Is He Stingy Or Broke?

So he called yesterday, and of course I didn't not answer. He sent a text yesterday and early this morning. I wont open it, but I can see the beginning of it . It says "You have made no attempts to see me since you returned from Atlanta...." and then the next one says "you can at least give me the respect that I deserve. I was there for you when you needed me"....

So I guess he wants me to tell him that its over :perplexed:.
So he called yesterday, and of course I didn't not answer. He sent a text yesterday and early this morning. I wont open it, but I can see the beginning of it . It says "You have made no attempts to see me since you returned from Atlanta...." and then the next one says "you can at least give me the respect that I deserve. I was there for you when you needed me"....

So I guess he wants me to tell him that its over :perplexed:.

:rofl: I didn't know it was the woman's job to attempt to see a man. Negro, what?
So he called yesterday, and of course I didn't not answer. He sent a text yesterday and early this morning. I wont open it, but I can see the beginning of it . It says "You have made no attempts to see me since you returned from Atlanta...." and then the next one says "you can at least give me the respect that I deserve. I was there for you when you needed me"....

So I guess he wants me to tell him that its over :perplexed:.

You literally don't have to do anything. That dude has been canceled. Rip the band-aid off - just block his number. Every second you spend thinking about him is wasting your precious energy. Do something positive for yourself.
I see nothing wrong with telling him its over. I wouldn't engage in the back and forth about why you don't want to sit on the couch. Tell him you haven't been happy in awhile and you realize now that you aren't compatible. Let that be the end. Don't engage in discussion about making it work or giving him another chance. But that's just me. If you'd only gone out on a couple of dates then I wouldn't bother.
I see nothing wrong with telling him its over. I wouldn't engage in the back and forth about why you don't want to sit on the couch. Tell him you haven't been happy in awhile and you realize now that you aren't compatible. Let that be the end. Don't engage in discussion about making it work or giving him another chance. But that's just me. If you'd only gone out on a couple of dates then I wouldn't bother.

Agreed. I don't really believe in ghosting people though, unless the situation is really dire or like mentioned above, it's only been a couple dates. I think it's possible for you to communicate with resoluteness and finality that you're moving on and then, if need be, block the number.

JMO though. And semi-tangentially... I think we're now have this weird aspect of dating culture where some people now default to not communicating that something is over as a way to express that they're done. For sure, in some cases it's better or even safer to ghost. But in many other cases it's normal and, imo a healthy part of dating, to let someone know that the relationship is over.
Agreed. I don't really believe in ghosting people though, unless the situation is really dire or like mentioned above, it's only been a couple dates. I think it's possible for you to communicate with resoluteness and finality that you're moving on and then, if need be, block the number.

JMO though. And semi-tangentially... I think we're now have this weird aspect of dating culture where some people now default to not communicating that something is over as a way to express that they're done. For sure, in some cases it's better or even safer to ghost. But in many other cases it's normal and, imo a healthy part of dating, to let someone know that the relationship is over.
Agreed. There's definitely something happening culturally. Your post reminded me of the thread about employers getting ghosted. Not speaking about the OP but in general it seems that people are either more apathetic or less confrontational for lack of a better word and lean toward ghosting.
Agreed. I don't really believe in ghosting people though, unless the situation is really dire or like mentioned above, it's only been a couple dates. I think it's possible for you to communicate with resoluteness and finality that you're moving on and then, if need be, block the number.

JMO though. And semi-tangentially... I think we're now have this weird aspect of dating culture where some people now default to not communicating that something is over as a way to express that they're done. For sure, in some cases it's better or even safer to ghost. But in many other cases it's normal and, imo a healthy part of dating, to let someone know that the relationship is over.
Yeah I agree. don’t ghost him. Unless there is a safety issue, that is a terrible and unhealthy way to end a relationship. It is hurtful and leaves things unresolved.
Yeah I agree. don’t ghost him. Unless there is a safety issue, that is a terrible and unhealthy way to end a relationship. It is hurtful and leaves things unresolved.

Agree. I consider it immature as well, unless for safety reasons of course. Of course it's not owed, but I do believe in karma. Not good to be on the receiving end of being ghosted, no matter the circumstances.
I have had to ghost people because they won’t get the hint no matter how much you’ve attempted to tell them it’s a wrap. From what I’ve read called conniving people like him don’t deserve closure . He’ll live.:look:

I definitely agree with having the conversation only once. Definitely block after that. No need to keep answering questions. It's over, I'm done, this is why (doesn't even have to be the whole truth), then block.
I have had to ghost people because they won’t get the hint no matter how much you’ve attempted to tell them it’s a wrap. From what I’ve read called conniving people like him don’t deserve closure . He’ll live.:look:
Oh no that back and forth is nonsense, so I agree. But people need to give others the same curiosity and respect they would want for themselves. She just needs to tell dude they aren’t compatible and she is moving on. Tell him farewell and keep truckin.
I have had to ghost people because they won’t get the hint no matter how much you’ve attempted to tell them it’s a wrap. From what I’ve read conniving people like him don’t deserve closure . He’ll live.:look:

I agree. Dude wasted months of her time playing games, manipulating her, and being lukewarm. He didn’t give her the courtesy of explaining his behavior to her or apologizing for not taking her out anymore. But I don’t believe in always taking the high road. I say do unto others as they do unto you. It’s also a slippery slope having that see you later conversation. Dude knows what’s up. He just wants to guilt her and make some fake promises. She doesn’t owe him anything.

