Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

YES @Smiley79 - the site that @TracyNicole was speaking of this is what I found I really like it thus far and I paid about $12

Yes that is her blog targeted at a raising up young Christian women. Her other blog that I read regularly is and there is a subscriber version that has longer versions of the articles she posts there. You don't have to subscribe though, she has a collection of e-book type blogs that can be purchased individually and are on specific topics. I've been reading for the last few months and really learning a ton.
@TracyNicole and @stephluv thanks for posting the links to melina's blogs. I know her material is subscription based however, some of the free articles are still really useful. Melina had a facebook group for feminine women.
I did manage to join the group it was a wonderful resource for the short time that I was a member. My favourite aspect of the group is that there were men in the group who provided a good balance to the information available. I am not too sure what happened to the group melina either closed the group or banned members that she did not think were contributing enough *raises hands*
@JollyGal or @TracyNicole have you read her ebooks? Were they worth purchasing? If so what book did you read? I'm curious about them. I'm not sure if I would learn anything helpful in particular but the subject matter is interesting. I also liked her write up for the black lady book.
@Kimbosheart I have been eying black femininity ebook as well but hesitated. I have read the Path to Femininity and the Art of Courtesanry. I enjoyed them both. I also read Being an It Girl but I didn't find it useful after reading the That Girl threads here. I have Understanding Men 101 and Cleopatra's Secrets but I haven't managed to get to those yet. She is having a flash sale right now so if you are interested in more than one book it may be cheaper. You get 2 years membership on the blog and several of the e-books. It ends tomorrow btw.
@Kimbosheart Thank you so much for the news about the flash sale. The flash sale price looked like an absolute bargain so I purchased the membership!

I do not want to distract from the main topic of this thread so if I have the time I will try to keep a LHCF blog about my experiences using the membership.
@Kimbosheart Thank you so much for the news about the flash sale. The flash sale price looked like an absolute bargain so I purchased the membership!

I do not want to distract from the main topic of this thread so if I have the time I will try to keep a LHCF blog about my experiences using the membership.
Would you be interested in starting a thread so that we can actually share together?
@TracyNicole Excellent idea! Having more than one opinion on this course can only be a good thing. I will think of a title for the thread and then tag you in it.
@Kimbosheart So far I have received 14 e-books. I have glanced at the ebooks and I am already convinced feminine belle is one of the best online resources about femininity. There is plenty of information to get through. :drunk:Hopefully the material is not repetitive and is worth more than the price.
@TracyNicole Excellent idea! Having more than one opinion on this course can only be a good thing. I will think of a title for the thread and then tag you in it.
@Kimbosheart So far I have received 14 e-books. I have glanced at the ebooks and I am already convinced feminine belle is one of the best online resources about femininity. There is plenty of information to get through. :drunk:Hopefully the material is not repetitive and is worth more than the price.
@JollyGal Thanks for starting the thread. I was on my phone browsing the forum yesterday and it isn't too user friendly. I am happy you like the materials. If you missed the sale she has them every two -three months but honestly I think it's worth it even at full price. Heading over to the the other thread now:)
Hello lovelies, I have been in this thread gaining much valuable wisdom and connecting with you all that I wanted to share something that really resonated with me.

I've been reading the Power of Feminine Grace and one of the things that struck me was the talk about having men do for us. I have spoken on this before but the author put it in a very simple but powerful sentence saying: "women often complain that men don't do enough, but men can't step up if women don't step down". As modern women we do too much, take on too much and don't properly replenish our feminine energies. I find it to be true that in many circumstances, my man is happy to take care of me when I am tired or in need as it give HIM the permission to be a man and a hero which is what most of them want to be. This was the case plenty of times when I would simply want to take a hot bath and crawl into bed and not think of doing the dishes. I was always guaranteed to wake up to a cleaned kitchen. Not only would he be happy to do for me but the appreciation i showed often renewed him as well!

