First Year Of Marriage Support Thread

Lol. My DH wants meals everyday too smh. I was worried about a fire starting but I've never heard of that happening. So do you leave it on while at work?

Sign him up for a cooking class. You won't regret it. Cooking together can be really fun....and on the nights you don't feel like cooking and don't want to pay for take out, he can cook.
Oh wow, yay for everyone in this thread! We just hit the 1 year mark Sunday. I think it's been an interesting year as we had a baby and are newly pregnant again, all within the year.

I'm not in the brides thread, so here's our story: We met in 2011 at a black B1G alumni event. Had a 3-week whirlwind courtship. (Almost love at first sight, neither of us believed in that stuff before.) I moved away for 2 years. We kept in touch loosely. Our stars aligned and we decided to give long distance a try. I got laid off, and we decided to give it a go in the same city. We had a great time dating, fell pregnant, quasi-eloped and here we are, married exactly one year with 1.5 kiddos. We did it our way!

I hope I can still be part of this thread even though I'm just over one year.
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Yes ma'am. My crockpot I can set the timer and when the cook time is down it automatically switches to warm and then after a certain amount of hours it turns off

I was talking to a coworker about this today. I think I will buy one this week. Thanks!

Sign him up for a cooking class. You won't regret it. Cooking together can be really fun....and on the nights you don't feel like cooking and don't want to pay for take out, he can cook.

A cooking class sounds like a good idea. Thanks!
Oh wow, yay for everyone in this thread! We just hit the 1 year mark Sunday. I think it's been an interesting year as we had a baby and are newly pregnant again, all within the year.

I'm not in the brides thread, so here's our story: We met in 2011 at a black B1G alumni event. Had a 3-week whirlwind courtship. (Almost love at first sight, neither of us believed in that stuff before.) I moved away for 2 years. We kept in touch loosely. Our stars aligned and we decided to give long distance a try. I got laid off, and we decided to give it a go in the same city. We had a great time dating, fell pregnant, quasi-eloped and here we are, married exactly one year with 1.5 kiddos. We did it our way!

I hope I can still be part of this thread even though I'm just over one year.

Your love story is sooo cute!
I've been really getting the hang of cooking each day, even though the last week I have completely fallen off. Doing doctoral work (it's finals week) and working full time AND being a wife is hard work lol. I just managed to put up our Christmas Tree. I really clung on to those Fly Lady missions though and the house is now spotless. I am soooo proud at how cozy and clean my house is when I come home. I LOVE my lil family/home/life!
I don't know if maybe this should go in the home section but I'm trying to develop a schedule so that I can cook 3 meals a week and keep on top of household stuff. DH and I didn't live together before we got married and I guess I'm struggling with that time management part. Last night he washed the dishes while I packed our lunch. I also may get a crockpot.

I had set up a system because my hardest thing was coming up with what to cook. So me and DH came up with this

Monday- American ( chicken, hamburgers, meatloaf etc
Tuesday- Mexican
Wednesday- YOYO (You own your own)
Friday- Fun night (homemade pizza, tacos etc)
Saturday -Soul Food
Sunday- Left overs

I do not cook every night but on the nights i do cook, I have a schedule and it helps so much. A crockpot is the best investment ever! You can cook anything in there and its done by the time you get off.

Also, i have schedule for my home.

Thursdays is wash night
Saturday is cleaning and meal prep ( i do meal preps for our lunches because it helps with our weight and saving money)
I had set up a system because my hardest thing was coming up with what to cook. So me and DH came up with this

Monday- American ( chicken, hamburgers, meatloaf etc
Tuesday- Mexican
Wednesday- YOYO (You own your own)
Friday- Fun night (homemade pizza, tacos etc)
Saturday -Soul Food
Sunday- Left overs

I do not cook every night but on the nights i do cook, I have a schedule and it helps so much. A crockpot is the best investment ever! You can cook anything in there and its done by the time you get off.

Also, i have schedule for my home.

Thursdays is wash night
Saturday is cleaning and meal prep ( i do meal preps for our lunches because it helps with our weight and saving money)

Great idea!!!! What to cook is always my problem!
My husband sent me an IM today asking if I felt loved. I told him "yes" and he responded that he just wanted to check in to see if I was feeling underappreciated or neglected. He just got a new videogame and him and friends have been absorbed in it for the last few days.

He does these random relationship check-ins from time to see how I feel. It always makes me smile when I get those texts.