Feminine Belles - Info/discussion/support Thread

Good for you! :up: I'm looking into taking some modern dance classes maybe in the fall...depending on what my finances look like....:look: I've been wanting to take a dance class recently. I took ballet in college, but I've never taken modern dance so I may look into that when things slow down in the fall. It will probably help wittle my waist-line also lol. :giggle:

I did some jewelry-making last night. :yep: It's a talent I have had and have put off for years (because I never had the "time" anymore :rolleyes:). But last night I made a cute little baby bracelet for my new little niece and I'm going to mail it to my sister. :grin:

It was very relaxing. :yep:

I'm glad I'm making time to do little things again that I have been putting off for a long time. :)

:laugh: I took modern in college. I did the floor work below this morning. Lester Horton and Martha Graham are mentioned a lot in the genre. The Horton Technique is even a class to itself.

When your niece grows up she is going to appreciate the bracelet.

I love when women engage is things that makes them feel like a women. What I have noticed is that when life picks up, doing what makes us feel good falls off. Engaging in things that makes us feel feminine should always be a priority.
It was a two part mini series so I am not finished yet, but what I really liked is that it showed Norma Jean and how she reinvented herself. It gave me hope that you really can have a vision and then remake yourself in whatever image you like. For example, while she was on a movie date she saw how the cigarette girl used her voice to bowl over men and that's how she developed her own distinctive voice. She went from sounding like she grew up on a farm (which she in part did) to having that slightly breathless quality that made men want to do her bidding. Will share more tips as I finish up!

I recorded the first part to watch later. The part that I did see I fell in love with.

The good: In the scene you mentioned I like how she saw another women interacting with a man in a way she liked, and instead of hating, she added it to her being. I am a sucker for women learning from each other.

When her date called her out on it she brushed it off really nicely. She was not concerned with what he thought at all.

I will the actress playing Marilyn, she was in the series Pan AM.

The sad: The beginning shows how important parents are is in children life, especially at an early age. I now understand why she went through a lot of problems later in life.
It was a two part mini series so I am not finished yet, but what I really liked is that it showed Norma Jean and how she reinvented herself. It gave me hope that you really can have a vision and then remake yourself in whatever image you like. For example, while she was on a movie date she saw how the cigarette girl used her voice to bowl over men and that's how she developed her own distinctive voice. She went from sounding like she grew up on a farm (which she in part did) to having that slightly breathless quality that made men want to do her bidding. Will share more tips as I finish up!

WOW! Thanks for the tips! I may have to watch that documentary myself... :look:

Norma Jean/Marilyn Monroe really did re-invent herself. I have heard that she got plastic surgery to enhance her looks, dyed her hair blond, and even purposely cut part of the heel on one of her high heel shoes in order to give her a slight sway of the hips....:look: Idk how true that last part is, but that's just what I've HEARD.

But yes, she really did reinvent herself, and I venture to say that ANY woman can look better than they look if they just put some effort in. My ex-roommate reinvented herself as well. When I saw old pictures of her, I almost didn't RECOGNIZE HER! :shocked: The changes she made??? She dyed her hair blond, lost a few lbs, changed her makeup from dark (eyeliner/mascara) to a more subtle and natural "pretty" look, and she changed the way she DRESSED (from street latina girl to subtly sexy yet classy--cute tops, skinny jeans, kitten heels, etc). It made a HUGE difference. Again, when I saw her old pictures I almost didn't recognize she was the same person!

I have always thought this guy's blog was pretty interesting... And it touches on this very topic....:yep: Now granted, his delivery isn't always the most PC...:look:, but I'd rather a guy be honest and tell it straight as opposed to beating around the bush.... I just found it very interesting how WE as women actually have more control than we think! :yep: :grinwink:
Feminine Beauty Is Highly Controllable

Advice abounds for women looking to score a guy, and some sources actually have solid suggestions. But while these sources tell women all kinds of strategies for being approachable or meeting new people, none of them address the most important matter: appearance. A number of the articles I've read have promising titles or sub-titles, but they qualify the initial admonition to "look good" with so many caveats and clarifications that by the end they've essentially told the reader to "be herself" - which is nothing more than a waste of her time.

