Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

^^^ She has a few different courses. The Mastery course is 5,500 and the Virtual Bootcamp is $997. I am thinking about shooting for bootcamp and/or the 3 day retreat this year. She also does an annual retreat. The price is included. I think the Miami retreat is $399 separately.

Ladies I came across a new book and it looked good enough to order. It's called The Pleasure Zone by Stella Reznick.
I finally made it all the way through this thread and I've greatly enjoyed the discussion. I see two themes recurring: vulnerability and sensuality (as distinguished from sexiness), and I wholeheartedly agree that these are two keys to female attractiveness. Fortunately, they are two traits that can be cultivated regardless of looks, age, class, education, etc.

Coincidentally, the last two weeks, Oprah has had an author by the name of Brene Brown on her Super Soul Sunday hour. This woman (PhD) has written a book called "Daring Greatly" which is all about cultivating authentic connections through vulnerability. It was a really beautiful discussion and right on point with what's being talked about in this thread. I'm gonna get the book soon.

Also, I know some posters have talked about who might be, or who are, black female role models of Sense and Sensuality. At the risk of going to the same well one too many times, I'm gonna go ahead and say that two of my faves, Michelle Obama and Beyonce are both very strong women who at the same time are sensual, vulnerable, and feminine. On the surface, they seem very different, but I think they share similar traits.

I remember reading Barack Obama's autobiography about him meeting Michelle and I'll never forget him saying that despite her high powered position and her initial rebuffing him, he saw vulnerability in her eyes. So interesting. I have seen pictures of them in their early courtship and her body language with him was always highly feminine and even submissive. Although they have had rough patches in their marriage, he has always protected her -- even fiercely so in the public eye. Perhaps that goes back to the early impressions he had of her.

I could say the same thing about Beyonce -- I think Jay sees a vulnerability that we don't see. She, also, despite presenting a fierce, empowered persona, switches to uber-feminine and submissive with Jay. Like Michelle she looks at her man with admiration and respect. Of course, the men they're with deserve admiration and respect -- they picked well.

On a smaller note, like has been mentioned in this thread, Beyonce and Michelle have absolutely gorgeous hands, lol, beautiful, graceful, and always well-manicured. I always notice people's hands and sometimes draw conclusions about their personalities from their hands. I've gotten compliments on my hands and fingers since I've been a little girl and I put a lot of effort into them. Just on Thursday somebody at work who was sitting across the room from me came up to me after a meeting to tell me how they noticed my hands, lol. It's the little things, ladies.

Lastly, I think there might be something else about Michelle and Beyonce that is similar and may have given them a head start on cultivating their femininity: it was modeled for them as they were growing up. They both had strong, yet feminine mothers, and strong, dependable, protective fathers. Not perfect parents, but very good parents. I think having this stable foundation enabled them to not have that hard edge or tough shell that so many of us unfortunately develop. I have often thought that despite all his flaws, Matthew Knowles was the best thing to ever happen to a young Beyonce's career. Yes he was messy, but when it came to his daughter, he was a fierce protector. Somebody as beautiful and talented as she was could have gotten ground up and spit out by the entertainment industry if he hadn't been navigating those shark waters (and she hadn't let him). A lot of black women don't know, and have never known, what it's like to be protected and we have to make a conscious effort to let down our guards when a trustworthy man presents that possibility to us.

Here's to continuing to learn and grow in our unique femininity!
Danewshe, that .gif cracks me up! LOL!

RegaLady I am glad you like it! :D

Enyo, I am glad you were candid with the intern. The funny thing is when I was the intern's age I was just like you. I was unapologetic. I would tell my dates, I was on a schedule and though they seemed upset to know I would be on time for my nex time. It made them seriously want to pursue me. I think it was the reason why I got married so young. My ex-husband would always tell me that he was going to be my number one and only. I would look at him, like "What is so special about YOU :rolleyes:?" I guess he was right, I married him. :lol: Ironically, post-divorce I turned more into the intern, dating one man at a time. Once, I started dating multiple men I got my Lucie back if that makes any sense.
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Enyo, I am glad you were candid with the intern. The funny thing is when I was the intern's age I was just like you. I was unapologetic. I would tell my dates, I was on a schedule and though they seemed upset to know I would be on time for my nex time. It made them seriously want to pursue me. I think it was the reason why I got married so young. My ex-husband would always tell me that he was going to be my number one and only. I would look at him, like "What is so special about YOU :rolleyes:?" I guess he was right, I married him. :lol: Ironically, post-divorce I turned more into the intern, dating one man at a time. Once, I started dating multiple men I got my Lucie back if that makes any sense.

Lucie, that's funny! I have noticed other women have had our experiences meaning that we either started out hot and heavy with one guy and then branched out or did the reverse at some point. Funny enough, I did date multiple men when I was her age, but I was quiet about it. I didn't want to deal with other people's opinions about my choices. The upside is that I gave all my f*cks away years ago, and now have absolutely none for anyone or anything. I actually have the men color coded in my iPhone so that I can get a visual idea of how much time each one is getting. If there is a lot of blue on my calender, then I know "Joe" is getting a more time than "Chris" and "Juan". It sounds stupid, but it's really useful for MMM (multiple man management). :yep:
This tips in this thread are dangerous when implemented, lol. I went to a professional event this Sat and charmed a whole room of men. Now this was a very pretentious crowd (I met Jennifer Williams from Basketball Wives) so I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to crack them open, lol. A lot of the women were desperately trying to seek attention but went about it the wrong way. The men were extra smiley, wanted to chat, dance buy me drinks, etc. I worked the room and owned the crowd, lol.
Lucie, that's funny! I have noticed other women have had our experiences meaning that we either started out hot and heavy with one guy and then branched out or did the reverse at some point. Funny enough, I did date multiple men when I was her age, but I was quiet about it. I didn't want to deal with other people's opinions about my choices. The upside is that I gave all my f*cks away years ago, and now have absolutely none for anyone or anything. I actually have the men color coded in my iPhone so that I can get a visual idea of how much time each one is getting. If there is a lot of blue on my calender, then I know "Joe" is getting a more time than "Chris" and "Juan". It sounds stupid, but it's really useful for MMM (multiple man management). :yep:

LOL @ color coded. I called MMM "my rotation." Some men get heavier rotation time than others. And I always kept a "safety net." But that's a whole other topic. :look: :lol:
This tips in this thread are dangerous when implemented, lol. I went to a professional event this Sat and charmed a whole room of men. Now this was a very pretentious crowd (I met Jennifer Williams from Basketball Wives) so I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to crack them open, lol. A lot of the women were desperately trying to seek attention but went about it the wrong way. The men were extra smiley, wanted to chat, dance buy me drinks, etc. I worked the room and owned the crowd, lol.

@FemmeFatale Good for you!! :yep::yep::yep: You get several nods of approval from me! Living up to your name, I see.

I almost feel bad for women who are desperate and don't know how to get attention from men. Please tell me you snagged a couple of tasties for a midnight snack. :look:

@Lucie, I call it "rotation" too! :lachen:
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Rachel Groover wrote a great article on mistakes women make with men and I thought it was so fitting I had to share.

A quick listing of the 5 mistakes women make:

1. Not appreciating his masculinity.
2. Taking on the masculine role when he doesn't.
3. Not realizing that a man wants a woman who inspires hm "out of his head".
4. Thinking I don't need a man.
5. Not deliberately creating sexual polarity.
FemmeFatale Good for you!! :yep::yep::yep: You get several nods of approval from me! Living up to your name, I see.

I almost feel bad for women who are desperate and don't know how to get attention from men. Please tell me you snagged a couple of tasties for a midnight snack. :look:

One thing I noticed is that a lot of women were dressed for other women (overly trendy, complicated or just plain not flattering to their figure) and they had no idea how to be pleasant, sensual or anything of that matter.

Yes I got three numbers, lol.
Rachel Groover wrote a great article on mistakes women make with men and I thought it was so fitting I had to share.

A quick listing of the 5 mistakes women make:

1. Not appreciating his masculinity.
2. Taking on the masculine role when he doesn't.
3. Not realizing that a man wants a woman who inspires hm "out of his head".
4. Thinking I don't need a man.
5. Not deliberately creating sexual polarity.

It's so funny, I was going over this while I was under the dryer at the salon, lol. I had a lot of fun w/ number 5.
It's so funny, I was going over this while I was under the dryer at the salon, lol. I had a lot of fun w/ number 5.