Keep smiling my friends.
I bought some boudoir slippers for the first time in life. I've always liked the look of them, but then I usually forget. All I see is yeti/ugg slippers in most stores, so I fancied something different.

They make me feel very femme and I enjoy the flirtiness, although I went for the wedge design rather than heel for more comfort. FH went crazy yesterday when he walked in lol.
Hello lovelies, I have been in this thread gaining much valuable wisdom and connecting with you all that I wanted to share something that really resonated with me.

I've been reading the Power of Feminine Grace and one of the things that struck me was the talk about having men do for us. I have spoken on this before but the author put it in a very simple but powerful sentence saying: "women often complain that men don't do enough, but men can't step up if women don't step down". As modern women we do too much, take on too much and don't properly replenish our feminine energies. I find it to be true that in many circumstances, my man is happy to take care of me when I am tired or in need as it give HIM the permission to be a man and a hero which is what most of them want to be. This was the case plenty of times when I would simply want to take a hot bath and crawl into bed and not think of doing the dishes. I was always guaranteed to wake up to a cleaned kitchen. Not only would he be happy to do for me but the appreciation i showed often renewed him as well!

Keep smiling my friends.

Thank You!! I think that women were not created to be aggressive or pursuer. We can give them little hints but I let the man take the reigns. Ive noticed everytime I try to take charge like planning dates or getting together then it backfires on me because the guy either becomes lazy and let me do the work or he doesnt appreciate you as much and takes you for granted.
I need to read up on this feminine belles thread.

Anyways today I received an incredible compliment that will just about make my life. I do Sfactor. I have been doing it for a few months now. I love the process so much.

Today my instructor told me that I come off as very surprising. Despite being shy and reserved, I am actually incredibly in tune with my sensuality. She said that there are times in class when I get completely into everything and the moment right before I realize how much I am into it, witnessing my sensuality is amazing. She told me to own it and not be surprised by it. She has noticed when I would get surprised when I would realize what's happening and would come out of it.

This is exactly what has happened to me. I am so grateful that she saw this and was able to verbalize it all to me. I am actually even surprised with what I have discovered about my movement and my body. And this is in and out of class.

I am learning to really own my sensuality and sexuality even. I am even learning to own my attractiveness. I feel like there are parts of me that have just "been". They are there (and I have benefited from them) but I haven't cultivated any of these aspects. I haven't reslly learned myself through myself. I haven't tapped into my sensuality, movement, and seductive self just for me. I really feel like I'm doing that now through a beautiful process.
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Ok chicas, I have a bit of a dilemma. I am a salsa dancer who is very comfy with sensuality and movement when dancing. I smile and flirt back and tap into my femininity easily. I even dress a little sexier but classy when I go out. IRL I am the exact opposite. Very conservative, barely smile, don't flirt, don't maintain eye contact. I am basically invisible. I changed my hairstyle once and couldn't deal with the smiles, conversations and all the attention off the dance floor. On the dance floor, I was smiling, flirting, feeling all sexy and confident that I actually got propositioned on the spot as in he was ready for us to leave immediately after the song. I'm a pretty good dancer and get stopped all the time with questions and teachers pick me all the time to help them with demos during a class. I want to be that confident, feminine and sexy off the dance floor as well, obviously without the on the spot propositions. How do I merge these two sides of me into one?
Ok chicas, I have a bit of a dilemma. I am a salsa dancer who is very comfy with sensuality and movement when dancing. I smile and flirt back and tap into my femininity easily. I even dress a little sexier but classy when I go out. IRL I am the exact opposite. Very conservative, barely smile, don't flirt, don't maintain eye contact. I am basically invisible. I changed my hairstyle once and couldn't deal with the smiles, conversations and all the attention off the dance floor. On the dance floor, I was smiling, flirting, feeling all sexy and confident that I actually got propositioned on the spot as in he was ready for us to leave immediately after the song. I'm a pretty good dancer and get stopped all the time with questions and teachers pick me all the time to help them with demos during a class. I want to be that confident, feminine and sexy off the dance floor as well, obviously without the on the spot propositions. How do I merge these two sides of me into one?

