2019 52 Weeks To Being Divinely Feminine Thread

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Simply Komplex
"Goddess is a description of radiance, not of appearance."
"I am a feminine black woman who is strong on the inside (boundaries) but soft on the outside (personality and appearance)"


Over the past year, quite a few of us have begun using the teachings and thoughts of Ro Elori Cutno's Wife School, Christlyn Kerazin's Pink Pill, SheraSeven, Chrissie, and other femininity coaches to achieve our goals of becoming more in touch with our feminine side and taking steps towards becoming better feminine women to uplift our Black community. Being feminine encompasses the process of being, accepting, and receiving versus thinking more result-oriented such as goal seeking and giving. It involves being very strong with our boundaries, but presenting them in a very breezy, airy, feminine and soft way. It allows you to protect your peace and be strategically selfish to put yourself first at all times to continuously fill up your cup. This creates more feminine energy that you can give to others from. Getting in touch with our femininity has allowed many of us to tap into energy we never knew we had and grow closer to consciousness and happiness - one week at a time. Who would like to join in as a group as we work collectively in continue on our path towards femininity in 2018?

Week 1- Mindset Mastery
Keep in mind, this process to femininity definitely takes some effort! What we will work towards is identifying our habitual masculine behaviors and commit to changing them to more feminine behaviors and thoughts. It important to understand that masculine energy cannot be destroyed but it can be transmuted into more feminine ones. At first, this may feel like faking it until you make it. This is why inner work is needed. The more you’re able "fake it", the more your subconscious will work with you toward your goal of becoming more feminine, and it will become a more authentic worldview of yours. This is called mindset mastery. There are many steps towards this mindset mastery.

Think Positive
- You're going to have to physically SAY affirmations to get it in our head that you already have everything you need to be successful. Otherwise you are just faking it until you make it (which is fine in the beginning but we're trying to seek to be authentic with it as well).
- This may include saying affirmations/afformations, mirror work, shadow work, doing something from your polishing your femininity list, scripting, tapping, doing guided meditations, journaling, or having your accountability partner encourage you. They key is to stay at it.

Raise Your Standards
Look at some key areas of your life and see what do you REALLY want to change as it relates to being feminine.
Now how could you change your shoulds to musts?
Example: I should wear dresses to dress more feminine -> I MUST wear dresses more often to dress more feminine.
Example: I should take up some hobbies to fill up my cup --> I MUST take up hobbies to fill up my cup.

Create Good Baby Habits
Small habits as the basic building blocks to reaching your goals. What small baby step goals will get you close to your overall feminine goals?
Example: I will wear dresses every Monday.
Example: I will use Saturday mornings to do my hobbies.

Flip your Limiting Beliefs
  • Your emotional patterns control your life. They begin to shape how you see life.
  • Make your reframed belief into your NEW affirmations.
Example: I'm too fat to wear dresses. I will wear them when I lose weight. --> I am beautiful just the way I am and I feel feminine and free in dresses
Example: I'm too busy to do hobbies --> My hobbies make me free more fulfilled and feminine.

Make your SMART goals

Now is the time to make a PLAN to be a divinely feminine woman over the course of a year. Take the time to decide what this looks like to you. Please make a list of 3-4 measurable SMART goals. (I realize some femininity goals are not measurable. This is okay, but be creative and put a number to goals if you can.)

Some examples would include:
  • I plan to wear dresses 3 days out of each week. (3 x 52 weeks is 156 for the entire year) or
  • I intend to cook from scratch for my family 2 times each week. (2x52 is 104 times)
  • To look better in my dress and get to Trophy Wife status I plan to lose 5 pounds every 2 months (30 pounds for the year)

By making measurable SMART goals, we ensure success by creating goals that are Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

Week 1 Challenge

1. Find an accountability partner. It’s a good idea to have someone to check in with on a weekly basis to help you with your feminine words, your feminine actions and staying in your feelings rather than your thoughts. Begin thinking about who would be the best person to keep you grounded.
2. Buy a planner
3. What SMART feminine goals do you have?
4. What mini goals will help you accomplish these goals?
5. How will you keep your vibe HIGH each day?

