I think being vulnerable and ready to receive are a big part of it. Many of us are taught we need to be strong and self sufficient. I struggle so hard with being able to open myself up, even in marriage because there is an underlying fear of being hurt. As I have been struggling with infertility, it has changed the dynamic of my marriage in a huge way. I have had to rely on my husband's assistance more often and we have begun to communicate on a completely different level.
I can definitely see how me needing him in a support role has created the opportunity for him to step up. I think sometimes we block men from treating us well because they don't feel needed. I know we get frustrated hearing about how it's all on women. Don't get me wrong, that's not what I'm saying. I just believe that men learn how to treat women and how to be masculine through their interactions with women. We have to be willing to create the opportunities for men in our lives to learn to be great.
In terms of being ready to receive, some men might be ready to step up to the plate, but if you aren't open you will miss it. Men are very vulnerable creatures. Deep down they want to treat you right and be appreciated (good men, not all men). When we are not ready to receive, we block that inclination and sometimes it doesn't come around again. We teach men early on how to treat us. I am not saying you should let it all hang out there with every man but as women we want to get to a point where we are comfortable in our own skins and confident in our feminine walk so men can take their cue and treat us the way we want to be treated.