believing we are all angry baby mamas and we know that's definitely not true.

Watching how the riots in Baltimore were portrayed was the last straw for me with the news. I know it's good to be informed but you can become over saturated. I listen to NPR in the car and occasionally I will go on to CNN or BBC. That's it. The world is a crazy place but stewing in it doesn't help me make it any better.

Yes, you're right. It is definitely a challenge. :ohwell: And you have a point... It probably goes beyond just portraying us in a negative light, and more about trying to destroy us as a people. :nono:

Oh and I barely watch the news before bed anymore. I used to always go to bed feeling anxious, overwhelmed, sad, and just BAD. Now days I try to watch something funny or read something peaceful before bed. I find I have much better sleep. :yep: And the media is a trip! It does try to fan the flames. I mean, sometimes we don't need to see constant, repeated footage of negative images on the TV on the news. :nono: Get the story, but then move on! :yep:
There's nothing wrong with these movies, and I definitely believe in people being well-educated and informed about their history (especially our history which has been so diluted in the public school system :rolleyes:) but at the same time, I can see how a constant steady diet of this can take away our overall "joy" if consumed on a daily basis.

The author suggested that instead of focusing on the negative things men do, or the painful/hurtful things they have done to you in the past, focus more on the GOOD men out here, the men who are great in your life (your father, brother, cousins, neighbors, in the public eye, teachers, helpers, men doing their jobs, etc) and your whole mindset will change. I can't stress this enough that what you focus on becomes your reality.

I agree with you. So if a constant stream of information works in a negative direction it will work in the positive. Can you imagine listening to negative music, watching the sensationalism on TV, and then add on top of that our own negative thoughts. I also think focusing about the past, holding grudges adds to the negative reinforcement. We a slowly killing ourselves and we don' realize it.

I think this is what I needed to help me move forward on letting things go.

@levette Welcome:bighug:
I agree with you. So if a constant stream of information works in a negative direction it will work in the positive. Can you imagine listening to negative music, watching the sensationalism on TV, and then add on top of that our own negative thoughts. I also think focusing about the past, holding grudges adds to the negative reinforcement. We a slowly killing ourselves and we don' realize it.

I think this is what I needed to help me move forward on letting things go.

@levette Welcome:bighug:

Damn...when you put it like that...
All of this makes me want to bump the positive affirmations thread I started years ago in off topic. I swear by that method and at the time it really helped me get over some limiting beliefs and anxiety.

Right now, I have a lot of changes in my life that are on the horizon. I'll no more later in the summer and there is nothing I can do to control it. So all this fear about the future has me on edge---> but I don't want to be. I've been to that edge before and it's not feminine or pretty. Plus all of this travel for work has me mentally exhausted on top of things. Hence my challenges to stay in the moment and have as much fun as possible. This is going to be hard.
I want in on the 6 month challenge as well, I'm already focused on dressing very feminine. I post in the dress challenge regularly. I even updated my vanity, so its more feminine and lovely :) Now I put on my makeup in my bedroom. It feels heavenly doing my hair and makeup before my vanity. I have a collections of oils, scents, creams, and jewelry before me. My nightstand is lovely too. I sip my tea before bed while reading a good book, some poetry, or writing in my journal.

Here are a few books I meant to post a while ago, the I read for my feminity senses.
- Fascinating Womanhood the 1963 edition,
- the 1912 Fascinating Womanhood which I prefer, its a better version.
- the Audrey Hepburn Way of Life: How to Be Lovely
- the Alphabet Versus the Goddess (not a light read, but very informative and a
fascinating perspective)
- Pablo Neruda collection of poetry

I love tumblr for its beautiful imagery. Early in the morning I look over blogs and tumblr blogs to place me in a good. I really like:

- Sequins and Skins
- Art of Lovely
- Tuminsires
- Elegant Black Woman
- Bellemichou
- bwlivingwell

Loving the updates ladies :)


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Hello fellow Belles!!! :wave:

I can't stay on this site for too long (my friend and I decided to do a "Digital Detox" for a couple of weeks in order to calm our internet surfing/social media/and cell phone addictions lol.. :giggle: ), so I can only spend an hour each day "surfing" online (especially during work hours.... :look:).