I feel you. I might have to go through this thread and tag ladies to teply to you. I'm sad this thread has died.

The key is being comfortable with all of who you are. You can't control how people react to you, but you can control how/what you take it in. "Daily You" and "Salsa You" are two facets of your personality and, to live more sensually, you have to integrate those people. Perhaps you can incorporate just 1 or 2 of the behaviors from "SY" into your "DY" routine so you can ease into the transition. Maybe wear one of your salsa dresses to work (if it's appropriate) or wearing your hair differently a few days a week. Then when you're comfortable with that, add eye contact and smiling at men you feel safe with (the male clerk at the store, the security guy in your building, etc.). Most men, but not all, are harmless, so you'll have to gauge what's safe for you. Think about how SY would behave in certain situations and behave like her whenever you can, even if it's only for a few hours. Let her come out to play sometimes!:lol:

It sounds like you feel unsafe being sensual in public because it causes unwanted attention. That's not unusual. You have to learn how to stand in your own power and know you're not obligated to engage with anyone you don't want to. I used to feel invisible, so I set out to make myself visible and I couldn't handle the attention so I made myself invisible again for a while. Now I'm happily visible because I'm thrilled with who I am and I know I can handle whatever happens. The closest way I can describe it is that the first time, I was putting on an act that didn't feel like me, but now my authenticity is so central to who I am that everything stems from there. HTH.
The thread has slowed quite a bit, but with a few tags to some of the members, maybe we can get in jump-started again;

@BK Bombshell

Ladies out there, are any of you still keeping up with the Sensuality challenge? How's life treating you?
@okange76 has a really good query upthread that needs to be addressed.

Things are fine down here in da islands. For me, I've been maintaining myself with a plethora of nice dresses and I got more adventurous with my make-up. I need to work on my hair, though. The bun is getting old, but I seem to have lost my skill for some reason. The styles I used to do all the time look terrible. :(
Hi ladies! Things are fine with me as well. I have really devoted myself to my studies so I haven't been around as much. It has made a huge difference! There are a few other related threads on here that you ladies may find helpful. There is a thread called Feminine Belles and a Queen's Code thread. Although I no longer support the work of Melina Dean due to some racist undertones on her blog, the other thread is based on the book the Queen's Code and related book the Keys to the Kingdom, both of which really helped me take my quest to the next level.
@okange76 you may want to check out one of the aforementioned books. They were really helpful in encouraging me to come into my own. I realized that part of why I allowed myself to be unhealthy and frumpy was a deep desire to hide from the world because of my insecurities. All of this work over the last several years was important to reconciling the inner me with the outer me I desire to be. I really think the two go hand in hand and if you want that outward display of confidence, you have to be at peace and fully vested in the inner you. When you are vibrantly happy and authentic it can't help but manifest to others as outgoing confidence and joy in life. I hope this makes sense!
Your post is a God-send! My goal is to be completely congruent, be totally myself, and be secure. I will explore your suggestions!

Hi ladies! Things are fine with me as well. I have really devoted myself to my studies so I haven't been around as much. It has made a huge difference! There are a few other related threads on here that you ladies may find helpful. There is a thread called Feminine Belles and a Queen's Code thread. Although I no longer support the work of Melina Dean due to some racist undertones on her blog, the other thread is based on the book the Queen's Code and related book the Keys to the Kingdom, both of which really helped me take my quest to the next level.
@okange76 you may want to check out one of the aforementioned books. They were really helpful in encouraging me to come into my own. I realized that part of why I allowed myself to be unhealthy and frumpy was a deep desire to hide from the world because of my insecurities. All of this work over the last several years was important to reconciling the inner me with the outer me I desire to be. I really think the two go hand in hand and if you want that outward display of confidence, you have to be at peace and fully vested in the inner you. When you are vibrantly happy and authentic it can't help but manifest to others as outgoing confidence and joy in life. I hope this makes sense!