The Official Sexy and Single Thread

I'm throwing in the towel, ya'll.

This situation is not going the way I was hoping it would AT ALL.

I haven't seen him (nor has there been any talk of us seeing each other) since before he left for ATL. He has not initiated a phone call in this same time frame either. I asked him if he was gonna go see American Gangster with me. He said he has it on bootleg. Do you think I got an invitation to come watch it (even though I really would rather see it in the theater.

I called him at 6:00 Friday night, he never answered, never called back.

When I called him Saturday around the same time, he answered and proceed to tell me how he saw he missed my call but was doing x, y, z, so on and so forth.

I'm thinking so you saw that I called and nowhere in this 24 hour period did you have 2 minutes to be like "oh, I missed your call, what's up"? I had to call you AGAIN to get you on the phone?

And he has the nerve to be surprised when I flat out say to him "I don't think you're really feeling me" and responds "I told you before that I was feeling you." :rolleyes:

Well at this point, I really don't give a shyt what he says cause his actions are showing something totally different.

So I guess that's that. :ohwell:

you deserve someone who will want to spend time with you... dont even waste your time...
So what's new, ladies?

Well, I'm back to square 1.

I am officially, officially done with ole boy, as in we're not speaking at all. We had it out on Thursday via IM, had we've had no contact since. Oh well, f*** it. I don't need his inconsiderate, game playin' *** in my life anyway.

The high school friend that kissed me? Yeah, we haven't been in touch since the day after. That was almost 3 weeks ago now. I sent him a text on Thankgiving and one today, he didn't respond to either. :ohwell:

I can't seem to keep anyone's interest these days.
Mr. Wal-Mart and I are no longer communicating. I did not hear from him at all during the week of Thanksgiving. He called me on Monday and I haven't heard from him since.

I refuse to call him.

Now I have more time to concentrate on graduating.
Wow what's with all the men pulling the disapearing act? I am sorry Mzlady it turned out that way. I was wondering about your situation the other day since I hadn't heard you tell us about any new developments. I hope the new year brings you ladies what you desire in a new relationship. It really just takes one to see how fabolous and beautiful you are.

On a good note my ex and I are still going strong. I am glad I decided to give him another chance. If it wasn't for his persuasion to see if we could make this work I might have lost out. This is the happiest I have been in a relationship in a long time.
Mr. Wal-Mart and I are no longer communicating. I did not hear from him at all during the week of Thanksgiving. He called me on Monday and I haven't heard from him since.

I refuse to call him.

Now I have more time to concentrate on graduating.


I'm sorry to hear that.
Wow what's with all the men pulling the disapearing act? I am sorry Mzlady it turned out that way. I was wondering about your situation the other day since I hadn't heard you tell us about any new developments. I hope the new year brings you ladies what you desire in a new relationship. It really just takes one to see how fabolous and beautiful you are.

On a good note my ex and I are still going strong. I am glad I decided to give him another chance. If it wasn't for his persuasion to see if we could make this work I might have lost out. This is the happiest I have been in a relationship in a long time.

Girl, I can't even call it, but thanks for the well wishes. I think next year is gonna be much better, even if a man isn't in the cards!

But I'm soooo happy things are going good for you! And if he knows what's good for him, they'll stay that way!
Went on the date that I've been putting off for a long time, and it was great. We both just actually enjoyed ourselves. Not even going to predict what will happen though I know he will be calling me, I'm just content with the way things went.
MzLady... I just love this thread...
I'm sorry to hear about your trials with these guys. We have all been there and done that... just know you're in a great spot cause there is nothing better than meeting someone new and starting a relationship.

I just started dating someone and I really like him. But it's only been two weeks so I have no idea what will happen. It's just nice to know there is somewhere to come and vent where people know exactly what you're going thru. :drunk:
I hate being single. Im 19 and have never had a relationship ever before! How sad..... :nono:

Girl, count yourself lucky.

