Is It Easier For The Chocolate Sisters To Get Men Of Other Races!!!!!

How Easy Is It For You To Date Outside Your Race?

  • I consider myself dark complected and men of other races hit on me all the time.

    Votes: 164 33.9%
  • I consider myself light complected and men of other races hit on me all the time.

    Votes: 85 17.6%
  • I consider myself dark complected and men of other races hit on me once in a while.

    Votes: 97 20.0%
  • I consider myself light complected and men of other races hit on me once in a while.

    Votes: 66 13.6%
  • The only way I would be able to get a man of another race is to clubbed him over the head

    Votes: 37 7.6%
  • I don't want to date a man that is not Black.

    Votes: 35 7.2%

  • Total voters
I dunno I THINK that all AA rather lite/dark/brown or mixed have a very exotic look to them and honestly not to be rude but most white woman kinnda have that same "white/orangey/straight hair/white teeth fakeness about them... I'm not even trying be funny... to me they all look the same.. some may vairy with big boobs or maybe no boobes but thats the only way i can tell them apart!:perplexed
czyfaith77 said:
I saw your pictures withthe other girls when you were in DC ( I think??) you are a beautiful. I thought you looked like a model.
Thanks faith. I'm just seeing this message now.
Had to bump this thread up for a quote from a white guy over at Yahoo! Answers. The questions was, "Do White Men Find Black Women Sexy?"

The bolded part raised my brows for sure!


I've always found black women beautiful.

There's always something a bit mysterious about dating somone of a different race or culture. I'm married now so I'm not dating anyone but my wife-she's white.

The black women I dated in the past I had fun with but I did notice that people seemed to stare more-or maybe it was just me being self-conscious.

I think Angela Basset is gorgeous. Halle Berry. I also liked how Janet Jackson looked before she got all of her plastic surgery. I used to have a HUGE crush on her when she was on Different Strokes. You're probably not old enough to remember that.

I don't know her name but the woman in Clerks II is beautiful-she's light skinned but still very pretty.

We've all heard the saying-I like my coffee black just like my women?

I like to say it differently to make people laugh-I like my coffee just like my women-cold and bitter. I love that joke.

"she's light-skin but very pretty"

I've heard that comment but about dark skin women from black guys and black girls.
CarLiTa said:

"she's light-skin but very pretty"

I've heard that comment but about dark skin women from black guys and black girls.

I have NEVER heard that comment about a lighter hued black women...WOW. I guess white guys ARE different

:::::runs to go look for a white man:::::
RavenIvygurl said:
I have NEVER heard that comment about a lighter hued black women...WOW. I guess white guys ARE different

:::::runs to go look for a white man:::::
You're a mess! :lachen:
rozlips said:
I think this is what is behind a lot of the 'hair issues' black women deal with. I've heard many black women say they can't stop using relaxers/weaves whathaveyou because they'll lose their attractiveness to black men. I know for myself, my long hair was one of the major drawing points to black men. Once I started dating IR, I didn't need it anymore and was free to stop using chemicals. Liberating to say the least.
my experience too!! I got so many more looks from AA and Latino men with straightened hair or at least braid extensions but with my natural 'dos most are like :sleeping:I've relaxed twice since knowing my husband(French) and he's totally unfazed by straightened hair but my AA male friends and acquaintances always seem relieved and extra-complimentary.

to the answer the OP:
1st Question - If you are a darker complected woman, do you feel you can get a man of another race easily because they hit on you regularly.
I'm dark enough to 'need' longer/straightened(if it's short) hair to attract most Afro-A men. I'm kind of a milk chocolate/coffee-with-a-little-cream color. Def in the dark-skinned category but not dark enough to be really attention-grabbing(unless i'm really tan). That said, I do feel that it's easier for to attract Euro-A men... it's also triple-easy in Europe or in an international milieu in the US.

I'll also add that the African, North African and Caribe men in Europe seem less hung-up. I don't know if theyre responding to my Americaness or what but they are so much more friendly and flirtatious than AAs with me.
2nd Question - If you fit question #1, where do you live?
I've lived in California most of my life. Briefly in New York. Later in France. In California, I've had little luck with the native men of any color. I'm shy & they are nowhere as assertive as East Coast and European men. The AA, Latino and EA men in New York are more bold and you don't have to be super light or hyper-animated to get a second glance/approached. I've heard that California just sucks for many AA/dark multirace women, you practically have to BYOM(bring your own man) or import one.