The topic is avoided because women do not realize how controllable their appearance is. This is understandable, because if female beauty were not controllable, telling a woman she could attract more men if she would just improve her looks would be no more useful than suggesting a paraplegic man "just" learn how to dunk a basketball to impress women. On top of providing no worthwhile advice, it would serve as a painful reminder of her inadequacies. However, the notion that a woman's attractiveness is anything less than highly controllable is patently false.

Time and time again, I see the same thing: the women who aren't getting attention from men fall almost entirely into two categories:
  1. Women that are unfit
  2. Women that do not present themselves well
Hopefully you noticed something important about this list: it does not include women who have "ugly" faces, or even deformities. Obviously, natural good looks cannot be overlooked, but they are given far more credit than they deserve. It is the height of hyperbole - you might even say a myth - that women are either born attractive or not.

To drive this point home, I spent entirely too much time identifying the various components of feminine beauty and quantifying the importance of each one. The result of this effort is shown in the table below. (By clicking on the table or pie charts you can enlarge them.)

Notes about how I generated the numbers in the table can be found here.

  • The 'Importance' percentages simply indicate how much each aspect listed matters to a woman's overall appearance. They collectively add up to 100 %, so they can be literally interpreted as a percentage of overall beauty.
  • The 'Controllability' rankings indicate the amount of control a woman has over the various aspects of her appearance. 0 % represents completely uncontrollable aspects of beauty, while 100 % represents those that are completely controllable. Some items in the table are 0 % controllable to most people, but 100 % controllable to others (for example, breast size and facial structure are both alterable in extreme cases by plastic surgery). The controllability ratings for these items are a guess at the average between those extremes, based on the frequency of occurrence. Or, for example, even though a girl can't change her bone structure, 'height' is rated at a nominal 8 % because there is a small amount of controllability with the size of heels a girl chooses to wear.
  • The 'Attention Deserved' is an index that is calculated by multiplying the Importance by the Controllability, and dividing the product by the collective sum of these products. This can be reasonably interpreted as the percentage of the total time spent on her appearance a girl should devote to each item in need of attention. So a girl that is overweight would be justified in spending 72 % of her time (that is, the time that she invests in her appearance) only on losing weight; or a girl whose clothes don't usually complement her complexion would be smart to spend 8 % of the time she invests in her appearance on shopping for clothes that work well with her look (or on earning extra money for that specific purpose). Obviously, no one is going to count the minutes or hours. The point, though, is that some things are worth spending more time on than others. Don't waste your time worrying about your eyelashes (1 %) when you are overweight (42 %) - go to the gym.
I've also put the data into a few pie charts. This is what you should care about (Importance Rating):

Components of Feminine Beauty by Importance Rating

This is what you should spend your time on (Attention Deserved):

Components of Feminine Beauty by Attention Deserved

Now, even though I have gone to rigorous ends to elicit these ratings from the recesses of my mind, obviously they are still relative to my personal taste. That being said, while men will all disagree over the minutiae of female beauty, few will disagree with the important aspects. This post should give you a solid idea of what matters to most guys, and how much.

While the numbers speak for themselves, I want to highlight one main point: notice how controllable the most important aspects of female beauty are. To wit:

  • 18 % of feminine beauty is more than 100 % controllable. This means that if a girl is not opting to do these things, she is missing out on 1.8 points out of ten due to ignorance or a personal decision. Included in this 18 % are simple things like wearing heels and jewelry or removing excess body hair.
  • 63 % of feminine beauty is more than 80 % controllable. This is the driving point behind this "analysis," expressed numerically. If you take nothing else away from this post, remember this. It means that you are in control of your appearance far more than you think. It means that the time and effort you put into your appearance will produce results. Do not worry if your gut tells you otherwise; your gut is informed by beauty pageants and "100 Hottest Women" lists, and a thousand other influences that both reinforce and reflect the notion that beauty is a matter of winning the genetic gene pool - i.e. a matter of 'haves' vs. 'have-nots.' This notion is ********. That 63 % of beauty is at least 80 % controllable means that no girl needs to be less than a five on the ten scale (0.80 x 63 % = 5.0). If you present yourself well and get in great shape, you will be above average. And for those of you that are naturally about average, the sky's your limit.
  • Only 32 % of feminine beauty is less than 30 % controllable. In other words, there is very little about your appearance that cannot be improved.