FemmeFatale You and me both. I was beginning to question myself yesterday. I have made very drastic changes over the last 3 months since embarking on this quest and some people think I'm nuts. Reading this article last night confirmed I am doing exactly what's right for my family. I have been working hard but not quite zeroed in on number 5. Seeing it in black and white helped me focus on what I need to do to put that newly decorated bedroom to more use :grin:
sooooo I got a few books...

I wanted to know if anyone suggests a particular order to read these books...

Fascinating Womanhood
The Power of Femininity
Sex Secrets of an American Geisha
Powerful and Feminine

I wonder if these books assist those going through a break up...friend has been feeling down lately
@stephluv Hello love. If you are feeling down right now I want you to get Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts and read that first. All the other books you purchased are wonderful. I've read all except I haven't finished Powerful and Feminine yet. Mama Gena's is very good for meeting you where you are. Other than that, I think it is a matter of personal preference.

I like light to heavy so I would probably go with Sex Secrets nest. It's a bit more light-hearted than the others and more of a how to filled with defined steps you can take to improve your femininity and attractiveness. I would do The Power of Femininity next because it focuses on understanding the differences between the sexes and is a bit more heavy reading and includes many scriptural references to support the underlying differences between the sexes and how you can grow into your femininity.

Feminine and Powerful I would do next to last because to get the most out of the book, it really helps to use the accompanying workbook. I think a previous poster linked a pdf of it way back. I would do Fascinating Womanhood last, whatever order you decide to choose for the other books. That book is very heavy and I think difficult to receive for many women. Also, you will likely not agree with everything in the book and I believe studying the works of the other authors first will help you to discern what information is useful to you on your journey and what you want to discard. HTH!

ETA just realized you said a friend...I recommend she get that book. It's such a good place to start!
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@Lucie, that's funny! I have noticed other women have had our experiences meaning that we either started out hot and heavy with one guy and then branched out or did the reverse at some point. Funny enough, I did date multiple men when I was her age, but I was quiet about it. I didn't want to deal with other people's opinions about my choices. The upside is that I gave all my f*cks away years ago, and now have absolutely none for anyone or anything. I actually have the men color coded in my iPhone so that I can get a visual idea of how much time each one is getting. If there is a lot of blue on my calender, then I know "Joe" is getting a more time than "Chris" and "Juan". It sounds stupid, but it's really useful for MMM (multiple man management). :yep:

I was always the 1 man woman type of girl, but when I do get back on the market, I'm definitely aiming for the rotation!

@stephluv Hello love. If you are feeling down right now I want you to get Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts and read that first. All the other books you purchased are wonderful. I've read all except I haven't finished Powerful and Feminine yet. Mama Gena's is very good for meeting you where you are. Other than that, I think it is a matter of personal preference.

I like light to heavy so I would probably go with Sex Secrets nest. It's a bit more light-hearted than the others and more of a how to filled with defined steps you can take to improve your femininity and attractiveness. I would do The Power of Femininity next because it focuses on understanding the differences between the sexes and is a bit more heavy reading and includes many scriptural references to support the underlying differences between the sexes and how you can grow into your femininity.

Feminine and Powerful I would do next to last because to get the most out of the book, it really helps to use the accompanying workbook. I think a previous poster linked a pdf of it way back. I would do Fascinating Womanhood last, whatever order you decide to choose for the other books. That book is very heavy and I think difficult to receive for many women. Also, you will likely not agree with everything in the book and I believe studying the works of the other authors first will help you to discern what information is useful to you on your journey and what you want to discard. HTH!

ETA just realized you said a friend...I recommend she get that book. It's such a good place to start!

I pretty much agree. I read Sex Secrets and it's great. I was working on Powerful & Feminine, but stopped b/c I think I need to get more from other sources first so now I'm going back to WOmanly Arts.

Which version of Fascinating Womanhood do you have? I've been reading the 1922 verson a few pages at a time. I'm going to have to go back and take notes
ladrsaraii I have the newer version. I plan to go back and read it after I read the other books in my pile because I believe there are gems of information in there but it will take a bit of digging to suit me...
^^ Thanks. I haven't gotten the newer one yet b/c I was told it was geared to the married ladies.

