Feminine Belles - Info/discussion/support Thread

So far i haven't been terribly impressed by black femininity. It all just seems rather general, but I'll go back over it in detail. French femininity was interesting and seemed to give good specific bullet points. I prefer that.
I purchased a membership because the Sense and Sensuality thread had me begin researching books on femininity and I found her previous blog the Seductive Woman through her Amazon

I purchased the Art of Beautification ebook and when I noticed how other people responded to the changes I incorporated I was sold! I don't think there is anything truly groundbreaking but I think she does an excellent job of providing thought provoking reading from a variety of perspectives so that the ideas really soak in.

Can u give some examples if you don't mind? Maybe a few. What did you change and what were the results? I'm still deciding on if I should spend my money
Oh why did I pay for the flash sale? The site is beautiful and I love how she speaks to us... as if we are delicate flowers, desired, and just beautiful.

I'm sold but still confused on how to work the site lol
Oh why did I pay for the flash sale? The site is beautiful and I love how she speaks to us... as if we are delicate flowers, desired, and just beautiful.

I'm sold but still confused on how to work the site lol

I really can't stand how unprofessional her site is. But I like the material
So far i haven't been terribly impressed by black femininity. It all just seems rather general, but I'll go back over it in detail. French femininity was interesting and seemed to give good specific bullet points. I prefer that.

I agree, the black femininity read more like a general praise (which was nice), but was a bit fluffy. I started reading the art of femininity blog posts- I like that better.

Question- Is there a particular order that we are supposed to be reading?
@sweetvi I really have to think about this because nothing is groundbreaking or dramatic. Her materials aren't so much about revealing as they are for reinforcement of basic things everyone should know and probably has an inkling of, yet for whatever reason doesn't do.

Example- She made the point that you can hold your husband's heart by giving him freedom. Okay totally not a new idea but I don't think I understood the execution. In the past I would tell my husband what I wanted him to do. Men do not appreciate feeling like they have lost their freedom. It was and still is very difficult but now, even if I don't think it's a good idea, my husband has free time and he can do whatever he wants with it. He isn't disrespecting our marriage, so even if I think there
Oh why did I pay for the flash sale? The site is beautiful and I love how she speaks to us... as if we are delicate flowers, desired, and just beautiful.

I'm sold but still confused on how to work the site lol

She will send you instructions on how to access the materials. I was just coming back to give you examples and saw that you already purchased. I hope you enjoy!

One example I was going to share is I have been incorporating her tips on feminine dress. While she harps on the importance of not being overweight, she also shares how important it is to make the best of whatever you currently have to work with rather than waiting for someday.

So instead of telling myself when I am a size 6 I will...I decided to play up what I have. I now know which colors and silhouettes serve me best and even I can see that I look way better! I wear dresses and heels to maximize my figure. I'm a 14 and one thing she cautions against is wearing sweats and pants when you are larger.

At first I was a bit offended but now I see that I actually do look younger and more feminine and it is slimming after all. I have a few more examples that pop into my head but honestly it's been a ton of small changes. HTH!

Finally, I don't think there is one correct way to use the materials. I started with the Art of Beautification because that was the area I needed to improve most. After I finish Black Femininity I plan to focus on Mirror Work because I want to improve my non verbal communication. So pick someplace you feel comfortable starting and as questions come up you will move on to the next point of interest organically:)
I'm halfway through the path to feminity. I'm grateful that I completed the calling in the one challenge and the kon mari -magic of tidying up books first. It happened by chance but I feel like my energy is much more receptive to what she is writing.

Again, it's nothing life changing but I am understanding the little truths better.

One thing that struck me, in a very simple sentence, was how great the power of receiving is. I read the book @Crystalicequeen123 recommends a few years ago and I was convinced of the Goddess in all of us and how special it is to create life and bring it forward. This is something only authentically born women can claim. The other books I recommended, as well as my spiritual journey and just maturing and growing comfortable in my skin have allowed me to clear out so much clutter that now I can receive and choose. It's a mini revelation, that I cannot accurately articulate in this entry. But I picture it in my head like a karate master blocking anything coming at me that I don't want to receive, that isn't uplifting, that will result in a life that is less than the one I want to create for myself.

