Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

Good Morning ladies, so I'm subscribed to this cool website and just about everyday the blogger sends out lovely's what she sent today:

Have you ever walked into the middle of a party and suddenly
felt naked?

No matter how tight you wrap your sweater around you, you
still feel exposed. Everyone seems to have found their niche
group and is in deep conversation. You look around and
wonder where you fit in. You feel your stomach gather in
knots and you suddenly have visions of 5th grade when none of
the other kids would choose you to be on their softball
team. You feel alone and can't seem the find the right words
to begin a conversation with anyone.

When you find yourself in this situation, you have to take a
deep breath and remember that you are a confident, beautiful
women who is as interesting and worthy of attention as
anybody else! The way to become comfortable enough to strike
up conversations with strangers is by first learning how to
LISTEN before you speak.

Listen to the conversation already in progress and find the
perfect spot for you to enter into the discussion. If
someone is discussing the current surge in housing prices
and you are thinking about selling your home in the next
year, tell them that! If you don't understand what a group
is discussing, be honest and tell them you're curious to
know more about their discussion because it sounds
interesting. It's ok to admit when you don't understand
something. I do this myself when I speak with customers in
my dance studio. If I find we're talking about a subject I
know very little about, I admit to lacking knowledge in that
area and ask for clarification.

Learning how to join in on a conversation is important to
creating a presence. But this is only the beginning. I
provide the secrets you need to know to command presence
when you walk into room and subtly attract the very people
you want to attract in Sexy in Seconds DVD kit:

Let me give you a "free" tip by telling you how to position
yourself so you can attract that positive attention you

You can work your body language like a pro, but if you're
not positioned properly, people will notice.

In ballroom dancing, positioning is crucial. I give thought
to where I make each move, in front of the segment of crowd
that suits me best. Once you've found the right spot, it's
one less thing to think about, so you can play full on, with
greater results. This is called environmental positioning.

The four key components of environmental positioning are
visibility, accessibility, approachability and sincerity.

1) Visibility

In a well-lit place, sit or stand where you are noticed.
While it's important to work the whole room, get people's
attention by working the room in sections. The people you
are trying to attract should be able to take you in from all
angles, maybe just not all at once! This might involve
changing spots throughout the evening or holding onto that
one choice vantage point once you land it.

...A girlfriend and I tried this out one night in a club. We
walked in, headed toward the bar and found a spot that had
great access to the dance floor and passersby...

2) Accessibility

Find a place where someone can easily get to you. While the
most secluded banquette might seem like a choice spot worth
tipping the host for, it might be too inaccessible for a
stranger -- especially if you're surrounded by friends.

Position yourself so it's easy to break away from your gang
without the stranger feeling as if he has disrupted a
private party, or that he will be grilled by everyone as he
tries to talk to you. If you're with a group or a friend,
step away from them every so often to make a circuitous
visit to the powder room.

...Once my friend and I sat at the bar, we made sure not to
turn our backs on the dance floor. Everyone else at the bar
was facing the bartender, but we sat sideways facing each
other with our legs crossed towards the dance floor...

3) Approachability

Keep your body relaxed, whether you're standing or sitting.
Clutching your purse or coat close to your chest might make
it appear as though you are uncomfortable or ready to

Don't be deeply engrossed in a serious dialogue for minutes
on end with your friends. Keep the banter light so that
you're laughing frequently! A gentleman wouldn't want to
interrupt a serious thinker mid-conversation. Allow for
lulls where you look around, clearly checking things out.
This allows you to appear approachable to men.

Put your best face forward. That means not covering it up
with your hands, sunglasses or floppy hat. And of course,

In addition ladies, when circulating around a room, do chat
with the women first to build a base of friends and allies.
Who knows, they might turn out to know the guy you're
interested in. Or they might offer assistance when you need
a safety pin later in the rest room. Joke a little and be
generous with the compliments so as to defuse all cattiness
and competitiveness. Eventually work men into the mix,
chatting them up as you flit about.