One final pie chart to summarize these three points:

Far too many women fail to recognize the leverage they have over their own appearance. This leverage translates directly into control over the ability to attract men.

For photos of women improving their appearance, check out this post. LINK: "You Can Control How Attractive You Are"

You Can Control How Attractive You Are
I already have a fairly lengthy post making this point, but I am not convinced I made it strongly enough. I want to present it again in another medium, namely, photos.

Example one:

Notice the difference between Scarlett Johansson's attractiveness in the two photos above. The contrast is impressive. On the left, where she is dressed the way many American college girls dress for their morning classes, I'd say she is about 5, and I am probably padding that number just because I know she is a celebrity and can look the way she does on the right, where she is close to a 10. The only uncontrollable element of Scarlett Johansson's attractiveness between the two photos is the lighting, which counts for very little. Same girl, different level of attention paid to her appearance, dramatically different result.
It is true, of course, that Scarlett Johansson has professionals working with her to help her look this good. However, I could not disagree more that cosmetologists make a difference in excess of what any girl can do for herself, assuming she is willing to invest the time and effort to learn how. And I don't think the amount of time or effort required is as large as you might think. Cosmetologists are professionals only because they know how to make any woman attractive. They know the principles and are experts at applying them quickly for a variety of people. But you only need to become an expert on one person - yourself - and this is significantly easier.

Here is another example, less extreme but still telling:

On the left, Jenna Fischer is about a 5, maybe a 5.5. On the right, she is a 7.5. The difference is in her hair, posture, makeup and the color of her clothes. If she wore better clothes still I think she could get up to an 8.5, but she rarely does, judging from the photos I could find online.

Another example:

On the left, Carrie Underwood is a solid 7. On the right, she is a 9.5. In this case, the discrepancy has a lot to do with wearing her best colors getting the right amount of contrast, her hair, eyebrow shape and the hoop earrings. I'd argue that Carrie Underwood has maximized her attractiveness in the right photo. Nakedness, heels and lingerie might bump it up a notch, but otherwise she is playing all the right cards.

Here is a a non-celebrity example:

I don't know who the girl is, but on the left, she is about a 3. On the right, I'd say she is a 5. In this case, most of the change comes from hair length (yes, she is probably wearing extensions, but eventually she could grow it), plucked eyebrows, better clothes and a little makeup. By losing weight, spending more time on her hair and choosing her clothes even more carefully, she has potential to be a 7 maybe even an 8. You wouldn't believe this by looking at the photo on the left, but it is much more obvious once the improvements have been started.

Here is Kate Gosselin:

Left: 2; center: 4; right: 7.5. That is an overall increase of 5.5 points, largely accounted for by hair length, clothes and most importantly, weight loss (apparently a tummy tuck too, but she did have sextuplets... I call it fair). I don't know if she could look much better, but she'd done a damn good job leveraging what she has to work with.

If you want to see more examples, try using the term "makeover before and after" in an image search, or search for pictures of celebrities without makeup. You might argue that all of the women above have pretty faces, so they all have some initial potential to be attractive. There is some truth to this, namely, that they have the potential to be more attractive; but it does not mean that a girl with an asymmetric face, enormous nose or irreparably crooked teeth is doomed to be ugly. I've seen pretty girls that match all of those descriptions. True, a girl like this probably can't become as attractive as Carrie Underwood, or maybe even Kate Gosselin. However, the ability to improve her look is still there; she will just have to focus on the other aspects of feminine beauty to make that improvement, and there are many to choose from. The main reason I didn't put up photos to demonstrate this is that I couldn't find any. Most of the "before-and-after" photos on the internet are of famous people, and most famous people have attractive faces. But consider Lady Gaga or Paris Hilton: neither of them have pretty faces, but both of them (can) look attractive. Also, consider this woman:

Although she actually has a decent facial structure, a lot of people would say that she has an ugly face if they only saw the left photo. But on the right, when the same face is presented well, it is clear that the problem is not facial structure, but rather, presentation. So be careful about assuming you have a bad face. Most likely you do not, and even even if you do, there is still a lot you can do to improve your look.