Week 1: Master Your Mindset/ Create Femininity Goals. Find an accountability partner.
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Feminine Resources

(To Be Updated Continuously)

Feminine Journal Prompts:

Imagine it is 20 years in the future. You have achieved all you ever hoped to achieve. What is your list of feminine accomplishments? What do you want to have, do, and be?

How have you been romantic to yourself this week?

What are your self sabotaging behaviors that you plan to leave in 2018?

What is the one big limiting belief or fear you want to leave behind in 2019?

What is the one new empowered belief you want to adopt towards your love life, yourself or your relationship this year?

What is the one big goal you have for 2019 when it comes to your femininity?

If you were the prize, what would you do for yourself today?

How have you leaned forward in relationships?

How could you keep the focus on you?

What is your energizing routine?

What is your unwinding routine?

What does your shadow reflect?

25 places I would like to go are...

25 things I want to do this year are....

Qualities I want in a significant other are...

Dealbreakers in my significant others are...

Things I love about myself are...

Ways I balance my feminine and masculine energies

What it means to me to be feminine

How I keep the focus on me

Write down the moment you felt most feminine. What were you doing?

Name 10 ways you’ve been feminine this month.

Who is your feminine role model? What makes them feminine to you?

What does the power of receptivity mean to you?

Do you allow yourself to trust your intuition?

When do u call upon your feminine energy.

What keeps me grounded?

What are your boundaries? How do you enforce them?

What motivates you to be feminine each day?

What do you want people to remember about you?

What are 10 things you are grateful about?

In the next month I want to...

Lists to Make In Your Journal
How I want to FEEL in my relationships with others
How I DO NOT want to FEEL in my relationships with others
25 New Things to Try This Year
Things that Make me Happy (What makes you come alive? Dancing, painting, singing, writing, walks in nature?)
Ways I Fill My Cup
My Dealbreakers in Men
Things that I am Grateful For
Things I LOVE about myself
My hobbies
How I can be/remain a challenge
Ways I self-sabotage
My Boundaries and How to Enforce Them

Femininity Tips:
1. Write down what kind of career, house, man, and etc. you REALLY want. Reject everything but that.
2. Block any man that makes you go into the masculine constantly.
3. Wear feminine colors: pink, lavender, turquoise, peach, yellow, greens. Wear heels and sandals.
4. Don't feel GUILTY for wanting a masculine male.
5. Expect men to provide, protect, and profess.
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1. Check
2. In progress, but I have a calendar.
3. Make sure I am happy. Put myself first. Do not compromise in any way that would cause me not to be happy.
4. Take 2019 to fucos on myself. Make sure to do the things I enjoy, not just what others enjoy. Get massages! I found a place near me cheap enough that I can get weekly or biweekly ones. Pamper myself more, in general.
5. Avoid negativitiy, if possible. Receive more. Avoid being negative.
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-Still working on mindset but it gets better daily. Fighting is mostly with doubt and fear but it’s important to tell the thoughts to stop and replace them with better thoughts. You also have to believe what you are saying to yourself. Don’t say it just to say it; believe it. I’m not saying it if it’s not true. I lie to myself, others will do the same and it’s not what I want.
-Being positive is also about the right attitude. Are you putting into the universe what you want with the right attitude or just to talk about it? Is your attitude going to bring you fortune or misfortune once you get what you ask for?
-I don’t have a planner but I should invest in one to keep me on track.
-Shoulds to must is a work in progress. I should appreciate people more and now I must appreciate people more. It allows me to better receive.
-SMART goal right now is to focus on me. Exercise, EAT, and wearing one dress/skirt a week. Praying 3x a day and meditating 2x a day.
-I will avoid negative behavior by being non-reactive, speaking soft and strong, speaking to be heard/listened to and not to convince or advise.
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I’m in! I need to do some research. I’ll be back


I grew up very feminine, very girly, but I was taught to toughen up in order to navigate the world. I want to get back to being a soft person.