When talking freely with both genders, use a combination of
different sensual gestures, such as direct eye contact,
smiling, laughing and touching (extremities only). The
effect is highly alluring -- men will notice and be
fascinated by a confident woman who relishes in being
sensual, being desired and having fun with her present

...We positioned ourselves so anyone could step in and order a
drink.When women tried to order, we took their order and
gave it to the bartender. Then other women began to do the
same, and soon we had a flood of women placing orders
through us. Men began to notice, and they started to prevail
upon our good graces as well. By the end of the evening, we
had made friends with men, women and couples... not to
mention the added bonus of getting free drinks from the
bartender for helping with the overflow of his business...

4) Sincerity

Be open, patient and earnest with the new people you meet.

Don't approach someone you've just met like you're
holding an interview; pummeling him with questions about a
job, schooling, etc. Your interactions are not about
efficiency. They ought to be rooted in sincerity, being open
to wherever the moment and dialogue takes you both. Don't
let any negative experience take away from your innocent and
playful outlook towards men... Have fun without being

Remember how much courage it takes for a man to ask a woman
to dance or even just to chat. So make it easy for him to
have the opportunity to make the request. A man must be
reassured that you're not going to embarrass him by
rejecting him rudely in front of other people.

During the research for my book, I interviewed many men and
the prevailing complaint was women's indifference and
aloofness toward any approach they made. I believe that as
long as men are respectful, women should be welcoming. Treat
others the way you want to be treated.

...Because men noticed that we were light-hearted, friendly
and outgoing, they were not uncomfortable in approaching us
sitting at the bar. Men tried out some wacky lines on us
that night. But we'd laugh with them at first, before using
our body language (turning away, putting barriers between
us, avoiding long eye contact) to show that we weren't
interested. We did the opposite when we enjoyed their
company. A dance instructor for 15 years, I know how nervous
men get about asking a woman to dance. And I believe that
every man should have a shot at a dance if he asks with
courtesy and respect...

Once you've positioned yourself for a comfortable approach,
it's time to move onto the more advanced secrets of

For loads more ideas on how to attract a man and keep him,
check out my Sexy in Seconds DVD kit. It's filled with
videos that provides simple tips any woman can do to
heighten attraction and hold a man's attention. You can
continue your transformation into a sensual woman here:

Here's to you becoming the women you can and were MEANT to be!

Patty Contenta
Ballroom Dance Champion and Sensuality Expert
And author of "Sensuality Secrets: How To Seduce
Your Lover Without Being Noticed"

Sensuality Secrets(tm) is a trademark of Sensuality
Secrets Inc.

P.O. Box 61025 St.Henri
Montreal, Quebec
H4C 3R4

By reading and accepting this newsletter you agree
to all of the following: You understand that this is
simply a set of opinions (and not advice). This is
to be used for entertainment, and not considered
as 'professional advice'. You are responsible for
any use of the information in this email, and hold
Sensuality Secrets Inc. and all members and
affiliates harmless in any claim or event. If you are
below eighteen years old, please remove yourself
from this email list.

Sensuality Secrets
P.O. Box 72150
151 Atwater
Montreal, Quebec
H3J 2Z6
FemmeFatale I love how you think. I feel like we need an official book club, retreat or something:) That website is a gem. I'll be scouring it. Not sure if I shared on here but I read another blogger who similarly sends out great tidbits as well. The full version isn't free but I'm still learning a ton from the free updates. Here it is:
FemmeFatale I love how you think. I feel like we need an official book club, retreat or something:) That website is a gem. I'll be scouring it. Not sure if I shared on here but I read another blogger who similarly sends out great tidbits as well. The full version isn't free but I'm still learning a ton from the free updates. Here it is:

I agree. I'm really interested!

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@FemmeFatale :spank::spank: for keeping this great website to yourself until now LOL I subscribed to the newsletter. Thanks!

I woke up this morning feeling really good and energized. I am reading "The surrendered Single" by Laura Doyle. It is one of the best relationship books I have ever read. It emphasizes how by being feminine, vulnerable and surrendering you can have the relationship you always wanted. I think it goes hand in hand with "Powerful and Feminine".

I am realizing that all the books I have read so far have a common thing: love. When you decide to feel and send love around you, you project an incredible amount of good energy, and draw people to you. In turn it makes you happier, and creates better relationships. It is a circle, and once you find your trigger, everything else just follows.

