My heart goes out to all in this thread. I was recently where you are.....especially the deeply broken. It took me going to a therapist to sort out my feelings and to get over a man I loved for over seven years. We weren't together for seven consecutive years but I loved him that long. We both even dated other people but we always ended up back together. Then it ended.... again. Usually, I easily move on from an ex, but with him, it was different. I couldn't shake my feelings for him. A friend advised me to seek therapy. In one session, my therapist helped me to get over him. She pointed out:
1) We had a codependent relationship. Even though there were times where we went months without seeing each other while dating other people, we were available to the other person and fostered a strong emotional tie that way.
2) I had to cut off all ties to him to allow my body to fully grieve a natural loss. Until I let him go COMPLETELY, I was not going to let him go once and for all, emotionally.
3) I had to increase my network to find more men to see that for every quality I loved about him, about 100 other men also have that same quality. Until I increased my network substantially, I would continue to think he was the only one I could talk to about X, Y, or Z. I don't have to date those other men, I just have to know them.
That session was like GOLD to me! I grieved for weeks and finally let him go. The grieving process was like going through withdrawal but I am good now.
say all this to say: seek help. Professional help. I talked to countless friends, girlfriends, cousins, etc. and all the conversations I had with them did not amount to one session with a therapist. Not the upteen conversations,
memes, inspirational quotes, bible verses, vision boards ....nothing helped until a trained person (a stranger) was able to objectively tell me about myself and my situation.
I encourage it.