2023 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine


Well-Known Member
We’ve started a new year and a new decade!

For those of you who have participated before – welcome back – and for those of you who are joining us for the first time – welcome!

"Goddess is a description of radiance, not of appearance."
"I am a feminine black woman who is strong on the inside (boundaries) but soft on the outside (personality and appearance)"


Over the past year, quite a few of us have begun using the teachings and thoughts of Ro Elori Cutno's Wife School, Christlyn Kerazin's Pink Pill, SheraSeven, Chrissie, and other femininity coaches to achieve our goals of becoming more in touch with our feminine side and taking steps towards becoming better feminine women to uplift our Black community. Being feminine encompasses the process of being, accepting, and receiving versus thinking more result-oriented such as goal seeking and giving. It involves being very strong with our boundaries, but presenting them in a very breezy, airy, feminine and soft way. It allows you to protect your peace and be strategically selfish to put yourself first at all times to continuously fill up your cup. This creates more feminine energy that you can give to others from. Getting in touch with our femininity has allowed many of us to tap into energy we never knew we had and grow closer to consciousness and happiness - one week at a time. Who would like to join in as a group as we work collectively in continue on our path towards femininity in 2020?

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Feel free to join this challenge at any point throughout the year! It’s never too late to learn how to access your feminine energy.
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Week 1- Mindset Mastery

Keep in mind, this process to femininity definitely takes some effort! What we will work towards is identifying our habitual masculine behaviors and commit to changing them to more feminine behaviors and thoughts. It important to understand that masculine energy cannot be destroyed but it can be transmuted into more feminine ones. At first, this may feel like faking it until you make it. This is why inner work is needed. The more you’re able "fake it", the more your subconscious will work with you toward your goal of becoming more feminine, and it will become a more authentic worldview of yours. This is called mindset mastery. There are many steps towards this mindset mastery.

Think Positive
- You're going to have to physically SAY affirmations to get it in our head that you already have everything you need to be successful. Otherwise you are just faking it until you make it (which is fine in the beginning but we're trying to seek to be authentic with it as well).
- This may include saying affirmations/affirmations, mirror work, shadow work, doing something from your polishing your femininity list, scripting, tapping, doing guided meditations, journaling, or having your accountability partner encourage you. They key is to stay at it.

Raise Your Standards
Look at some key areas of your life and see what do you REALLY want to change as it relates to being feminine.
Now how could you change your shoulds to musts?
Example: I should wear dresses to dress more feminine -> I MUST wear dresses more often to dress more feminine.
Example: I should take up some hobbies to fill up my cup --> I MUST take up hobbies to fill up my cup.

Create Good Baby Habits
Small habits as the basic building blocks to reaching your goals. What small baby step goals will get you close to your overall feminine goals?
Example: I will wear dresses every Monday.
Example: I will use Saturday mornings to do my hobbies.

Flip your Limiting Beliefs
  • Your emotional patterns control your life. They begin to shape how you see life.
  • Make your reframed belief into your NEW affirmations.
Example: I'm too fat to wear dresses. I will wear them when I lose weight. --> I am beautiful just the way I am and I feel feminine and free in dresses
Example: I'm too busy to do hobbies --> My hobbies make me free more fulfilled and feminine.

Make your SMART goals
Now is the time to make a PLAN to be a divinely feminine woman over the course of a year. Take the time to decide what this looks like to you. Please make a list of 3-4 measurable SMART goals. (I realize some femininity goals are not measurable. This is okay, but be creative and put a number to goals if you can.)

Some examples would include:
  • I plan to wear dresses 3 days out of each week. (3 x 52 weeks is 156 for the entire year) or
  • I intend to cook from scratch for my family 2 times each week. (2x52 is 104 times)
  • To look better in my dress and get to Trophy Wife status I plan to lose 5 pounds every 2 months (30 pounds for the year)
By making measurable SMART goals, we ensure success by creating goals that are Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

Week 1 Challenge

1. Find an accountability partner. It’s a good idea to have someone to check in with on a weekly basis to help you with your feminine words, your feminine actions and staying in your feelings rather than your thoughts. Begin thinking about who would be the best person to keep you grounded.
2. Buy a planner
3. What SMART feminine goals do you have?
4. What mini goals will help you accomplish these goals?
5. How will you keep your vibe HIGH each day?
The "Soft Girl" aesthetic began life among Nigerian social media influencers, and has since gone mainstream. Evie Muir explores the ideas behind it, and why it has found particular resonance among young black women.

In the 1960s there were the mods and rockers. The 70s saw the disco and flower power eras, while in the 80s, new romantic style had its heyday. Fast forward to the present however, and if you have succumbed to the escapist realms of TikTok, your evening scroll through will have likely exposed you to a whole new world of subcultures. Unfolding at a rapid pace, these aesthetics and styles – which reach dizzying heights as far as likes and engagements are concerned – see the lines between fashion and beauty blur with lifestyle, culture and identity. How we dress and the way we look, these trends tell us, communicate an outward expression of how we choose to live. In recent years it's been hard to miss the Soft Girl trend on TikTok, a #SoftGirl aesthetic that is, as The Trend Spotter puts it, full of "pastel colours, fluttering butterflies and warm fluffy clouds", and as The List says, "slightly-cottagecore, super-femme".