This opens up a whole new understanding of why sexual assault is about power, why some actions can be read as "hating" women, why legislation against women is so prevalent. It's a jealousy of this innate power we have that we can't lose. We are receivers, very passive, things come to us, we take the good and we make life from it and nurture it to success. Men on the other hand have to always fight, make a way, expend energy and resources in the hopes that by giving away of themselves they will reap a positive reward. This is probably why Christianity spread like wildfire. (yes, I'm a Christian)

Random thoughts, that are loosely related to the reading but this is a truth I want to hold onto for awhile.
[B]@Crystalicequeen123[/B] thanks for that recommendation. The author of the book also has a YouTube channel called awakentv. I like it a lot.

@SpeechieGirl Sure no problem! :yep: Also, thank YOU for the YT channel recommendation. I had no idea she had a YT channel!!! :yay: I'm going to definitely check it out. :yep:

I think the first time I read her book I was reading it pretty fast and was getting kind of bored in some areas, but now that I've been doing the "Calling in the One" Challenge and have cleared out a lot of negative "clutter" and baggage in my life, I know feel SO much more receptive to the information that she has in her book, so that's why I'm re-reading it. :yep: It's crazy, but this second time around I'm finding that her book makes SOOO much more sense....even MORE than it did the first time! I'm picking up on different things this time around that I kind of just glazed over the first time.

I'm halfway through the path to feminity. I'm grateful that I completed the calling in the one challenge and the kon mari -magic of tidying up books first. It happened by chance but I feel like my energy is much more receptive to what she is writing.

Again, it's nothing life changing but I am understanding the little truths better.

One thing that struck me, in a very simple sentence, was how great the power of receiving is. I read the book @Crystalicequeen123 recommends a few years ago and I was convinced of the Goddess in all of us and how special it is to create life and bring it forward. This is something only authentically born women can claim. The other books I recommended, as well as my spiritual journey and just maturing and growing comfortable in my skin have allowed me to clear out so much clutter that now I can receive and choose. It's a mini revelation, that I cannot accurately articulate in this entry. But I picture it in my head like a karate master blocking anything coming at me that I don't want to receive, that isn't uplifting, that will result in a life that is less than the one I want to create for myself.

This opens up a whole new understanding of why sexual assault is about power, why some actions can be read as "hating" women, why legislation against women is so prevalent. It's a jealousy of this innate power we have that we can't lose. We are receivers, very passive, things come to us, we take the good and we make life from it and nurture it to success. Men on the other hand have to always fight, make a way, expend energy and resources in the hopes that by giving away of themselves they will reap a positive reward. This is probably why Christianity spread like wildfire. (yes, I'm a Christian)

Random thoughts, that are loosely related to the reading but this is a truth I want to hold onto for awhile.

@Kimbosheart Awww congrats girl on finishing the "Calling in the One" Challenge! That's awesome! :grin: I'm still going at a slow pace (things in my life are just crazy busy right now :dizzy: ), but I've been doing better now that I've passed that huge Week 3 hurdle lol. :lol: I'm still loving the book and doing the exercises....albeit slowly lol.

You brought up some REALLY good points about how doing the CITO challenge helped you to do the femininity challenge a lot easier. You know what, I think you're RIGHT! I'm not even finished with the CITO book (only half-way through it), and already it has been LIFE-changing for me. I mean, I just feel HAPPIER, more receptive, more self-esteem, more RECEPTIVE. It's almost scary how much that book is changing me. :yep:

I've also read this other book before (below) years ago, and while it may offend some (some feel it is very OLD-fashioned and anti-feminist), I found it to be very interesting. :yep: I of course took some suggestions with a HUGE grain of salt lol, but it did open my eyes to see the differences between men and women, and why when women act a certain way it can actually turn men OFF. It also goes into dressing more femininely and being more tender in actions, etc. It's more geared toward women who are MARRIED, but I found it a good read even as a single person.

