52 Weeks Towards Divine Femininity

Hello ladies. I am tardy to the party for the first weekly challenge but I wanted to update anyway:) I’ve always used real plates but never made any effort to make dinner an experience before. I used to serve meals family style. Last night I lit candles, put fresh flowers on the table and used cloth napkins. I played all of the food and poured the beverages, including wine for DH.

When he came to the table he asked if something special was going on. I said yes, dinner. I went on to say that I felt the need to elevate my table service to show my appreciation for how hard working he is, how thoughtful he had become and how much I appreciate him. He looked floored. Then he smiled and I could see him visibly relax. He actually took his time with dinner and we had real conversation. After dinner he offered to bathe the kids.

I worked a full day and could have used the excuse that I was tired and gotten takeout but I am really trying to do better. My family deserves my time more than my job if they are truly my priority. It took me exactly 34 minutes to get dinner on the table using my instant pot. I think I need to invest the time in mastering the 30 minute meal.
Hello ladies. I am tardy to the party for the first weekly challenge but I wanted to update anyway:) I’ve always used real plates but never made any effort to make dinner an experience before. I used to serve meals family style. Last night I lit candles, put fresh flowers on the table and used cloth napkins. I played all of the food and poured the beverages, including wine for DH.

When he came to the table he asked if something special was going on. I said yes, dinner. I went on to say that I felt the need to elevate my table service to show my appreciation for how hard working he is, how thoughtful he had become and how much I appreciate him. He looked floored. Then he smiled and I could see him visibly relax. He actually took his time with dinner and we had real conversation. After dinner he offered to bathe the kids.

I worked a full day and could have used the excuse that I was tired and gotten takeout but I am really trying to do better. My family deserves my time more than my job if they are truly my priority. It took me exactly 34 minutes to get dinner on the table using my instant pot. I think I need to invest the time in mastering the 30 minute meal.

I love this about good husband's! You give them something, they give you something. To me, bathing our girls would be a 10-fold gift in comparison to me cooking and serving.

The more you give and nuture within your Feminine lane, the more stress he'll want to take off you. Him taking stress off you frees you up to keep nurturing him and your children, and he does something else nice to return the favor. Cycle keeps going. Celestial love ensues.

Congratulations darling!
I'm also lurking. The stories after the first week are inspiring. I have things that I want to change, but I don't fully subscribe to Ro's tips and insights. I'll try to move forward based on some of the things I read here.
This brought tears to my eyes!!!! The payoffs are priceless!!!

Hello ladies. I am tardy to the party for the first weekly challenge but I wanted to update anyway:) I’ve always used real plates but never made any effort to make dinner an experience before. I used to serve meals family style. Last night I lit candles, put fresh flowers on the table and used cloth napkins. I played all of the food and poured the beverages, including wine for DH.

When he came to the table he asked if something special was going on. I said yes, dinner. I went on to say that I felt the need to elevate my table service to show my appreciation for how hard working he is, how thoughtful he had become and how much I appreciate him. He looked floored. Then he smiled and I could see him visibly relax. He actually took his time with dinner and we had real conversation. After dinner he offered to bathe the kids.

I worked a full day and could have used the excuse that I was tired and gotten takeout but I am really trying to do better. My family deserves my time more than my job if they are truly my priority. It took me exactly 34 minutes to get dinner on the table using my instant pot. I think I need to invest the time in mastering the 30 minute meal.
@Belle Du Jour
@Jade Feria
@Soaring Eagle


January- Let's Get It Started
Week 1: Mindset Mastery- Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner
Week 2: Make It Intentional- Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family/yourself? How many minutes will you be present and stay in the moment to hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.