I know that skirts and dresses make me feel beautiful. I also love jewelry (I have to be very mindful of my choices because I have sensitive skin), fresh flowers, glitter, and makeup. I have never wanted to lead in a relationship and I take pride in making my partner look good. But I’ve fallen off of all of these things, and become more masculine in my dealings with others (seeing makeup and fresh flowers as a luxury, wearing a hat and leggings to run errands, feeling guilty for getting facials etc).

I’ll be following this thread and the That Girl thread to get me where I want to be internally and externally. I’m reclaiming my femininity in 2019. I have plenty of skincare and makeup, but my wardrobe is still a work in progress. I’m also still working on wearing makeup consistently
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  • I plan to wear makeup 5 days out of each week.
  • I plan to wear dresses 3 days out of each week. (3 x 52 weeks is 156 for the entire year)
  • I intend to cook from scratch and plate the food for my family 3 times each week. (2x52 is 104 times)
  • To look better in my clothes I plan to exercise 3 times a week
  • I want to engage in feminine hobbies (cooking, reading, painting, yoga, piano, poetry, gardening, flower arranging) once a week
  • I want to do better on creating and enforcing boundaries in a feminine way
  • I plan to write in my journal twice a week.
  • I plan to take myself on a date once a week.
  • I plan to be a better significant other through refraining from the slow poisoning relationship killers.
@PrissiSippi i like your goals! I hope you don’t mind if I steal a few :)

-I’ll keep this to a minimum going forward since we have a skincare forum. But I have oily skin that breaks out occasionally. I also have a bit of texture that I’d like to smooth out and some hyperpigmentation. My skin used to be a huge cause of my poor self esteem, and now that it’s getting itself together (I’ve actually gotten COMPLIMENTS!), my confidence is increasing. This is doing great things for my overall self esteem, and I want to continue feeling good about my skin and it’s progress

Preliminary Goals
-Makeup: 2x/week
-Clothing: Donate unused clothing to H&M etc
-Compliment a woman in public multiple times every week
-Speak to clients and service workers with grace and a genuine smile. It’s easier for me to practice on people I don’t know
-As e-bae has told me time and time again, drink more water and cut back on my coffee intake. I don’t wanna, but I want beautiful skin, no more hangnails, and a smaller waist so ^shrug^
-Lean back, be quiet. I am more vague about my beauty habits and my products, and how I spend my time
-Be cute like it’s my job, because it is. It’s not like I have any excuse to not be adorable on a daily basis. I’m just being lazy, and that’s not cute either lol. So once a twice a week I will set out my clothes for the upcoming week. I like having my outfits planned , I don’t like the guesswork early in the morning
-get some hobbies! I have a few, but I don’t spend time on them consistently. I’ll make a comprehensive note in my phone and update you all with how it goes
1. Find an accountability partner. It’s a good idea to have someone to check in with on a weekly basis to help you with your feminine words, your feminine actions and staying in your feelings rather than your thoughts. Begin thinking about who would be the best person to keep you grounded.

answer: Done

2. Buy a planner
answer: Downloading passion planner

3. What SMART feminine goals do you have? answer:

  • I intend to cook for my family 1 time each week. (1x52 is 52 times)
  • I plan to wear some type of makeup each time I leave the house
  • I plan to look presentable (including wearing some type of make up) every day while I’m at home
  • I intend to meditate a minimum of 6 days a week for 10 mins a day (6x10x52)
  • I intend to listen to listen to a LOA message 3x a week
  • I intend to read/listen to a feminine msg 3x a week
  • I intend to read/listen from Our Daily Bread 3x a week
  • I want to engage in feminine hobbies (cooking, reading, decorating, yoga, poetry, gardening, flower arranging, dancing to music) once a week
  • I want to do better on creating and enforcing boundaries in a feminine way (I liked @PrissiSippi post, I will ask for suggestions. Need help in this area)
  • Write 5 things I’m grateful for daily
  • Say one “feeling statement” once a day
  • Do one thing a week to organize or decorate my home
  • Say Affirmations 3 times a week