Very interesting read. I think the author is a Christian, so a lot of her "advice" comes from bible principles of submitting to your husband, showing respect, etc... and I think it sort of can turn SOME women off if they dont' like making men feel like a "king". lol... :giggle: But I thought it was a good read. I took out of it what I wanted, and discarded the rest...but it did explain to me why some things I did in the past turned some men off and how to combat those behaviors. :yep:

Fascinating Womanhood

i feel like everything is coming together for some reason. I have an inkling to get a new bedroom set and repaint my room for some reason. Today I decided to put on a dress ,fix my hair and slight makeup and got so many positive responses. For example, I walked into the Tmobile store and the reps were all running to me :). of course i got the cutest guy who flirted with me. Then I went to publix and felt stares .. hmm there is something to this feminity after all
Hi all!
This thread is about Melina's Feminine Belle Academy. The academy was mention in the Sense & Sensuality thread here: https://www.longhaircareforum.com/threads/sense-and-sensuality-loving-spinny.671609/

Membership gives women 2 years access to the Feminine Belle courses. FLASH SALE IS STILL ON
I think that access to the full/premium blog is an additional charge not included in the academy subscription.

Members (see list below) will be contributing to this thread to give our opinions on the courses and to provide information to LHCF ladies who would like to know more about the academy courses.

I purchased the membership yesterday via the flash sale. Here is a list of the ebook/courses that have been sent to me:
1) The Path to femininity
2) The Art of Courtesany
3) The Feminine Goddess
4) Cleopatra's Secrets
5) Asian Femininity
6) French Femininity
7) Black Femininity
8) Charm Warfare
9) Make a man fall in love with you within minutes
10) Seduction Secrets of a Coquette
11) The Art of Beautification for Seductresses
12) The Art of being a Siren
13) The Art of Mystique for Seductresses
14) The Art of Being a Feminine Woman

15) Feminine Confidence: Ebook & Software
16) True Femininty: Audio Program
17) How to use your Femininity to Attract Men
18) Masculine & Feminine Dynamics
19) The secrets to being The Woman who Men adore
20) Mirror Work
21) How to talk to men
22) Elegant by design: Online finishing school (discount)
23) Bedroom Secrets :bdance:

phew! If any LHCF ladies have joined the academy or have full access to the blog you are welcome to contribute. Everyone is welcome to contribute and ask questions.
Firstly, we will read book 7) black femininity then if members have no objects we will move onto book 1) then 2) and work our way down the list. Please feel free to answer any of the questions from the instructions.

Instructions/questions for members: A) What are your thoughts on the book/course? B) What did you learn? C) What did you already know? D) How can the teachings be applied to real life? E) Examples of how you applied it to real life? What worked and what didn't work?

This thread will be updated

Members list so far:

is there a group? how do I become a member
Ladies or should I say Belles :2inlove: just chiming in to say I am loving the honest discussions so far and the supportive sharing nature of this thread. Thank you and please keep it coming!!

@Kimbosheart thank you for your question it will be added to the OP
@caribeandiva get back in here join us or lurk you are welcome!
@ladysaraii @Layluh please feel free to elaborate on your feelings about the site/books. Your opinions are welcome here and will be useful for members contemplating purchasing the membership.

Sorry I have not been able to update my review post on the first page yet. Some of my thoughts have already been echoed in this thread already. Black Femininity is a nice reminder of who black women are but yes nothing ground-breaking for me. I do love that she mentioned African Black Soap, Shea and Cocoa butters. When I use those products I glow like a sunkissed beach babe! Ok will add my review after a second read of Black Femininity.

I want to add @Crystalicequeen123 that Fascinating Girl/Woman is a potentially life changing read. It is definitely not for the faint-hearted but I like authors who 'pull no punches'.

Whoo! I'm trying to combine The Rules with Feminine Belle and Fascinating Girl/Woman as my nightly reading package and trying to act on the teaching during my day to day activities. Kon Mari method is being added to my action list.