One part of being truly feminine means being able to stay in the present, feeling all that is around you, and not worrying about hte past or future. Once you slip into the past or the future, we often become analytical and think things out too much. The key to femininity is to stay light and airy and being able to go with the flow (but well-protected with boundaries). This week, let's become intentional and stay present. A few days ago, I took out time to bathe and read to my child. Sometimes I say that this is pointless because DS just wants to eat the pages. But he actually paid attention for ten minutes or so. DH came by while I was reading and joined in on the action. We read together and he started talking about the book lol. At this moment, I was just having fun with my son and my husband. I wasn't thinking about marital problems, or the fact that it was so close to bedtime and little one needed to do xyz before bed. And really, these will be the memories that will stick for years to come. I plan to incorporate this reading time more because it was very sweet and gave us some quality family time. To do this, I know I need more organization so a planner is key. You can simple print one or buy a cute one. The importance is that we are intentional, deliberate, and feminine in our day to day actions. Soon it will come naturally but for now, let’s plan to polish our femininity EACH AND EVERY DAY.

Week 2 Challenge
1. Invest in a planner
2. Plan out everything. Be intentional and deliberate. Be deliberate in your table service, femininity for yourself, and how you plan to set aside one on one time for yourself and others. How will you dress this week? How will you be compassionate this week?
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Yes ladies! The more you give the more you will receive. The more you receive the more you have for your family and more. How are we going for week 2?

I took out time to bathe and read to my child. Sometimes I say that this is pointless because DS just wants to eat the pages. But he actually paid attention for ten minutes or so. DH came by while I was reading and joined in on the action. We read together and he started talking about the book lol. I plan to incorporate this reading time more because it was very sweet and gave us some quality family time. To do this I know I need more organization so a planner is key. You can simple print one or buy a cute one. The importance is that we are intentional deliberate and feminine in our day to day actions. Soon it will come naturally but for now, let’s plan!

Week 2 Challenge
1. Invest in a planner
2. Plan out everything. Be intentional and deliberate. Be deliberate in your table service, femininity for yourself, and how you plan to set aside one on one time for your SO. How will you dress this week? How will you be compassionate this week?

That is so sweet PrissiSippi! The week 2 challenge is right on time. I am stuck between my Day Designer and the Passion Planner I recently received. I like the idea of planning in half hour increments but I also know myself and it’s better for me to have a bullet list. Okay nevermind I just answered my own question. The day designer even has a spot to list dinner for the day. I just need to get more disciplined about having a planning day. It’s supposed to be Wednesdays as per the Flylady system so I’m going to get on it tomorrow!
FYI all planners at barnes and noble are 50% off. I was able to snag this cute little planner for $7

I felt it was so fun and feminine just like I plan for this year to be! I plan to go home and polish my femininity with a nice dinner and a long bath followed by bed by 11. A full 8 hours of sleep for me. Have a great day you all!


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Hi Ladies, I bought Ro's book a few days ago. I like her concepts.

I've been working on my femininity for a while now and it's a big part of my personal goals for 2018 to really hone into this and my essence. As it will come off real natural.

Now, I'm not married which I believe is your criteria...correct me if I'm wrong. I would like to participate although I'm in a few challenges, I think they all tie into Self Improvement.

Happy to see this thread...
Hi Ladies, I bought Ro's book a few days ago. I like her concepts.

I've been working on my femininity for a while now and it's a big part of my personal goals for 2018 to really hone into this and my essence. As it will come off real natural.

Now, I'm not married which I believe is your criteria...correct me if I'm wrong. I would like to participate although I'm in a few challenges, I think they all tie into Self Improvement.

Happy to see this thread...
Girl being married has nothing to do with being feminine. You can be feminine just by yourself and I think it’s great you’re perfecting your craft BEFORE you get married as opposed to me trying to figure out all these pieces AFTERWARDS.

Please join us! What are your femininity goals for this year? Who will be your accountability partner? Have you purchased a planner for this year?
@TracyNicole i kicked it up a notch because of you. I dimmed all the lights, put some candles on, and ate my food decked out with the white plates, real silverware, and cloth napkins. Baby it felt so good. So classy. I ate slowly tasting every bite and enjoying every taste. It was divine. I might do that again for my bday this weekend.
@TracyNicole i kicked it up a notch because of you. I dimmed all the lights, put some candles on, and ate my food decked out with the white plates, real silverware, and cloth napkins. Baby it felt so good. So classy. I ate slowly tasting every bite and enjoying every taste. It was divine. I might do that again for my bday this weekend.