I really need to get over my dislike of highlighting books or start taking copious notes so I can have all my info in one concise document
I too dislike highlighting/writing in my books. Have you tried post it flags? They work wonders to draw you back to certain passages but can be easily removed. My goal is to condense all this information down into a set of notes so that's been working for me so far.
I really need to get back to my workout. I guess one thing about my hours being reduced at work (federal cuts) is that I can get back to paying attention to my body. I want to do the Brazil Butt Lift program again. It works wonders when done right!
I am so excited but after playing around in perfume, I think I have got a signature scent. Dh loves it and my sister pointed it out to me. I wanted something that reflected me, and something I can be remembered by. I have had signature perfumes in the past but outgrew them. This scent makes me feel sexy without having to overwork at it:grin:

I hear this thing about vulnerability. Can someone explain? I have never wanted to be it because I thought it mean weak? What are examples of vulnerability?
I am so excited but after playing around in perfume, I think I have got a signature scent. Dh loves it and my sister pointed it out to me. I wanted something that reflected me, and something I can be remembered by. I have had signature perfumes in the past but outgrew them. This scent makes me feel sexy without having to overwork at it:grin:

I hear this thing about vulnerability. Can someone explain? I have never wanted to be it because I thought it mean weak? What are examples of vulnerability?

RegaLady have you smelled Kim K's Gold perfume? I love it but I don't want to support that *****. I want a dupe, lol.
I am so excited but after playing around in perfume, I think I have got a signature scent. Dh loves it and my sister pointed it out to me. I wanted something that reflected me, and something I can be remembered by. I have had signature perfumes in the past but outgrew them. This scent makes me feel sexy without having to overwork at it:grin:

I hear this thing about vulnerability. Can someone explain? I have never wanted to be it because I thought it mean weak? What are examples of vulnerability?

Vulnerability is admitting you can not do it all and you need help. Remember guys are problem solvers; they like helping and fixing. They feel needed when a woman asks for their help. Think about that time you were ranting about something to your DH and he gives you advice without you asking. Men like to be needed and feel like men.

Example -- Asking a man to take a look at car/computer/vacuum cleaner because you think something is wrong with it.
Admitting you need his help with a problem and explain the problem.

I think the difficult challenge for BW is to ask a man to do something, knowing you can do it yourself.

Be aware do not ask the same question over and over again because that becomes nagging. Also if you ask for help you must accept the solution without protest. If you do not like his solution, there are ways around that but I do not want to confuse you.
Finally, I've caught up. When I read threads like these, I feel like I've been living under a rock. But I am grateful to have access to all of your thoughts, perspectives, and knowledge. I've been reading and cutting and pasting ALL DAY.

I have a lot of work to do. I look forward to keeping up with this thread and reading the books mentioned earlier. Thanks so much for sharing ladies.

Now I'm off to finish the "loving" thread, if I didn't finish reading it already. I can't remember. :drunk:
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@RegaLady have you smelled Kim K's Gold perfume? I love it but I don't want to support that *****. I want a dupe, lol.


I have not,lol. I read from reviews that it smelled wonderful, but I don't take her or any product by her seriously enough to try it:look:. I think I will go ahead a smell it. There has to be a dupe. I think many celeb fragrances are "inspired" by other perfume houses.
Vulnerability is admitting you can not do it all and you need help. Remember guys are problem solvers; they like helping and fixing. They feel needed when a woman asks for their help. Think about that time you were ranting about something to your DH and he gives you advice without you asking. Men like to be needed and feel like men.

Example -- Asking a man to take a look at car/computer/vacuum cleaner because you think something is wrong with it.
Admitting you need his help with a problem and explain the problem.

I think the difficult challenge for BW is to ask a man to do something, knowing you can do it yourself.

Be aware do not ask the same question over and over again because that becomes nagging. Also if you ask for help you must accept the solution without protest. If you do not like his solution, there are ways around that but I do not want to confuse you.


Thank you for this! This is something I am working on:yep:
I am so excited but after playing around in perfume, I think I have got a signature scent. Dh loves it and my sister pointed it out to me. I wanted something that reflected me, and something I can be remembered by. I have had signature perfumes in the past but outgrew them. This scent makes me feel sexy without having to overwork at it:grin:

I hear this thing about vulnerability. Can someone explain? I have never wanted to be it because I thought it mean weak? What are examples of vulnerability?

RegaLady, to me vulnerability is like putting yourself out there. Being true to who you are and showing the real you to the world. It doesn't mean being weak but you definitely take the risk of getting hurt. it comes with the territory. However you have to move past that fear. The good side of being vulnerable is that more people will warm up to you and your relationships will improve.