Hi all!
This thread is about Melina's Feminine Belle Academy. The academy was mention in the Sense & Sensuality thread here:
Membership gives women 2 years access to the Feminine Belle courses.
I think that access to the full/premium blog is an additional charge not included in the academy subscription.
Members (see list below) will be contributing to this thread to give our opinions on the courses and to provide information to LHCF ladies who would like to know more about the academy courses.
I purchased the membership yesterday via the flash sale. Here is a list of the ebook/courses that have been sent to me:
1) The Path to femininity
2) The Art of Courtesany
3) The Feminine Goddess
4) Cleopatra's Secrets
5) Asian Femininity
6) French Femininity
7) Black Femininity
8) Charm Warfare
9) Make a man fall in love with you within minutes
10) Seduction Secrets of a Coquette
11) The Art of Beautification for Seductresses
12) The Art of being a Siren
13) The Art of Mystique for Seductresses
14) The Art of Being a Feminine Woman
15) Feminine Confidence: Ebook & Software
16) True Femininty: Audio Program
17) How to use your Femininity to Attract Men
18) Masculine & Feminine Dynamics
19) The secrets to being The Woman who Men adore
20) Mirror Work
21) How to talk to men
22) Elegant by design: Online finishing school (discount)
23) Bedroom Secrets
phew! If any LHCF ladies have joined the academy or have full access to the blog you are welcome to contribute. Everyone is welcome to contribute and ask questions.
Firstly, we will read book 7) black femininity then if members have no objects we will move onto book 1) then 2) and work our way down the list. Please feel free to answer any of the questions from the instructions.
Instructions/questions for members: A) What are your thoughts on the book/course? B) What did you learn? C) What did you already know? D) How can the teachings be applied to real life? E) Examples of how you applied it to real life? What worked and what didn't work?
This thread will be updated
Members list so far: