Feminine Belles - Info/discussion/support Thread


I am in love with the blog KTR style. The outfits are ultra feminine! I really need to learn to sew ASAP.
This YouTuber has very feminine style. :gorgeous:

These r the styles I was referring ! honesty, for some reason I feel uncomfortable dressing like that sometimes. I feel like all eyes are on me and scrutinizing. It is as if I don't deserve to be feminine in a subconsious level. Ive been trained to subdue my feminity and sexuality so when I have the opportunity and funds to do so, I feel awkward. really weird,...
How do you ladies dress professional and feminine? To me, it seems hard to merge the my work attire and femininity.

Pencil skirts, heels, blouses in soft fabrics, midi dresses. Use color appropriately- cream, sky blue, lavender, soft pink. Or a floral print. My job is suit formal 70% so I don't have as much leeway as some. Occasionally I can wear brighter colors.

Ann Taylor is good for that type of look. I think pants are ok but they must be fitted properly. No matter the cut they have to flatter your waist, hips and behind. Look at the limited scandal collection for inspiration. It's very feminine even though it does have a few "power suits"

Another thing I've noticed is wear makeup, style you hair, and wear jewlery if possible. I don't like severe buns. If my hair is in a bun I would never have it brushed back tightly.
^^^^Thanks so much. It sounds like we work in a similar environment. Your tips are very helpful. Over the next few weeks I will incorporate a few new pieces into my wardrobe. Navy, black, and grey are definitely sending out too much masculine energy.
I started with The Art of Being Feminine blog. I'm learning some good tips and I really want to focus on dressing more feminine. I wore a sleeveless dress to church today that was cinched at the waist and flared out and two ladies stopped me to tell me how pretty I looked. Although I like wearing black, I can now see that it doesn't project the vibe I'm going for.

I had no problem purchasing the blog subscriptions because I see them as an investment in myself and I'm worth it.
What else are we learning besides wardrobe tips? I think you can be equally feminine in any style of dress. I wear lot's of black for instance, but I do try to always have a put together face and accentuate something on my figure.

I love the example of the young lady who stopped the debates with her friend to elicit a change in his behavior. Is there any information on how other women, children or family members relate to you when you are more in touch with your feminine side?
Great question!!! You know what, after reading one of her articles, I realized how much if an impact social media has on my image.

I think the article about being feminine touches on social media and how we shouldn't post raunchy half naked or questionable pics.

With that said. I'm going to be cleaning up my facebook pictures. I have a few pics of me that are questionable lol. I'm going to un tag or put them private. I need to do a clean up
@Crystalicequeen123 That experiment you tried on your guy friend was eye opening. :eek: I always thought it was good to argue with men and debate with them any chance I get. I thought it meant that I was showing them that I am smart and can hold my own with them. You're right that it's gonna feel fake to me the first time I hold my tongue and act more demure. This is tough. I'm used to giving men orders. I have 6 younger brothers after all. o_O
@caribeandiva YES girl...the difference was like night and DAY! :shocked:

It was really strange! I used to think like you, that guys love a woman who can banter back and forth with them and argue/debate her case well. I think on ONE hand a man likes a woman with a mind of her own (don't get me wrong), but I think that overall, men PREFER a woman who is PLAYFUL and FLIRTY...but not argumentative. I think the "banter" men prefer is the playful silly type....the type where you know the two of you are playfully arguing or basically flirting. Nothing that is cutting him off at the knees or trying to prove you're right or being aggressive. I think some men will like you in SPITE of being a debater, but I don't think men like you BECAUSE you are a debater. There's a HUGE difference. :yep:

Another thing I've come to realize?? Men don't really care if you're "smart" or have a "good job" lol. :lol: It took me a LONG time to figure this out because like so many women I felt that because I valued intelligence and financial stability in a man, then men must value this in woman. Not so. :nono2: Don't get me wrong, men don't want you to be irresponsible with your money, and I'm sure they don't want a woman who can't even tell you what 6 + 6 is :lol:. But in general, I've come to learn that men value different things in women that usually have little to do with intelligence. For example, a man would much prefer a woman who is loving, warm, kind, feminine and "soft", as opposed to a woman who is "intelligent", overly competent, a big shot at work, and can "kill her own snakes". A man will like you IN SPITE of those things, but those things aren't why he likes you. Out of all of the qualities that I hear men say when I ask them what drew them to their wives, it usually isn't "well, she was smart...." :look: :giggle:

These r the styles I was referring ! honesty, for some reason I feel uncomfortable dressing like that sometimes. I feel like all eyes are on me and scrutinizing. It is as if I don't deserve to be feminine in a subconsious level. Ive been trained to subdue my feminity and sexuality so when I have the opportunity and funds to do so, I feel awkward. really weird,...

YES!! Sometimes I feel like that too!! Especially when it seems many women around don't always take the time to dress femininely. It can feel like they may be judging you, or wondering...."why is she dressing like she's from the 1940's??" :lol:

But you know what? I'm not going to worry myself with it any longer. I'm just going to do me and buy more fem clothes and start slaying! :lachen: I have always felt comfortable wearing heels and girly dresses, but I guess I've never put so much EFFORT into dressing femininely until NOW. :yep:

I'm excited! :grin:
I actually tried this little experiment months ago. I was carrying this box to my car and the cop on duty offered to carry it for me. Normally I would decline, but I had just read Fascinating Womanhood and allowed him to carry it.. i.e. a very masculine task. He was so happy!! And I felt so feminine. Lesson learned.
My challenge/concern will be wearing heels. I sprained my ankle in October, and injured my knee last week, who knows when I can comfortably wear heels again. Aaaand I'm 5'11". I feel sexy when I put them on, but when I get around these smedium men, I feel way too tall and not very feminine. Any tall girls have any tips for not feeling like a giant?
My challenge/concern will be wearing heels. I sprained my ankle in October, and injured my knee last week, who knows when I can comfortably wear heels again. Aaaand I'm 5'11". I feel sexy when I put them on, but when I get around these smedium men, I feel way too tall and not very feminine. Any tall girls have any tips for not feeling like a giant?
@sgold04 I'm 6ft tall and I still rock my heels. The guys who mind don't matter and those who matter won't mind. Thanks Dr. Seuss!
I really forgot how much I love NY&Company. They have some pretty nice feminine dresses in season. Looks like I'm going to have to venture on over there and check out some items. These are perfect. I love them. :yep:















You know what's so funny is that now that I'm trying more to be on the feminine side, I finally feel AT PEACE.....I feel HAPPIER!!! :grin: It's so interesting.

I think that society (whether they realize it or not) really tries to suppress women's femininity in subtle ways, and so we as women have just learned to adapt and tailor ourselves to that more "Masculine" energy. But honestly, it's a LEARNED behavior! So, just like that "masculine" energy is learned, it can be UNlearned and geared more towards the feminine. :yep: You may feel funny/fake/awkward at FIRST, but then as time goes by, it will become like second nature. I know I may get pelted with tomatoes for saying this :duck: , but I honestly feel that the women's feminist movement also did somewhat of a disservice to women and made them tone down their femininity somewhat. I'm not saying talking about women's RIGHTS (no, we definitely needed that :yep: ) but more so the feminist (burn your bras) movement lol. :lol: I think it changed women forever. :ohwell:

Have any of you ladies seen the movie "My Fair Lady" w/Audrey Hepburn?? The transformation of ourselves into "Feminine Belles" reminds me of that movie lol. :giggle: She did a COMPLETE 180! And notice how the men responded DIFFERENTLY to her as well! :grinwink:
I really forgot how much I love NY&Company. They have some pretty nice feminine dresses in season. Looks like I'm going to have to venture on over there and check out some items. These are perfect. I love them. :yep:















You know what's so funny is that now that I'm trying more to be on the feminine side, I finally feel AT PEACE.....I feel HAPPIER!!! :grin: It's so interesting.

I think that society (whether they realize it or not) really tries to suppress women's femininity in subtle ways, and so we as women have just learned to adapt and tailor ourselves to that more "Masculine" energy. But honestly, it's a LEARNED behavior! So, just like that "masculine" energy is learned, it can be UNlearned and geared more towards the feminine. :yep: You may feel funny/fake/awkward at FIRST, but then as time goes by, it will become like second nature. I know I may get pelted with tomatoes for saying this :duck: , but I honestly feel that the women's feminist movement also did somewhat of a disservice to women and made them tone down their femininity somewhat. I'm not saying talking about women's RIGHTS (no, we definitely needed that :yep: ) but more so the feminist (burn your bras) movement lol. :lol: I think it changed women forever. :ohwell:

Have any of you ladies seen the movie "My Fair Lady" w/Audrey Hepburn?? The transformation of ourselves into "Feminine Belles" reminds me of that movie lol. :giggle: She did a COMPLETE 180! And notice how the men responded DIFFERENTLY to her as well! :grinwink:

My homework this week is to watch that movie!! I think that should be a mandatory assignment. ..
Here's a question I've been mulling over for the ladies on the board...... I'm hoping this can be an open and honest forum that will give and take advice w/out criticism or negativity. :yep:

I hope nobody takes this the wrong way, but I figured I would ask anyway since this IS a "HAIR" board after all lol. Anyway, so I've always felt very conflicted/confused ever since I BC'd my hair and went natural 4+ years ago. Sometimes I love my hair and feel ultra-feminine, and other times I struggle w/it and feel not-so-feminine. :confused:

I guess my question is..... How can a 4a/4b natural sister with shoulder-length hair (when stretched) strive to be as feminine as possible? Is it possible to still feel feminine with SHORT hair? I mean, don't get me wrong, my hair is not really all THAT short (it's about collar-bone/shoulder-length when stretched), but my hair shrinks so MUCH that when it's coily and UNstretched, it looks like it's really short....I'm talking barely neck-length.... :look: :ohwell: How do you feel feminine with short hair? :look:

Don't take this the wrong way (I'm just being honest), but I usually NEVER had a problem feeling feminine when my hair was relaxed and straight....even when I wore it pulled back in a ponytail/bun. Don't ask me why, but I just never did. But for some reason (I'm just being HONEST here....so please no stones :look: ) ever since I went natural I have struggled to feel the same way regardless of my hair length. :ohwell: In all honesty, I LOVE my natural hair...I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! But I find that the challenge to get my hair "just right" can sometimes be a bit tiring.

I KNOW short hair can be VERY feminine on many ladies. :yep: In fact I'm always drooling over Lupita and her styles and how ultra-feminine she looks! :yep: Even the beautiful model/lady that I posted up thread in the pictures is VERY pretty and feminine to me and her hair isn't even neck-length! The only thing is, I don't have her build, and I don't think I really have her bone structure, so I don't know if a similar hair cut on myself would look the same on me... :look:

I don't know..... I guess I just feel like we as bw have to struggle already so much with being seen as feminine, that I wonder can the hurdle of hair be overcome as well? I'm not saying I'm NOT a feminine woman, but more so that w/all the counts against me already (dark skin, black woman, stereotypes that go into being a bw , etc), can I really afford to add short hair to the list?? :ohwell: Ugh... I hope I'm making sense lol. I'm not at all saying that bw can't be feminine, I'm guessing my question more is how can you play UP your femininity so that your SHORT hair isn't so much an issue?

Everyone knows that long hair is always considered more "feminine". So I guess what I really want to know is how can someone who has short hair (either by choice or by circumstance) make the MOST of their femininity so that they can also feel ULTRA-fem in a society/world that tends to glorify LONG (and straight...:rolleyes:) hair???

I'm open to any advice, tips, etc.... :yep: I really don't want to go the weave route.... :nono: I guess I'm just getting kind of tired of twist-outs... :ohwell:

My homework this week is to watch that movie!! I think that should be a mandatory assignment. ..
@sweetvi Yes, definitely do!! :yep: Especially if you have never watched it before.

Today went really well! I wore a yellow dress today, and one of the older men from the another office made it a point to introduce himself and flirt with me. I even caught him looking for my hands for a wedding ring. Lol. He forgot he met me last week when I wad dressed in all black! Yassssssss!

WOW!!! That is amazing girl! That just goes to show how men literally lose their minds over a feminine woman lol! :lol: :lachen: I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, I feel the same way when I'm around a very masculine and strong man! :lick: It's something instinctual I guess lol. :lol:

I like that we're sharing our experiences on here of our transformations and how people are responding to them! :yep: Keep them coming! :up:
Here's a question I've been mulling over for the ladies on the board...... I'm hoping this can be an open and honest forum that will give and take advice w/out criticism or negativity. :yep:

I hope nobody takes this the wrong way, but I figured I would ask anyway since this IS a "HAIR" board after all lol. Anyway, so I've always felt very conflicted/confused ever since I BC'd my hair and went natural 4+ years ago. Sometimes I love my hair and feel ultra-feminine, and other times I struggle w/it and feel not-so-feminine. :confused:

I guess my question is..... How can a 4a/4b natural sister with shoulder-length hair (when stretched) strive to be as feminine as possible? Is it possible to still feel feminine with SHORT hair? I mean, don't get me wrong, my hair is not really all THAT short (it's about collar-bone/shoulder-length when stretched), but my hair shrinks so MUCH that when it's coily and UNstretched, it looks like it's really short....I'm talking barely neck-length.... :look: :ohwell: How do you feel feminine with short hair? :look:

Don't take this the wrong way (I'm just being honest), but I usually NEVER had a problem feeling feminine when my hair was relaxed and straight....even when I wore it pulled back in a ponytail/bun. Don't ask me why, but I just never did. But for some reason (I'm just being HONEST here....so please no stones :look: ) ever since I went natural I have struggled to feel the same way regardless of my hair length. :ohwell: In all honesty, I LOVE my natural hair...I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! But I find that the challenge to get my hair "just right" can sometimes be a bit tiring.

