The Date Was Going Well Until........

I've met some weirdos in my time...:nono:

I never forget this dude, this date :dazed:. I actually ran into him again at another party while in college with another issue. Soooo he picked me up and his car had strange odor. I thought he may haven eaten earlier or just had a strange scent, he was a hack at the time :lol:. All of sudden he says let me stop home to change my sock. I shrug and go for the ride.....:nono: :nono:

We get to his place and he runs in the bathroom with ONE clean sock. I hear him gurgling and growling. I knock and asked if he was o.k.. He says "yes, I been oozing this crap outta me for over a month.":barf: " I'll be glad when this man period clears up ." And proceeded to drop the puss infected sock in the trash.

I was disgusted and asked him to drop by my friend's house because she was sick.
My soul is disturbed.
The date never got started because he wanted to pick me up (only known him for 3 days). He planned to take me to 3 places- bar, restaurant, lounge at 10:00pm. o_O
Nah son, I'll pass.

He got mad when I said, let's start off with one place and see how it goes. I'll follow you to the next.
We were on our way out to dinner when date was stopped for a busted taillight on the freeway. Cops find out that he's driving on a suspended license. They handcuffed him and took him in custody! I had to drive his car back to his house, told his brother (his roommate). He sent word by me to his brother to get him out of jail. I got my car and went home. I was in my early 20s. He called me for weeks afterward.
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the more you wrote the worse it got :eek:
oh wait... there's more...

Then he spills that he's always arguining with his black baby mama over finances since the divorce over a decade ago. she makes $100k and is a functioning drug addict. The kids are 19 and 17 and they were married only 3 years. He will be paying CS out his little $25k until each graduates college.

His sister is handicapped with (in his words) a gimp arm. He has Type 2 diabetes AND high blood pressure.

He goes on to complain that women only want money and money isn't that important and wants to find a woman who isnt a ***** (his words again) over finances.

That was 2 hours wasted on a bum on a bum ass first and last date.

Oh. He's white too :lol:
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Another the date never started.....

We had great phone conversation for 3 days and he suggested we meet up a park to take a walk. I told him my favorite park but he respond that he could make it to a park closer to him because:
• He didn't currently have a car (due to his brother getting him in legal trouble that resulted in his arrest and huge fine.)

I asked where he lived, to which he informed me, he currently lived in a motel because:
• he broke up with his girlfriend 4 months ago and decided to take his time finding an apartment
• he doesn't like the thought of being locked into a lease
• what if he meets someone he really likes and they decided to move in together after 2 months, but he's stuck in a lease.

Oh and he only has steady work in the summer when he cuts grass. He finds work As he can during the rest of the year. Last year he didn't do so well and finances were really tight.

It was a hell of a conversation. It ended with me saying "I don't think you're in a position to date right now"

He disagreed.
Another the date never started.....

We had great phone conversation for 3 days and he suggested we meet up a park to take a walk. I told him my favorite park but he respond that he could make it to a park closer to him because:
• He didn't currently have a car (due to his brother getting him in legal trouble that resulted in his arrest and huge fine.)

I asked where he lived, to which he informed me, he currently lived in a motel because:
• he broke up with his girlfriend 4 months ago and decided to take his time finding an apartment
• he doesn't like the thought of being locked into a lease
• what if he meets someone he really likes and they decided to move in together after 2 months, but he's stuck in a lease.

Oh and he only has steady work in the summer when he cuts grass. He finds work As he can during the rest of the year. Last year he didn't do so well and finances were really tight.

It was a hell of a conversation. It ended with me saying "I don't think you're in a position to date right now"

He disagreed.

The date was ....meh. I barely tolerated him, actually, but it was a free movie. Cab ride to the student union in dead of winter and bitter cold night. This Nija man asked me to walk home in the bitter weather and it was like 2 miles. He didn't even want to pay bus fare and as we were arguing over it, the bus left and was the last one that night lol. I saw red and started walking home with him trailing behind me, "'t be mad." I walked with my ex home cuz everybody missed that last one because they all strolled out later but we were there on time to have caught it back to the dorms lol. Bahaha! Stupid man. I told everybody how lame and cheap he was :giggle: Dang this was ages ago and I still remember that idiot.
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I asked where he lived, to which he informed me, he currently lived in a motel because:
• he broke up with his girlfriend 4 months ago and decided to take his time finding an apartment
• he doesn't like the thought of being locked into a lease
what if he meets someone he really likes and they decided to move in together after 2 months, but he's stuck in a lease.

Oh and he only has steady work in the summer when he cuts grass. He finds work As he can during the rest of the year. Last year he didn't do so well and finances were really tight. It was a hell of a conversation. It ended with me saying "I don't think you're in a position to date right now". He disagreed.

After 2 months? Oh yeah, like my mother would say, he was "spelling". Hope he didn't find a naïve female that actually took his trifling landscaper @ss in. I'm finding this thread hilarious, but depressing at the same time.
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We were at his house , chilling on the couch, watching a movie and the date was going good until I happened to glance to the left , and he had his dack out.
Just randomly took it out , out of nowhere, with no warning.
We weren't kissing or doing anything remotely sexual. It was so odd. I asked him what he the hayle he was doing. He just looked ashamed, apologized and put it back in :look: :lachen:
I asked him to take me home shortly after.
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We were at his house , chilling on the couch, watching a movie and the date was going good until I happened to glance to the left , and he had his dack out.
Just randomly took it out , out of nowhere, with no warning.
We weren't kissing or doing anything remotely sexual. It was so odd. I asked him what he the hayle he was doing. He just looked ashamed, apologized and put it back in :look: :lachen:
I asked him to take me home shortly after.
This thread is the gift that keeps on giving :rofl:
What's why men who just casually take their dycks out at random times? Is this normal or am I just super sheltered?
I can't answer if it's normal or if you're super sheltered but I've had this happen to me. Which is why I could relate to the post.