But anyway, I just wanted to give you all an update...

I'm going to be extremely busy in the next few weeks, but I've been doing my best to try to stay in the positive and in the here and now. :yep:

I must say, it has helped me tremendously!!
-Okay....so I did it ladies... I broke down and bought myself some good quality weave hair at the local Beauty Supply store, and took it home because my friend who is a hair stylist is going to install a weave for me this weekend! :yay: I haven't had a sew-in since 2007 :look:, and I vowed never to get one ever again after that first (and LAST) experience lol (long story)... But I broke down, because I need to give my hair a break. I'm going to be extremely busy and probably won't have time for my usual 3-hour hair washing and styling sessions lol... :lol: Plus, I will love playing with my new LONG hair. :gorgeous: I will probably feel more feminine as well. :giggle: NOT that you can't look or be feminine with short hair, but I just think that women in general feel more feminine when they have longer hair. It just automatically puts you in the feminine because it's so DIFFERENT from men. Cross your fingers for me! :grin:

-I just had to add that after I paid for my weave hair at the Beauty Supply store, the Asian woman behind the counter who was helping me (who was VERY friendly and helpful btw) said to me (after I asked her what her name was) : "My name is Susan, what's yours?" (I told her my name) Then she said: "You have a very friendly face and way about you. Very pleasant and nice...." :yep: I just giggle, smiled, thanked her for the compliment and told her the same, and told her to have a nice day." :grin: Ladies, I'm telling you, there is SOMETHING about being more in the present, friendly, and feminine! It even has WOMEN complimenting you and staring at you in awe lol! :lachen: Idk what type of women/personalities she's used to dealing with in that store :look:, but I was just being my usual friendly self....lol :lol:

-Just this past weekend while with mutual friends I ran into a guy that I was sort of rejected by (he didn't ask for second date...:look:) and while that interchange would have usually been an awkward experience for me, I just told myself to calm down, I am a "catch", and just treat him normally instead of giving him the cold shoulder, pretending like I don't see him, etc...:giggle: Well, turns out everything went fine! I was happy, pleasant, and positive. :yep: I found that our interaction together (although brief) was positive, light, and friendly! :yep: I don't have anything against him or anything, but friends were trying to hook us up together in the past, and I guess it was kind of awkward for the both of us lol....but I took everything in stride! I felt more FEMININE being that way as well. :yep: I know that doesn't sound like much, but trust me ladies when I say that I have come a LONG LONG way lol! :lol: In the past I would have been secretly resentful, ignoring the dude, and just acting kind of awkward around him. But nope!! Not the new me! I felt happier and stayed in the moment! :grinwink:

-Even though I was EXTREMELY busy this weekend running errands and driving to see my mom who lives 2 hours away, I made sure I took some time out to do a little bit of organizing and cleaning in my apartment. :yep: I still have more to do, but just the fact that I got SOMETHING done is a feat in itself!
-I woke up early and went to the gym this morning..... :woot:

-I am wearing a really cute summer sun dress to work. I think it looks really cute and feminine. :yep:

All of this makes me want to bump the positive affirmations thread I started years ago in off topic. I swear by that method and at the time it really helped me get over some limiting beliefs and anxiety.

Right now, I have a lot of changes in my life that are on the horizon. I'll no more later in the summer and there is nothing I can do to control it. So all this fear about the future has me on edge---> but I don't want to be. I've been to that edge before and it's not feminine or pretty. Plus all of this travel for work has me mentally exhausted on top of things. Hence my challenges to stay in the moment and have as much fun as possible. This is going to be hard.

Bump it!! :yep:
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I want in on the 6 month challenge as well, I'm already focused on dressing very feminine. I post in the dress challenge regularly. I even updated my vanity, so its more feminine and lovely :) Now I put on my makeup in my bedroom. It feels heavenly doing my hair and makeup before my vanity. I have a collections of oils, scents, creams, and jewelry before me. My nightstand is lovely too. I sip my tea before bed whiling reading a good book, some poetry, or writing in my journal.