By 19, I'd already been through a ton of drama. :rolleyes:

You're not missing much, trust me. If I could do it all again, I wouldn't have been even remotely thinking about a relationship at that age, I'd have been out doing me, having a good time and lovin' life!
Went on the date that I've been putting off for a long time, and it was great. We both just actually enjoyed ourselves. Not even going to predict what will happen though I know he will be calling me, I'm just content with the way things went.

I'm glad it went well!

Keep up posted!
MzLady... I just love this thread...
I'm sorry to hear about your trials with these guys. We have all been there and done that... just know you're in a great spot cause there is nothing better than meeting someone new and starting a relationship.

I just started dating someone and I really like him. But it's only been two weeks so I have no idea what will happen. It's just nice to know there is somewhere to come and vent where people know exactly what you're going thru. :drunk:

Aww, thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying the thread!

You know it's funny, cause my ex said something to me last night that I hadn't even thought about. He was like this is basically what dating is, sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't, but not to get too down on myself. I guess he's right.

Good luck with your situation. Have you guys been out yet?
Aww, thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying the thread!

You know it's funny, cause my ex said something to me last night that I hadn't even thought about. He was like this is basically what dating is, sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't, but not to get too down on myself. I guess he's right.

Good luck with your situation. Have you guys been out yet?

this is true... but what is that stage before marriage? It's not quite dating and it's not marriage, we have to coin a word for it. :yep:

Dating is ok but it's that other stage that I want to get to.
Right now I just want to be by myself. I just tired of meeting guys who arent into me but dont have the guts to tell me. I know everyone plays the fool sometimes but right now I'm just tired of being the fool. :ohwell:

The last guy I dated he calls me and says oh if I never called you you wouldnt have called me, So I said, yeah your right I would have never called you because you dont act like you're interested, then of course he denied it and said you're pretty, you're nice, yadda yadda. Im like whatever negro:perplexed
You call someone only once a week that means you aint interested.:rolleyes:
Aww, thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying the thread!

You know it's funny, cause my ex said something to me last night that I hadn't even thought about. He was like this is basically what dating is, sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't, but not to get too down on myself. I guess he's right.

Good luck with your situation. Have you guys been out yet?

We have been out on about 4 dates now and we have plans for the weekend. But it's dating! It could all fall apart in a couple of weeks, you never know. :ohwell: I'm just trying to enjoy myself... but dating can be soooo hard. We'll see... if things go horribly, my next step may be to just focus on myself and do me for awhile.
Right now I just want to be by myself. I just tired of meeting guys who arent into me but dont have the guts to tell me. I know everyone plays the fool sometimes but right now I'm just tired of being the fool. :ohwell:

The last guy I dated he calls me and says oh if I never called you you wouldnt have called me, So I said, yeah your right I would have never called you because you dont act like you're interested, then of course he denied it and said you're pretty, you're nice, yadda yadda. Im like whatever negro:perplexed
You call someone only once a week that means you aint interested.:rolleyes:

Shyt, that's one more than I was getting. :rolleyes:
We have been out on about 4 dates now and we have plans for the weekend. But it's dating! It could all fall apart in a couple of weeks, you never know. :ohwell: I'm just trying to enjoy myself... but dating can be soooo hard. We'll see... if things go horribly, my next step may be to just focus on myself and do me for awhile.

It is hard!

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
I met someone else..... If this doesn't work out, then i am out of the dating game. I don't think he is that into me, but then again it is wierd because i have only been dating him for about 2 weeks. I dont know what to expect as far as communication goes because all other guys i have dated have moved waaayyyy to fast. It is very different becasue i like who he is as a person, but i dont know what else to do to get him to call me back.
Happy New Year, ladies!!!

It's been awhile since we checked in- anyone find a boo for the '08? :grin:

Me, I'm chillin'. No prospects, no buddies-just me, myself and I.

But it's fine, I'm trying to stay focused and don't need the distractions.
Didn't find a boo, but I found some bulls***.