Thanks for the book reccomendation! :yep: I'm going to have to check it out! :)

Here's to you becoming the women you can and were MEANT to be!

Patty Contenta
Ballroom Dance Champion and Sensuality Expert
And author of "Sensuality Secrets: How To Seduce
Your Lover Without Being Noticed"

Sensuality Secrets(tm) is a trademark of Sensuality
Secrets Inc.

P.O. Box 61025 St.Henri
Montreal, Quebec
H4C 3R4

By reading and accepting this newsletter you agree
to all of the following: You understand that this is
simply a set of opinions (and not advice). This is
to be used for entertainment, and not considered
as 'professional advice'. You are responsible for
any use of the information in this email, and hold
Sensuality Secrets Inc. and all members and
affiliates harmless in any claim or event. If you are
below eighteen years old, please remove yourself
from this email list.

Sensuality Secrets
P.O. Box 72150
151 Atwater
Montreal, Quebec
H3J 2Z6

Thanks!! This site looks interesting! I'll definitely take a look. :yep:
Ok ladies...I need help on showing my vulnerability.

I was raised by a single mom, I'm now divorced and a single mom myself. I've always been independent and self-sufficient. Although, I don't go around saying that to men or anything. But somehow they just see it written all over me. :nono:

SO complains that he doesn't feel compelled to do things for me or take care of me because I don't show any vulnerability. He says that it was easier for him to take care of and do things for his exes because they needed him. He complained about this before so I started telling him that I needed him in those tender moments. Well apparently it's not enough. He says that I make him feel like he can be replaced tomorrow. But I'm constantly telling him that I love him, I need him, I'm glad he's in my life, etc. And I'm super affectionate. But yet and still, he complains that I'm not vulnerable.

I'm not really sure how to tap into this.
kweenameena Do you ask him to do things for you? Like pick you up from work or fix something? Sometimes it's the silly things that can make a man feel needed.
@FemmeFatale I love how you think. I feel like we need an official book club, retreat or something:) That website is a gem. I'll be scouring it. Not sure if I shared on here but I read another blogger who similarly sends out great tidbits as well. The full version isn't free but I'm still learning a ton from the free updates. Here it is:
Did you subscribe to the seductive woman? If so, what are your thoughts?
@kweenameena Do you ask him to do things for you? Like pick you up from work or fix something? Sometimes it's the silly things that can make a man feel needed.

Yes, I ask him to do things for me or help me out. Well sometimes.
I can't ask him to pick me up because he lives about an hour 15 minutes away.
When I want to go out I might say "Hey honey, there's a living social deal for the gun range. We should go if you're off this weekend."

So he said that I should ask like this: "Hey honey, there's a living social deal for the gun range. Can you take me this weekend?"

:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:-I don't get why I have to overthink the simplest things.
Though you ask, your energy is not seeming to match your words. Communication is mostly nonverbal. Do you look happy when you ask? Or might you be asking in a way that seems that you are only doing it just because you want to appease him. Please know that I am not criticizing you. I am just trying to help. :) Men need validation. If there is something he is good at, genuinely compliment him on it and ask him to help. Uplift him in front of others. For some reason he is feeling that you don't need him and your actions need to show him that you do. Good luck!
Thanks for the new recommendations. So much reading little time

Also, I second a retreat. That would be fabulous.
Though you ask, your energy is not seeming to match your words. Communication is mostly nonverbal. Do you look happy when you ask? Or might you be asking in a way that seems that you are only doing it just because you want to appease him. Please know that I am not criticizing you. I am just trying to help. :) Men need validation. If there is something he is good at, genuinely compliment him on it and ask him to help. Uplift him in front of others. For some reason he is feeling that you don't need him and your actions need to show him that you do. Good luck!

Oh no. I don't feel criticized at all. I want all the help I can get.
He isn't the first man that has complained that I seem to be too independent or that I come off as a feminist. In my mind, I'm uber traditional and quite frankly, I want to be taken care of. :look: So I would LOVE to figure out how to change this perception of me. It's the theme of my relationships.:nono:
I do the compliments and validation and everything. And I try to do it often. But I don't know how to be the damsel in distress in a genuine way. And that's what he wants. I feel like I'd be acting like a whiny brat all of the time or something.

