Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

So I watched the movie "The Tourist" with Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp and Jolie plays a very feminine, sensual and confident woman. It was interesting to watch because all the men she encountered were enamored by her.
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All this belly dancing talk has me looking into taking my pole dancing classes again....i might have to get a few of those belly dancing dvds too
All this belly dancing talk has me looking into taking my pole dancing classes again....i might have to get a few of those belly dancing dvds too

YESSSS! That is one of my dreams! To fly and swing around gracefully on a pole:giggle: There is something very angelic about.
Had an interesting conversation about sex and sensuality with my intern today and was really surprised at how open she was about things. She's still somewhat unaware of her power, but I can see her starting to understand it slowly but surely. She asked me for advice on a few situations (like handling men saying she's flirtatious when in her mind she is just being nice) and I ended up telling her what I've observed and explaining what I saw from a man's perspective. We spent quite a while talking about flirting and I pointed out things that she does naturally and how it affects men. While I was talking the intensity in her eyes jumped to a new level I'd not seen before. It's really amazing to watch a young lady realize that she's now more woman than she is girl and what that means. Almost like watching someone metamorphose right in front of you. It only solidifies my respect and admiration for the Divine Feminine. My hope for her is to realize and revel in her beauty without being arrogant or manipulative. Power has a downside - too much can destroy you. I don't want her to learn that the hard way.
Had an interesting conversation about sex and sensuality with my intern today and was really surprised at how open she was about things. She's still somewhat unaware of her power, but I can see her starting to understand it slowly but surely. She asked me for advice on a few situations (like handling men saying she's flirtatious when in her mind she is just being nice) and I ended up telling her what I've observed and explaining what I saw from a man's perspective. We spent quite a while talking about flirting and I pointed out things that she does naturally and how it affects men. While I was talking the intensity in her eyes jumped to a new level I'd not seen before. It's really amazing to watch a young lady realize that she's now more woman than she is girl and what that means. Almost like watching someone metamorphose right in front of you. It only solidifies my respect and admiration for the Divine Feminine. My hope for her is to realize and revel in her beauty without being arrogant or manipulative. Power has a downside - too much can destroy you. I don't want her to learn that the hard way.

I need you in my life!!! :cry2:

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Enyo that sounds wonderful. I am happy things are working out for your intern.

How is everyone else doing? I am reading Mama Gena's book this weekend. I so which I could attend her mastery class but that pricing is too rich for my blood!
TracyNicole, I am reading that this weekend as well. I finished reading Brazilian Sexy by Janea Padilha. I am reading Island Under the Sea and Mama Gena's books at the same time.
Lucie How was Brazilian Sexy? I wasn't sure I wanted to add that to my pile but if it was good I just might. Let's compare notes about Mama Gena...I might be slow because I am reading the Hair Archetypes at the same time:)
Lucie How was Brazilian Sexy? I wasn't sure I wanted to add that to my pile but if it was good I just might. Let's compare notes about Mama Gena...I might be slow because I am reading the Hair Archetypes at the same time:)

If you are local to Queens, I can lend it to you. Provided you don't mind all of the highlighting. :look: :lol:

If not, I would recommend it. It is an easy read and reminds me of many little things I forget to do for myself but make an impact when reminded. I read the book in a day.
If you are local to Queens, I can lend it to you. Provided you don't mind all of the highlighting. :look: :lol:

If not, I would recommend it. It is an easy read and reminds me of many little things I forget to do for myself but make an impact when reminded. I read the book in a day.

Nope I am in Baltimore but thanks for thinking of me. I'll scoop up the kindle version.

BTW if you ladies are looking to add to your list I picked up Resurrecting Venus and it is pretty good so far.
Any ladies have advice on learning to do your own bikini wax? I'm fine with the front, but between the legs is murder!!
Enyo, in the book Brazilian Secrets she gave some tips. Or you could try Google. Kudos to you for trying. I am doing it the laser way. Zap, zap, zap! :lol:
Enyo let me know when you find out. I wax and then when I get to that portion I shave. I tried strips and hard wax but it was just a no go.
Enyo that sounds wonderful. I am happy things are working out for your intern.

How is everyone else doing? I am reading Mama Gena's book this weekend. I so which I could attend her mastery class but that pricing is too rich for my blood!

Please let us know what you think about the book.

One thing i am going to work on is smiling and starting conversations with people more. I find that i dont do this very often because sometimes i dont want to be bothered or i think they dont want to. I especially dont do this with men I am not attracted to because i do not want them to think im flirting. This may be a little off topic but i think your confidence when communicating with others is important. I am great communicating with people i know but i want to be able to leave people feeling good just after speaking with me for a moment. Offering compliments, bringing positive energy through my friendly hello etc.
Christianity is, we'll say, 'problematic' for women. It wasn't supposed to be, and I believe that Jesus, if he actually lived, did not intend it to be. Mary Magdalene, as the Gospel of Phillip tells us, was noted as his 'companion' (which is not to say, 'sexual partner'), a beloved friend. She was never once called a whore in the Bible. So why did it take 2000 years for the truth to come out? Because the other apostles were anti-women. In the apocrypha, the only texts I trust because they haven't been edited to death, an argument takes place between Peter and Mary after the Crucifixion. The disciples asked her if Jesus told her anything he may have neglected to tell them, just hungry for information. So she tells them and this is what happened.

