Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

I went to a belly dancing class on Wednesday. it was designed to be a workout so we did not focus on learning and perfecting moves. I loved it! It makes you focus on your pelvic and thighs. I felt so free and sensual with my little skirt with coins(idk the name lol) I loved it. I have five more workout classes, then I will sign up for the 5 five week course.

I am loving this journey. For once, I am focusing on accepting myself and not apologizing for being who I am. A friend of mine put this quote on FB yesterday and it resonated with me:

"One day I made the choice to love me, and it made all the difference."
So I've been sick all week and today I was feeling better so I thought I'd pull out one of my new bellydancing dvds. Yeah, just getting dressed put a stop to that idea. (sigh I'm impatient)

Yes, this has been my workout regimen as of now. I need to get that fluidity and flexiblity going. Other cardio and weight lifting gives great results, but it was making me too stiff.


How often do you do each type and what kind of benefits have you seen? How long have you been doing it? And what are you using for belly dance: class or dvd?

I went to a belly dancing class on Wednesday. it was designed to be a workout so we did not focus on learning and perfecting moves. I loved it! It makes you focus on your pelvic and thighs. I felt so free and sensual with my little skirt with coins(idk the name lol) I loved it. I have five more workout classes, then I will sign up for the 5 five week course.

I am loving this journey. For once, I am focusing on accepting myself and not apologizing for being who I am. A friend of mine put this quote on FB yesterday and it resonated with me:

"One day I made the choice to love me, and it made all the difference."

Love it!
So I've been sick all week and today I was feeling better so I thought I'd pull out one of my new bellydancing dvds. Yeah, just getting dressed put a stop to that idea. (sigh I'm impatient)


How often do you do each type and what kind of benefits have you seen? How long have you been doing it? And what are you using for belly dance: class or dvd?

Love it!


I LOVE it! But I don't put in alot of work like I would working out. I just go with what I feel. Some days its 20 minutes other days it is an hour. I try to do it at least 4 days a week so that I my body can get use to being loose and relaxed.
I highly recommend wearing the little sash with the coins. Just wearing it around the house makes me walk sexier. I ordered mine from here: I got the color red, because red always makes me feel sexier. :grin:

I have noticed in the little time that I practiced bellydancing, just how I walk. I try to walk more with my lower half swaying. I stand sexier. I try to be lighter on my feet when I move. The hand movements of bellydancing, help my hands to be more dainty and expressive. I have more work to do, but I really just enjoy my body and how it moves.
I am dancing in front of the mirror. My real test will be when I dance without the mirror, relying only on my own body and the way the movements feel instead of what they look like.
I have noticed in the little time that I practiced bellydancing, just how I walk. I try to walk more with my lower half swaying. I stand sexier. I try to be lighter on my feet when I move. The hand movements of bellydancing, help my hands to be more dainty and expressive. I have more work to do, but I really just enjoy my body and how it moves.

[Hand Proselytizing]
I can't stress enough how important hands are to a woman's elegance!! I really think they are the most neglected part of the body sometimes. I have a few vids on YouTube and all you can see is my hands. You ladies would be surprised at how many people comment at how much they like my hands! Most of these people are verifiably women and girls, so it's not like some dirty man thinking about my magic fingers.

My office daughter/intern is very quiet but wants to learn to be more open and friendly like her mother. Her mom is one of those stunning women who loves people and people love her back, so stuff like that comes naturally to her. I told the intern it's possible to become more outgoing, but she's going to have to work harder. I told her when she meets a guy she thinking she might like and he asks her name, she should tell him and then proffer her hand elegantly. Most men will shake it and a very special few will actually kiss it. Either way, it gives him a reason to touch you in a way that's socially appropriate but is in, a subtle way, also a tad suggestive. I told her to watch for the men who don't seem to want to let go. ;)

A man can spend time thinking about soft feminine hands. Just think about all the things we've done for our partners with our beautiful hands. I've had men straight up tell me that touching my hand once and feeling how soft and gentle they were was a total turn on. He also said he enjoyed same things like me gently rubbing the back of his hand when we talked with my fingertips, etc.

[/Hand Proselytizing]
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^^i just met a girl last weekend at an event, and i just stared at her hands. They were so cute and dainty and she just held them so delicately.
If i was a dude i'd wanna hold em or put a ring on em lol.

I have a thing for pretty hands, mainly due to the fact i dislike mine. I got my mother's wrinkly hands. The only saving grace is they are small.
I notice men love comparing their own hands to mine, i guess it makes them feel manly?

Sent from my phone-typos to be expected :)
l have a thing for pretty hands, mainly due to the fact i dislike mine. I got my mother's wrinkly hands. The only saving grace is they are small.
I notice men love comparing their own hands to mine, i guess it makes them feel manly?