Anyway, the ultimate point, again, is that no one has to be ugly. By making an effort, you can drastically improve your appearance and attractiveness, and in many instances, girls can transition from "ugly" to attractive. And while you may think you have optimized your own look, it is unlikely that you have. Think carefully about your weight, the color and cut of your clothes, your hair style, grooming, makeup, posture, etc. All of these things can make a huge difference, and can be leveraged to increase you attractiveness.

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Very VERY interesting! :yep:

This is a good reminder for me to step up my game! :lol: It's highly controllable I now see.
WOW! Thanks for the tips! I may have to watch that documentary myself... :look:

Norma Jean/Marilyn Monroe really did re-invent herself. I have heard that she got plastic surgery to enhance her looks, dyed her hair blond, and even purposely cut part of the heel on one of her high heel shoes in order to give her a slight sway of the hips....:look: Idk how true that last part is, but that's just what I've HEARD.

But yes, she really did reinvent herself, and I venture to say that ANY woman can look better than they look if they just put some effort in. My ex-roommate reinvented herself as well. When I saw old pictures of her, I almost didn't RECOGNIZE HER! :shocked: The changes she made??? She dyed her hair blond, lost a few lbs, changed her makeup from dark (eyeliner/mascara) to a more subtle and natural "pretty" look, and she changed the way she DRESSED (from street latina girl to subtly sexy yet classy--cute tops, skinny jeans, kitten heels, etc). It made a HUGE difference. Again, when I saw her old pictures I almost didn't recognize she was the same person!

I have always thought this guy's blog was pretty interesting... And it touches on this very topic....:yep: Now granted, his delivery isn't always the most PC...:look:, but I'd rather a guy be honest and tell it straight as opposed to beating around the bush.... I just found it very interesting how WE as women actually have more control than we think! :yep: :grinwink:

The synergy we all have is amazing! I have nothing good to say about the author but he is on the money. When I was younger I thought some girls were just naturally pretty and others weren't but I have truly come to understand that it is about putting in the work to be fabulous inside and out.

Another thing I am taking away from this documentary is that you have to have a few disarming characteristics like her smile, laugh and winks. Those affectations really made her something special. I also liked how she showed mirror work. I've read about it on the Femine Belle but haven't tried it myself yet. I will though, oh but I will.
The synergy we all have is amazing! I have nothing good to say about the author but he is on the money. When I was younger I thought some girls were just naturally pretty and others weren't but I have truly come to understand that it is about putting in the work to be fabulous inside and out.

Another thing I am taking away from this documentary is that you have to have a few disarming characteristics like her smile, laugh and winks. Those affectations really made her something special. I also liked how she showed mirror work. I've read about it on the Femine Belle but haven't tried it myself yet. I will though, oh but I will.

YAAAAASS!!!!! Meeee too!! Silly me, I used to think that some women were just naturally "blessed" w/good looks, and others were well.....:look:.... But NOW it's finally sinking in (especially after reading this guy's blog) that MOST of the time women ARE enhancing their looks in SOME way, and that ANY woman can look like a "bombshell" if she just tweaks a few things here and there. :grinwink: Maybe that's why we always gasp in horror when we see pictures of a female celebrity out and about w/out makeup :lol:. A LOT of their "look" is enhancing! Any woman can look glam if they know what they are doing in the makeup, and dress and grooming department. :yep: Even men can reinvent themselves if they just know how to tweak a few things here and there.

