I knew He Was Broke when....

As funny as this thread is, it does make me think at least some of the dudes are living within their means and not tryna floss. I give the young ones the benefit of the doubt cause I remember being a broke student and facing some of these cost decisions. The guys in their 30s and 40s , I just smh at

I think broke has a specific meaning. If you are working towards something, being a bit strained financially makes sense, but if a man is just working and paying rent-- no school, saving for a home, investing in a business, just nothing, then his behind is broke. This is a case where his free time would be better spent at a second job than in a woman's face.
When he told me he would take me out for breakfast if I picked him up in my SUV so he could take his bicycle to the repair shop.

We get to Cracker Barrel and he tells me he's not eating, just me. This dude only had enough money to pay for one person to eat. I just ordered a glass of orange juice and dropped his sorry behind off. Smh....
I can't believe I read this entire thread! :lol: Those stories are just.. :lachen: I'll add my 2 cents.

I knew he was broke when:

-He met and asked me out at McDonald's. When I turned him down, he asked me for $5. :spinning:
Different dude:
-We met at my friend's dorm and we exchanged numbers. He calls me that night to come over to give him a massage (can you say bootycall?) :yawn:. I said no then he asks to borrow $10. I hung up after that.
-When he was working 3 jobs and living at home but couldn't afford to repay the $100 for a trip we took (just a 1/5 of the price I negotiated down :rolleyes:)

-When on said trip he complained how "expensive" the cab ride was ($20) and how the cabbie was taking us for a ride (ummmm, I think that in fact may be you...)

-When he kept chiding me for being silly about how much I spent on "brand names" and proceeded to buy me a fake Lacoste shirt for Christmas from his "spot" :perplexed

-When said shirt was packaged in a shoe box :nono:

-When in this shoe box there were 2 Christmas cards (ok) where he had clearly scratched out someone else's names :perplexed

Just thankful I saw the light!
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-When he was working 3 jobs and living at home but couldn't afford to repay the $100 for a trip we took (just a 1/5 of the price I negotiated down :rolleyes:)

-When on said trip he complained how "expensive" the cab ride was ($20) and how the cabbie was taking us for a ride (ummmm, I think that in fact may be you...)

-When he kept chiding me for being silly about how much I spent on "brand names" and proceeded to buy me a fake Lacoste shirt for Christmas from his "spot" :perplexed

-When said shirt was packaged in a shoe box :nono:

-When in this shoe box there were 2 Christmas cards (ok) where he had clearly scratched out someone else's names :perplexed

Just thankful I saw the light!

He scratched out their names? Lord have mercy!
Did I mention he didn't want to pay for a cab home in a blizzard? Didn't want to take the bus either on campus at reduced student rate? Then wanted to walk with me? I dumped him right there and got a new boyfriend on the walk home. I hold grudges for decades lol.
This thread was the best part of my day. I fell into one of those uncontrollable laughs. The one where you're wheezing and can't catch your breath :lachen:!! OMG this thread is the funniest thing ever :lol:

I had a friend with benefits who would buy me food and drinks, and we would drive around. After a little while, he started always leaving his money or wallet in the car when we were at a restaurant or at a store :rolleyes:.
We were at the Dollar Tree (he wanted to grab some quick thing), and we get in line and he's like, "Oh. I left my money in the car," and looks at me.
I was like *slow blink* I scooted my stuff right up with his and said, "I'll wait for you here while you go get it".

Another time we were at the Chinese buffet, and when the bill came he was looking for his wallet. He left it in the car again! I don't know if he thought he was going to wait me out, but I just laughed and said, "Well, you better hurry up and go get it. The lady is waiting" :lol:.

He thought he was clever, but I'm not paying for a damn thing for a guy who's trying to or is getting some from me relationship or otherwise. You laying up with me, you better be at least paying for my lunch and dinner :lol:
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this thread is pretty funny, but also in a horrifically bad/in disbelief of the scrub men out there type of way! i can't even with some of the dudes described itt. i don't know what i would do if some of the things mentioned here happened to me. :spinning::perplexed:lol:

the worst i've ever experienced is a dude complaining about paying for movie tickets and then supposedly jokingly asking me to buy him a drink and popcorn. i don't believe he was joking, but he claimed he was once he saw my raised eyebrows and look on my face, lol. never ever went out with him again.

that's about as far as my firsthand broke/cheap experiences go. i have had guys i've just met (usually at a party or something) hit me up to "come over" aka house date, but i never even dignify those with an answer. i don't do house dates. one thing my parents taught me growing up about dating was to NEVER put up with a broke/cheap man, and that has really stuck with me.
^ you're welcome! I have to bump this thread every so often as it's given me some of the biggest, deepest laughs ever!
i knew dis bama was broke when...

i went ova his house, and we went into his bedroom to watch tv...well, i stumped my toe, and lo n behold..i looked down, his bed is sittin on cinder blocks supported by 2x4's....

this same bama told me he was a dc police officer, a lieutenant at that ova in 7 district...ok..so when he left da room, and i got up to be nosey, i saw his officer's badge on the dresser alright....can you say JEROME IN DA HOUSE!!! dis bama a security guard cuz his badge said "Special Police"...and it was plastic..uh huh..he was special alright.... DC police badges say "Metropolitan police"

we leave out togetha..and he pushin one of those old old suburbans...had da nerve to ask me for a jump!!!! i was like.."my car don't do jumps shuga....i can call triple a or sumfin..

i was on da first thing smokin...
ThatJerseyGirl... This is old but....If you got in that bed with him weren't you in danger of the bed falling off the bricks and hurting yourself???:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Uh, my ex husband from Detroit, met a girl going to school in Delaware. He moved East with her and moved into her apartment. This got him out of his mama's house. I am going to get a copy of my divorce decree and have it blown up on poster board and put it on a wall. It is one of my most precious possessions!
Poor girl. Idiot.
Uh, my ex husband from Detroit, met a girl going to school in Delaware. He moved East with her and moved into her apartment. This got him out of his mama's house. I am going to get a copy of my divorce decree and have it blown up on poster board and put it on a wall. It is one of my most precious possessions!
Perfect timing! I recently met a guy who "appeared" to have his ish together . . . supposedly graduated college, works in IT, blah-blah-blah . . .

So we're talking about cars and I tell him that I don't care that my car has a few cosmetic issues b/c it's paid in full and he's talking about his. I guess he started feeling comfortable b/c he says, "I don't even have tags." and I'm like,
:confused:. I asked him why didn't he have tags and he said, "Because I didn't feel like getting them."
Again . . . :confused: I told him I was with him w/the janky car, but I couldn't ride with him (no pun intended) on no illegal stuff :naughty:. He goes on to say that a woman at the DMV who "likes" him hooks him up w/temporary tags. I'm thinking to myself: "You bum arsed ninja!". My spirit was so disturbed that I texted him the next day and told him I didn't think we were a good fit.

I been tired. :lachen: I miss some old fonts. :(