I went on a date, we went back to his place, I went to use the bathroom, come out tell me why this fool was standing in his draws. Like had taken all his clothes off and was literally standing in his draws when I emerged from the bathroom.

We weren't kissing, talking dirty, rubbing each other, NOTHING. So why you in yo draws doe? Yah girl had to bounce, I was to through.
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I can't answer if it's normal or your super sheltered but I've had this happen to me. Which is why I could relate to the post.

I went on a date, we went back to his place, I went to use the bathroom, come out tell me why this fool was standing in his draws. Like had taken all his clothes off and was literally standing in his draws when I emerged from the bathroom.

We weren't kissing, talking dirty, rubbing each other, NOTHING. So why you in yo draws doe? Yah girl had to bounce, I was to through.
Omg :eek::lachen:
He wasn't bit mo' shamed

Exactly, just surprised/shocked that he got shot down.


I went on a date, we went back to his place, I went to use the bathroom, come out tell me why this fool was standing in his draws. Like had taken all his clothes off and was literally standing in his draws when I emerged from the bathroom.

You ladies are reminding me why I need to cry mace on these dates.
  1. We had an ok first date. I found out he was only 25, he was super shocked I had a 4 yr old and asked if I was a teen mom like the tv show he thought I was 20/21 (I'm 30).Texted me the following day to inform me he had a dream he was a step dad :confused:. I ignored him and he proceeded to ask me out again to his place where he would cook for me. I told him I didn't feel comfortable going to his house. He claimed he wanted to take me to a great vegan spot but it's too expensive for him right now. I replied that's unfortunate and no thanks. This was 2 months ago and I ignore random texts from him telling me to meet him at vegan spots in the city.
oh wait... there's more...

Then he spills that he's always arguining with his black baby mama over finances since the divorce over a decade ago. she makes $100k and is a functioning drug addict. The kids are 19 and 17 and they were married only 3 years. He will be paying CS out his little $25k until each graduates college.

His sister is handicapped with (in his words) a gimp arm. He has Type 2 diabetes AND high blood pressure.

He goes on to complain that women only want money and money isn't that important and wants to find a woman who isnt a ***** (his words again) over finances.

That was 2 hours wasted on a bum on a bum ass first and last date.

Oh. He's white too :lol:

Hmm are you sure he wasn't lying about how desolate his financial circumstances are? Call me cynical but it sounds like something a crafty man would say to a woman to 'test' their response.
I can't answer if it's normal or if you're super sheltered but I've had this happen to me. Which is why I could relate to the post.

I went on a date, we went back to his place, I went to use the bathroom, come out tell me why this fool was standing in his draws. Like had taken all his clothes off and was literally standing in his draws when I emerged from the bathroom.

We weren't kissing, talking dirty, rubbing each other, NOTHING. So why you in yo draws doe? Yah girl had to bounce, I was to through.

Yeah I've had this happen before, he had to go to his offices to retrieve some important documents. :rolleyes: I should have known and I'm lucky nothing happened but after looking at some of the pictures on the wall I turned round to see him with his trouser and draws down, and a serious erection. I had to leave STAT!
Got another one. The date was going well until.... He started talking.

We met at a restaurant for dinner and started sharing our pasts. He told me has a 2 year old daughter as a result of a one night stand. He was highly intoxicated and went home with a random girl from the club. He still has a lot of hate towards her because she told him she was on the pill. (Black girl)

He almost became a dad again a few months ago as a result of the same scenario above but the blood test came back with no possibility of him being the father. He was a little disappointed because he was willing to give a relationship a try with this one (white girl).

He got a dui in January, wrecked his brand new Charger, his blood alcohol level was so high the insurance company wouldn't pay to fix the car so he's paying the balance on a car he can't drive. Which he couldn't drive anyway since his license is suspended till 2020... this is his second dui.
He went to jail for 60 days, lost his job "but is now getting back on his feet."

He asked if we could be a FWB situation since he's focusing on getting his life back on track.
I smiled and told him maybe he should stop at the 2 drinks he's had so far. Blocked him when I got home.
Got another one. The date was going well until.... He started talking.

We met at a restaurant for dinner and started sharing our pasts. He told me has a 2 year old daughter as a result of a one night stand. He was highly intoxicated and went home with a random girl from the club. He still has a lot of hate towards her because she told him she was on the pill. (Black girl)

He almost became a dad again a few months ago as a result of the same scenario above but the blood test came back with no possibility of him being the father. He was a little disappointed because he was willing to give a relationship a try with this one (white girl).

He got a dui in January, wrecked his brand new Charger, his blood alcohol level was so high the insurance company wouldn't pay to fix the car so he's paying the balance on a car he can't drive. Which he couldn't drive anyway since his license is suspended till 2020... this is his second dui.
He went to jail for 60 days, lost his job "but is now getting back on his feet."

He asked if we could be a FWB situation since he's focusing on getting his life back on track.
I smiled and told him maybe he should stop at the 2 drinks he's had so far. Blocked him when I got home.

These fools have no shame. Was he black?