Now granted, some women really are more "naturally" pretty than others, but ANY woman can look her BEST by staying in shape, getting some flattering clothes, dressing femininely, learning how to apply some tasteful makeup that ENHANCES their natural beauty, and most importantly of all....learning the ways of femininity and having a "je ne sais quoi" vibe about herself. :yep: In fact, I'd venture to say that your "essence" (as the author who talks about the "womb space" always mentions) is more important than your outer appearance. It's something that women who are even "genetically challenged" in the looks department can perfect and have men falling all over them. It's MORE than just looks. Your outer appearance is just the icing on the cake! :grin:

Being happy, open, approachable, and having a loving spirit really DOES make a huge difference. :yep:
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Ooooh I am watching the Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe right now and seriously, I am about to change how I watch TV. I want to check out movies featuring black actresses who are/were very feminine as I work on reinventing myself. I need material to work from. I want to leave men speechless!

Dorothy Dandridge in Carmen Jones is an excellent one one to watch! It is one of my favorites!

My SO ticked me off. I've been doing a good job of holding it in for awhile and just being positive, pretty and fun. But I let him have it a little this morning. Now I have to be receptive some way and maintain this femininity.

Aww sorry @Kimbosheart . :hug2: Sometimes people in our lives (especially ones we love) will do things to dissapoint us. That's just natural and normal. But good for you for striving to remain positive and keeping a joyful spirit. :yep:

I've been working on trying to be more receptive and loving in general, not only towards women, but also especially towards men. :yep: I think in the past I was toning down my feminine vibes and getting offended easily at men because of past hurt and pain that I went through in 2 previous relationships (one especially in particular). But now I see that carrying on that baggage and hurt/pain from that relationship and taking it out on other men does nothing but hurt me and my own future love life. :nono: The CITO book and journey I've been on has definitely helped to heal some of those wounds of my past, and this thread/board has definitely helped me to LET GO and don't be afraid to show my feminine vibe/vulnerability towards all....especially men. :yep:

Don't worry girl, we're ALL on this journey together!
Dorothy Dandridge in Carmen Jones is an excellent one one to watch! It is one of my favorites!

Oh Yes! I was going to mention Dorothy Dandridge! :yep: She's a great example. I just LOVE the way women dressed back then. So classy, so feminine. When did we stray away from this as everyday dress?? :look: I also think modern-day Lupita Nyongo is a great example of a classy and feminine woman. She just exudes this "je ne sais quoi". I think that's why people in Hollywood are so captivated by her. :yep:
Well.. it's a minor thing really but I would like to change it now before it becomes a habit of his. So my weapon of choice is going to be silence and pre-occupation. It will help if I leave my cell phone home too, so I'm not tempted to call or check it every few minutes. But I have some errands to run this afternoon and I think I'm going to do just that and enjoy an evening out of the house, then come back and have a nice glass of wine and relax.
Well.. it's a minor thing really but I would like to change it now before it becomes a habit of his. So my weapon of choice is going to be silence and pre-occupation. It will help if I leave my cell phone home too, so I'm not tempted to call or check it every few minutes. But I have some errands to run this afternoon and I think I'm going to do just that and enjoy an evening out of the house, then come back and have a nice glass of wine and relax.

Good for you. :up: :yep:

I wish more people would just leave their cell phones at home honestly. It's like we're GLUED to it. It's almost hard to believe there was a time when cell phones didn't even exist and people walked around w/out them 24/7! :lol:

Btw...if you don't mind me asking, what was it the SO did/has been doing that is making you upset? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, or want to keep it private. Is it something we ladies on here can help you with? I was just curious.... Anyway, what you're doing is good. I think solving problems from a loving place is always a good idea. :yep:
WOW! Thanks for the tips! I may have to watch that documentary myself... :look:

Norma Jean/Marilyn Monroe really did re-invent herself. I have heard that she got plastic surgery to enhance her looks, dyed her hair blond, and even purposely cut part of the heel on one of her high heel shoes in order to give her a slight sway of the hips....:look: Idk how true that last part is, but that's just what I've HEARD.