I met a guy today in the Big Lots parking lot. He offers to buy me lunch, so I'm like, Okay. (I like free food, what can I say?) He follows me to a Japanese restaurant. As we are eating, I tell him about myself, and he tells me that he's in a relationship with someone and they have been together for 7 years. At that point, I stop listening and concentrate on enjoying my food, lol.

Then he asks me if we can be "friends."

:ohwell: I must look like a NEW FOOL.

He wants to get up later today. Wait on it playa, wait on it.

at least the sucker was honest....:lachen:

ETA: Guys are so Whack

Didn't find a boo, but I found some bulls***.

I met a guy today in the Big Lots parking lot. He offers to buy me lunch, so I'm like, Okay. (I like free food, what can I say?) He follows me to a Japanese restaurant. As we are eating, I tell him about myself, and he tells me that he's in a relationship with someone and they have been together for 7 years. At that point, I stop listening and concentrate on enjoying my food, lol.

Then he asks me if we can be "friends."

:ohwell: I must look like a NEW FOOL.

He wants to get up later today. Wait on it playa, wait on it.

Didn't find a boo, but I found some bulls***.

I met a guy today in the Big Lots parking lot. He offers to buy me lunch, so I'm like, Okay. (I like free food, what can I say?) He follows me to a Japanese restaurant. As we are eating, I tell him about myself, and he tells me that he's in a relationship with someone and they have been together for 7 years. At that point, I stop listening and concentrate on enjoying my food, lol.

Then he asks me if we can be "friends."

:ohwell: I must look like a NEW FOOL.

He wants to get up later today. Wait on it playa, wait on it.


Ridiculous. :nono:

Although I have to say it probably worked with some chicken head in the past, that's why he didn't think anything of asking.
Happy New Year, ladies!!!

It's been awhile since we checked in- anyone find a boo for the '08? :grin:

Me, I'm chillin'. No prospects, no buddies-just me, myself and I.

But it's fine, I'm trying to stay focused and don't need the distractions.

I did! The week before Christmas I went to my sorors' b-day dinner, and one of her friends took a liking to me, so he asked my soror to invite me to this spoken word event they were all going to. During the evening he comes up with some clever slick way to get my number, and then called me that night (or should I say that morning) and we made plans to go out the next day.

We wound up having 4 dates in one week. :grin: After the first date, he told me he liked me, which was so refreshing considering the last guy I dated couldn't tell me that.

We've been dating ever since, and yesterday he took me to his church. So far, he's a keeper!
I did! The week before Christmas I went to my sorors' b-day dinner, and one of her friends took a liking to me, so he asked my soror to invite me to this spoken word event they were all going to. During the evening he comes up with some clever slick way to get my number, and then called me that night (or should I say that morning) and we made plans to go out the next day.

We wound up having 4 dates in one week. :grin: After the first date, he told me he liked me, which was so refreshing considering the last guy I dated couldn't tell me that.

We've been dating ever since, and yesterday he took me to his church. So far, he's a keeper!

Awww, congrats!!!!!!

If he knows what's good for him, he'll keep actin' right!!!:bat:
The last guy I was dating left me a voicemail telling me happy new year. then the next dya he called again and left another voicemail, this time saying that he meant to call me to tell me Happy New year but he didn't get good signal.:rolleyes:

I'm like this negro really mixed me up with another chick.

I'm staying single for the '08. No dating. I have other things I need to focus on.
Awww, congrats!!!!!!

If he knows what's good for him, he'll keep actin' right!!!:bat:


The only possible hurdle is that he knows I'm currently looking for a new job out of state. I know he wants to stay in FL. But I'm not even coming close to that bridge until I have to.
The last guy I was dating left me a voicemail telling me happy new year. then the next dya he called again and left another voicemail, this time saying that he meant to call me to tell me Happy New year but he didn't get good signal.:rolleyes:

I'm like this negro really mixed me up with another chick.

I'm staying single for the '08. No dating. I have other things I need to focus on.

:rolleyes::rolleyes: He sounds like an interesting character!!! keep us posted!!!1