@sweetvi What group are you referring to? If you don't mind can you quote the part you saw about group and tag me in it so I can answer your question properly. The Feminine Belle member list in the OP is just a list of LHCF ladies who have joined the Feminine Belle academy.
http://thefemininebelle.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/flash-sale-feminine-belle-academy.html [can we post links here?]
The flash sale is still on. Perhaps Melina will end it at the end of the month.

Update: I have not had any answer to my emails so I will try to email Melina again at the end of the week.
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I'll try to answer some of the questions posted.

1. The $42 includes a two-year subscription to the blog. You can get the blog by itself for $22.95 so the $42 is definitely a better deal if you're planning to buy any of the ebooks.

2. Most of the ebooks aren't actually books or PDFs, they're links to posts on the blog that are packaged together. When you sign up for the Feminine Belle Academy (the $42 deal) you'll receive about 14 different emails. Each one has a separate invitation and once you're accepted, you can access the page that has the posts.

3. Four of the books are PDFs on The Art of Being a Feminine Woman blog.
- How To Talk To Men
- Bedroom Satisfaction Secrets
- Secrets to Being the Woman Who Men Adore (This is the wrong title. It should be"Secrets To Being An Adorable Woman In The Eyes Of Men")
- Masculine and Feminine Dynamics

To find them, you have to have paid access to the blog (Probably the first email you received). Scroll down the page until you find the "Search" box, then type in the title and you'll get the link. FYI, I learned all this after emailing Melina, then through trial and error. So if someone finds an easier way, please share it!

4. As for reading order, I just started reading the articles that appealed to me most. I don't think there's an "order" to read because everything works together. There are a few two part articles that you have to read in order, but that's about it.

To make the materials easier to access you can follow each blog in Wordpress. The links will be kept in the reader tab and you can access them all from that central portal.
I'll try to answer some of the questions posted.

1. The $42 includes a two-year subscription to the blog. You can get the blog by itself for $22.95 so the $42 is definitely a better deal if you're planning to buy any of the ebooks.

2. Most of the ebooks aren't actually books or PDFs, they're links to posts on the blog that are packaged together. When you sign up for the Feminine Belle Academy (the $42 deal) you'll receive about 14 different emails. Each one has a separate invitation and once you're accepted, you can access the page that has the posts.

3. Four of the books are PDFs on The Art of Being a Feminine Woman blog.
- How To Talk To Men
- Bedroom Satisfaction Secrets
- Secrets to Being the Woman Who Men Adore (This is the wrong title. It should be"Secrets To Being An Adorable Woman In The Eyes Of Men")
- Masculine and Feminine Dynamics

To find them, you have to have paid access to the blog (Probably the first email you received). Scroll down the page until you find the "Search" box, then type in the title and you'll get the link. FYI, I learned all this after emailing Melina, then through trial and error. So if someone finds an easier way, please share it!

4. As for reading order, I just started reading the articles that appealed to me most. I don't think there's an "order" to read because everything works together. There are a few two part articles that you have to read in order, but that's about it.

Thanks for clarifying! When I went on the website I thought I saw prices above $90 so I didn't explore further. I'll relook at it when I get another chance today.

What about the ebooks mentioned in the original post, how do you access them? Are they additional in price?
I purchased a membership because the Sense and Sensuality thread had me begin researching books on femininity and I found her previous blog the Seductive Woman through her Amazon reading recommendation list.

I purchased the Art of Beautification ebook and when I noticed how other people responded to the changes I incorporated I was sold! I don't think there is anything truly groundbreaking but I think she does an excellent job of providing thought provoking reading from a variety of perspectives so that the ideas really soak in.
@TracyNicole The art of beautification? Can you expand on that? :sekret:
I'm really enjoying this thread. Since last year becoming more feminine has been a goal of mine. I'm a natural leader, someone who is used to being in charge. I don't want that in my marriage. I want a masculine guy and to get him I need to be a feminine woman.