But yes, she really did reinvent herself, and I venture to say that ANY woman can look better than they look if they just put some effort in. My ex-roommate reinvented herself as well. When I saw old pictures of her, I almost didn't RECOGNIZE HER! :shocked: The changes she made??? She dyed her hair blond, lost a few lbs, changed her makeup from dark (eyeliner/mascara) to a more subtle and natural "pretty" look, and she changed the way she DRESSED (from street latina girl to subtly sexy yet classy--cute tops, skinny jeans, kitten heels, etc). It made a HUGE difference. Again, when I saw her old pictures I almost didn't recognize she was the same person!

I have always thought this guy's blog was pretty interesting... And it touches on this very topic....:yep: Now granted, his delivery isn't always the most PC...:look:, but I'd rather a guy be honest and tell it straight as opposed to beating around the bush.... I just found it very interesting how WE as women actually have more control than we think! :yep: :grinwink:

Lol um cliff notes. What's with the graphs. I really would like to know but my adhd (self diagnosed lol) kicked in
The rest of the movie was pretty sad. Her star burned very bright and very fast. I think there were a ton of lessons to be learned. They emphasized changes such as voice, posture, wardrobe, makeup and affectations. I enjoyed it and look forward to catching Carmen next.

What channel is this
@TracyNicole It is Carmen but the mannerisms in this movie are beautiful.

Thank you! Just from the still, I am looking forward to watching this today. Ladies I plan to spend the afternoon working on my personal improvement blueprint. I think there is a great energy in the thread right now and I am so motivated to get this thing going. The Rules Revisited post was excellent. Thank you for the reminder. We are in control!
I've been working on trying to be more receptive and loving in general, not only towards women, but also especially towards men. :yep: I think in the past I was toning down my feminine vibes and getting offended easily at men because of past hurt and pain that I went through in 2 previous relationships (one especially in particular). But now I see that carrying on that baggage and hurt/pain from that relationship and taking it out on other men does nothing but hurt me and my own future love life. :nono: The CITO book and journey I've been on has definitely helped to heal some of those wounds of my past, and this thread/board has definitely helped me to LET GO and don't be afraid to show my feminine vibe/vulnerability towards all....especially men. :yep:

Don't worry girl, we're ALL on this journey together!

I have a theory that when we hold on to things that offends us it causes our presence to diminish in addition to the negative effects that you mentioned.

I got the quote below from @barbiesocialite in this thread https://longhaircareforum.com/threads/mothers-who-werent-good-mothers.758681/page-6

A few years ago while watching something on tv (no idea what it was) I rwber a scene where there was a white male discussing he'd never seen his mom before. Shortly after I was watching something else (project runway I think) where it dawned in me that the women that are always having the crying spells and emotional breakdowns are childless and/or in their twenties. I forget the specifics but all of it led me to inquire with my grandma about emotion and motherhood and aging. I asked her if there's a change that happens in women overnight once they have kids. She said yes, they become emotionally stronger because married or single they know they have to do what they have to do regardless of how they are feeling.

To the bold: I wonder if doing this makes women become jaded because they are neglecting their feeling. The problem is not released it just accumulates.
I have a theory that when we hold on to things that offends us it causes our presence to diminish in addition to the negative effects that you mentioned.

I got the quote below from @barbiesocialite in this thread https://longhaircareforum.com/threads/mothers-who-werent-good-mothers.758681/page-6

To the bold: I wonder if doing this makes women become jaded because they are neglecting their feeling. The problem is not released it just accumulates.
IMO what works for women with children doesn't work for childless never married women.

Divorcrd women with multiple children in particular acquire certain feminine traits whether they want to or not. IMO, that's the group of women that really represents the femme-btch dynamic the best. That's why Ive noticed they've found it easiest to get married/remarried if they choose to.

I also think there are different types of baggage. Baggage of necessity and emotional baggage that's more individual. Men also know the difference. They know if a woman doesn't have time for games vs playing games. People need to learn how.other see them, how they come across and what role they play. Everyone thinks they are exceptions to rules when they are not. It would behoove a woman to figure out where she falls and make it work for her.
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IMO what works for women with children doesn't work for childless never married women.