4. What mini goals will help you accomplish these goals?

Answer: tbd

5. How will you keep your vibe HIGH each day?

-Avoid prolonging participation with things or people that make me feel bad

-Think of things I’m grateful for

-Start off the day with good music and/or meditation

-Continue to Lean Back

-Live in the present
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How to Increase Your
Receptivity (1st Pillar of Femininity)
(This includes compliments, gifts, dates, favors, smiles, money, affection, attention, and etc.)
1. Understand that there are both feminine and masculine energy. Feminine energy people appreciate what is done FOR them. Masculine energy people feel good for what they DO for others. Don't take this away from others. LET them help you. LET them carry your bags, let them open your door, let them pick up the tab, let them go out of their way to look for you. Female energy is about staying open to receive. This means you stay open to receive intuitive guidance, appropriate touch, support, money, gifts, protection, favors, and more. It brings masculine joy and takes the burden off you. By receiving love,favors,smiles,energy,affection, and attention your deep well of feminine energy is able to be filled up.

2. Understand that all you owe is a Thank You. Many women have gotten into thinking that they cannot accept x,y,z because then they would OWE something to the purpose that helped them. This is not true. You owe them a smile and a gracious thank you. That's IT.

3. Say affirmations that reinforce this. I AM THE PRIZE is one example. If you were the prize, what would you be worthy of receiving? ALLOW yourself to receive it.

4. Heal the wounded child. For some being loved and cared for awakens feelings of anxiety or fear of abandonment. When people have been hurt, they feel if they are very receiving towards love, the whole world as they knew it would be shattered and they wouldn't know who they were anymore. This is a surviving mechanism. However, in this challenge we make the shift to THRIVING mechanisms.

6. Take I got it out of your vocabulary. Don't refuse help. If he wants to fill up your gas tank or decides to wash the car...let him. If he wants to take over a bill or take you shopping just because simply say thank you. NEVER say "Oh, I got it babe". They will stop offering. Throw "I got it" out of your vocabulary.​

If someone offers to pay for your Uber, babysitting services, a maid, get your car washed , don't say no. Some of us have been programmed to think:
  • I can take the bus because it's cheaper
  • I don't really HAVE to have xyz
  • I don't want to be a burden
Take you time and instead let go of these thoughts and instead say THANK YOU with a smile.

7. Take a breath, take it slow, and focus on allowing love in your life. Soon receiving could become natural as you re-frame your current beliefs.
In what ways could you be more receiving versus giving?
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Thank you @PrissiSippi for creating this challenge!

1. I'm in touch with a few women from a group coaching program I did earlier this year. We keep each other accountable but I would love a partner here as well!
2. Done!
DAILY inner work. I have a literal gold mine of resources that I invested in this year and I plan to go through all the information again. I'm not buying anything else in the area of feminine inner work unless it genuinely speaks to my soul and I feel there is a gap in my knowledge. Rotational dating.
4. See below
5. My daily process:

Prayer before getting out of bed
Gratitude journal
Listen to something positive while getting ready
Self-care/grooming ritual
Listen to meditation on commute

Throughout the day:
Subliminals as needed
Staying connected to God
Focusing on the process

Daily inner work
Re-write my affirmations
Self-care/grooming ritual

Much love to you ladies :kiss:
My goals and mini goals. I may have to many and may have to focus on a few at a time but here goes:

Goal: separate work from home. I work from home 50-75% of the time so this can be a challenge.
-work elsewhere more often (Starbucks, coffee shop, library, outside weather permitting)
-do something to mark the transition from work to home life (light a candle, play music, take 30 minutes to veg out/watch tv, anything)

Goal: polish femininity daily
-create a brand and execute
-dress for the life I aspire
-maintain beauty schedule
-read one of the books rec’d in the last thread at least 3 days a week
-spend some time with this challenge at least 5 days a week
-work on feminine energy

Goal: turn problems over to dh to solve. I’m tired of being the problem solver. Worrying (mostly unnecessarily). And trying to think things through.
- stop nagging (put .25 into my stock jar when I nag?)
-stop worrying
-he is challenged to live up to my expectations
-repeat this mantra when I feel the urge to nag or worry “i have everything that I need right now”