However, there is more to "Soft Girl" than pretty pastels and cutesy accessories. Before migrating to Western consciousness by way of social media, the concept of a Soft Life originated in the Nigerian influencer community. In a context where Nigeria is experiencing its own cost of living crisis, a soft life was never about the flamboyant expressions of materialism or wealth that we'd normally associate with a life of leisure. It doesn't mean expensive spa days or luxury travel. Rather, it asks us to don our most comfortable outfit and consider what a day-to-day life of ease would look like for ourselves. Then, it challenges us to put this into practice. The aesthetic has even recently been described as the precursor to the "quiet quitting" trend. Having rapidly evolved into a wider movement, with #SoftLife and #SoftGirlSummer trending alongside it, it's unsurprising that the #SoftBlackGirl phenomenon has resonated with black women and girls so deeply.

Fashion has been influenced by the Soft Black Girl movement, as seen here in a recent Nina Ricci catwalk show (Credit: Getty Images)

Fashion has been influenced by the Soft Black Girl movement, as seen here in a recent Nina Ricci catwalk show (Credit: Getty Images)

Arguably, the Soft Black Girl phenomenon is a backlash against the persistent "strong black woman" trope in our culture, which, alongside the "girl boss" ideal, can feel like a burden, continuously demanding our energy, whether at work or in relationships with others. The 'Soft Life' offers us an alternative, and makes it okay to expend energy on ourselves instead. As black women, we're rarely given the opportunity to imagine and dream a life for ourselves on our own terms. Yet with more than 400 million TikTok videos brandishing the hashtag – declaring aphorisms such as "Slow living tip: adopt the mindset that you deserve rest" and "Welcome to Black Woman Bare Minimum, a safe space where you can do the least, and be the most" – this unlikely corner of the internet offers us a template to do so. As we're inundated with visions of slow, intentional, purposeful living, we see that a soft life is as diverse and nuanced as black women are ourselves.

How often do we ask ourselves what we need, what makes us feel good, and then find ways to meet those needs without having to rely on others?​

While some may interpret a soft life to be a relinquishing of financial responsibility in order to live a lavish lifestyle, the soft life, for me, goes beyond an aesthetic to a deeper meaning. It's explorative and creative, allowing me to experiment with approaches to work-life balance, finding the confidence to set boundaries and sit with the discomfort of doing so, question automatic responses, seek healthy coping mechanisms, and build the ones that feel nourishing into my daily routine. Wild swimming, somatics, hiking and nature writing are all things that I have in my control and that don't cost a penny. How often do we ask ourselves what we need, what makes us feel good, and then find ways to meet those needs without having to rely on others? Softness is ultimately rooted in self-care, and is how I experience empowerment.

Radical rest

The terms "radical rest" and "radical self-care" have long been advocated by black feminists who spoke about how self-care and self-love are the foundations of any collective movement. In her 1999 book, All About Love: New Visions, bell hooks explored how showing ourselves self-love, compassion and acceptance is an act of softness. "One of the best guides to how to be self-loving is to give ourselves the love we are often dreaming about receiving from others," she wrote. "It is silly, isn't it, that I would dream of someone else offering to me the acceptance and affirmation I was withholding from myself."

We are creating references for a softer existence. There will always be reference to the hard life, but it's not the only option – Nadine Ijewere​

A Soft Life philosophy can also be found in the works of poet and author Audre Lorde, who in her 1988 book of essays, A Burst of Light, wrote of her own journey with rest and softness as a parallel to physical wellbeing, and introduces the idea of rest as both a personal and political act. "I had to examine, in my dreams as well as in my immune-function tests, the devastating effects of overextension. Overextending myself is not stretching myself. I had to accept how difficult it is to monitor the difference. Necessary for me as cutting down on sugar. Crucial. Physically. Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it's self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare."

Joy as an Act of Resistance , 2018, by Nadine Ijewere – shown at the New Black Vanguard exhibition – is both soft and empowering in mood (Credit: Nadine Ijewere)

Joy as an Act of Resistance , 2018, by Nadine Ijewere – shown at the New Black Vanguard exhibition – is both soft and empowering in mood (Credit: Nadine Ijewere)

Similarly, the activist Professor Angela Davis continues to remind future generations that softness is the bedrock of community, and the foundation of racial justice movements. In an interview with Afropunk, Davis says, "anyone who's interested in making change in the world, also has to take care of himself, herself, their-selves. For a long time, activists didn't necessarily think that it mattered to take care of themselves in terms of what they eat, mental self-care, spiritual self-care and so on," she reflects. "I think our movement would have been very different, had we understood that kind of self-care. Personally I started practising yoga and meditation when I was in jail, but it was more of an individual practice. Later I had to recognise the importance of emphasising the collective character of that work on the self."

As The Nap Ministry's Tricia Hersey says: "To not rest is really being violent towards your body. To align yourself with a system that says 'your body doesn't belong to you, keep working, you are simply a tool of production' is a slow spiritual death… Rest is a form of resistance because it disrupts and pushes back against capitalism".

Returning to and reclaiming the outdoors also opens up opportunities for our communities to heal from the ongoing legacies of racialised and gendered trauma. Forging time to spend in nature, and building our confidence to do so, is softness in practice. Peaks of Colour (which I founded), All the Elements and Black2Nature are just some of the organisations set up to help diverse groups to enjoy nature and the outdoors.

The reality though is that adopting a soft life isn't in fact easy – it's a journey of rebuilding that requires patience and care. Kaya Nova, founder of Grown Mag, has been documenting her Soft Girl journey on TikTok. In a message to those who may be finding the process difficult, she addresses something that often gets left out of popular discourse: the discomfort of seeking comfort, and the growing pains involved. "Choosing softness means welcoming vulnerability, and when you're more vulnerable things can hurt a little harder than they used to. When I first chose softness it felt like the world got harder, but it was actually because I was giving myself space and time to feel my emotions, versus jumping into solution mode. So my first experience in my Soft Girl era did not feel like ease at all… it wasn't any of the things that are aesthetically soft. Honestly, it was quite brutal, and every day since is a challenge to stay in that soft space: asking for help, saying when I don't know how to do something, taking something off of my plate instead of trying to do it all, and just staying in this space of these feelings."

Nadine Ijewere's image for a fashion brand is exhibited in the New Black Vanguard exhibition at London's Saatchi Gallery (Credit: Nadine Ijewere)

Nadine Ijewere's image for a fashion brand is exhibited in the New Black Vanguard exhibition at London's Saatchi Gallery (Credit: Nadine Ijewere)
Softness as resistance also informs the work of Nadine Ijewere, an award winning south-east London-born fashion photographer who was the first woman of colour to shoot the cover of any Vogue edition. Informed by her own Nigerian-Jamaican identity, Ijewere's work showcases a new standard of beauty, and aims to give life to the uniqueness of disparate cultures. It is currently exhibited at the Saatchi Gallery as part of The New Black Vanguard exhibition. Works such as Joy as an Act of Resistance – a joyous smile amidst an explosion of orange tulle – or images from her recent Nina Ricci campaign – four black women, draped in pastel, resting on each other's strength – capture softness in action.

"In the past and still today we have been shown a lot of images of black people suffering, being incarcerated and ridiculed," Ijewere tells BBC Culture. "Over time these images have created stereotypes. Black trauma is very comfortably shared. Why is black joy not shared as frequently? I love to capture beauty, happiness and community. The truth is there's a soft side to all of us that no one really sees. As time goes on I am learning through my work to give myself the same love and attention. It's a tough industry to navigate, especially as a black woman. It's important to me to check in with myself. We all should."

The black women pioneering the simple pleasures and bold ideas of a soft life can too be seen as a vanguard. As Ijewere puts it: "We all know how powerful imagery is, how it has shaped the lives of the people before us and how it will shape the lives of those to come. Undiscussed, we are creating references for a softer existence. There will always be reference to the hard life, but it's not the only option."

For a social media trend to have nurtured a movement of black women – pioneers leading the way in redefining strength as softness, and reclaiming a life of joy and healing – is something of a quiet revolution. So, snuggle up in your comfiest outfit, take yourself on a walk, or curl up by the fire, and be prepared to allow yourself vulnerability. Be gentle with yourself as you battle with an internal dialogue that requires repetitive self-talk, self-questioning and ultimately, self-love. Feel the liberating sense of freedom as habits, patterns and expectations are discarded, then melt into the creative, imaginative, possibilities of what a soft life could look like, for you.

The New Black Vanguard: Photography between Art and Fashion is at the Saatchi Gallery, London, until 23 January 2023.

Source: https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20221202-soft-girl-what-it-really-means-to-lead-a-soft-life
Thank you for this thread and that article. So many thoughts but more ladies need to heed the message. I have after being feminine since 2017 and I still feel the pressure by society of not conforming into what is palatable for some one looking like me. It challenges me often but glad I continue the path.
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One part of being truly feminine means being able to stay in the present, feeling all that is around you, and not worrying about hte past or future. Once you slip into the past or the future, we often become analytical and think things out too much. The key to femininity is to stay light and airy and being able to go with the flow (but well-protected with boundaries). This week, let's become intentional and stay present. A few days ago, I took out time to bathe and read to my child. Sometimes I say that this is pointless because DS just wants to eat the pages. But he actually paid attention for ten minutes or so. DH came by while I was reading and joined in on the action. We read together and he started talking about the book lol. At this moment, I was just having fun with my son and my husband. I wasn't thinking about marital problems, or the fact that it was so close to bedtime and little one needed to do xyz before bed. And really, these will be the memories that will stick for years to come. I plan to incorporate this reading time more because it was very sweet and gave us some quality family time. To do this, I know I need more organization so a planner is key. You can simple print one or buy a cute one. The importance is that we are intentional, deliberate, and feminine in our day to day actions. Soon it will come naturally but for now, let’s plan to polish our femininity EACH AND EVERY DAY.

Week 2 Challenge
1. Invest in a planner
2. Plan out everything. Be intentional and deliberate. Be deliberate in your table service, femininity for yourself, and how you plan to set aside one on one time for yourself and others. How will you dress this week? How will you be compassionate this week?
I hope people will comment but this one hits esp deep. In my journey I’m at a crossroad of remaining the same or do the effort needed which means being in my body to evolve. I’m hard on self so I’m going to work on compassion for me.
Week 1 Challenge
1. Find an accountability partner. It’s a good idea to have someone to check in with on a weekly basis to help you with your feminine words, your feminine actions and staying in your feelings rather than your thoughts. Begin thinking about who would be the best person to keep you grounded. My bestie

2. Buy a planner- done

3. What SMART feminine goals do you have?

A. I will wear makeup at least 4x per week.
B. I will lose 20 pounds over the next year
C. After March I will take biweekly classes indance or roller skating to enjoy my body.

4. What mini goals will help you accomplish these goals?

I have created a makeup capsule to pull from so that choosing a current everyday "look" will be easy.
I will starting walking 30 minutes daily either morning or evening.
I will look into schedules and different studios for dance classes and roller skating classes

5. How will you keep your vibe HIGH each day?
I am creating a playlist of songs that I long to listen to everyday to make me feel go. I will also have a list of affirmation to learn.
Week 2 Challenge
1. Invest in a planner
2. Plan out everything. Be intentional and deliberate. Be deliberate in your table service, femininity for yourself, and how you plan to set aside one on one time for yourself and others. How will you dress this week? How will you be compassionate this week?