I'm sure there are exceptions but :ohwell:.
You also have to weed out the freaks who are fixated on color/features and not seeing you. Some of my light friends have gone through the same objectifcation by dark men.
rozlips said:
Had to bump this thread up for a quote from a white guy over at Yahoo! Answers. The questions was, "Do White Men Find Black Women Sexy?"

The bolded part raised my brows for sure!

I find it interesting that the most credence was given to the black girl's answer that white men are only interested out of curiosity. Never mind that about 5 real white guys answered the question and said that they did find black women sexy... the "best answer" was the negative one from the black chick... oh well...
rozlips said:
You don't know the half. I was on a forum for white men for black women, and those guys were some serious freaks. One of them had a collection of black Barbie dolls.

dannie_19 said:
Originally Posted by Blossssom
This is my favorite one! LOL! :)

The only way I would be able to get a man of another race is to clubbed him over the head!

It's nice to see that dark women get hit on by white men. They must live outside of Cali, though.

The last time I saw a really dark black woman with a white man was about 15 years ago. She was 9 months pregnant and they were walking to his pick up and he looked ready to bolt!
I live in LA...and I don't think it's some rarity. Infact I think it's more prevelant here.

Maybe there's a difference between Northern CA and southern. I'm not familiar with SoCal so I guess it's difference. i glad to hear it.

i think Blossom is NoCal like me? the wasteland?
Bunny77 said:
I find it interesting that the most credence was given to the black girl's answer that white men are only interested out of curiosity. Never mind that about 5 real white guys answered the question and said that they did find black women sexy... the "best answer" was the negative one from the black chick... oh well...

Some people are just negative, always trying to bring a sista down. :lol:
I am dark skinned and my sister is light and she is always telling me "White men love you" because they hit on me alot. I know it has been mentioned in the thread that many white men are just curious. Well that made me think about a special I saw on 20/20 once where they did a focus group with white people about their perceptions of dark skinned vs. light skinned black people. They took a photo of a woman who was light skinned and the group noted that they thought she was professional. Then they darkened the same a photo waited showed some other photos and reintroduced the new darker version. The group then said the woman looked like she was a prostitute or had a hard life. So maybe white men think dark skinned black women are more promiscuous (sp)?:perplexed
PME_LADY said:
I am dark skinned and my sister is light and she is always telling me "White men love you" because they hit on me alot. I know it has been mentioned in the thread that many white men are just curious. Well that made me think about a special I saw on 20/20 once where they did a focus group with white people about their perceptions of dark skinned vs. light skinned black people. They took a photo of a woman who was light skinned and the group noted that they thought she was professional. Then they darkened the same a photo waited showed some other photos and reintroduced the new darker version. The group then said the woman looked like she was a prostitute or had a hard life. So maybe white men think dark skinned black women are more promiscuous (sp)?:perplexed

WOW! That's crazy, but I believe it.
MuseofTroy said:
Honestly I don't think whether someone is dark or light skin determines if mine outside of one's race makes a pass on them. I believe how physically attractive you are (intially) along with your personality determines how often an individual gets hit on.

I want to preface this with the disclaimer that this is my opinion and my experience and not meant to imply that it is true in all situations. I think it is important to distinguish between a pass and a relationship. I don't believe that American white men are open to serious relationships with women who significantly differ from them in appearance. This may be very different for men from other cultures and countries.

I think that American white men have the "trophy wife" syndrome and our society has wrongly failed to value AA women as trophies. I am married to an American white man and I remember two things from our courtship. My husband told me that when we were dating he overheard one side of a phone conversation about me - "Did you know that ___ is dating a black girl. Yeah, yeah, I know. You would take her home, she looks like Vanessa Williams, believe me you would take her home." My father consented to let me marry him because he believed that no white man would actually marry a AA girl if he did not love her.
My husband now is EuroFrench but my first husband was EuroAmerican. After the divorce, in the interim, I also received two sincere marriage proposals from EAmer. men that I turned down & I'm nowhere near Euro-looking. <shrug>

Maybe compatibility, attraction, similar background, class, socialization, etc play a larger role than physical coloring?