Goal: Slow down, be intentional. I hate that I’m feeling increasingly rushed and frazzled. I feel my heart rate going up. And it makes me want to take control of every situation.
-repeat this mantra When i feel the urge to rush or my heart rate going up “I am right where I need to be”
-Still working on mindset but it gets better daily. Fighting is mostly with doubt and fear but it’s important to tell the thoughts to stop and replace them with better thoughts. You also have to believe what you are saying to yourself. Don’t say it just to say it; believe it. I’m not saying it if it’s not true. I lie to myself, others will do the same and it’s not what I want.
-Being positive is also about the right attitude. Are you putting into the universe what you want with the right attitude or just to talk about it? Is your attitude going to bring you fortune or misfortune once you get what you ask for?
-I don’t have a planner but I should invest in one to keep me on track.
-Shoulds to must is a work in progress. I should appreciate people more and now I must appreciate people more. It allows me to better receive.
-SMART goal right now is to focus on me. Exercise, EAT, and wearing one dress/skirt a week. Praying 3x a day and meditating 2x a day.
-I will avoid negative behavior by being non-reactive, speaking soft and strong, speaking to be heard/listened to and not to convince or advise.
There are more to my goals, but I want to add receiving also. I don’t do that enough.
How to Increase Your
(This includes compliments, gifts, dates, favors, smiles, money, affection, attention, and etc.)
1. Understand that there are both feminine and masculine energy. Feminine energy people appreciate what is done FOR them. Masculine energy people feel good for what they DO for others. Don't take this away from others. LET them help you. LET them carry your bags, let them open your door, let them pick up the tab, let them go out of their way to look for you. It brings them joy and takes the burden off you.
2. Understand that all you owe is a Thank You. Many women have gotten into thinking that they cannot accept x,y,z because then they would OWE something to the purpose that helped them. This is not true. You owe them a smile and a gracious thank you. That's IT.
3. Say affirmations that reinforce this. I AM THE PRIZE is one example. If you were the prize, what would you be worthy of receiving? ALLOW yourself to receive it.
4. Heal the wounded child. For some being loved and cared for awakens feelings of anxiety or fear of abandonment. When people have been hurt, they feel if they are very receiving towards love, the whole world as they knew it would be shattered and they wouldn't know who they were anymore. This is a surviving mechanism. However, in this challenge we make the shift to THRIVING mechanisms.
5. Take a breath, take it slow, and focus on allowing love in your life. Soon receiving could become natural as you re-frame your current beliefs.
In what ways could you be more receiving versus giving?
I’m working on being more receiving now. Every time someone wants to keep the baby or help me out in some way around the house I never say, “Oh that’s alright.” Im practicing saying thank you with a smile and just letting it be. It’s been working. I’m waiting as we speak to get some small things taken care of around the house as a favor. I love being well taken care of. :) I could be better with the compliments. One of the ladies of the church said I looked very good and instead I told her I tried really hard but I couldn’t get my eyelashes on perfectly. I don’t know why I didn’t just say...THANK YOU. I’m going to slow down and say that more.
I'm in. I find I have more resistance than I should for things like this because I ultimately want to be accepted as I am and I fear conversations like this will lean toward not measuring up but I recognize there's room for improvement.
1. Working on finding a partner.
2. Down loaded a planner app.
3. Dress neatly at least 4 time a week.
-Apply some form of make up at least 3 times a week.
Neatly plate home cooked meals 3 times a week.
I cook almost every day. But I don't plate.
- Do at Least once thing I enjoy, small or big, daily.
5. I will pray Twice daily and meditate at least once a day. I also plan to do deep breathing exercises more. They help me so I don't know why I stop using them.
I had an old Kirkland’s framed picture that you saw at my front door entrance. It was so dated, but I didn’t really want to spend $40 buying a new painting plus I needed a painting that went with my current decor. What’s a girl to do?! MAKE YOUR OWN.