My energy is definitely all off.
I need some vulnerability affirmations or something that I can repeat. This is hard.:ohwell:
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Did you subscribe to the seductive woman? If so, what are your thoughts?

I did and read her work avidly initially. But with all the books I ordered, I didn't feel it was actually worth my while because I had the info pouring in and started to feel that I wasn't getting as much out of it as I hoped for. When I fell that huge stack on my desk, I would consider rejoining but it's more likely I'll work on attending a live workshop or two. I think the does a good job of holding back a bit so it's worth paying if you are seriously seeking new sources of info, but to be honest I just use the free emails as a starting point for further self study.

I am serious about the retreat though. I think we should do it. All this work to be so femininely fabulous? I think we should put something together to follow all this reading and learning where we get to pamper ourselves and test drive our fabulous selves!
kweenameena I know what you mean. I was like that and sometimes I still have to catch myself. It is more than verbally telling SO. You will have to really work on shifting your mentality. See if you don't believe you need him but are saying it, it won't come off as genuine. When you get to a point where you realize you are a warm, beautiful and valuable woman then you can start believing that you DESERVE a helpmate.

I think this is a huge issue for some women (myself included) because you get used to being disappointed and learn to just handle your own business. I think in part it takes having the innate knowledge that no man can be perfect. He will fall short at times, but when his heart is in the right place and he treats you like his other half you learn to address those instances rather than building up the walls.

First you have to learn to be vulnerable in your own head space and explore what your heart yearns for. Once you figure it out you can begin to articulate it to him and THEN he will begin to feel needed and valued as man. It might be that you don't like pumping your own gas or carrying the umbrella...whatever it is that tickles your fancy. Just realize that it won't happen overnight. You have to give yourself time but still actively work on it. Does this make sense?
Oh no. I don't feel criticized at all. I want all the help I can get.
He isn't the first man that has complained that I seem to be too independent or that I come off as a feminist. In my mind, I'm uber traditional and quite frankly, I want to be taken care of. :look: So I would LOVE to figure out how to change this perception of me. It's the theme of my relationships.:nono:
I do the compliments and validation and everything. And I try to do it often. But I don't know how to be the damsel in distress in a genuine way. And that's what he wants. I feel like I'd be acting like a whiny brat all of the time or something.

My energy is definitely all off.
I need some vulnerability affirmations or something that I can repeat. This is hard.:ohwell:

It's not about being whiny or being a brat (though being a bit selfish helps) - it's about learning how to receive his help.

You don't have to NEED him to do things, you just have to LET him do things. For example, I'm sure you're perfectly capable of taking out the garbage, washing your car, lifting heavy bags, etc., but you should let him do it. Don't nag. Just ask once. If he's slow about doing it, don't step in and do it yourself. After he completes the task, make sure you thank him. Tell him how much easier he makes life for you and how much you appreciate EVERYTHING he does around the house.

Every now and again throw in a "You're my hero." or "Did I ever tell you how amazing I think you are?" and then list the great things he does (volunteering with kids, helping with homework, providing for the family, taking care of the lawn, fixing things around the house, whatever; just find things he's good at and proud of and let him know you're proud of him too.) Say positive things about him to other people (especially on the phone when you know he can hear you). The more you let him do, the more he'll be falling all over himself to do more. Everyone likes to be appreciated but most men also like to be needed.
kweenameena, how about you figure out things you need help with and ask him to help you? One of the shelves in my medicine cabinet committed suicide on Monday, LOL! Don't ask me how that happened as I am a minimalist and don't even use that shelf. Anyhoo, I called the dude and mentioned what happened and asked if he had some time to check it out. As I was asking, he was offering to come by and I exclaimed, "That would be great love! Great minds think alike!" We laughed and he is coming by after work to check out my suicidal shelf. He also asked me if there is anything else I need help with and I told him when he comes by he could tell me what else he thinks should get done. He is also going to recheck my fire alarm/carbon monoxide detector, LOL!

Girl, he is so excited!!!
kweenameena I know what you mean. I was like that and sometimes I still have to catch myself. It is more than verbally telling SO. You will have to really work on shifting your mentality. See if you don't believe you need him but are saying it, it won't come off as genuine. When you get to a point where you realize you are a warm, beautiful and valuable woman then you can start believing that you DESERVE a helpmate.