I KNOW short hair can be VERY feminine on many ladies. :yep: In fact I'm always drooling over Lupita and her styles and how ultra-feminine she looks! :yep: Even the beautiful model/lady that I posted up thread in the pictures is VERY pretty and feminine to me and her hair isn't even neck-length! The only thing is, I don't have her build, and I don't think I really have her bone structure, so I don't know if a similar hair cut on myself would look the same on me... :look:

I don't know..... I guess I just feel like we as bw have to struggle already so much with being seen as feminine, that I wonder can the hurdle of hair be overcome as well? I'm not saying I'm NOT a feminine woman, but more so that w/all the counts against me already (dark skin, black woman, stereotypes that go into being a bw , etc), can I really afford to add short hair to the list?? :ohwell: Ugh... I hope I'm making sense lol. I'm not at all saying that bw can't be feminine, I'm guessing my question more is how can you play UP your femininity so that your SHORT hair isn't so much an issue?

Everyone knows that long hair is always considered more "feminine". So I guess what I really want to know is how can someone who has short hair (either by choice or by circumstance) make the MOST of their femininity so that they can also feel ULTRA-fem in a society/world that tends to glorify LONG (and straight...:rolleyes:) hair???

I'm open to any advice, tips, etc.... :yep: I really don't want to go the weave route.... :nono: I guess I'm just getting kind of tired of twist-outs... :ohwell:

@sweetvi Yes, definitely do!! :yep: Especially if you have never watched it before.


WOW!!! That is amazing girl! That just goes to show how men literally lose their minds over a feminine woman lol! :lol: :lachen: I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, I feel the same way when I'm around a very masculine and strong man! :lick: It's something instinctual I guess lol. :lol:

I like that we're sharing our experiences on here of our transformations and how people are responding to them! :yep: Keep them coming! :up:

For me it's not so much that I'm natural, it's the style. I know that I look younger with hair that hangs around my face. My natural hair is cute, but until it gets to a longer length, I'll continue to rock my crochet braids with the bohemian braid hair. I get lots of compliments every day. I'm honest enough with myself to know which styles look really good on me and which ones only look okay.
As for the hair situation, i feel ya. I have natural hair a little longer than shoulder length when straight. My solution right now is to wig it until I get to APL and longer. I look better (and feel more feminine) with long hair so I limit my wash and gos and twistouts now. When I can have an APL wash and go then I'll wear my hair more like that. Think Glamtwinz on YouTube.
For me it's not so much that I'm natural, it's the style. I know that I look younger with hair that hangs around my face. My natural hair is cute, but until it gets to a longer length, I'll continue to rock my crochet braids with the bohemian braid hair. I get lots of compliments every day. I'm honest enough with myself to know which styles look really good on me and which ones only look okay.
Hmmm.....I may have to check this out! :yep:

Do you have any pictures of what this style looks like? I'm not sure what crochet braids are or how they look w/bohemian braid hair.

See I'm really limited with what I can do because my hair is so FINE and not really all that dense. :ohwell: So, I can't even keep my natural hair straight with heat because my hair would eventually fall out...:look: And if I rock long braids or weaves all the time, my hair would fall out.... :confused: So I'm really kind of stuck with doing natural styles or twist-outs.
*sigh* :ohwell:

As for the hair situation, i feel ya. I have natural hair a little longer than shoulder length when straight. My solution right now is to wig it until I get to APL and longer. I look better (and feel more feminine) with long hair so I limit my wash and gos and twistouts now. When I can have an APL wash and go then I'll wear my hair more like that. Think Glamtwinz on YouTube.
Hmmm....do you have any pictures of the types of wigs you use? I usually HATE wearing wigs (I typically want to snatch that uncomfortable thing OFF by the end of the day :lachen:), but I agree....long hair looks SO much better on me as well. I not only feel more feminine (automatically), but it frames my face so well. :yep:

I'll never forget something a guy friend told me years ago... (This was back when my hair was relaxed) He would always say: "You know, you look nice with your hair pulled up in a bun, but when you take your hair down and wear it out...MAN.... it's like you're in a TOTALLY different stratosphere altogether!" :lol: Yea....he had a little crush on me lol.... :giggle: But I never forgot his words.... I KNOW I look better with longer hair, but now that I'm natural, I Just don't know how to accentuate the length...especially when my hair isn't naturally thick like a lot of naturals. :ohwell: