Is He Stingy Or Broke?

The dusty Negro sent a few texts about 2 weeks apart. He kept saying pay him the respect her deserves, by talking to him and telling him it was over and that I would not want anyone to ghost on me. I never responded. He didnt try to convince or win me over at all, and he gave no effort or concern. I kinda think that he thought he was the prize, and that I was going to come to my senses and see how great of a catch he was and beg to be back with him lol. He thought that he was a good catch because he was educated with no kids...sorry that isnt enough!

Anyhow, the new guy has been around since august . He buys me gifts, dinner, movies, drinks, etc. He does handy work around the house, and he likes to help me. It's refreshing.


Good riddance to bad rubbish!

Now on to the good stuff. Sounds like a great guy!! He betta stay consistent or else. :bat:
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The new guy takes me to nice restaurants (No applebees), bars , concerts, movies, and theater. We are planning a cruise in the Spring, and no I wont be paying. He loves to go out and explore the city so we are compatible in that sense. He has a good career, no kids, and money is no issue. He easily spends 100 dollars in cash at the bar with no complaints. He doesn't pull the calculator out or start to sweat when the bill comes. When he goes out with his friends to sporting events he always brings me back sovereigns lol. It's funny. I like being treated decently. I didn't realize how much I was being neglected with the previous broke dusty.


Yaaaaaaassssssss!!!! Now that's more like it. You are winning.... Get it, girl! I hope things continue to go well with you two. Enjoy that cruise!
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Nope he doesn't do anything special! He seems to think that he is a great boyfriend though. He says " Im loyal to you and Im not in these streets cheating, and I pay you attention. What else do you want".

Once again , I told this fool that I love going out and having fun, and that I am no longer sitting on that sofa! He said " So you telling me that I only can spend quality time with you when Im spending money". I answered "Hell Yeah!" Im Not doing it anymore! I cant keep sitting on the sofa.

O God... he's one of those Negrums. He thinks doing what should be minimally expected in an adult relationship makes him a saint!
The new guy takes me to nice restaurants (No applebees), bars , concerts, movies, and theater. We are planning a cruise in the Spring, and no I wont be paying. He loves to go out and explore the city so we are compatible in that sense. He has a good career, no kids, and money is no issue. He easily spends 100 dollars in cash at the bar with no complaints. He doesn't pull the calculator out or start to sweat when the bill comes. When he goes out with his friends to sporting events he always brings me back sovereigns lol. It's funny. I like being treated decently. I didn't realize how much I was being neglected with the previous broke dusty.
That should be a dating slogan: Say no to broke dusties!
O God... he's one of those Negrums. He thinks doing what should be minimally expected in an adult relationship makes him a saint!

Yes, he swore up and down that he was a saint and that he deserved so much because he is a good person. And then he's the type that has pity parties with his mom... He tells her how bad women treat him, and that he doesn't want to be to be used in a relationship. And I swear that she was the one telling him that the relationship should be 50/50 and the women should bring something to the table. So she created this fool lol. They can have each other!