Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

I was going to bring this up when you said yellow is a brown skinned girl's best friend.-of any skin tone.

I have to disagree.... Which is why pinks and oranges don't look good on you.

You have to know your Undertones.

Yellow looks absolutely horrid on me... So does blue and red, but they probably look amazing on you.... That's because I can already tell you have a red undertone.

Pink and Orange, teal and beige look amazing on me... (Not so much bright white, but off white)

And that's because I have yellow undertones.

Once you know your undertones, you automatically know which makeup and clothing look best on you.

You can tell by looking at the veins in your arms... If they show up blue, I believe that makes someone a red undertone, if they show up green (mine do) then you're a yellow undertone

This is really good information. I have a warm skin tone and it really makes a difference in how everything looks pulled together when you choose the best colors for your tone. I can get away with some pinks and some blues, but purple in any shade is just not my color. I look dusty and cold when I wear purple. When I wear coral, green, light pink, and some cream colors I look moisturized and more fluid.

On a small scale you can try it out with nail polish to see which colors work on your skin and in different lights without spending a lot of money.

If there is everyone with a PDF of mama gena's book could you please inbox it to me.

I am really working to become my best self.

I haven't contributed to this thread in awhile. So both of these books are pretty good for practical helpful tips to increase the serendipity in your life. I read through them pretty slowly, sometimes a 10 essays a day other times 1 essay a week. But I like reading things and having them in my mental rolodex to pull from.

Another tip. Oyster and Kindle Unlimited. For $10 a month you can read many of the books in this thread and others. I'm currently using Oyster and the 2 books I just posted, the Mama Gena books and others are available on there. You don't need a kindle device or anything. They work on your phone or desktop.
I found this ebook on Amazon, Who Is the Divine Feminine and Why She Matters (Celebrate the Divine Feminine: Reclaim Your Power with Ancient Goddess Wisdom Book 1) I just started it, but it is good so far. I was able to download it for free since I have a prime membership, but even if you don't it is only $2.00.
hmmm me getting in the kitchen to make a green smoothie is not looking good...but i'm sure some places do sell them I wont have them everyday cause i just got some curves cant lose them just yet

On another note I've been getting more looks from men and women lol I had got some eyelashes put in for my bday and have been trying to show more skin (ppl have been commenting that they didnt know I had a body under my work clothes lol) Keeping up with my mani and pedi

Got a few crazy questions but where do you ladies spray your fragrances on yourself? When it comes to jewelry and accessories i know less is more but what do you consider less? Am the only one sufferring from insect bites?...its not helping me feel sexy in this heat with my arms covered up lol

This thread is so helpful even tho i'm celibate I still want to feel like a woman and get treated like one....

Yes to the bolded for me too. :yep:
I think the most difficult part about this is bring able to do this when your feelings are hurt.

aww *SkolarStar* I was just about to post something similar... I know how you feel but we cant be down forever...i'm just starting to forgive forget and press forward again...and I am doing that by a little R&R and pampering...just think one day it wont be you doing it for yourself but once you get em soon someone will splurge on you:grin:

I haven't contributed to this thread in awhile. So both of these books are pretty good for practical helpful tips to increase the serendipity in your life. I read through them pretty slowly, sometimes a 10 essays a day other times 1 essay a week. But I like reading things and having them in my mental rolodex to pull from.

Another tip. Oyster and Kindle Unlimited. For $10 a month you can read many of the books in this thread and others. I'm currently using Oyster and the 2 books I just posted, the Mama Gena books and others are available on there. You don't need a kindle device or anything. They work on your phone or desktop.

Thanks for sharing. I just purchased the kindle version of Creating a Charmed Life. Looks interesting. Can't wait to dive in.
I found this ebook on Amazon, Who Is the Divine Feminine and Why She Matters (Celebrate the Divine Feminine: Reclaim Your Power with Ancient Goddess Wisdom Book 1) I just started it, but it is good so far. I was able to download it for free since I have a prime membership, but even if you don't it is only $2.00.