Divorcrd women with multiple children in particular acquire certain feminine traits whether whether hey want to or not. IMO, that's the group of women that really represents the femme-btch dynamic the best. That's why Ive noticed they've found it easiesy to get married/remarried if they choose to.

I also think there are different types of baggage. Baggage of necessity and emotional baggage that's more individual. Men also know the difference. They know if a woman doesn't have time for games vs playing games. People need to learn how.other see them, how they come across and what role they play. Everyone thinks they are exceptions to rules when they are not. It would behoove a woman to figure out where she falls and make it work for her.

Thank you. For the last couple of days I have been wondering how women were able to remarry after a divorce or marry guys that were previously married.

Can you provide an example of a women that displays the femme-btch dynamic?
Thank you. For the last couple of days I have been wondering how women were able to remarry after a divorce or marry guys that were previously married.

Can you provide an example of a women that displays the femme-btch dynamic?


I guess I have yl think of an example from the notorious Mama Barbie I rag on all the time.y mother is a feminine arsehole. If you ask me, she's mostly arsehole but if you asked other people she's mostly feminine. My mother hates confrontation. She doesn't get buck and mouthy with people.although she's actually.quite opinionated. You know what, have you ever seen how I handle conflict on this board? I'm good at teetering on pushing buttons but then I dont say anything or do anything that would ever warrant a full fledged attack on me. Consequence: I'm usually the victim in need of defense. Its a very feminine trait.

Now appliied to relationships, I just posted in the mother thread that my mom is a runner. She'll never "come for you" or blatantly reject you, she'll accept you which people--esp men-- love. Its kinda like she makes it so it appears her world revolves around you. Like a femme burturing woman. This is how she raised all three of her children as if they are onlies even though we all have the same parents. At the same time, like a man, there's always a distinction between obligation/responsibility vs. emotion. She has to take care of herself, she had to take care of her kids. She doesn't have time.for games. However, she lures other people initally based on THEIR emotions. Not to play games, she cares. But her caring will.never get in the way of business/obligation. End result, ish is always on her terms. If you're not falling inline with her obligations or what would cause you to be an obligation you won't get care. If you want care, become one of her obligations.

I.k ow.that's prob murky but its the best I can think of at the moment.....
Lol um cliff notes. What's with the graphs. I really would like to know but my adhd (self diagnosed lol) kicked in

:lol: :lol:

What the guy was basically saying in his blog was that a lot of times women don't realize that their physical attractiveness is HIGHLY controllable. In other words, even if you look nice now, you can ALWAYS look better if you just tweak a few things. :yep:

He was saying that a lot of times women focus on the wrong things when trying to attract men, or they tell their girlfriends "just be yourself!" and he will like you. But what he was stressing was that since men are very VISUAL, you would do BETTER to spend most of your time focused on your OUTER appearance (since that is easiest to control) as oppposed to other things (at the moment).

So, he had a graph that went down a list of things that you CAN control and things you really can't control. So, for example..you may not be able to control your facial/bone structure, what you were born looking like, etc... But you can definitely control OTHER things (ie. makeup, clothes, keeping in shape, what you eat, etc.)

His graphs were pretty interesting because it went down the list of things that matter the MOST to men (ie. figure) and how CONTROLLABLE it is. So, basically those things that were highly controllable and mattered most to men, he was saying you should spend the MOST time focusing on. :yep:
He then posted pictures of women (celebrity & everyday women) who can go from say a 3 to a 7 on a grading scale just based on how she does her hair, makeup, clothes, etc. The difference WAS stark.

I think in a nutshell what he was trying to do was debunk the myth that "SOME women are just born gorgeous, and therefore I have no hope". NOPE! :nono: He was saying that you can take yourself to a totally new level of attractiveness by just tweaking a few things here and there. :yep: A big Part of it is dress and grooming. :yep:

I also think a BIG part of how men view you is also how you view YOURSELF. You can be wearing a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, but if you FEEL confident and feminine, a man WILL take notice. :yep:
IMO what works for women with children doesn't work for childless never married women.