1. Bought the planner (two in fact, one for general use and one for fitness)
2. Technically, I planned out my major goals, but that one-on-one time I didn't address.
Down time is really important and I'm glad that you reminded me to diarize it as a priority.

(still lurking :giggle: )
I struggle with this challenge. Perhaps that's why it's called a challenge. I am formally joining. Not sure what my immense conflicts are with and/or regarding this challenge. I believe I can benefit and grow, though.
I struggle with this challenge. Perhaps that's why it's called a challenge. I am formally joining. Not sure what my immense conflicts are with and/or regarding this challenge. I believe I can benefit and grow, though.

Welcome to the challenge!!! I'm sure we'll help each other out and find our way.
Week 2 Challenge
1. Invest in a planner
2. Plan out everything. Be intentional and deliberate. Be deliberate in your table service, femininity for yourself, and how you plan to set aside one on one time for yourself and others. How will you dress this week? How will you be compassionate this week?

I didn't buy a plane for the challenge, but will use my Google planner. A few months ago I sat down and picked colours for all of my embedded calendars. They're various shades of pink. It sparks joy.

A few years ago I'd bought a journal to use for this challenge, but I dropped off the the challenge as well as the journaling. In going to use it.


Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner
Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.

Week 3: Be more present.
To be truly healthy and live in line with nature, we need to cultivate our femininity. BUT It's hard to do this if we are constantly thinking about the past. What happened last year? Could I have done it differently? Or in the future such as When is my blessing going to come? I wonder what tomorrow will be like.


It is a beautiful experience when a woman can just be present and have no agenda other than enjoying life at any given moment. This is a rare quality that will make men very intrigued and set you apart from others. Because of this, men will naturally think more about you when you are not around.

Turn the phone off. Turn the TV laptop and tablets off. Choose human interactions with people you love instead. Be present. Slow down your walk and talk. Shine like a star and radiate your light.

Go on a walk (without looking at your phone).

Hold your child and read a book.

Cuddle and watch a movie (without answering your phone because your SO (or loved ones if you're single) is your first priority).

When you meet with your friends turn off your phone and give them your undivided attention.

When you go walking, listen to music is fine but be present. Take a moment to look at your surroundings. What new that you see?

When you are at a dinner party talk to your guests and just be instead of checking the phone. If you expect a phone call excuse yourself to the bathroom or etc.

When you're in a room (even with friends) and men walk into the room, be present and turn your eyes to them and ask them if they need anything.

When your children come home from school tune in for a minute. Play with them. Play hide and go seek. Get off the phone. Ask what they did today. Give them 30 minutes of uninterrupted time.

Limit the need to multitask at all times. Be in the moment and very present.

Week 3 Challenge
1. Find ways to be more present this week.
2. Tune in to your bedroom. Look at it as if it were a hotel. Would you actually want to stay there? Is it calming? Is it relaxing? Can you retreat to this space and not feel pressured to do anything but be?

Your bedroom is the most private room in the house, and it should be the most personal. Your bed should feel like the ultimate sanctuary and make you happy every time you get into it.

Get rid of the papers and laptops and cell phones. Work can wait. Your bedroom should be your sacred space. Think candles, a bath tray for the tub with your favorite scents, wine, soap, and candles. Clean up the clutter. Make up your bed each day. Be unapologetic with it. Clean it like you mean it and you’re the owner or a fancy hotel. Cultivate being present in your bedroom. Just be. Non sexually and sexually touch your spouse, smile, laugh, have a childlike characteristic about yourself. Be free, airy, light, and just feminine. Put on a cute pajama set (or invest in one this week). Wear perfume or body splash to bed. Put as much effort into it like you do when you’re going to work. Be present...even in your bedroom.
Oh I like this challenge, I use my notes and calendar for planning. I will go look for new bedding I have wanted more luxe colors but finding the right thread count and color isn’t easy.
I found this video this morning. It contradicts the instruction to look at your bedroom like a hotel room. Here's my opinion on why:

Have you stayed in an AirBnB/home rental? How did the bedroom feel in comparison to a hotel (bed)room? Hotel bedrooms, while they are clean, they are quite barren. Like a good AirBnB room, they're easy to clean and don't go overboard on knickknacks and decorative clutter. However, they're barren and sterile. They're not really inviting and something about them says "you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here." In home stays, you're meant to feel like you're in a home away from home...but better. If properly designed, it makes you want to come back or stay longer. Basically, it can look like something out of House and Home magazine. The right balance of stuff.

That "stuff" usually creates a cozy environment. It's curated stuff.

My stuff makes me want t o run away from my house. It's not curated. The children do not know how to curate. They throw stuff down like Jackson Pollock threw down paint. However, no one is celebrating their efforts as creativity.


Sadly, me working through my bad habits regarding keeping my clothes folded and put away aren't much better.

Things that I have done after going through this challenge in previous years:
  • Bought more pillows for my bed.
  • Have two sets of duvet covers/pillows (1 for fall/winter in blue and white -- cool colours; and 1 for spring/summer in pink -- warm colours). Similarly, I've done the same for the children's rooms with varying cool/warm colours.
  • I've set up a desk working area in my room with the theme of white and gold. It's still a work in progress and I'm looking for some faux plants for the desk/art cart area. I don't actually get to work here, but having it there makes me feel like one day I'll become Boss enough to use it.
I would like to put up some art and such on the walls, but I won't have that opportunity until later in the year.