I do agree that there's a difference between being sexually propostioned and being taken seriously as a potential mate/taken home to meet the folks etc.
I am a choclate chick and have always been hit on by non black men. I have yet to date someone who was not at least 50% if the right guy ask I guess I would. But I am very picky when it comes to men, black, white, yellow.

I live in a south suburb in IL.
Where I live there are whole lot of interracial couples.
I hope I don't offend anyone with this post, but I've read the entire thread and want to add in some experiences I've had.

My best friend is a white man. We've been best friends since age 12. We grew up together, and are still tight. He once told me something I'll never forget: He said that if he can imagine a black woman as a white woman, meaning no obvious African traits such as large nose or lips, he'd be attracted to her, OR, if the black woman was striking - he gave the example of Roshumba, the model - he'd be attracted to her, but he does not find the AVERAGE black woman attractive and he said by and large, the AVERAGE white man will not date the AVERAGE black woman. In other words, Joe Smith from Accounts Payable by and large won't find Ayannah Stephens from Billing attractive if she's just an around the way girl. Skin color is not a factor here - physical features are.

Of course, it's not that way across the board, but I have noticed - and again, this is my own opinion/observation - that the majority of the women here with white mates are exceptionally beautiful and have more features that would be considered more Euro than African. Again, I am aware it's not that way for everyone, but this is just what I observed. And notice I say white "mates," not white "f--k" buddies. I am not cute AT ALL, but I have been pushed up on by white guys wanting to dip in some chocolate, and they have been bold about wanting sex with a black chick ONLY. I am not a person they will take home and introduce to the folks. One (1) white guy seemed interested in me as more than a friend. He actually stopped traffic and made his parents get out to meet me. I will never forget the look of horror on their faces. They were like :eek:. And again, that's just one white guy.

By and large, an African-American female of average attractiveness is not going to turn a white man's head if he's looking for a girlfriend. That's not to say that the OP is an average-looking girl at all, but that seems to be the case. A broke-down-looking white, Asian or Latin woman is more likely to get play than a black woman who is well-groomed but not considered traditionally pretty. I use the Williams sisters as examples. They are famous, but if they were not, precious few white men would push up on them. I think that they are beautiful, but the average Joe Whitebread isn't checking for that sort of look. They want the Vanessa Williamses, the Kerry Washingtons, the Aisha Tylers, and the type of looks that you can see in several women on this board.
KeyahGirl said:
I hope I don't offend anyone with this post, but I've read the entire thread and want to add in some experiences I've had.

My best friend is a white man. We've been best friends since age 12. We grew up together, and are still tight. He once told me something I'll never forget: He said that if he can imagine a black woman as a white woman, meaning no obvious African traits such as large nose or lips, he'd be attracted to her, OR, if the black woman was striking - he gave the example of Roshumba, the model - he'd be attracted to her, but he does not find the AVERAGE black woman attractive and he said by and large, the AVERAGE white man will not date the AVERAGE black woman. In other words, Joe Smith from Accounts Payable by and large won't find Ayannah Stephens from Billing attractive if she's just an around the way girl. Skin color is not a factor here - physical features are.

Of course, it's not that way across the board, but I have noticed - and again, this is my own opinion/observation - that the majority of the women here with white mates are exceptionally beautiful and have more features that would be considered more Euro than African. Again, I am aware it's not that way for everyone, but this is just what I observed. And notice I say white "mates," not white "f--k" buddies. I am not cute AT ALL, but I have been pushed up on by white guys wanting to dip in some chocolate, and they have been bold about wanting sex with a black chick ONLY. I am not a person they will take home and introduce to the folks. One (1) white guy seemed interested in me as more than a friend. He actually stopped traffic and made his parents get out to meet me. I will never forget the look of horror on their faces. They were like :eek:. And again, that's just one white guy.