@PrissiSippi I love it! I asked DH could we get a dimmer in the dining room because last night was a success as well. I served a well balanced 3 course meal and even the toddlers cooperated in eating. Our 3 year old decided she is ready to learn how to use her silverware appropriately. I have been fighting her for the past year on this and two nights of a well set table and she just decided she was ready!
I noticed that I was able to serve more vegetables and they were eaten, maybe because it looked more appetizing? I also didn’t have the urge to get seconds because I enjoyed sitting at the table long enough to let my brain catch up with my stomach:) is anyone following Ro’s “diet” plan? I am working on intermittent fasting but what she is suggesting looks nuts.
Girl being married has nothing to do with being feminine. You can be feminine just by yourself and I think it’s great you’re perfecting your craft BEFORE you get married as opposed to me trying to figure out all these pieces AFTERWARDS.

Please join us! What are your femininity goals for this year? Who will be your accountability partner? Have you purchased a planner for this year?

Thank you for clarifying ! To better be wives in the original post is why I made the married comment. I'll be married soon ... From my lips to God's ears.
Anyway, happy to be here to kick this femininity up a notch. Great challenge PS.

I'll come back with my answers shortly.
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I love this about good husband's! You give them something, they give you something. To me, bathing our girls would be a 10-fold gift in comparison to me cooking and serving.

The more you give and nuture within your Feminine lane, the more stress he'll want to take off you. Him taking stress off you frees you up to keep nurturing him and your children, and he does something else nice to return the favor. Cycle keeps going. Celestial love ensues.

Congratulations darling!

This is absolutely the truth. :yep:
I used my planner today to make sure I put a little makeup on, used my sweet voice when taking my son out and about and I even wrote in to read to my son tonight. So far so good. I’m not too planned out but I am trying to make sure I a. Cook for the family from scratch b. Spend one hour of one on one time with child and hold child ten minutes a day c. Look feminine every day.
Lol trust me you’ll learn everything you need to know without actually knowing who Ro is but I do subscribe to her teachings. Well some of them. I suggest looking at small things like dinner etiquette and food presentation and napkin folding to start off. That was easiest for me or paying attention to how clean the house was.

If it's OK to start of small, then I will officially join -- if that's ok.

  • I think I'm good with cooking -- either I do or I don't. When I do it's from scratch, but some days I just don't feel like it with the rush of the day it's hard (four kids 7 and under...I can't afford to burn myself out)
  • We eat off of real dishes. Not white, unless I'm hosting a dinner. Silverwear, but no linen napkins. I'd like too, but I'm not ready for the additional cleaning. The kids do take linens to school with their lunches instead of paper.
  • I try to keep up with the cleaning and have a list of chores to get through weekly. I get help most weeks, but I try to do as much as I can. The three mobile kids really know how to tear the house up, though! Last week when mom was over I was explaining my guilt away as to why the downstairs looked a wreck. I did tidy before she came. She sat the kids for a bit and when I came home the space was worse! My dad and my brother came over to pick her up and I was explaining to my bro who has no kids what had happened and I swear I had JUST finished the story and we HEARD them make an even bigger mess! Thirty seconds was all it took!)
I guess my goals for this year are:
  • We could do with better table manners. I'll have to work on that especially for the kids' sake. I know how to do it, but I have to learn to manage the feeding and sleeping the baby in such a way so that it doesn't take away from the esthetics of proper dining.
  • I REALLY need to soften my communication mainly to make each member feel better about themselves (personal programming) and to make myself feel more like myself. I've taken on too much of the masculine role in the family and I want to give it up. It's too much work. But no one's letting me catch a break!
  • Start dressing more feminine. When I get around my friends' wives I feel like such a tom boy, especially when I'm wearing dresses and makeup. I love wearing dresses and make up but I do not having their styling and feminine grace.
  • Be softer with my husband, in both the way I speak and the way I act.
Does anyone have any tips on how to do this with a larger family, especially with small children? (One thing I'm practicing is calling them "children" and not "kids". Goats have kids, right?)

This week, I've been working on softening my voice when I speak to the kids.

Update from last week, had a discussion with DH that I was absolutely not interested in and I made sure to put aside what I was doing and maintain eye contact and not let on that I wanted the convo to end. I challenged myself by asking questions. He knew that I wasn't really interested, but he was appreciative of the fact that we had the conversation. I learned a few things and he was happy for the time to decompress.
If it's OK to start of small, then I will officially join -- if that's ok.

  • I think I'm good with cooking -- either I do or I don't. When I do it's from scratch, but some days I just don't feel like it with the rush of the day it's hard (four kids 7 and under...I can't afford to burn myself out)
  • We eat off of real dishes. Not white, unless I'm hosting a dinner. Silverwear, but no linen napkins. I'd like too, but I'm not ready for the additional cleaning. The kids do take linens to school with their lunches instead of paper.
  • I try to keep up with the cleaning and have a list of chores to get through weekly. I get help most weeks, but I try to do as much as I can. The three mobile kids really know how to tear the house up, though! Last week when mom was over I was explaining my guilt away as to why the downstairs looked a wreck. I did tidy before she came. She sat the kids for a bit and when I came home the space was worse! My dad and my brother came over to pick her up and I was explaining to my bro who has no kids what had happened and I swear I had JUST finished the story and we HEARD them make an even bigger mess! Thirty seconds was all it took!)
I guess my goals for this year are:
  • We could do with better table manners. I'll have to work on that especially for the kids' sake. I know how to do it, but I have to learn to manage the feeding and sleeping the baby in such a way so that it doesn't take away from the esthetics of proper dining.
  • I REALLY need to soften my communication mainly to make each member feel better about themselves (personal programming) and to make myself feel more like myself. I've taken on too much of the masculine role in the family and I want to give it up. It's too much work. But no one's letting me catch a break!
  • Start dressing more feminine. When I get around my friends' wives I feel like such a tom boy, especially when I'm wearing dresses and makeup. I love wearing dresses and make up but I do not having their styling and feminine grace.
  • Be softer with my husband, in both the way I speak and the way I act.
Does anyone have any tips on how to do this with a larger family, especially with small children? (One thing I'm practicing is calling them "children" and not "kids". Goats have kids, right?)

This week, I've been working on softening my voice when I speak to the kids.

Update from last week, had a discussion with DH that I was absolutely not interested in and I made sure to put aside what I was doing and maintain eye contact and not let on that I wanted the convo to end. I challenged myself by asking questions. He knew that I wasn't really interested, but he was appreciative of the fact that we had the conversation. I learned a few things and he was happy for the time to decompress.

Yay!!! Welcome!

You want tips to be softer with your husband and small children?

For my husband and girls (3yo and 19months), I have instituted a minimum 12 hug and/or kiss a day rule--Everyone gets at least 12 hugs or kisses from me per day. Dh has started with the girls too.

I also do 10 mins of cuddle time with everyone; sometimes I have both girls on my lap and we watch YT about the days of the week, months of the year, seasons, sometimes we read a book, sing...whatever! Physical touch bonds families.

With DH, I ASK him a lot more than before. I usually get whatever I want anyway, but I do it to defer to the leader of our household and make sure he knows that I see him in that role. I've also stopped asking questions when he says things. I do it and question it later. This was a big deal for me.

Another small thing for DH is the girls and I greet him at the door. We make sure to hug/kiss (part of the 12/day) and I take his coat, hang it up and help him into his sweater (January in Chicago means layers indoors too).

Small things make families strong. I'm so happy you decided to join and I hope I helped some.
Yay!!! Welcome!

You want tips to be softer with your husband and small children?

For my husband and girls (3yo and 19months), I have instituted a minimum 12 hug and/or kiss a day rule--Everyone gets at least 12 hugs or kisses from me per day. Dh has started with the girls too.