Sent from my phone-typos to be expected :)

That sounds about right.
I would like to add these two books to the list:

The Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer (My favorite book)

A woman's Worth by Marianne Williamson- I started reading this book today. It has 7 chapters. I am reading one chapter a day. It is so beautifully written and talks about reclaiming our power as women. It is the perfect foundation for this thread. i recommend it. If anyone read it, what are your thoughts?
Don't go running away after dropping a gem like that! lol

When you master your core, "riding" becomes easier and more creative. The fluid movements of the hips, stomach, and bottom in circular and lateral movements are both visually appealing and physically stimulating for him. I find lots of women just go "up and down" while ignoring the pleasures of other movements.
Reading Feminine and Powerful while under the dryer. Did you ladies know the author offers seminars? I am learning so much from her book. I am determined to finish this pile in the next few months.
Enyo - I'll also research this, but from your point of view what role do the kegal balls play in increasing lubrication as you mentioned above?
yasunset I'm not sure as I have only been wearing them every other day for about 2 weeks. However I will say this: The last time I removed the balls, they slid out fairly easily. Before that, it was a little painful.
Ok all I have to say is yoga has done some amazing things for me in the br. I am shocked at the way I move and the strength and stamina I have. Not to mention how meditation has also awakened my senses. Physically, I feel more intensely. I highly recommend it.

Been harping on yoga's contribution to my rhythm, fluidity and flexibility for my workout and weight lifting but it never occurred to me what it can do in those other areas.
Started my bellydance/yoga rotation today. I bought a ton of dvds (may have gone a little overboard lol). I used the first episode of Shimmy TV, which was very nicely paced and produced and fun to do and then did the first day of yoga in the Yoga in 28 Days book

My plan for the next month is to do yoga each day (per the program), bellydance 3 days per week, and then 2 days a week something else, I'm deciding btwn kickboxing, weights, or something like the Firm.
Reading Feminine and Powerful while under the dryer. Did you ladies know the author offers seminars? I am learning so much from her book. I am determined to finish this pile in the next few months.

TracyNicole I was reading it under the dryer too the other day :lol: I know she offers classes but everything has been so far away from me.

I watched the Beyonce documentary and I feel like she has read this book :yep:
She's a very sensual woman.
I went to the medical spa today to get my skin in order. They are so expensive, but the last time I had a problem, their products and help worked miracles. My hair is doing really well, but my skin has been neglected. Hyperpigmentation is the worst! I know once I get my skin back, I'll feel so much better. Noting like having healthy hair, skin, and nails!
@TracyNicole I was reading it under the dryer too the other day :lol: I know she offers classes but everything has been so far away from me.

I watched the Beyonce documentary and I feel like she has read this book :yep:
She's a very sensual woman.


YESSSS! I saw that too. She seemed to have alot of books I have read, except she has put it into practice very well and shows.:yep:
Why do you say that?


Besides from the way she moves, you can tell by her expressions or how she expresses herself. She seems very "inside" her body. Even when she described loving her husband and daughter, she talked about being "very warm and tingly" thinking about it which shows she occupies her body. The book speaks alot abot how women must feel the energy in their bodies. For instance, feeling the tingling in your toes and feet and eventually moving to the center (three inches below your belly button, on the inside). This activates the feminine energy.
Her entire aura just reads feminine and sensual. She's very emotional (she allows herself to feel if that makes any sense) and intuitive too, have you seen the documentary?

FemmeFatale I totally agree with you. Maybe that's why I am so drawn to her. She definitely embodies (at least publicly) many of the qualities I am working on mastering. Great observation!
Got a hand compliment today. :blush: He found a reason to reach out and touch them too. It was on the premise of asking me (jokingly) if I was wearing a wedding ring and he pretended to inspect my hand. I only wear rings on my pointer finger, so clearly it wasn't a wedding ring, but I can't blame him. :lol:
Argh, I find I get this feminine thing down in the house and around dh, but in public I get so uptight and guarded:spinning:. HOw does one get the feminine thing down pat socially?
People think being sexy is the same thing as being sensuous; there are two totally seperate things. Women think wearing no to little clothing is sensuous and it is not. Sometimes it is even not sexy.

tatiana, that goes without saying. Speaking for myself I possess sexiness and sensuality. I feel good about myself and being a woman and it is apparent to many. :)
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Lucie I can tell by your pictures. You have a great sense of confidence and positivity. You look great.

RegaLady Sensuality is sometimes difficult to explain. I have some movie suggestions if you a visual person.

Movies with black actresses
Eve's Bayou Lyn Whitfield (Feminine) / Debbie Morgan (Sensuous)
Devil in the Blue Dress Lisa Nicole Carson (Sensuous) / Jennifer Beale (Sensuous)
The Color Purple -- Shug Avery (Sensuous)
Sparkle (the old one) Irene Cara (Feminine) / Lonnette McKey (Sensuous)
Jackie Brown -- Pam Grier (sensuous)

Movies with non-black actresses
Most, if not all, movies with angelina Jolie (Sensuous) even her animated ones
Memoirs of a Geisha -- Pumpkin and her mentor (Feminine) / the main character and her mentor (sensuous)
Moonstruck -- Cher (sensuous) esp. after getting it on with Nick Cage. the way she walks home from her makeover
The Other Bolynne Girl -- Mary (Feminine) / Anne (Sensuous)

TV show

The Tudors Season one -- Mary (????) / Anne (Sensuous) ** I know it is the same story as the movie but it is told slightly different. Anne does a great job at implementing the "Rules" in the movie and the tv show which helped her become queen. She became slightly undone when she did not have a son.