Here are a few books I meant to post a while ago, the I read for my feminity senses.
- Fascinating Womanhood the 1963 edition,
- the 1912 Fascinating Womanhood which I prefer, its a better version.

- the Audrey Hepburn Way of Life: How to Be Lovely
- the Alphabet Versus the Goddess (not a light read, but very informative and
fascinating perspective)
- Pablo Neruda collection of poetry

I love tumblr for its beautiful imagery. Early in the morning I look over blogs and tumblr blogs to place me in a good. I really like:

- Sequins and Skins
- Art of Lovely
- Tuminsires
- Elegant Black Woman
- Bellemichou
- bwlivingwell

Loving the updates ladies :)


Awesome list!!! I didn't know that they made two versions of "Fascinating Womanhood" I have one of the books. Not sure if it's the 1912 or 1963 version though lol. I'm thinking mine is the newer version.

Anyway, I LOVE your nightly routine! I need to do more things to relax and unwind at night myself. :yep:
Ladies, Idk what it is about this summer dress that I'm wearing today, but it has men going out of their minds! :dizzy: LOL!

My boss saw me today and he said:

Boss: "Where did you get that dress??"
Me: "Oh....I think I got it at Ross a long time ago"
Boss: "Oh....well it looks really nice. Very....very...."
Me: "Summery??" :look:
Boss: "Yes! That's it. It looks good!"
Me: "Thank you!" :giggle:

Oh and then I quickly went to the bank during my lunch hour to deposit some money, and the security guard who was standing guard at the door saw me, smiled and said: "Why good afternoon, how are you doing?" with a cheesy grin on his face :grin: Lol... I just smiled and said "I'm doing fine thank you!" :yep:

Then, after I finished depositing my money, I walked by past him just minding my own business, and he yells out: "Have a nice day!" with a smile on his face.... LOL!! :lachen:

Then, I went to the post office, and as I was leaving, I had TWO men (one going out, and one coming in) BOTH open both doors wide for me lol! :lol: Imagine that!

I'm like WOW!!!!! My dress isn't even form-fitting or anything! It is flowly and light though... :giggle:

Is this how it feels to be a feminine woman? If so, then sign me up for life then! :lol: Sheesh, so THIS is what I've been missing out on all this time I've been slacking?? :rofl:

I can't possibly be the only one who's noticed a difference in how people treat you since doing this challenge.

I'm just now seeing the pictures of your vanity! I LOVE it! :grin: Very VERY feminine! I have a vanity area, but the mirror doesn't come all the way to the portion where I can sit down at my vanity spot, so it's kind of a bummer I can't see what I'm doing lol. But maybe I may just buy myself a little face mirror and I can do my makeup sitting down like they used to do in the old days, instead of me always doing it standing up.

Oh and I saw that powder in the pink container... Chantilly I think it is?? I almost SQUEALED with delight because my grandmother gave my sister and I that body power as gifts years ago when we were still teenagers, and it always smelled so heavenly! It lasted a LONG time too! After it ran out I never knew where to buy it again (she long since died)! Where did you buy that powder? That stuff makes me feel sooo feminine. I love that stuff. I didn't know they still made it!

PS--Your vanity area is reminding me that I want to eventually in the future buy myself a nice silk robe. I always told myself that I would reserve buying a nice silky robe for when I got married and whatnot, but now I'm thinking.....hey, why not buy one NOW?? Sure, nobody will see me in it, but I think a nice silky robe with matching silk night gown would make me feel soo feminine!

Btw, do any of you ladies have feminine night clothes/gowns? I admit, I usually just wear a night t-shirt and some night pj's to bed. Something sort of like this: :look:


But due to this "challenge" now I'm thinking about maybe investing in some really nice feminine pajamas/nighties/night-gowns. :yep: :yep:

Maybe something more along the lines of this:

@Mocha126 Your vanity area is beautiful!! I love it! I have a dress similar to that also!

@Crystalicequeen123 Nope! I am ashame to say I don't own any feminine nightwear/gowns. All I have are sweats and t-shirts. I think I need to change that.