ETA: My bed before and after pillows. What it needs is a nice chunky throw for the bottom corner, but I think I'm already pushing it with DH having so many pillows. :drunk:

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Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner
Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.
Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.
Week 4: Acceptance
Week 4 Challenge: Acceptance

Accept Him as He Is

Accepting him as he is means that you accept all his habits, his weaknesses, his dreams, or lack of them, and his beliefs. You accept him as another human being, part good, and part bad, just like yourself.

We women try and change our husbands. But they don’t change. It’s a very common fault with us women.

Why you must not try and change your husband? Trying to force a man to change always creates problems; it just doesn’t work with men. A man may give into our persistence just to keep the peace, but he hasn’t really changed, not inside. And we pay a high price for having things our way. He becomes resentful and cool, and withdraws much of his love.

Why is this so? Because by trying to change and improve our husband, we are telling him that we are not satisfied with him as he is. His sensitive male pride is wounded.

He knows his weaknesses. But he needs you to admire his strengths, not draw attention to his weaknesses. Your husband needs your admiration like you need his love.

Now this one is hard. You can plate all the food you want, eat on white plates, clean the house, do laundry, attend his job functions, talk to him til he is blue in the face, but until you fully accept him you cannot unlock the wonders of what your relationship could be. In what ways do you need to practice acceptance? Remember especially in areas that he needs growth, compassion is required. By accepting him what are some things that need to happen?

Mothering vs Nurturing
Nurturing is done with love, wisdom, care, and discipline.
1. Some men welcome and ask for even public babying. Ignore them. Don’t fix their tie because it is crooked. Don’t cut their food up. Don’t pull out their chair. Don’t brag about how you picked out their clothes because they can’t do it themselves. Don’t publically brag that they are your 3rd child. They’re your man not your baby. When in doubt…. keep it to yourself. Put it in your feminine mystique toolbox.
2. Stay in the submissive role and this takes care of most mothering mistakes. LET HIM help you. LET HIM save you.
3. Specifically keep your mouth submissive, as most mistakes are made with the mouth.
4. Never tell him what to do like you are his mother. Instead ALWAYS turn what you would like him to do into a question. Let’s say you’re riding in the car, you’re hungry, and you want food. Instead of saying, “I want food let’s go to Chik fil a” frame it into a question. “I am soooo hungry honey. Are you hungry as well? Can we go to Chik fil A….please?” Would you like the lights on or off? May I please turn the lights on darling? Ask for permission to do many things, just to remind you both of your roles. Let’s say he wants to drop you off at the door after a date. You don’t say, “No, it’s fine you can just leave.” To show your disdain about something else (let’s say you want him to stay longer). That’s still you telling him what to do. Instead….LET HIM LEAD….let that man drop you off at the door. Thank him for it…then in your sweet voice say, “Oh I was hoping that you would stay a little longer” *puppy dog eyes*
5. Be especially careful with never telling him to do anything, including eat his vegetables or pick up his socks. Accept him for who he is right now. Not what you want him to be.
6. Be sure not to pat your husband’s head, like he’s a child, in private or public.
7. Be sure to not wipe your husband’s face, fix his tie, or anything similarly babying, when in public.
8. Be sure not to correct your husband publicly. If he says 2 plus 2 is four….let it equal four….for now. Privately address it…later. Private is the best way.
9. Be sure to consistently study masculinity to understand your husband’s heart, mind & instincts.
10. Allow him to make mistakes in his leadership. Stop trying to correct him to prevent him from making mistakes. Through his mistakes will his leadership grow. Let him make mistakes so he can grow as a man. Let him see the pain that it causes. Let him see the sadness that he causes you. Let him be a man and figure it out! Remember, men learn through disappointments.
11. Refrain from constantly reminding/nagging. If you have to ask your husband to do something again that you already asked him to do….act like you didn’t remind him the first time. Lie. Don’t get sassy….just say something like, “Oh I forgot to ask you the other day….do you think you could mow the grass soon?” Pretend like you have never asked him to do xyz.
12. Realize that he is not going to parent like you….and be okay with it. He’s not going to put the children in the tub with organic soap and feed them gluten free meals. He may take them to Chik fil A and wash all of them at the same time in the bathtub….BUT the task is done. If you have a problem with this….YOU do it. Don’t be a helicopter wife and mother him by telling him how he is not as good of a parent as you. You're going to have to step back, manage your anxiety, and let your partner take the reins.

Example: Why did you get the expensive paper towels. I always get the Great Value brand because they work just as good as the Viva. (Does it matter….no. Be happy he got the paper towels. Don’t be a control freak. Accept him)

Example: He can’t spend time with his friends except on weekends. “If that doesn’t work, I hide his car keys.” (He is not a child.)

Example: “Make a chore routine chart,” another advised. “Every day is something different after work, and then on Sundays, after some family time, allow him to play.”

You can’t control anyone but yourself. You can nurture your husband to greatness. You can give it time and let compassion and love change him. But YOU can’t change him by mothering other than increasing resentment. You have to accept him for who he is.
This one is funny to me because it felt child like. I know some stuff won’t pop out until your doing life w them but others if watched shows early. The need for perfection in any person shows a lot of stuff.
This one is funny to me because it felt child like. I know some stuff won’t pop out until your doing life w them but others if watched shows early. The need for perfection in any person shows a lot of stuff.