This title involves what Alexyss K. Tylor talks a lot about--recognizing the Divine Female Womb is the end all and be all. The Divine Mother Wisdom, WaRuach, was usurped and a male Holy Spirit deity was put in her place. This is also why Isis was made to be so important in Egyptology...she was the Egyptian version of the Divine Mother, WaRuach.

Well, this was a direct attack on the original Holy Family, and has a lot to do with the blatant homosexual agenda running rampant through mainstream Christianity. Two men (The Father, Ahayah Asher Ahayah (aka "God") and the dead wrong male version of the holy spirit (taught in churches) cannot have a baby (the Son, Yashayah haMashiach (aka Jesus the Messiah). Also, in the Bible, Wisdom is referred to as, "her," and "she."

All this was done to subdue the woman and her power. It's real deep y'all. Too deep for a thread on this site. Sorry to get a little off topic, but your mentioning this book brought all of this full circle and yet so many do not understand this. Any woman with a womb has the entire universe in her hands. And, this is why hysterectomies often cause "craziness" and emotional mood swings in women. Look up the Greek root word for "hysteria." The woman who has a womb can manifest anything she wants, IF she understands her purpose and her power. This is not metaphysics, this is core spiritual and physical truth. Toodles!

P.S. I'm going to get this book! ^^
Hey ladies how is everyone doing?

I had such a hectic 2014 but I definitely have matured in soooo many ways! Currently focused on my spiritually and looking for a new job but I also have made quite a few changes that have built up my confidence

Ive increase my vitamins and hoping this will clear up some of my skin issues as well as bimonthly facials (if I can I do these monthly) Also decided i'll be looking into short term braces, my teeth shifted a bit so want to correct this prior to my besties wedding (hopefully will only need for less than 6mths) More importantly, i am loving the changes in my wardrobe I'm really aiming putting my best look forward so if anyone has tips on fitness gear as I want to feel confident in my workout clothes even while i'm sweating lol For ladies that workout whether its yoga, strength training or running where do you shop and what are some key staples? Do you like bright clothes...all my fitness stuff are dark smh I look like a bum
Hi stephluv. I've been doing very well. I've implemented so many changes since this thread started. My home is cleaner and more peaceful. I am more efficient and productive at work and those changes mean more time to work on me. The Sex Secrets book was the best thing to happen to me last year because she really put it in perspective how important it is to make time to keep yourself up. Thanks to you ladies sharing my wardrobe is much proved, I finally locked my hair and this year my goals are weight and skin. 2015 is going to be great. I wish we could get this thread more active again!
Hi stephluv. I've been doing very well. I've implemented so many changes since this thread started. My home is cleaner and more peaceful. I am more efficient and productive at work and those changes mean more time to work on me. The Sex Secrets book was the best thing to happen to me last year because she really put it in perspective how important it is to make time to keep yourself up. Thanks to you ladies sharing my wardrobe is much proved, I finally locked my hair and this year my goals are weight and skin. 2015 is going to be great. I wish we could get this thread more active again!

TracyNicole Is the exact title Sex Secrets? I definitely am in need of some.... :look:
Yes I agree TracyNicole I want this thread to be more active cause we truly need LADIES in this world...So many females are male-minded without even realizing it...I was the same too and I still have issues with that...cant expect to be treated as a lady if I dont encourage/allow a man to be a gentleman
Yes I agree @TracyNicole I want this thread to be more active cause we truly need LADIES in this world...So many females are male-minded without even realizing it...I was the same too and I still have issues with that...cant expect to be treated as a lady if I dont encourage/allow a man to be a gentleman

You are absolutely right! I just finished the Proper Care and Feeding of Marriages and whew... I really liked how she broke down how feminism has been the assassin of chivalry and created misery for women. I am finding that the more I embrace my femininity the more positive my interactions with men and even either women because of my paradigm shift. I still have a long journey ahead and I would love more company!
@TracyNicole Is the exact title Sex Secrets? I definitely am in need of some.... :look:

I love her book. Some of the terminology is a bit silly but the underlying message is life changing. She doesn't detail any techniques. A copy of the Kama Sutra and a girls night with a Pure Romance consultant can hook you up there. What she emphasizes is all about what needs to happen in terms of attitude and getting your looks together to turn it up in the bedroom.
I've been lurking on this site for a while but I wanted to mention that a 70+ year old lady told me over 10 years ago that the feminist movement was the worse thing that could've happened for women. I didn't quite understand it then but as I got older myself i realized that it placed us in a direct competitive and adversarial position against men. And while equality sounds great as a concept, going toe to toe with men emasculated them to a degree but also diminishes our femininity. It is a hard pill to swallow but ladies were in a position of power with our men when we practiced being ladies and allowed them to be men.