Okay, glad I'm not the only lol... :giggle:

I need to invest in some as well when I get paid again. I think all of these small little "feminine" changes we are implementing makes a BIG difference in how we view ourselves in the long run. :yep:
Ok it's harder to clip pictures than I thought. But feminine nightwear isn't too hard and those I don't mind buying cheap from rosegal, forever 21 or on any sale. Cute feminine loungewear is much harder. I have found that my SO loves leggings at home, especially the colorful ones but I'm not sure how feminine that is.

I'm just now seeing the pictures of your vanity! I LOVE it! :grin: Very VERY feminine! I have a vanity area, but the mirror doesn't come all the way to the portion where I can sit down at my vanity spot, so it's kind of a bummer I can't see what I'm doing lol. But maybe I may just buy myself a little face mirror and I can do my makeup sitting down like they used to do in the old days, instead of me always doing it standing up.

Oh and I saw that powder in the pink container... Chantilly I think it is?? I almost SQUEALED with delight because my grandmother gave my sister and I that body power as gifts years ago when we were still teenagers, and it always smelled so heavenly! It lasted a LONG time too! After it ran out I never knew where to buy it again (she long since died)! Where did you buy that powder? That stuff makes me feel sooo feminine. I love that stuff. I didn't know they still made it!

PS--Your vanity area is reminding me that I want to eventually in the future buy myself a nice silk robe. I always told myself that I would reserve buying a nice silky robe for when I got married and whatnot, but now I'm thinking.....hey, why not buy one NOW?? Sure, nobody will see me in it, but I think a nice silky robe with matching silk night gown would make me feel soo feminine!

Btw, do any of you ladies have feminine night clothes/gowns? I admit, I usually just wear a night t-shirt and some night pj's to bed. Something sort of like this: :look:

But due to this "challenge" now I'm thinking about maybe investing in some really nice feminine pajamas/nighties/night-gowns. :yep: :yep:

Maybe something more along the lines of this:


I'm just now seeing the pictures of your vanity! I LOVE it! :grin: Very VERY feminine! I have a vanity area, but the mirror doesn't come all the way to the portion where I can sit down at my vanity spot, so it's kind of a bummer I can't see what I'm doing lol. But maybe I may just buy myself a little face mirror and I can do my makeup sitting down like they used to do in the old days, instead of me always doing it standing up.

Oh and I saw that powder in the pink container... Chantilly I think it is?? I almost SQUEALED with delight because my grandmother gave my sister and I that body power as gifts years ago when we were still teenagers, and it always smelled so heavenly! It lasted a LONG time too! After it ran out I never knew where to buy it again (she long since died)! Where did you buy that powder? That stuff makes me feel sooo feminine. I love that stuff. I didn't know they still made it!

PS--Your vanity area is reminding me that I want to eventually in the future buy myself a nice silk robe. I always told myself that I would reserve buying a nice silky robe for when I got married and whatnot, but now I'm thinking.....hey, why not buy one NOW?? Sure, nobody will see me in it, but I think a nice silky robe with matching silk night gown would make me feel soo feminine!

Btw, do any of you ladies have feminine night clothes/gowns? I admit, I usually just wear a night t-shirt and some night pj's to bed. Something sort of like this: :look:

But due to this "challenge" now I'm thinking about maybe investing in some really nice feminine pajamas/nighties/night-gowns. :yep: :yep:

Maybe something more along the lines of this:

Thank you :) I have been redesignng my room and I wanted a better vanity area. So I looked over some pictures on the net for beautiful, feminine, and lovely vanities for women. I sorta did the same for my bathroom, by reorganizing under the sink and adding fresh flowers.

I should add that I live with family so most of my nice pieces and furniture comes from my grandma. The perfume bottles and Chantilly powder is all from her. Shopping in my grandmother's closet is awesome :lol: So I'm not too sure if they are still in business. She has Chantilly and Jean Nate powders.

You should definitely buy some nice silk gowns. Treat yo self girlie :) You can also sleep in the buff, :lol: I have been doing that since high school. I have a couple nice gowns that I received as gifts from a few years back. What I want to save up for and buy are nice matching lingerie sets and a starter corset.
Some "feminine" gifs for us to view.... :giggle: :giggle:

"The Eyes..." :eyebrows2:

Get it Diana!! :grin:


I'm definintely going to have to perfect "the eyes" lol...:giggle: They say it brings men to their knees lol :lachen:

I always feel so silly doing it lol.... :lol: But it's time to get out of my comfort zone! :eyebrows2:
@Mocha126 Your vanity area is beautiful!! I love it! I have a dress similar to that also!