Divorcrd women with multiple children in particular acquire certain feminine traits whether they want to or not. IMO, that's the group of women that really represents the femme-btch dynamic the best. That's why Ive noticed they've found it easiest to get married/remarried if they choose to.

I also think there are different types of baggage. Baggage of necessity and emotional baggage that's more individual. Men also know the difference. They know if a woman doesn't have time for games vs playing games. People need to learn how.other see them, how they come across and what role they play. Everyone thinks they are exceptions to rules when they are not. It would behoove a woman to figure out where she falls and make it work for her.

You bring up a good point! I have ALWAYS wondered why it seems easier for women who have been married before, or have kids to end up married again or find love. They can be on their second or third husband a la Elizabeth Taylor style, and meanwhile you're still single and looking for your FIRST husband. :lachen: Is it because having kids or being married before makes a woman take on certain "softer" qualities?

Almost the same phenomenon as how when you were single it felt like men barely noticed you, but as soon as you get in a relationship, all of a sudden a TON of guys are now coming out of the woodwork, complimenting you, hitting on you, asking you out, etc. :dizzy: It's crazy! :lol: I think it's the "vibe" that's emitted honestly. :yep: Something has shifted.
You bring up a good point! I have ALWAYS wondered why it seems easier for women who have been married before, or have kids to end up married again or find love. They can be on their second or third husband a la Elizabeth Taylor style, and meanwhile you're still single and looking for your FIRST husband. :lachen: Is it because having kids or being married before makes a woman take on certain "softer" qualities?

Almost the same phenomenon as how when you were single it felt like men barely noticed you, but as soon as you get in a relationship, all of a sudden a TON of guys are now coming out of the woodwork, complimenting you, hitting on you, asking you out, etc. :dizzy: It's crazy! :lol: I think it's the "vibe" that's emitted honestly. :yep: Something has shifted.

I want to know about this too. There is a huge difference in the way I act/behave/feel when I'm dating/relationship vs single
I want to know about this too. There is a huge difference in the way I act/behave/feel when I'm dating/relationship vs single

Yep :yep:

And I think the only difference honestly is the "vibe" we're putting out. I think when you're single you're always "looking", searching, on the man-hunt, or watching to see who has "potential" when you go out. But when you're in a relationship, all that anxiety is gone. You're not "looking" because you already have someone!

A good friend told me just last week.... "Don't look....because when women look, they don't find anyone". It was a pretty bold statement, but I see her reasoning.

I think when we focus on OURSELVES and truly become "in love" with ourselves, we give off the same vibe as already being in a relationship, and that's why the men come flocking. :yep:
Excellent thread.

I have several friends very good with getting their weaves done to ensure they don't smell and look good for their husbands, always have their shoe game on, they get their fake lashes and nails installed and always have their make up to perfection and wear feminine dresses. However, some of them have confided to me that they feel a lot of pressure to keep up these appearances to their detriment and they cannot be seen at all in any type of natural state to their husbands because without all of the hair and make up they look so different. One of my friends said her husband liked all of the make up and hair but when they got married it changed, he saw the illusion behind it and tensions started. My friend said that she lost her hair line due to excessive braiding and weaving and she developed bad skin from all of the make up and her eyelashes got weak from the false lashes so when she tried to give these things a break her husband didn't like it he told her not to go without it but at the same time didn't want her to be so overly made up but now she couldn't start over.

I think it is very important to the single ladies to adopt an holistic approach to your beauty which is part of your femininity. I think fine wear the weaves and the make up but take care of your hair and skin care. Men are so fickle these days there are so many women out there who are disciplined in growing their own hair or maintaining their own hair even in a nice short cut and have clear great skin and don't pile on the make up and have a clean simple dress.

Back in the day, the illusions could be kept up because men and women didn't necessarily share a bedroom and men weren't being bombarded by all of the media assaults. Cleopatra could wear her wigs and who was Mark Anthony to know it wasn't all hers. Now all the secrets are out in the open. When I meet many men now these days they ask me if I am wearing foundation or powder and if my hair is my own. Now those are very rude questions and no questions that a man should be asking immediately but some men can be very picky about these issues.

Almond Eyes