By and large, an African-American female of average attractiveness is not going to turn a white man's head if he's looking for a girlfriend. That's not to say that the OP is an average-looking girl at all, but that seems to be the case. A broke-down-looking white, Asian or Latin woman is more likely to get play than a black woman who is well-groomed but not considered traditionally pretty. I use the Williams sisters as examples. They are famous, but if they were not, precious few white men would push up on them. I think that they are beautiful, but the average Joe Whitebread isn't checking for that sort of look. They want the Vanessa Williamses, the Kerry Washingtons, the Aisha Tylers, and the type of looks that you can see in several women on this board.

Wow, your post reminded me of that scene in Jungle Fever with Samuel Jackson and W. Snipes when they're discussing A. Sciorras character?
<i had to google the script>

Samuel Jackson's character, Gator : "You see me, myself, personally...
I would have opted for some money and s***. You know what
I'm sayin'? But I gots to give you some dap.

She looks good! Most brothers
with white b******, they don't never
have 'em no Penthouse Pet. Most brothers be havin'
an outhouse pet... a dog with flies, fleas...

...but that don't work
for the white boy, see.

If a sister's on his arm,
I guarantee you...

she be slammin'.
Boom! Pow!"

Only thing is, I'm not sure if that's true... I don't consider myself "slammin" or unique-looking & I've had serious rel'ps with EuroAm& Euro men.

Maybe your friend's idea doesn't represent most EA/E guys?

Also, don't most men of all colors want a woman that they find attractive? I'm sure a lot of them have certain ideas in their heads about what beauty is for them. I'd imagine too that the AA men want the Vanessa Williamses, the Kerry Washingtons, the Aisha Tylers too.

Sorry if i'm confusing your point.:confused:
People make the above mentioned point over and over again, but in my world, 90% of the wm/bw couples I see consist of a blond white man with a dark skinned black woman with ethnic features.
I recognize the couple in the third photo(lady in red top with bun) Gary Radnich is a local sportscaster. My mom told about his family a while ago. I think they were on a New Year's special or a something.

Is that G.Lucas' wife? gf?... i don't remember ever seeing his wife/SO before.

Great photos & evidence!
sunnydaze said:
People make the above mentioned point over and over again, but in my world, 90% of the wm/bw couples I see consist of a blond white man with a dark skinned black woman with ethnic features.
Do you mean *my* point or the one above mine, Keyahgirl's?:confused::lol:

I agree with you that the woman usually looks AA & ethnic. In my exp, The men are often fair but not necessarily blond.

if it helps, dh gets sorta blond in the summer and i get much darker. maybe you saw us?:grin:
I'm lc and I have not had any problems with guys of other races wanting to date me.

For the most part I'm an easily approachable person so unfortunately many guys of different races want to approach me even though I'm married. But then again that may be another reason as well.
more George and Mellody


Not to get all in the sister's business but to reiterate my point that class and socialization is a bigger factor than specific color.


Mellody Hobson, is president of Ariel Capital Management, Inc. - a Chicago-based investment management firm specializing in equities with over $10 billion in assets under management.

Mellody's extensive media experience includes her role as a weekly financial contributor on ABC's "Good Morning America." In 2001, the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland named her a Global Leader of Tomorrow (GLT), and Fortune Magazine recognized her as one of 25 "Next-Generation Global Leaders." In 1999, Crain's Chicago Business named her as one of the city's young leaders in its annual "40 Under 40" feature. In the June 1998 issue, Working Woman Magazine named her one of its "20 Under 30." In 1992, she was recognized by Ebony Magazine as one of the "30 Leaders of the Future."

She also works with a variety of civic and professional institutions, including serving as: Director of the Chicago Public Library as well as its foundation; Board Member of the Field Museum; and a Trustee of Princeton University. She also serves as a director of Tellabs, Inc. In addition, she is a member of the Economic Club of Chicago and the Commercial Club of Chicago.


the johnny depp display tickles me because i read years ago that he's part AA & Native A. I wonder if G & M are talking/thinking about it.:lol:

Again, these are only MY experiences and observations. YMMV. I, personally, as a person living in New York, one of the biggest and most diverse cities in the world, rarely see white, American-born, Abercrombie-wearing men with around-the-way, average-looking black women.