Thanks hun :)
Really, I fell in love with cream white color and simplicity of the dress. This dress feels as if it was influenced by the traditional Ethiopian hebsha dress. Influenced by the color, fabric texture, and embroidery in the front center, but still very American fashion by being sleeveless and having a v neck.
@Kimbosheart thank you for sharing that site. It looks wonderful.

Ladies, if anyone is stuck on what to do next, let me just say that I wholeheartedly recommend the Kon Mari method. There is something so invigorating about clearing out things that do not bring joy. It is almost like cleaning the glass on a fixture so the light can truly shine through. My closet is bare but I feel happiness knowing I have a blank slate to now create the feminine wardrobe I so desire. I have even been working out to tone up so I look better in the style of clothing I prefer and DH complimented me on my figure over the weekend. I can't believe he already noticed. @Crystalicequeen123 it is not all in your head. People really can read the change in energy. Now I am off to see what Kimbosheart has been busy pinning!
@Kimbosheart thank you for sharing that site. It looks wonderful.

Ladies, if anyone is stuck on what to do next, let me just say that I wholeheartedly recommend the Kon Mari method. There is something so invigorating about clearing out things that do not bring joy. It is almost like cleaning the glass on a fixture so the light can truly shine through. My closet is bare but I feel happiness knowing I have a blank slate to now create the feminine wardrobe I so desire. I have even been working out to tone up so I look better in the style of clothing I prefer and DH complimented me on my figure over the weekend. I can't believe he already noticed. @Crystalicequeen123 it is not all in your head. People really can read the change in energy. Now I am off to see what Kimbosheart has been busy pinning!

Wow! It's like that huh?? Hmm...I may have to take a look at that. I'll search the thread to view the original post on this subject.

I do feel like my surroundings could be cleared out some. :look:

So you just threw some old clothes away? Or did you store them somewhere? I'm afraid to throw out old clothes, since I already threw and gave away a TON of clothes before I moved to the west coast. I'm STILL missing clothes that I used to wear! :wallbash: Also, right now, my funds aren't in the best shape. I JUST started a new job a month ago that FINALLY pays me a little bit more cash, but with all of the stuff I've had to purchase for my new apartment (I had to start all over again from SCRATCH basically! :whyme: ) I am very hesitant to throw out old clothes.... :ohwell:

*sigh* Idk what to do.... :( But I will definitely check out/read that method. It sounds awesome! :yep:

PS--Congrats on your fitness aspirations and your hubby noticing already! :giggle: Oh and yes, I do believe something has shifted in the air for me this year, because it's almost as though everything is FINALLY coming into place again. :yep: I can feel a shift in my mood, energy, vibe, desirability levels, etc. Whatever you like to call it...lol :lol: I hope to "transform" even more as the year goes on. :yep:
Wow! It's like that huh?? Hmm...I may have to take a look at that. I'll search the thread to view the original post on this subject.

So you just threw some old clothes away? Or did you store them somewhere? I'm afraid to throw out old clothes, since I already threw and gave away a TON of clothes before I moved to the west coast. I'm STILL missing clothes that I used to wear! :wallbash: Also, right now, my funds aren't in the best shape. I JUST started a new job a month ago that FINALLY pays me a little bit more cash, but with all of the stuff I've had to purchase for my new apartment (I had to start all over again from SCRATCH basically! :whyme: ) I am very hesitant to throw out old clothes.... :ohwell:


Yes, it really is amazing. I think it may have something to do with the intense self reflection that is part of the process. I dragged my feet for almost two years before I finally did it. There are about 20 items of clothing left. I am not happy with where my weight is so I decided on a clothing rental service to fill the gap so I am not wasting money. Things that were not in good condition I threw out and things in decent condition were donated. I am in the process of purging my books now and if funds are tight, think of selling things you don't have use for. I made a nice amount on my book purge.