I know no one likes being ghosted. But sometimes it’s for the best. OP please do whatever is best for you, period, and keep it moving. This guy has already wasted enough of your precious time.
I have had to ghost people because they won’t get the hint no matter how much you’ve attempted to tell them it’s a wrap. From what I’ve read conniving people like him don’t deserve closure . He’ll live.:look:
You know, one even texted me through a google number one time :lachen: sent him to spam folder.
He has not earned closure. Closure is for people who have shown you respect and consideration.
So he called yesterday, and of course I didn't not answer. He sent a text yesterday and early this morning. I wont open it, but I can see the beginning of it . It says "You have made no attempts to see me since you returned from Atlanta...." and then the next one says "you can at least give me the respect that I deserve. I was there for you when you needed me"....

So I guess he wants me to tell him that its over :perplexed:.

See...He's a professional victim and is playing games. My EXACT response to that would be:

"It's funny that you mention "respect" and "deserve" when you clearly lack the understanding of what those words actually mean evidenced by you disrespecting me and not dating me like I deserve. It's cool...I get it. You seem like the type of guy that's used to dealing with women who have little to no standards in their romantic relationships and while persistent couch surfing and long walks in the bitter cold may sound ideal to the average girl I just can't get with it. I'm letting you go so you can find someone more your speed and bid you good luck love."

THEN I would block him (maybe after a few days so me and my girls can laugh at whatever he texts back). :lachen::lachen:
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I agree. Dude wasted months of her time playing games, manipulating her, and being lukewarm. He didn’t give her the courtesy of explaining his behavior to her or apologizing for not taking her out anymore. But I don’t believe in always taking the high road. I say do unto others as they do unto you. It’s also a slippery slope having that see you later conversation. Dude knows what’s up. He just wants to guilt her and make some fake promises. She doesn’t owe him anything.

I know no one likes being ghosted. But sometimes it’s for the best. OP please do whatever is best for you, period, and keep it moving. This guy has already wasted enough of your precious time.
This is what I was trying to say. This wasn’t a nice guy that she didn’t have chemistry with and it didn’t work out...that I can see being an adult and telling him it won’t work. But this dude we’re talking about? Nah. He don’t deserve closure.
i think ghosting creates a lot of unnecessary drama. the guy will probably just say "ok " when told that she doesn't want to see him anymore, and meander on down the road.
With the uncertainty hanging over his head he's not sure wth is going on and so continues to text and call .
Women tend to do this do this moreso than men:look:. He won’t put in that much effort....he already proved that throughout the course of then dating. Unless he’s a psychopath that can’t take no for an answer, blocking him will suffice.
to me it's easier in the long run to just give him a call and say "this is not working out" than all this ghosting , avoiding calls and blocking.
Did you read what was suggested. If she’s cool with giving him an explanation great! after that block him. If not it will go back and forth wasting her time just like he’s doing now. He doesn’t even deserve that honestly. But here we are.
Did you read what was suggested. If she’s cool with giving him an explanation great! after that block him. If not it will go back and forth wasting her time just like he’s doing now. He doesn’t even deserve that honestly. But here we are.
yes i read the entire thread before commenting.
Honestly, I dont owe him an explanation. And I'm not concerned about being called immature, childish, etc. Everyone here has been Ghosted before and has survived lol. That's the least of my worries. Our last conversation weeks ago (probably around July 15th) didn't go well, so I hung up on him. He was being his typical selfish, unaccommodating, self so he knew I was not feeling him when I hung up.

Plus after I hung up, he didnt bother to call back for days to fix things. He was waiting on me to do it. Then when he saw I wasn't calling or texting..... He started to reach out again. He never addresses the situation or problem. He just was texting to spend sofa time together.

Ive tried to break up with him before. And of course he's the type to try to twist things around. I'll say you never take me on dates.... He says yes I do. I'll say your not a gentleman.... He'll say "yes I am". I'll say its not working. He'll just call the next day like nothing happened. So he never takes accountability or responsibility for his actions. I'm not being bothered with that.

lol, I'm having a flash back story that I'm going to share with you. So I drove to his his (mamas house) to hangout with him one Saturday. He lives about 20 miles away. This was like month 3 or 4 when he started to act up. And before hand I asked him what were the plans. He told me that we would eat pizza and see a movie. So yes, I put on a cute outfit and headed over in anticipation to go to the movies and out to eat. I come inside. He ended up having a burnt "frozen pizza" laying on the table and a redbox movie. I said I'm not eating that! He then responded "what you think you're a princess and too good to eat this". I said Heck yeah, and walked out the door. I went to the bar and order some food and drinks, and took myself on a date. Yes, I had to take myself on a date. So there's another one of his antics! Had to get that off my chest lol

His famous line " Oh I gotta spend money to see my women" replays in my head all of the time! And it's starting to piss me off. Im developing feels of animosity now .
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