Do you mind explaining a bit more? I want to comment, but I'm not sure if I completely understand what you just said.
Do you mind explaining a bit more? I want to comment, but I'm not sure if I completely understand what you just said.
Yes, so I may be a bit odd, but I have seen that topic on the feminity journey quite a bit, and it's always been like, duh, why would you want a 3rd or extra kid by bossing him around? I think as I have gotten older and am still very single the idea of wanting to boss a man around isn't something I can stomach; either he does, or he doesn't. I know there are some who you won't know the full of their not-so-great traits until you are married. In my youth, I thought doing all this stuff for a man was a good thing now I'm grossed by the thought of telling a man anything at all esp about his behavior, unless it's something really extra.
I agree with you. Originally, this challenge was a spin-off from The Wife School thread (and I believe one other). Six years later, some of the concepts still don't sit well with me and this is one of them. Roe from Wife School seemed like she was all about elevating men to the point where they could do no wrong. I remember reading a post that basically said you shouldn't chastise boy (children) because it was emasculating. Nah. Not my thing. I believe that there is nothing wrong with men doing "female" things and females doing "male" things and still projecting strong masculine and feminine energies.

For example, with plating: I have a (male) friend who sometimes posts the meals that he makes for his family on FB. He sets up shots with the ingredients that he uses and then shows the meals after. They look amazing!

But, time moves on and we evolve. So I suggest that were you see "him" replace it with "yourself". The exercise should be more meaningful.

That being said, I did change my plates to white plates because of this challenge and I prefer them. Plain white is timeless and looks clean. I'd like to update my sets because they don't match (1 set white and 1 set beige with blue stripes).

I think you used the word "perfection" earlier. Try focus on your "ideal" self or the idea of your "best" self, then build from there. That will be your "perfect" self which I think we should strive for.
I agree with you. Originally, this challenge was a spin-off from The Wife School thread (and I believe one other). Six years later, some of the concepts still don't sit well with me and this is one of them. Roe from Wife School seemed like she was all about elevating men to the point where they could do no wrong. I remember reading a post that basically said you shouldn't chastise boy (children) because it was emasculating. Nah. Not my thing. I believe that there is nothing wrong with men doing "female" things and females doing "male" things and still projecting strong masculine and feminine energies.

For example, with plating: I have a (male) friend who sometimes posts the meals that he makes for his family on FB. He sets up shots with the ingredients that he uses and then shows the meals after. They look amazing!

But, time moves on and we evolve. So I suggest that were you see "him" replace it with "yourself". The exercise should be more meaningful.

That being said, I did change my plates to white plates because of this challenge and I prefer them. Plain white is timeless and looks clean. I'd like to update my sets because they don't match (1 set white and 1 set beige with blue stripes).

I think you used the word "perfection" earlier. Try focus on your "ideal" self or the idea of your "best" self, then build from there. That will be your "perfect" self which I think we should strive for.
I def had moments looking at the old thread. I watched a video last night about raising kids and how we coddle sons and it perplexed me as there’s a balance they must be challenged but not harmed.
Perfection and me must part ways.

Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner
Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.
Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.
Week 4: Acceptance
Week 4 Challenge: Acceptance

Accept Him as He Is

Accepting him as he is means that you accept all his habits, his weaknesses, his dreams, or lack of them, and his beliefs. You accept him as another human being, part good, and part bad, just like yourself.

We women try and change our husbands. But they don’t change. It’s a very common fault with us women.

Why you must not try and change your husband? Trying to force a man to change always creates problems; it just doesn’t work with men. A man may give into our persistence just to keep the peace, but he hasn’t really changed, not inside. And we pay a high price for having things our way. He becomes resentful and cool, and withdraws much of his love.

Why is this so? Because by trying to change and improve our husband, we are telling him that we are not satisfied with him as he is. His sensitive male pride is wounded.

He knows his weaknesses. But he needs you to admire his strengths, not draw attention to his weaknesses. Your husband needs your admiration like you need his love.

Now this one is hard. You can plate all the food you want, eat on white plates, clean the house, do laundry, attend his job functions, talk to him til he is blue in the face, but until you fully accept him you cannot unlock the wonders of what your relationship could be. In what ways do you need to practice acceptance? Remember especially in areas that he needs growth, compassion is required. By accepting him what are some things that need to happen?

I'm doing the Week 4 Challenge of Acceptance on myself. I am solitary. Also, most of my life I have focused on helping other people to my own detriment , which manifested as neglecting myself.

In my head I know I can't change people, but in my heart I have a difficulty distinguishing between that and 'helping' someone. I struggle with this challenge because not just men but PEOPLE, men and women, do not extend grace to others to accept you as you are. This to me is why women are exhausted in so many relationships. I don't get this one. I may have to bounce from this challenge because I don't want to be in here stirring up stuff. Im not trying to be a contrarian. This is a REAL struggle for me.
We’ve started a new year and a new decade!

For those of you who have participated before – welcome back – and for those of you who are joining us for the first time – welcome!

"Goddess is a description of radiance, not of appearance."
"I am a feminine black woman who is strong on the inside (boundaries) but soft on the outside (personality and appearance)"


Over the past year, quite a few of us have begun using the teachings and thoughts of Ro Elori Cutno's Wife School, Christlyn Kerazin's Pink Pill, SheraSeven, Chrissie, and other femininity coaches to achieve our goals of becoming more in touch with our feminine side and taking steps towards becoming better feminine women to uplift our Black community. Being feminine encompasses the process of being, accepting, and receiving versus thinking more result-oriented such as goal seeking and giving. It involves being very strong with our boundaries, but presenting them in a very breezy, airy, feminine and soft way. It allows you to protect your peace and be strategically selfish to put yourself first at all times to continuously fill up your cup. This creates more feminine energy that you can give to others from. Getting in touch with our femininity has allowed many of us to tap into energy we never knew we had and grow closer to consciousness and happiness - one week at a time. Who would like to join in as a group as we work collectively in continue on our path towards femininity in 2020?