As an example, I can recall an incident when my car would not start when I was parked in front of my sister's building. I got out with the full intention of taking care of the problem myself but it just so happened I was wearing a slinky leopard print skirt, pumps and this little dainty purse hanging from my wrist. No sooner than I popped the hood, 6 men of various ages descended upon me to see what was the problem. They ended up jumping my battery and getting my car working again. I offered cash for their assistance and they unanimously chimed that it was their pleasure to help and refused the money. I swear that they all looked so pleased and self satisfied to help and a few seemed to puff out their chests when I smiled and said thank you. That's all I had to give. It had such an impact on if I had been part of some sort of ancient ritual. I learned that men needed us to be ladies in order for them to be gentlemen. And let me emphasize that these were not men who would typically considered gentlemen. This happened in the South Bronx amongst poor and unsophisticated people.....this is something deep within us as humans.
pattyr5 Thank you for sharing that. That lady was so right. I think the feminist movement crippled women. Our power came from our innate desire to nurture and care take. Women weren't completely powerless and weak, women were strong. Now I see women breaking their backs left and right, myself included. And for the life of me I can't figure out why.

Yes we can walk down the street alone, go out and get a job and have "freedom" of choice but in the grand scheme of things I'm not sure it improved our lot in life. Now men don't expect to have to commit and/or provide. Women are often left to work, care for the kids and care for the home. Better yet, women are expected to work, and expected to bear it all stoically like a man. I would like to see a shift back to where women are comfortable in their power and know how to wield it. I find that when I try to go toe to toe with men it rarely results in me achieving my objective yet when I influence gently it works wonders. I am still learning how. It's not easy, especially without many truly feminine ladies around to teach the art.
You are absolutely right! I just finished the Proper Care and Feeding of Marriages and whew!

TracyNicole please let me know if this is a good read for a single celibate woman lol Cant read anything that might have me drop my celibacy lol:look:

And while equality sounds great as a concept, going toe to toe with men emasculated them to a degree but also diminishes our femininity. It is a hard pill to swallow but ladies were in a position of power with our men when we practiced being ladies and allowed them to be men.

As an example, I can recall an incident when my car would not start when I was parked in front of my sister's building. I learned that men needed us to be ladies in order for them to be gentlemen. And let me emphasize that these were not men who would typically considered gentlemen. This happened in the South Bronx amongst poor and unsophisticated people.....this is something deep within us as humans.

pattyr5 wow that was a great story, especially in the South Bronx... I remember I was at a house party in Queens and a young lady was leaving to go catch the bus and it was like 3am so me being another female went up to my boo at the time and his friends and said one of ya'll go walk her to the stop...they all looked at me like I was crazy... I was so turned off i'm like wow i'll walk her since ya'll Jordans cant get messed up:rolleyes:...i only stopped ranting because i could tell I was embarrassing her smh idk it was 5yrs ago and I still wonder if they didnt walk her cause she wasnt confident with alot of sex appeal aka not attractive to them or due to pure laziness! Probably was both them fools

Our power came from our innate desire to nurture and care take. Women weren't completely powerless and weak, women were strong. Now I see women breaking their backs left and right, myself included. And for the life of me I can't figure out why.
I find that when I try to go toe to toe with men it rarely results in me achieving my objective yet when I influence gently it works wonders. I am still learning how. It's not easy, especially without many truly feminine ladies around to teach the art.
Yes I can agree to the bolded! I kinda want this to NOT be a sticky so we can get more feedback...most of the time I don't even check the sticky posts
@TracyNicole please let me know if this is a good read for a single celibate woman lol Cant read anything that might have me drop my celibacy lol

Yes I can agree to the bolded! I kinda want this to NOT be a sticky so we can get more feedback...most of the time I don't even check the sticky posts

stephluv In the books she really just talks about how women and men differ in terms of behavior, how it can lead to relationship conflict and how celebrating these differences can promote long term happy relationships. She decries hooking up and shacking up as follies of the modern day woman so I don't think you are in any danger of being tempted to ditch your celibacy.