I had some acrylic paint so I ran by Dollar tree and picked up $2 worth of cheap brushes and went to work. It was soo much fun. I was able to stay in the present, fill up my cup, and just really keep the focus on ME. I’m really seeing why this could easily become a feminine hobby. This little project took about an hour but it left me with sooo much joy. I can’t believe it came out so well. I have never painted other than those paint classes that you take where you basically color inside the lines.

Last year in the femininity challenge I really explored hobbies and ways to fill my cup. This just may be something I stick with! I am a feminine woman with a full and fulfilling life. I have many hobbies and I LOVE living my life to the fullest. This was a wonderful way to ring in my New Years!


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Week 1 Challenge

1. Find an accountability partner. It’s a good idea to have someone to check in with on a weekly basis to help you with your feminine words, your feminine actions and staying in your feelings rather than your thoughts. Begin thinking about who would be the best person to keep you grounded.
2. Buy a planner
3. What SMART feminine goals do you have?
4. What mini goals will help you accomplish these goals?
5. How will you keep your vibe HIGH each day?

1. I have one accountability partner for cleanliness and one accountability partner for femininity.
2. My planner goes until June so I'm good :)
3. I posted my goals already, but I probably will amend them.
4. Affirmations each day, journal a few times weekly, eating out with my friends once a week.
5. Affirmations, journaling, law of attraction, and you beautiful ladies! I'm ready for this year!
Happy New Year ladies! I'm in! Feeling much more prepared than I did this time last year.

1. Find an accountability partner.
I have a friend offline and we keep each other accountable with femininity, relationships, etc.

2. Buy a planner
I have my Plum Paper planner, which I am also sure to decorate in cute and creative ways. The time that I take to do this each week is part of my rejuvenation.

3. What SMART feminine goals do you have?/ 4. What mini goals will help you accomplish these goals?
HIIT/Bootcamp minimum 3 days per week.
Pilates (Blogilates on YT) 5-6 days per week.
Intermittent fasting combined with Slow Carb diet until I am at my ideal weight, then maintaining with my regular vegetarian diet.

Daily meditation and affirmations.
Self-love affirmations throughout the day.
Sleeping earlier (no later than 1am) every day.

Hobbies and Rejuvenation

Go salsa dancing at least once per month.
Take myself on a date (separate from salsa dancing) at least once per month.
Continue to set time aside each week to map out and decorate my planner.
Gardening when the weather permits.
Reading books that inspire me.

Maintain biweekly nail/monthly waxing salon appointments. Eyelash extensions when my income is more stable.
Wear makeup whenever leaving the house.
Maintain soft, feminine appearance every day at home.
Continue my daily skincare routine.
Continue my haircare/growth routine.
Wear a dress at least 2x per week in the winter, 4x per week in the warmer seasons.

Be less reactive when something doesn't go the way I want (particularly in situations when I'm driving, or interacting with my son's father). I will pick my "battles" more carefully.

I find myself yelling at DS often (he's 3), and I really want to stop that and find a more feminine way to communicate with him while still parenting effectively; learning how to set boundaries while still being as nurturing as I usually am.

In dating/relationship, being more receptive and less proactive. Speaking in a soft, feminine voice. Being specifically appreciative. Setting boundaries and being a challenge - in a positive way that motivates him toward me. Keeping my energy focused more on myself and less on him. Being a high value woman, always.

5. How will you keep your vibe HIGH each day?
Self-love affirmations, all day.
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Thank you @PrissiSippi for starting this thread again, looking forward to being an active participant all throughout the year, Godwilling.

That part you mentioned about mindset is everything, it's the area I struggle with the most. @Saludable84 spoke about saying things in order to be heard vs. advising, that is powerful, I need to work on that. I'm always trying to advise people and it has earned me the negative title of know it all:look:.

@kupenda spoke about giving compliments to women publicly and that is very good. I'm an introvert, what I often do when I'm not able to directly compliment a lady, is just compliment her in my heart. I have an ongoing conversation about her appearance or how nice the lady is: "she is da bomb.com" / "she's working it" / "homegirl's whole wardrobe IS the news though"...stuff like that.