Participants -

Feel free to join this challenge at any point throughout the year! It’s never too late to learn how to access your feminine energy.
Although I am almost a month late, I would love to join. I recall doing this a few years ago and I loved it.
I'm doing the Week 4 Challenge of Acceptance on myself. I am solitary. Also, most of my life I have focused on helping other people to my own detriment , which manifested as neglecting myself.

In my head I know I can't change people, but in my heart I have a difficulty distinguishing between that and 'helping' someone. I struggle with this challenge because not just men but PEOPLE, men and women, do not extend grace to others to accept you as you are. This to me is why women are exhausted in so many relationships. I don't get this one. I may have to bounce from this challenge because I don't want to be in here stirring up stuff. Im not trying to be a contrarian. This is a REAL struggle for me.

I don't think that you should bounce. It seems as though a few of us have ideas different to the original prompt but similar to each other, in terms of how we view femininity or at least how we want to approach working on improving ourselves in a feminine manner. I think that it would be a great to help each other help ourselves.

I don't think that I can do it in the next week or two, but I'm thinking of sitting down and looking at all 52 prompts and re-organizing them. Maybe making them more brief and less "Wife School" and see if we can build something from there? It doesn't mean that I'll ignore everything that was written, but maybe make it a little less submissive and centre it more around self empowerment, but geared towards femininity?

What do you guys think? I'm flexible either way.

Week 5: Self Preservation isn't a Luxury; It's Essential

"You can't always be the prettiest when you step into a room, but you can ALWAYS be the sweetest. With the best smile, the warmest gaze, the most gratitude, and the most pleasant attitude, a woman's poise is her gentle strength"

Two weeks we touched on poise. Poise is how you present yourself in trying situations. Last week we touched on Block History Month. Blocking people out of your life that don't mean you well is apart of your drama blocking plan to keep balance and peace in your life.

Self-preservation, self-awareness, and STAYING CALM is key. This month we focus on love. Often time that means loving other people and not ourselves. However, loving ourselves is so very important for us to fully love others. Fill up your cup FIRST. Take care of yourself if you don't do anything else.

One way to take care of yourself is to PROTECT YOUR PEACE.

For women to preserve their greatest asset, their femininity, self preservation is key. Hardened women are not desirable. Argumentative women are unattractive. Loud, boisterous, yelling women are off-putting.

Strive to have poise but also seek wisdom during trying times....not masculination. The best way to do this mentally is to organize a drama blocking plan and make it deliberate.

You remember that planner we found in week 1? It's now time to use it. Pencil in time for YOU. Make it a deliberate practice to focus on you! Be selfish. Make boundaries. Distance yourself from people who do not love you. Stick to these boundaries.

Any of us have allowed our past to make us hardened. Maybe someone said something to you that made you feel undeserving of being feminine. Maybe a dysfunctional upbringing made you feel like you are not entitled to your femininity. Now is the time to be selfish. Why? Because only then can you spread the boundless gifts of your femininity to others and freely.

Think of your femininity as a garden. You could leave it unprotected. Let animals come in and trample all in it. You could expose it to the elements. You could forget to water it because you are checking on your neighbor's garden. This is not wise. Self-preservation will allow you to increase your level of consciousness.

With time it will increase your compassion, love, and feminine energy which will be evident to everyone you come in contact with. Analyze your life. Any people you need to let go of that disrupt your peace and/or femininity? Boundaries that you haven't made? You are the captain of your ship. Focus on you. Polish your femininity to preserve your self and make a plan to make sure it happens.

Protecting your peace often is ESSENTIAL when arguing (especially with the opposite sex). Have you ever started having a disagreement calmly then all of a sudden you start getting louder and louder and to the tune of this : Oh No You Didn't Boo Boo *insert claps between each word for a little more culture* :wacky: As it relates to protecting your peace...you need self-awareness. What triggers you in an argument and throws you off course? How can you avoid this or be self-aware to never let ANYONE take you there?

Tips for Protecting Your Peace and creating a Drama Blocking Plan

  • Note your triggers- What causes you to BLOW UP in arguments? Feeling like you're not heard? When others get loud with you? Not feeling appreciated? What makes you TICK!?
  • Watch your body-language - Non verbal body language says a lot. Rest chick face is NOT CUTE. Fix your face. Lol.
  • Have boundaries in arguments- If the argument is going nowhere....drop it and revisit at a later (calmer) time.
  • Admit your mistakes and learn to humbly apologize
  • When you feel yourself getting angry or argumentative, love on yourself more. Exercise, meditate, cook, plate food, garden, listen to music, do whatever your heart desires. Indulge in what makes you YOU...your hobbies.
  • Perception is Key - Recognize that anger IS natural. It is OKAY to feel anger. But don't let it consume you.
  • Have some ending phrases: I'm sorry you feel that way. What is your point?

Week 5 Challenge
1. In your planner, plan out how next month (February) will go. How will you make time for your hobbies and goals? What days will you do hobbies and goals? Distance yourself from toxic personalities? Establish healthy boundaries? Walk away from arguments.
2. What are some ways to polish your femininity EVERYDAY? What will you do? What are your feminine hobbies, dreams, and aspirations.
3. What is your drama blocking plan? Write it out.
4. How could you only be mad for 5 minutes and not let arguments RULE your entire day.
5. How can you practice and improve your emotional self-awareness?
I don't think that you should bounce. It seems as though a few of us have ideas different to the original prompt but similar to each other, in terms of how we view femininity or at least how we want to approach working on improving ourselves in a feminine manner. I think that it would be a great to help each other help ourselves.