I'm wondering if we can have a new thread that is not a sticky. Is that allowed?
stephluv In the books she really just talks about how women and men differ in terms of behavior, how it can lead to relationship conflict and how celebrating these differences can promote long term happy relationships. She decries hooking up and shacking up as follies of the modern day woman so I don't think you are in any danger of being tempted to ditch your celibacy.

I'm wondering if we can have a new thread that is not a sticky. Is that allowed?

I think this thread should remain a sticky, Esp since the search function keeps going wonky.

But there's nothing to stop a new thread from being started. Although off topic would be better
I think this thread should remain a sticky, Esp since the search function keeps going wonky.

But there's nothing to stop a new thread from being started. Although off topic would be better

I agree that this thread should remain as is. There are tons of resources listed here. Of topic definitely got way more action than the relationship forum.
pattyr5 Thank you for sharing that. That lady was so right. I think the feminist movement crippled women. Our power came from our innate desire to nurture and care take. Women weren't completely powerless and weak, women were strong. Now I see women breaking their backs left and right, myself included. And for the life of me I can't figure out why.

Yes we can walk down the street alone, go out and get a job and have "freedom" of choice but in the grand scheme of things I'm not sure it improved our lot in life. Now men don't expect to have to commit and/or provide. Women are often left to work, care for the kids and care for the home. Better yet, women are expected to work, and expected to bear it all stoically like a man. I would like to see a shift back to where women are comfortable in their power and know how to wield it. I find that when I try to go toe to toe with men it rarely results in me achieving my objective yet when I influence gently it works wonders. I am still learning how. It's not easy, especially without many truly feminine ladies around to teach the art.

We are absolutely capable of accomplishing many things but we have to do it as ladies. when I was having troubles with my man and i was at a lost as to why until it occurred to me that my approach was all wrong. A little thing like smiling, dropping the tone in my voice and giving him room to be a man was all he needed. Now, I'm with a man who was not raised with his father or strong role models and yet he innately desires to be a certain kind of person. I just needed to give him the space to do so by showing him that I am a lady. This is a man that happily came outside to shovel out the snow every single day this winter just so I could have a place to park. It didn't matter how long or hard he had worked that day. I never asked him to do that but he wanted to, amongst the many other things that he feels moved to do because it asserts his manhood. The key seems to be in my hands provided I remember to employ my femininity.
That is beautiful and love your post pattyr5 Your post has led me to think about my past relationships and courtship stages...I was not the woman and lady I needed to be to have the man that I want and need! What tips would any of you women give to a single female who is desiring to marry but also be courted (which I feel all ladies should get before any relationship statuses lol). Especially nowadays men or boys are just not trying to put in the work when majority of females dont require it. Or in my past if I did have that I did not know how to receive it as there was a man that was the perfect gentleman but I figured he was just soft lol
stephluv I would run and purchase Melina Dean's e-book on attracting high value men. Her blog is called the feminine belle. I will try to remember to post the link when I am on my computer. I subscribe to her paid blog. Sometimes I get angry reading but everything I have employed from her blog has improved my life so oh well. If you are easily offended or a die hard feminist you will not like it but if you believe in equality but different, you can learn much from even the free excerpts.
Every time I feel the way I do now (unfeminine/unmotivated/given up) I start from page one of this thread.

Thanks state testing, I can do that today.
@stephluv I would run and purchase Melina Dean's e-book on attracting high value men. Her blog is called the feminine belle. I will try to remember to post the link when I am on my computer. I subscribe to her paid blog. Sometimes I get angry reading but everything I have employed from her blog has improved my life so oh well. If you are easily offended or a die hard feminist you will not like it but if you believe in equality but different, you can learn much from even the free excerpts.
TracyNicole Thanks please post the link I think I found it but noticed she had several blogs