I think this is a huge issue for some women (myself included) because you get used to being disappointed and learn to just handle your own business. I think in part it takes having the innate knowledge that no man can be perfect. He will fall short at times, but when his heart is in the right place and he treats you like his other half you learn to address those instances rather than building up the walls.

First you have to learn to be vulnerable in your own head space and explore what your heart yearns for. Once you figure it out you can begin to articulate it to him and THEN he will begin to feel needed and valued as man. It might be that you don't like pumping your own gas or carrying the umbrella...whatever it is that tickles your fancy. Just realize that it won't happen overnight. You have to give yourself time but still actively work on it. Does this make sense?

:kiss: Yes, you understand me. I definitely have walls up and I have adopted the mantra "zero expectations, zero disappointments" which keeps my heart guarded. But I realize that doing that has actually hurt my relationships and now it's hard to tear down those walls. It's almost scary.
It's hard switching back and forth trying to be vulnerable with him and then dealing with my mom and younger siblings and having to be the rock, the decision-maker, and the logical one.

I'll definitely incorporate that I'm warm, beautiful and valuable and deserving of a helpmate into my affirmations.
He loves that I'm uber feminine naturally but being vulnerable is my Achilles heel.
Thank you :rosebud:
It's not about being whiny or being a brat (though being a bit selfish helps) - it's about learning how to receive his help.

You don't have to NEED him to do things, you just have to LET him do things. For example, I'm sure you're perfectly capable of taking out the garbage, washing your car, lifting heavy bags, etc., but you should let him do it. Don't nag. Just ask once. If he's slow about doing it, don't step in and do it yourself. After he completes the task, make sure you thank him. Tell him how much easier he makes life for you and how much you appreciate EVERYTHING he does around the house.

Every now and again throw in a "You're my hero." or "Did I ever tell you how amazing I think you are?" and then list the great things he does (volunteering with kids, helping with homework, providing for the family, taking care of the lawn, fixing things around the house, whatever; just find things he's good at and proud of and let him know you're proud of him too.) Say positive things about him to other people (especially on the phone when you know he can hear you). The more you let him do, the more he'll be falling all over himself to do more. Everyone likes to be appreciated but most men also like to be needed.

You're right! I do need to learn to be a bit more selfish. I've been the nice girl for too long and the biggest people-pleaser ever. So thanks for the reminder:kiss:

And I do sometimes step in and do things myself if he doesn't do it. And I only do it because I don't want to come across as a nag by asking him to do it again. We don't live together yet so there aren't many things that I ask him to do. But I'm going to start creating stuff. lol
@kweenameena, how about you figure out things you need help with and ask him to help you? One of the shelves in my medicine cabinet committed suicide on Monday, LOL! Don't ask me how that happened as I am a minimalist and don't even use that shelf. Anyhoo, I called the dude and mentioned what happened and asked if he had some time to check it out. As I was asking, he was offering to come by and I exclaimed, "That would be great love! Great minds think alike!" We laughed and he is coming by after work to check out my suicidal shelf. He also asked me if there is anything else I need help with and I told him when he comes by he could tell me what else he thinks should get done. He is also going to recheck my fire alarm/carbon monoxide detector, LOL!

Girl, he is so excited!!!

Awww thanks Lucie. I always love your advice and you're always so helpful :kiss:
When I get home I'm going to create a list of things for him to do when comes over again. I won't bombard him with everything on the list at once but I'll ask him for help for each thing on different days or something. I'm really trying to get him to maintain my car for me (keep it clean, get the oil changes, etc.) I hinted around to him that I'm used to having the man in my life take care of my car. And he seemed to take the hint. But he never really followed-thru in maintaining it for me. And again, I didn't want to nag him so I just take care of it myself. I'm going to try to bring it up again though.
Here are some excerpts from Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts (by Regena Thomashauer) that I enjoyed:

"Yet the extent to which we own our sensuality is the extent to which we own our lives. When we know and love ourselves completely and intimately, physically, emotionally, spiritually, sensually, we have a competitive advantage. We have more control, When you are trained to ignore yourself, you will ignore details that are crucial."