I don't think that I can do it in the next week or two, but I'm thinking of sitting down and looking at all 52 prompts and re-organizing them. Maybe making them more brief and less "Wife School" and see if we can build something from there? It doesn't mean that I'll ignore everything that was written, but maybe make it a little less submissive and centre it more around self empowerment, but geared towards femininity?

What do you guys think? I'm flexible either way.
I want to stay. I want to stay in my authentic self, too. I like your idea! Thank you for considering it!
This is a nice reminder. I don’t argue with anyone I just cut not the best but is what it is. I have been really diving into my femininity path and resonated with the need to transmute old programming as I was groomed to be male. Anger gets a bad wrap but is one of the best emotions to me if harnessed well. It’s a get up and resolve but if left unchecked is like a kid falling out at Walmart. All these things are helping me have a strong foundation for when I do open to having a connected life.

Week 1: Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner
Week 2: Print or Buy a planner. Make sure you write down and plan to do things that encompass your femininity. How many times will you cook for your family so they can practice dinner etiquette? How many minutes will you hold each child a day (10-15 minutes?) How will you polish your femininity EACH day, how will you spend one on one time with your spouse each day? Have you made time to go out with a female this week to talk girl talk? Make a plan, be intentional, and write it down.
Week 3: Be more present- Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be a phone zombie. Practice makes permanent. Constantly work on cultivating your femininity by being very present with DH, SO, your children, and friends. Choose human interactions vs social media interactions this week.
Week 4: Accept him- Accept him for who he is. This includes his strengths, his weaknesses, his goals, or lack of him. He is a person full of triumphs as well as flaws just like you. (This goal is continuous)
Week 5: Polish Your Poise- No one can take you out of your feminine grace except you. Work on not being reactive to problems and asserting your needs but in a gentle way. Work on your look, attitude, gratitude, gaze, and overall spirit.

Week 6: Self-Preservation Is Key

"You can't always be the prettiest when you step into a room, but you can ALWAYS be the sweetest. With the best smile, the warmest gaze, the most gratitude, and the most pleasant attitude, a woman's poise is her gentle strength"

Last week we touched on poise. Poise is how you present yourself in trying situations. However,
Self-preservation, self-awareness, and STAYING CALM is key. This month we focus on love. Often time that means loving other people and not ourselves. However, loving ourselves is so very important for us to fully love others. Take care of yourself if you don't do anything else.

One way to take care of yourself is to PROTECT YOUR PEACE.

For women to preserve their greatest asset, their femininity, self preservation is key. Hardened women are not desirable. Argumentative women are unattractive. Loud, boisterous, yelling women are off-putting.

Strive to have poise but also seek wisdom during trying times....not masculination. The best way to do this mentally is to organize a drama blocking plan and make it deliberate.

You remember that planner we found in week 1? It's now time to use it. Pencil in time for YOU. Make it a deliberate practice to focus on you! Be selfish. Make boundaries. Distance yourself from people who do not love you. Stick to these boundaries. Now on this I am quite weak. I am a novice. However there are many people on the board that have touched on topics like this extensively. @hopeful comes to mind right off the bat. But many of us have allowed our past to make us hardened. Maybe someone said something to you that made you feel undeserving of being feminine. Maybe a dysfunctional upbringing made you feel like you are not entitled to your femininity. Now is the time to be selfish. Why? Because only then can you spread the boundless gifts of your femininity to others and freely. Think of your femininity as a garden. You could leave it unprotected. Let animals come in and trample all in it. Expose it to the elements. Forget to water it because you are checking on your neighbor's garden. This is not wise. Self-preservation will allow you to increase your level of consciousness. With time it will increase your compassion, love, and feminine energy which will be evident to everyone you come in contact with. Analyze your life. Any people you need to let go of that disrupt your peace and/or femininity? Boundaries that you haven't made? You are the captain of your ship. Focus on you. Polish your femininity to preserve your self and make a plan to make sure it happens.

Protecting your peace often is ESSENTIAL when arguing (especially with the opposite sex). Have you ever started having a disagreement calmly then all of a sudden you start getting louder and louder and to the tune of this : Oh No You Didn't Boo Boo *insert claps between each word for a little more culture* :wacky: As it relates to protecting your peace...you need self-awareness. What triggers you in an argument and throws you off course? How can you avoid this or be self-aware to never let ANYONE take you there?

Tips for Protecting Your Peace and creating a Drama Blocking Plan
  • Note your triggers- What causes you to BLOW UP in arguments? Feeling like you're not heard? When others get loud with you? Not feeling appreciated? What makes you TICK!?
  • Watch your body-language - Non verbal body language says a lot. Rest chick face is NOT CUTE. Fix your face. Lol.
  • Have boundaries in arguments- If the argument is going nowhere....drop it and revisit at a later (calmer) time.
  • Admit your mistakes and learn to humbly apologize
  • When you feel yourself getting angry or argumentative, love on yourself more. Exercise, meditate, cook, plate food, garden, listen to music, do whatever your heart desires. Indulge in what makes you YOU...your hobbies.
  • Perception is Key - Recognize that anger IS natural. It is OKAY to feel anger. But don't let it consume you.

Week 6 Challenge
1. In your planner, plan out how the month of February will go. How will you make time for your hobbies and goals? Distance yourself from toxic personalities? Establish healthy boundaries? Walk away from arguments.
2. What are some ways to polish your femininity EVERYDAY? What will you do?
3. What is your drama blocking plan? Write it out. (An extension from last week)
4. How could you only be mad for 5 minutes and not let arguments RULE your entire day.
5. How can you practice and improve your emotional self-awareness?