What I've personally been working on:

* Changing my mindset: The Bible says that life and death all have to do with what comes out of our mouth. Noticed that each time someone speaks about The Almighty bringing an SO/DH into my life, that I have to speak against what they are saying. I'll say things like: "maybe" / "who knows" / "that's not the most important thing anyway". Yesterday a lady at church wished me a partner for 2019 and when I answered in a negative way, she just said that I should just answer "Amen." That was powerful.

* Been assembling a list of songs I like, buying them on iTunes. I love listening to music while I'm writing in my journal, cooking, praying...so it helps. Will do it slowly though.

* Have a small getaway planned on Thursday, my brother is turning 40 on that day too. So I've asked my sister to all record something and I will assemble all of the videos, make it into a DVD and gift it to my brother. We're all in remote locations, so it won't be possible for all of us to get together.

* Ordered this sweater dress and was hoping it would arrive on time, for me to wear for NYE with some white boots I've had for aeons. It hasn't started snowing yet, so it would've been perfect:


Unfortunately the electricity in the hallway is out, so when they rang my bell to deliver it at 9am yesterday, I didn't hear it. To cut the story short: I was forced to wear something extremely simple for NYE and didn't really feel my best, aside for my hair that was done. Tried not to let it get to me but still...will just have to find another occasion. There's gonna be an office party very soon, but the theme is 90's gear haha.

* Been working on my vocabulary. I've enlisted myself to receive a new word each day through Merriam-Webster. Being well spoken is important to me. January will be spent reading Meesh O's book 'Becoming' :yep:.
Happy New Year ladies! I'm in! Feeling much more prepared than I did this time last year.

1. Find an accountability partner.
I have a friend offline and we keep each other accountable with femininity, relationships, etc.

2. Buy a planner
I have my Plum Paper planner, which I am also sure to decorate in cute and creative ways. The time that I take to do this each week is part of my rejuvenation.

3. What SMART feminine goals do you have?/ 4. What mini goals will help you accomplish these goals?
HIIT/Bootcamp minimum 3 days per week.
Pilates (Blogilates on YT) 5-6 days per week.
Intermittent fasting combined with Slow Carb diet until I am at my ideal weight, then maintaining with my regular vegetarian diet.

Daily meditation and affirmations.
Self-love affirmations throughout the day.
Sleeping earlier (no later than 1am) every day.

Hobbies and Rejuvenation

Go salsa dancing at least once per month.
Take myself on a date (separate from salsa dancing) at least once per month.
Continue to set time aside each week to map out and decorate my planner.
Gardening when the weather permits.
Reading books that inspire me.

Maintain biweekly nail/monthly waxing salon appointments. Eyelash extensions when my income is more stable.
Wear makeup whenever leaving the house.
Maintain soft, feminine appearance every day at home.
Continue my daily skincare routine.
Continue my haircare/growth routine.
Wear a dress at least 2x per week in the winter, 4x per week in the warmer seasons.

Be less reactive when something doesn't go the way I want (particularly in situations when I'm driving, or interacting with my son's father). I will pick my "battles" more carefully.

I find myself yelling at DS often (he's 3), and I really want to stop that and find a more feminine way to communicate with him while still parenting effectively; learning how to set boundaries while still being as nurturing as I usually am.

In dating/relationship, being more receptive and less proactive. Speaking in a soft, feminine voice. Being specifically appreciative. Setting boundaries and being a challenge - in a positive way that motivates him toward me. Keeping my energy focused more on myself and less on him. Being a high value woman, always.

5. How will you keep your vibe HIGH each day?
Self-love affirmations, all day.
One thing that I think will help you to accomplish your goals is to create a morning and evening femininity routine and sticking to it. Creating a routine would create SPACE which is needed for you to recharge mentally and have the time physically to doll yourself up.
I'm in. I find I have more resistance than I should for things like this because I ultimately want to be accepted as I am and I fear conversations like this will lean toward not measuring up but I recognize there's room for improvement.
Not one drop of your self worth depends on others’ acceptance of you. Remember to especially initially keep the focus on YOU and let’s see how this femininity journey unfolds. :kiss: Oneards and upwards and thank you so much for joining chica.
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