"Flirtation is also an art. Flirtation lightens the spirit. It is the quickest way out of a jam - you can melt arguments, evaporate traffic tickets, win a spot at a crowded restaurant. Flirtation eases communication. It makes whatever you wish come to you more smoothly. Flirtation is a woman's access to the life force. It is a simple, fun way to be at your most powerful, to have your way with people, to achieve the most fulfilling, enjoyable, spontaneous life possible."

" The fact is, flirting also empowers you. A woman in touch with this fantastic force is deeply alive. She doesn't wait for a man to be around to tap into her power, she does not wait to unleash it behind the bedroom door. No, she will trot that power out anytime, anywhere it can help, entertain, amuse, or empower her. Most women were taught to flirt flirt when they want something from someone. But flirting is not currency. It is an activity that is done for the sheer pleasure of it, not necessarily with any goal in mind. Flirtation with a goal in mind isn't flirtation, it's work."
On Thursday I tutored my intern for a little while and then I ended up driving her home. While we were in the car she asked me a question I felt a little bit bad about. Apparently she's been paying attention to my dating habits and asked me why I prefer the company of multiple men at one time and then asked me where I meet them. I had to laugh, but I also felt a little bit bad. On one hand, I feel like I should be setting an ideal example for her. But on the other hand, I don't want to lie to her.

The fact is, I do like dating multiple men at one time. However, I did emphasize the fact that I don't sleep with them all. I explained to her that I am divorced, not looking for anything serious, and just want to have fun right now. I'm not obligated to give one man all my attention and none of these men are obligated to give all their attention to me - and that's the way I like it. She seemed amazed that someone would do this so brazenly, with no shame. It's completely normal for me but I guess the idea is completely foreign to her.

As far as how I meet the men I told her that a lot of it had to do with our personality differences, the main one being that I am open and friendly and she's very reticent and shy. I naturally draw people to me because I try and have a positive energy, a smile on my face, and something interesting to say my lips. I also said that I have no problem using websites like OkCupid to meet new people.

After she got out of the car and I was driving home, I realize what may have interested her was the fact that I seem to be comfortable with putting myself out there in a way that others wouldn't be. When I look back at the way I was at her age, I realized that I too would have been aghast at a woman who openly dated multiple men with no apologies. And while I never thought of it this way, I see how some people would also be horrified at the idea of putting themselves on the Internet. I guess for some people, it makes them feel vulnerable. But for someone like me, I love it. It helps me filter out the type of person that I'm interested in without having to spend weeks talking to them only to find out they are not what you want.

I have to say that it feels good to have this level of confidence and strength. I have come to realize that just because a man is interested in me does not mean that he is worth all my attention. He has to prove his worth. And in my case, he's got to fight three other men for my attention if it's really that important to him. Personally, I think it should be that way for all women. We are all worth fighting for, and if a man doesn't know that, then to hell with him.
On Thursday I tutored my intern for a little while and then I ended up driving her home. While we were in the car she asked me a question I felt a little bit bad about. Apparently she's been paying attention to my dating habits and asked me why I prefer the company of multiple men at one time and then asked me where I meet them. I had to laugh, but I also felt a little bit bad. On one hand, I feel like I should be setting an ideal example for her. But on the other hand, I don't want to lie to her.

The fact is, I do like dating multiple men at one time. However, I did emphasize the fact that I don't sleep with them all. I explained to her that I am divorced, not looking for anything serious, and just want to have fun right now. I'm not obligated to give one man all my attention and none of these men are obligated to give all their attention to me - and that's the way I like it. She seemed amazed that someone would do this so brazenly, with no shame. It's completely normal for me but I guess the idea is completely foreign to her.

As far as how I meet the men I told her that a lot of it had to do with our personality differences, the main one being that I am open and friendly and she's very reticent and shy. I naturally draw people to me because I try and have a positive energy, a smile on my face, and something interesting to say my lips. I also said that I have no problem using websites like OkCupid to meet new people.