Whoa! A dude who y'all profess to love has just died and his closest friend is sharing an intimate conversation at your request, and you basically tell her to shut up and sit down? Wth. (This argument is recounted in the Gospel of Mary, the Sophia Pistis, and the Gospel of Thomas, so that's three ancient sources.)

Again, Peter is the father of the Church as we know it, the first bishop of Rome. And yet, he denied Christ three times. In fact, Jesus said, Oh ye of little faith, to him. So how did he end up taking over the 'Jesus crew'? By kicking out the person with the most claim: Mary. That's why she's been a whore for the past 2000 years. Because Peter was a hater. I bet he wasn't popping all that ish when Jesus was still alive.

I say all that to say, how could a religion started by this man be anything BUT anti-woman? Over these thousands of years, this hatred for an 'unharnessed' woman, like the Magdalene, has been codified. Look at the witch trials. A bunch of men burning women for simply being: being widowed and able to live alone, being too comfortable in her skin, just being in a way that didn't revolve around her husband or her father. And they got pleasure from it. Read some of the Malleus Mallificarum and tell me those church guys weren't getting off on it. It was like the sanctified version of snuff film.

And this is why the Christianity of Peter, the roots of a tree with many branches, leaves women out of touch with their femininity. Because the founder hated us and wanted us disempowered.

:yep: Preach!

I'm ridiculously late in reading this thread, but Honey Bee I just wanted to let you know I enjoyed this stellar post.

It's funny you call it the "Christianity of Peter." I usually refer to the oppressive, un-Christlike (if we can ever truly know what that really is) religion that appeals to the dogmatic and power-hungry as *Paul's* Christianity. Whoever Paul was (or the collection of people who wrote in the name of a Paul), he really had a problem -- with sex, with women, with his own self. Most likely it was just the musings of one or several religious clergymen doing what such men have done for millennia using a Patriarchal God of their imaginations to exert power over others.

Upon that rock was built a whole lot of dysfunction and craziness that is evident in the institutionalized Christian church around the globe to this day.
I was feeling pretty low, so I decided to play with my new barrette and do something with myself. I did a big bun with some twists in the front, and it came out nicely. I felt like I was channeling my "Feast of All Saints". I might even wear make-up tomorrow and shock the office. :)
This is my first post in this thread, even though I've been reading it since it began. I too started the Mama Gena book this weekend, while I'm in with the flu :/. And honestly, it is so beautiful. A friend of mine recommended it last week, and I originally wanted to come in here to tell you ladies about it, but I see from the last few posts that you're already hip to it. I have to say from my experience, and I've known this for a while, I've had romantic relationship issues because while I may see and experience the world as a woman, I have be judging it as a man would. And I think because of the patriarchal world that we live in, it is just so easy to only see through those glasses. And I know it's going to take me a bit of work but for the first time, reading this thread and now reading this book I'm starting to accept my feminine lenses. They've been there all the time, I recognize them, but now I'm realizing that I should actually be using them. And how there's power in those lenses as well.

I don't know if this post makes any sense, but I just wanted to share. Thanks for keeping up the thread ladies.
Enyo Feast of All Saints is one of my favorite movies. I couldn't really get into the book. The movie was the first time I learned about the free successful blacks in the gulf as well as the Creole women who were being kept by married white men. Intetrsting story.

I am interested in reading Seductress. If anyone has any feedback please share
So I blowdried my hair yesterday and did a braidout. Mind you, this is the longest my hair has ever been so far and I wear buns everyday. Needless to say, I felt soooo sexy!

I also have been wearing more perfume and collecting different scents. It is amazing what a little bottle of stuff can do:drunk: I am trying to get a signature scent together.

I thought this was interesting “A woman who doesn't wear perfume has no future.”
Coco Chanel
Enyo Feast of All Saints is one of my favorite movies. I couldn't really get into the book. The movie was the first time I learned about the free successful blacks in the gulf as well as the Creole women who were being kept by married white men. Intetrsting story.

I am interested in reading Seductress. If anyone has any feedback please share

I also thought it looked really interesting so I purchased it but it's still on my desk. I think I will read it after I finish Mama Gena's book.
Can we do lunch? :look:

Reading your posts, I feel like the intern. :lol:

:lol: robot. I guess part of deciding not to have a child is that it opened my desire to help other women and girls. My intern was literally dropped off at my desk 15 minutes after she came to the office. I didn't even know she was coming, let alone was supposed to shadow one of us. I didn't know WTF to do at first, but now I truly adore the girl. It's nice to have someone to take under my wing that actually listens to me (for the most part). It just encourages me to share.
:lol: robot. I guess part of deciding not to have a child is that it opened my desire to help other women and girls. My intern was literally dropped off at my desk 15 minutes after she came to the office. I didn't even know she was coming, let alone was supposed to shadow one of us. I didn't know WTF to do at first, but now I truly adore the girl. It's nice to have someone to take under my wing that actually listens to me (for the most part). It just encourages me to share.

This is perfect. I've always wanted and older sister (five brothers). :lol: My mother was always very busy working so I never learned much about womanhood from her. I've been wanting a mentor for a very long time.

ETA: Not to put you in particular on the spot, just speaking generally re: mentor.