During the Calling in the one challenge, I also read "Fascinating womanhood". What an eye opener! I'm Christian so the religious aspect didn't bother me. It's staying quiet when he's making mistakes that did. *deep breath* Lawd...

Anyway, thanks to the fascinating womanhood book I've been wearing more dresses and skirts. And lemme tell you!! Not a day goes by when I have a dress on that a man doesn't compliment me or goes out of his way to help me with something. I love it! I'm so grateful that I learned all this while single!! My future husband is one lucky man!!
I just finished the path to femininity, here are my answers to the review questions
A) What are your thoughts on the book/course?
- I thought it was a good beginning point with a few teasers on other topics she may go into more depth on.

B) What did you learn?

- Nothing I haven't heard before. But I do like how she gives things you can do right this minute to be more feminine. She has some broad suggestions at the beginning of the book and throughout she has Do's and Dont's on each topic

C) What did you already know?

- Honestly, pretty much all of it. But I do like the way she honed in on a few specific things and examples. She gives practical advice and application for how to train young girls to be lady's. This book is really about the outward portrayal of "ladylike" behaviors, especially nonverbals.

D) How can the teachings be applied to real life?

- One thing she mentioned is to let men talk more about themselves, it usually solves whatever the issue is and he feels closer to you.
- She also suggested not participating in social media to a regular or extreme. I agree with that. It makes people want to know more about you.
- I think she mentioned that relationships, contacts and opportunities come faster for a ladylike women because of her inner confidence. This resonated with me. I can be shy and sometimes I miss out on friendships or they get a slow start because of that.

E) Examples of how you applied it to real life? What worked and what didn't work?

- I have been a little more friendly lately and I have been getting feedback from men and women at work on how nice I look. This one gentlemen who I see everyday on the elevator said to me "You always look so nice." At another meeting a manager came out and said "You're pretty" Most of the time we are so preoccupied with our work we don't notice each other.

It's funny, when I finished it I was underwhelmed but now that I am writing my review I admit it's a solid quick read. Especially if you want to portray "ladylike" behaviors right away while you read her hopefully more in-depth materials.
This isn't in any of the books listed (I don't think) and is a little OT but I've gotten extremely good at making small talk with people and just striking up conversations over the last year. Previously I didnt know how to talk to or even what to say to people. No clue...unless it was a guy I was attracted to, oddly enough.

One thing I learned in the last year (from Dani Johnson) is F.O.R.M. Talk/Ask about their where they're From/Family, Occupation, Recreation and then figure out what Message you need to convey with the info they gave. Basically, find a need and fulfill it with what they said. It's one of the key concepts to networking but works wonders for just meeting people on the street.

I don't really need to follow that formula anymore because I'm very comfortable with striking up random convos now but thats how I got started talking to people more. I FORM people all the time now lol.
So I was reading on the blog yesterday and the simplicity of this statement really struck me. "The feminine woman knows that for the masculine man, she needs to have his food ready, his clothes ready, and the bed ready ~ and he will be content." This made me really start thinking. Can it really be this simple? I have heard this so many times but have refused to accept it. I really would like to explore this concept more. Do you ladies have any experience to attest to the veracity of the above statement?
So I was reading on the blog yesterday and the simplicity of this statement really struck me. "The feminine woman knows that for the masculine man, she needs to have his food ready, his clothes ready, and the bed ready ~ and he will be content." This made me really start thinking. Can it really be this simple? I have heard this so many times but have refused to accept it. I really would like to explore this concept more. Do you ladies have any experience to attest to the veracity of the above statement?

I do. I've noticed my husband's been more affectionate towards me ever since I've started cooking more, arranged for laundry to be done and made the bed (lol). He's more playful and flirtatious towards me, a complete 180 from where we were a year ago. But couple those changes with the fact that I make sure I don't look like a slob at home; he used to insinuate that I only made the effort to look nice for work.

ETA: Those changes I've incorporated into my lifestyle are major because I was a workaholic and was putting in so much more energy at work that it left me drained at home.

Ok I think I'll purchase the sale
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