Are we as black women appreciated enough?

I agree with this but I think in the case of those Arabs, it is a "race thing", so we will never be wife material in their eyes because those cultures have a hatred for anything Black, African and many times American.

And women are held to a higher standard, because for almost every oow Black baby, there is a Black father who has an oow child, but that is not held against them, only the women.

Are kidding me??! I did not know that they have a hatred towards Black and Africans. This makes me pissed off because here we are patronizing them and they have the nerve to have hatred towards us. :nono:
Are kidding me??! I did not know that they have a hatred towards Black and Africans. This makes me pissed off because here we are patronizing them and they have the nerve to have hatred towards us. :nono:

Have you not heard what's been going in Darfur? Of course I am not talking "all"(before someone comes in yapping that all vs. some bullsh*t), but yeah, why else would you set up a shop in a community that you don't even allow in yours. I am just shocked that you are surprised.
That's changing. 22% are married inter-racially. The number is growing. It used to be 10%.

Would love to see this broken down by income because I'm convinced that among middle to upper class black men the intermarriage rates are even higher. Not hating but just saying that for many brothers moving up the ladder includes getting a non black wife.
I think their divorce rates are high as well.

The divorce rate between white women and black men are so high, there's no point of them getting married in the first place.

The divorce rate for white man and Asian women & white men and black women is pretty low. So if any of you marry out, ya'll are not risking too much. Those marriages are usually more successful that black men and black women.
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Would love to see this broken down by income because I'm convinced that among middle to upper class black men the intermarriage rates are even higher. Not hating but just saying that for many brothers moving up the ladder includes getting a non black wife.

Yea, this does seem to be the case. Yea, when they climb up the ladder, they'd prefer for Becky to be swimming in their backyard swimming pool instead of Aisha. I don't understand what would be so wrong for Aisha to be swimming in the pool. Going back to my first post, many of them just dont appreciate black women like they should.
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Would love to see this broken down by income because I'm convinced that among middle to upper class black men the intermarriage rates are even higher. Not hating but just saying that for many brothers moving up the ladder includes getting a non black wife.

I get what you are saying. Like perhaps, most of the marriageable black men are ones marrying inter racially. Supposedly only about 42% of black men are married, so if 22% are married inter racially, that means about 50% of marriage men are married to non black women.
For some reason this is not discussed.
I figured as much. I think my brother told me about how they restrict it in their communities but have no problems putting it in ours. I swear, this country is going to be a mess by 2050. :perplexed

Haha, I just mentioned in a thread on the political forum how I don't think 2050/Non-White majority will err on the positive side for Blacks as many Black leaders assume. It sounds so weird and sort of :huh: for me to say that myself, but when I look at places like SoCal and Marco Rubio in Florida for example, I just don't know. I see something totally different as far as political climate, not even speaking of social climate.
I cannot answer a general question like that about a group of people. But here is how I feel.

I feel very appreciated by the people, men and women, in my life. I also make it a point to let people know I appreciate who they are and the things they do for and with me. I do that daily. As for strangers, I don't expect them to *appreciate* me when they don't know me and haven't had any (or enough) interactions with me to have such a feeling. If I felt that someone in my life didn't appreciate me, I'd think about what my part might be in that and then talk to them about it.

I think feeling unappreciated can really hurt self-esteem. It's not a good feeling. When it comes to choosing those who I share my life with in various ways, I tend to draw in people who are supportive and appreciative and it makes me happy to let them know I appreciate and support them too, by words and actions.
Haha, I just mentioned in a thread on the political forum how I don't think 2050/Non-White majority will err on the positive side for Blacks as many Black leaders assume. It sounds so weird and sort of :huh: for me to say that myself, but when I look at places like SoCal and Marco Rubio in Florida for example, I just don't know. I see something totally different as far as political climate, not even speaking of social climate.

Black "leaders", and I use that term with disgust dripping from my lips, for the most part, are clueless and useless.

Your eyes are not deceiving you. :yep:
the media shows alot of interracial dating but trust me its not that much. I know alot of arabs dating blacks well in my area. Most black people still marry black people.

if the love is real the marriage will last. If they did it for the wrong reasons I'll show up eventually
Yea, this does seem to be the case. Yea, when they climb up the ladder, they'd prefer for Becky to be swimming in their backyard swimming pool instead of Aisha. I don't understand what would be so wrong for Aisha to be swimming in the pool. Going back to my first post, many of them just dont appreciate black women like they should.

Lmao! what.

Ive never heard of a man not appreciating a type of woman. Its either he appreciates all or none. I dont see the problem if he decides to be with a white woman, If she treats him right then I hope them nothing less than happiness
Lmao! what.

Ive never heard of a man not appreciating a type of woman. Its either he appreciates all or none. I dont see the problem if he decides to be with a white woman, If she treats him right then I hope them nothing less than happiness

Well personally, I don't think its right for a man to dismiss black women simply because he is climbing the corporate ladder. Im simply saying I don't understand why some men feel that a black woman isn't good enough for them when they start making money.
Would love to see this broken down by income because I'm convinced that among middle to upper class black men the intermarriage rates are even higher. Not hating but just saying that for many brothers moving up the ladder includes getting a non black wife.

I just called one of my friends up. Hes an accountant he said that many black women he dates that are on the same level are so guarded and most chances they try to throw the "Im a black woman and I overcame so much so im better" <<my interpretation lol

he also said that most got very upset if he treated them like a lady(holding doors,asking for dinners etc.) He mentioned they were very egotistic and didnt seem to understand modesty. On many occasions there were just plain mean if he mentioned his achievements they would try to demean him to an average pookie from the hood :/

I asked is that the reason you like going out with other races a bit more he said no, They're just nice to me and support me If im having A hard day..thats all I need in a women I dont care what color

*sorry if any mistakes I was typing super fast
Dont know why people are complaining about Arab/Black babies. Unless these women are raped, Im not blaming the men for those situations

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't those cultures prohibit liquor in their communities?


Lauder is required to put pumps that have a force rate of 25lbs on perfume and the like before they can sell such in the Middle East so no one can distill the alcohol from the perfume. That's how extreme they are about alcohol.
Dont know why people are complaining about Arab/Black babies. Unless these women are raped, Im not blaming the men for those situations


Lauder is required to put pumps that have a force rate of 25lbs on perfume and the like before they can sell such in the Middle East so no one can distill the alcohol from the perfume. That's how extreme they are about alcohol.

I havn't seen any one in this thread complain about the actual Arab/Black fact they are quite beautiful. What people have a problem with, and rightfully so is that if you are a black woman, an Arabic man will not marry you...he will sleep with you, date you, have children with you, but will not marry you. This is considered disrespectful.
I havn't seen any one in this thread complain about the actual Arab/Black fact they are quite beautiful. What people have a problem with, and rightfully so is that if you are a black woman, an Arabic man will not marry you...he will sleep with you, date you, have children with you, but will not marry you. This is considered disrespectful.

0.o i know 4 men (3 from bangladesh)(1 from paki) they are married to black women. maybe its something from with the women your talking about. you never know
0.o i know 4 men (3 from bangladesh)(1 from paki) they are married to black women. maybe its something from with the women your talking about. you never know

I've never been mugged but that doesn't negate the fact that my city has a crime problem. Come on now, we aren't saying that there are NO Arab/Black unions.
I've never been mugged but that doesn't negate the fact that my city has a crime problem. Come on now, we aren't saying that there are NO Arab/Black unions.

Look Plain and simple. If someone is not interested there not interested. You can convince someone that they should be interested you. Its a decision they make and probably decided long before they were even aware of their preference, instead of focusing on the ones who do not like you. Focus on those who do.
Pakistani and Bangladeshis are not Arabs. Born and raised in the ME SPEAK Arabic and know the culture well. They are muslim but not arab.

Chaldean/Assyrians are indigenous Christian Iraqis. Some marry out but most are very adamant about marrying within the community.

YOU are right Regular educated Black women would not even touch these guys at those stores. Have you seen them most of the sorry to say are LOW RENT. In personality and Mentality.

For instance I was at a store years ago just passing through to get a pack of smokes and go home. WELL when I walked into the store I heard the man calling all the women SHARMUTA. Okay that means you are a gut bucket base whore.

When he saw me he started to say SHAR>>>>>>> BUT then he stopped dead in his tracks. Never saw this man in my life but I guess he peeped when he saw the look on my face when he called the woman in front of me Sharmuta. I was like okay you are kidding me right.

He was like in Arabic Oh my sister please don't say anything I am just playing with these people they are like children. I am like :spinning: No they are uneducated they don't know anything they are in the ghetto whatever you want you can have my sister

I replied in English I don't want ANYTHING out of your store and I told the lady in front of me. Ma'am do you know what Sharmuta means.

She was like naw baby I guess that is some kind of term of endearment. I was like no it means WHORE HOEBAG SLUT WHORRRRRREEEE

Good bye

0.o i know 4 men (3 from bangladesh)(1 from paki) they are married to black women. maybe its something from with the women your talking about. you never know
Pakistani and Bangladeshis are not Arabs. Born and raised in the ME SPEAK Arabic and know the culture well. They are muslim but not arab.

Chaldean/Assyrians are indigenous Christian Iraqis. Some marry out but most are very adamant about marrying within the community.

YOU are right Regular educated Black women would not even touch these guys at those stores. Have you seen them most of the sorry to say are LOW RENT. In personality and Mentality.

For instance I was at a store years ago just passing through to get a pack of smokes and go home. WELL when I walked into the store I heard the man calling all the women SHARMUTA. Okay that means you are a gut bucket base whore.

When he saw me he started to say SHAR>>>>>>> BUT then he stopped dead in his tracks. Never saw this man in my life but I guess he peeped when he saw the look on my face when he called the woman in front of me Sharmuta. I was like okay you are kidding me right.

He was like in Arabic Oh my sister please don't say anything I am just playing with these people they are like children. I am like :spinning: No they are uneducated they don't know anything they are in the ghetto whatever you want you can have my sister

I replied in English I don't want ANYTHING out of your store and I told the lady in front of me. Ma'am do you know what Sharmuta means.

She was like naw baby I guess that is some kind of term of endearment. I was like no it means WHORE HOEBAG SLUT WHORRRRRREEEE

Good bye

::shocked:: Thats crazyyy.
Yea, this does seem to be the case. Yea, when they climb up the ladder, they'd prefer for Becky to be swimming in their backyard swimming pool instead of Aisha. I don't understand what would be so wrong for Aisha to be swimming in the pool. Going back to my first post, many of them just dont appreciate black women like they should.

And aint nothing wrong with Aisha. Matter of fact anybody named Aisha automatically gets 10 extra points in my book just off jump street. I love that name :look:
Pakistani and Bangladeshis are not Arabs. Born and raised in the ME SPEAK Arabic and know the culture well. They are muslim but not arab.

Chaldean/Assyrians are indigenous Christian Iraqis. Some marry out but most are very adamant about marrying within the community.

YOU are right Regular educated Black women would not even touch these guys at those stores. Have you seen them most of the sorry to say are LOW RENT. In personality and Mentality.

For instance I was at a store years ago just passing through to get a pack of smokes and go home. WELL when I walked into the store I heard the man calling all the women SHARMUTA. Okay that means you are a gut bucket base whore.

When he saw me he started to say SHAR>>>>>>> BUT then he stopped dead in his tracks. Never saw this man in my life but I guess he peeped when he saw the look on my face when he called the woman in front of me Sharmuta. I was like okay you are kidding me right.

He was like in Arabic Oh my sister please don't say anything I am just playing with these people they are like children. I am like :spinning: No they are uneducated they don't know anything they are in the ghetto whatever you want you can have my sister

I replied in English I don't want ANYTHING out of your store and I told the lady in front of me. Ma'am do you know what Sharmuta means.

She was like naw baby I guess that is some kind of term of endearment. I was like no it means WHORE HOEBAG SLUT WHORRRRRREEEE

Good bye

Yea, I've been told by many that arabic men think that we (black women) are all whores.
Yeah but they are equal opportunity aholes.

Case in point when I was in Egypt a few years back I was with an American Friend of mine she is white blonde hair and blue eye Swedish American girl from Minnesota.

Okay we were in Cairo. She was dressed modest so I was this guy say to her Hey you American she was like Yes.

He was like OH YOU AMERICCCCCANNNNN Woman oh you like lots of sex I know you are going have sex with me.

She retorted well Why don't you go blow yourself up.

He said Madame just because I am an Arab that does NOT mean that I am a Terrorist.

She snapped back just because I am White and American that does not make me a whore. Shukran

He was like Touche Madame. I apologise.

I was like :look::lol::nono::spinning::ohwell::perplexed:grin::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

Yea, I've been told by many that arabic men think that we (black women) are all whores.
I was engaged to a Palestinian, my high school sweetheart. He enlisted in the Army to escape working in the store. His dad and older brother couldn't stand me but the mother, sister in law and younger brother loved me. They thought I was putting stuff in his head to keep him away from helping him assist his brother in taking over the store they had. His father told him that if he continued seeing me he would disown him and leave him nothing. Well, he ended up taking ASVAB and going into the military to pay for his education, which his father denied him.

Long story short, they sent this boy to Afghanistan (infantry) and he came back crazy as hell. Pretty much wasn't the same person. Couldn't sleep through the night and waking up trying to choke me. lol But yeah, I still talk to him sometime. He as received his Masters, still in the military and is married to black woman with a child. He said everyone acts the same way as before. lmao His father however comes to see him.

So yeah, with the exception of him, I wouldn't date an Arab or Indian unless I knew their personality and if they depended on their family to define who they are. You can tell a lot about someone by just letting them talk. Out of my three Indian friends here in Texas, two of them are shoe in while the other one comes from a rich conservative Indian family. He couldn't even bring his Australian girlfriend home when he studied in Sydney. The way they tell me, if its not an Indian girl then its not right. He say his family does research on their caste name as well. lol

I have a friend in Louisiana who is engaged to an Indian guy and he brought her home to India to let them know this is who he would be marrying. Honestly, I think with every man, regardless of color, you have to figure out if this guy is running game without setting your heart up for failure.

If you think that no one wants black women then you will carry that negative energy around and it will shine so bright. Hell, just get you a shirt that says, "Angry and Unwanted Black Woman." lol
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Yea, I've been told by many that arabic men think that we (black women) are all whores.

A good amount of men from other countries think all American women are whores by looking at the media. lol Don't be so hard on yourself. Do yous secretly want an Arabic man?
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I was engaged to a Palestinian, my high school sweetheart. He enlisted in the Army to escape working in the store. His dad and older brother couldn't stand me but the mother, sister in law and younger brother loved me. They thought I was putting stuff in his head to keep him away from helping him assist his brother in taking over the store they had. His father told him that if he continued seeing me he would disown him and leave him nothing. Well, he ended up taking ASVAB and going into the military to pay for his education, which his father denied him.

Long story short, they sent this boy to Afghanistan (infantry) and he came back crazy as hell. Pretty much wasn't the same person. Couldn't sleep through the night and waking up trying to choke me. lol But yeah, I still talk to him sometime. He as received his Masters, still in the military and is married to black woman with a child. He said everyone acts the same way as before. lmao His father however comes to see him.

So yeah, with the exception of him, I wouldn't date an Arab or Indian unless I knew their personality and if they depended on their family to define who they are. You can tell a lot about someone by just letting them talk. Out of my three Indian friends here in Texas, two of them are shoe in while the other one comes from a rich conservative Indian family. He couldn't even bring his Australian girlfriend home when he studied in Sydney. The way they tell me, if its not an Indian girl then its not right. He say his family does research on their caste name as well. lol

I have a friend in Louisiana who is engaged to an Indian guy and he brought her home to India to let them know this is who he would be marrying. Honestly, I think with every man, regardless of color, you have to figure out if this guy is running game without setting your heart up for failure.

If you think that no one wants black women then you will carry that negative energy around and it will shine so bright. Hell, just get you a shirt that says, "Angry and Unwanted Black Woman." lol

I never said that no one wants black women. I just said that some black women dont appreciate black women and that arabic men very rarely marry black women. So how am i some angry black woman?
A good amount of men from other countries think all American women are whores by looking at the media. lol Don't be so hard on yourself. Do yous secretly want an Arabic man?

That's all fine and dandy if they keep that attitude over in their home countries and STAY OVER THERE. The problem starts when they come here and start that crap on my home turf. If they look at American women as whores, you can best believe that Black American women are looked at ten times worse.
I never said that no one wants black women. I just said that some black women dont appreciate black women and that arabic men very rarely marry black women. So how am i some angry black woman?

I'm saying angry in general. You seem fixated on Arabic/Chaldean men. Most black women want their own men to appreciate them. lol They could care less about Arabic/Chaldean men.
That's all fine and dandy if they keep that attitude over in their home countries and STAY OVER THERE. The problem starts when they come here and start that crap on my home turf. If they look at American women as whores, you can best believe that Black American women are looked at ten times worse.

I could care less about what they think of me. I'm more concerned about the how they manage to make so much money off the black community and how I can develop a similar model.
I'm saying angry in general. You seem fixated on Arabic/Chaldean men. Most black women want their own men to appreciate them. lol They could care less about Arabic/Chaldean men.

No, im not fixated on them. People were just tending to comment on different things relating to Arabic men/chaldean men, so i just added my thoughts.