I also do 10 mins of cuddle time with everyone; sometimes I have both girls on my lap and we watch YT about the days of the week, months of the year, seasons, sometimes we read a book, sing...whatever! Physical touch bonds families.

With DH, I ASK him a lot more than before. I usually get whatever I want anyway, but I do it to defer to the leader of our household and make sure he knows that I see him in that role. I've also stopped asking questions when he says things. I do it and question it later. This was a big deal for me.

Another small thing for DH is the girls and I greet him at the door. We make sure to hug/kiss (part of the 12/day) and I take his coat, hang it up and help him into his sweater (January in Chicago means layers indoors too).

Small things make families strong. I'm so happy you decided to join and I hope I helped some.

Thank you! And thank you for these ideas. Some of what you suggest like hugs and cuddle times I want to but I'm so tired. The boys are 7, 5, 3, and the baby is almost 6 months. I know that they need to be cuddled, but I'm all cuddled out. I want my body back at for a day. Just one day. Haha! In all honesty, I do it, but not enough and not consistently. I'll start with that first.

I'll start greeting him at the door. I do it sometimes, but not consistently. I'll try to roll out of bed to say goodbye as well. I call him in the mornings at work to make sure that he got in OK and just to say good morning.

I'll set these as my challenges for this week.

(I need to strategize how and when I'll start deferring to DH, though. He defers to me. So it'll be interesting.)
Yay!!! Welcome!

You want tips to be softer with your husband and small children?

For my husband and girls (3yo and 19months), I have instituted a minimum 12 hug and/or kiss a day rule--Everyone gets at least 12 hugs or kisses from me per day. Dh has started with the girls too.

I also do 10 mins of cuddle time with everyone; sometimes I have both girls on my lap and we watch YT about the days of the week, months of the year, seasons, sometimes we read a book, sing...whatever! Physical touch bonds families.

With DH, I ASK him a lot more than before. I usually get whatever I want anyway, but I do it to defer to the leader of our household and make sure he knows that I see him in that role. I've also stopped asking questions when he says things. I do it and question it later. This was a big deal for me.

Another small thing for DH is the girls and I greet him at the door. We make sure to hug/kiss (part of the 12/day) and I take his coat, hang it up and help him into his sweater (January in Chicago means layers indoors too).

Small things make families strong. I'm so happy you decided to join and I hope I helped some.
Wow that reall inspired me. I really like putting a number on the kisses and hugs. Most of the time when I do this I go above and beyond. I touch/kiss then more than is needed. However I’m nowhere near the 12 hugs/kisses/touches a day. I think this is an healthy amount and I will Work on this starting today.
Wow that reall inspired me. I really like putting a number on the kisses and hugs. Most of the time when I do this I go above and beyond. I touch/kiss then more than is needed. However I’m nowhere near the 12 hugs/kisses/touches a day. I think this is an healthy amount and I will Work on this starting today.

Yay! So we have a 12 hug/kiss a day challenge with @snoop and @PrissiSippi!

Quantifying helps me too! I usually end up doing more than what I allocate too because... I'm extra like that. The girls LOVE rapid-fire kisses--I may kiss them all over their faces 12times in quick succession. I don't count that as all 12 because I'm extra. I think DH likes it too. He starts smiling and gets this super cute bashful look!
I want to do this but I don't know where to start....plus I'm on a budget.
Where would u like to start? Maybe I can assist you with the budgeting. My grocery budget is $300 for a family of 3 and my clothes I bought from Goodwill/thrifting. I stopped doing so many materialistic gifts. Instead I started just simply compassionate gifts.
Where would u like to start? Maybe I can assist you with the budgeting. My grocery budget is $300 for a family of 3 and my clothes I bought from Goodwill/thrifting. I stopped doing so many materialistic gifts. Instead I started just simply compassionate gifts.
I'm good with budgeting. We're trying to focus on paying off our mortgage and I don't have the spare cash now to buy white plates or a new wardrobe etc...