I still maintain that the average white American guy (European and Euro-born men are a little different) will not be turned on by the average African American woman down the street. I mean people like Regina King, S. Epatha Merkerson, or the woman who plays the mean doctor on Grey's Anatomy. For the most part, those women are representation of attractive "but nothing special" black women in society. White men, for the most part, are not interested in that. Yes, some may be, but an average-looking black girl who expects to walk down the street and be hit on by white guys is going to be in for a rude awakening if it's love, and not sex, she's looking for from these men. Again, just my observation from speaking to my own white, male best friend, his uncles, and other white men I have come across.
skegeesmb said:
I'm lc and I have not had any problems with guys of other races wanting to date me.

For the most part I'm an easily approachable person so unfortunately many guys of different races want to approach me even though I'm married. But then again that may be another reason as well.

Yes, I think there are many factors... demeanor, shared interests/social circle etc.

& yeh, I've noticed since being 'hitched' that married women are very appealing to certain men.:lol:

I love your siggie line "With trims, cuts, and massacres in between!" :grin: Sounds really familiar. Sadly, I'm recovering from a massacre here.:ohwell: Ah, One day..

Awesome Before and After pics!!:thumbsup:
KeyahGirl said:
Again, these are only MY experiences and observations. YMMV. I, personally, as a person living in New York, one of the biggest and most diverse cities in the world, rarely see white, American-born, Abercrombie-wearing men with around-the-way, average-looking black women.

I still maintain that the average white American guy (European and Euro-born men are a little different) will not be turned on by the average African American woman down the street. I mean people like Regina King, S. Epatha Merkerson, or the woman who plays the mean doctor on Grey's Anatomy. For the most part, those women are representation of attractive "but nothing special" black women in society. White men, for the most part, are not interested in that. Yes, some may be, but an average-looking black girl who expects to walk down the street and be hit on by white guys is going to be in for a rude awakening if it's love, and not sex, she's looking for from these men. Again, just my observation from speaking to my own white, male best friend, his uncles, and other white men I have come across.

I'm really interested in your observation not for the sake of argument but for understanding & sharing. arrgh.. The limits of not having tone of voice and facial expression has me on eggshells lately. Just want to explain that my questions & comments are sincere & with best intentions.:)

I'm just wondering if the average WA guy('white american' I usually call them EuroAm to parallel AfroAm but i don't want to be confusing) is even attracted to the average, un-enhanced, un-hollywood WA female?:lol:

Are Regina, S. Epatha and Chandra Wilson representative of the average BA woman?

I'd say I'm average and the men I mentioned in my previous post were all Americans except for my current husband and one SO.

My ex-husband and the other two serious rel'ps w/ marriage proposals( with meeting the folks & family) were homegrown WBs.

I guess I never expected any less. I could've been naive tho'. <shrug>

One of my WA male friends from New York married a woman from Haiti who I think looks 'average AA' as well.

Side note: Seeing both sides, I do prefer Europeans over Americans & I'm glad I waited.
KeyahGirl said:
Again, these are only MY experiences and observations. YMMV. I, personally, as a person living in New York, one of the biggest and most diverse cities in the world, rarely see white, American-born, Abercrombie-wearing men with around-the-way, average-looking black women.

I still maintain that the average white American guy (European and Euro-born men are a little different) will not be turned on by the average African American woman down the street. I mean people like Regina King, S. Epatha Merkerson, or the woman who plays the mean doctor on Grey's Anatomy. For the most part, those women are representation of attractive "but nothing special" black women in society. White men, for the most part, are not interested in that. Yes, some may be, but an average-looking black girl who expects to walk down the street and be hit on by white guys is going to be in for a rude awakening if it's love, and not sex, she's looking
for from these men. Again, just my observation from speaking to my own white, male best friend, his uncles, and other white men I have come across.

Keyahgirl, I want to support your point. I reiterate my disclaimer from my original post that my opinions are anecdotal and reflect only my own experience with American white men. Keyahgirl, I believe that you are absolutely right and I loved your analagy of Joe Smith and Ayanna Jones, they are NOT going to get together for a meaningful relationship. Many AA women are looking for meaningful relationships and are willing to cross the color line. I am willing to be considered wrong, "out-of-touch", a "hater" or any other designation if I can help one AA woman avoid hurt or disappointment. AA women need to be careful in interracial relationships if they don't look like Beyonce or own their own Fortune 500 company, IMO.