After she got out of the car and I was driving home, I realize what may have interested her was the fact that I seem to be comfortable with putting myself out there in a way that others wouldn't be. When I look back at the way I was at her age, I realized that I too would have been aghast at a woman who openly dated multiple men with no apologies. And while I never thought of it this way, I see how some people would also be horrified at the idea of putting themselves on the Internet. I guess for some people, it makes them feel vulnerable. But for someone like me, I love it. It helps me filter out the type of person that I'm interested in without having to spend weeks talking to them only to find out they are not what you want.

I have to say that it feels good to have this level of confidence and strength. I have come to realize that just because a man is interested in me does not mean that he is worth all my attention. He has to prove his worth. And in my case, he's got to fight three other men for my attention if it's really that important to him. Personally, I think it should be that way for all women. We are all worth fighting for, and if a man doesn't know that, then to hell with him.

ITA:yep: It is ashamed many women don't realize this as it tends to mess up the game. With needy women, come men who think you have to work hard to please them:ohwell:

Thanks to Lucie I am on the start of reading Mama Gena's School or womanly arts. I like the opening so far
On Thursday I tutored my intern for a little while and then I ended up driving her home. While we were in the car she asked me a question I felt a little bit bad about. Apparently she's been paying attention to my dating habits and asked me why I prefer the company of multiple men at one time and then asked me where I meet them. I had to laugh, but I also felt a little bit bad. On one hand, I feel like I should be setting an ideal example for her. But on the other hand, I don't want to lie to her.

The fact is, I do like dating multiple men at one time. However, I did emphasize the fact that I don't sleep with them all. I explained to her that I am divorced, not looking for anything serious, and just want to have fun right now. I'm not obligated to give one man all my attention and none of these men are obligated to give all their attention to me - and that's the way I like it. She seemed amazed that someone would do this so brazenly, with no shame. It's completely normal for me but I guess the idea is completely foreign to her.

As far as how I meet the men I told her that a lot of it had to do with our personality differences, the main one being that I am open and friendly and she's very reticent and shy. I naturally draw people to me because I try and have a positive energy, a smile on my face, and something interesting to say my lips. I also said that I have no problem using websites like OkCupid to meet new people.

After she got out of the car and I was driving home, I realize what may have interested her was the fact that I seem to be comfortable with putting myself out there in a way that others wouldn't be. When I look back at the way I was at her age, I realized that I too would have been aghast at a woman who openly dated multiple men with no apologies. And while I never thought of it this way, I see how some people would also be horrified at the idea of putting themselves on the Internet. I guess for some people, it makes them feel vulnerable. But for someone like me, I love it. It helps me filter out the type of person that I'm interested in without having to spend weeks talking to them only to find out they are not what you want.

I have to say that it feels good to have this level of confidence and strength. I have come to realize that just because a man is interested in me does not mean that he is worth all my attention. He has to prove his worth. And in my case, he's got to fight three other men for my attention if it's really that important to him. Personally, I think it should be that way for all women. We are all worth fighting for, and if a man doesn't know that, then to hell with him.

THIS!!! This is my new philosophy. I used to try and keep a man interested in me while we were dating. I would keep quiet when I would need to speak up, or accept certain behaviors. I don't do it anymore.

I have expected all the men I have been dating for the last month to step up, or step out. I don't do anything other than being nice, look pretty and enjoy their attention.I realized how important it is to set the tone from the get go.

Know your worth. Men will only treat you the way you let them treat you, and a man who is really interested in you will step up to have you.
^^^ Last few posts


I always thought I had to prove myself to be worthy of a man. With that mindset, I always ended up with entitled kangs. A real man who is interested in you would ENJOY persuing you. It's in their nature to be predatory.
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THIS!!! This is my new philosophy. I used to try and keep a man interested in me while we were dating. I would keep quiet when I would need to speak up, or accept certain behaviors. I don't do it anymore.

I have expected all the men I have been dating for the last month to step up, or step out. I don't do anything other than being nice, look pretty and enjoy their attention.I realized how important it is to set the tone from the get go.

Know your worth. Men will only treat you the way you let them treat you, and a man who is really interested in you will step up to have you.

Yup, that is my MO as well. The only thing I guarantee is that I will show up to dates on time, looking appropriate, and with a good attitude. Everything else must be earned.
I love Mama Gena! I am thinking about going to her course next year. I just got the Owner an Operator's Guide to Men and can't wait to dive in.