Do other races of men approach you?

1st bolded - I hate it when people do that. I was returning home after partying Saturday night and had struck a convo up with this random (non-black) dude to pass the time since we were both waiting for the same train. An old black man passed me and then shouted, "Hey, you couldn't find yourself a black man?" :rolleyes: Get the **** out. The non-black dude looked shell shocked at the outburst.

This has happened a number of times to me and oddly enough it's usually when the white guy is just a friend, not even a SO. I never respond or look whenever such psychosis starts so it's like whatever
When I'm really self conscious and see every guy (no matter the race) in a romantic sense even when I'm not attracted to I do not get approached by ANY man because it's very, very obvious in my countenance and body language. Heck, people are somewhat cautious and standoffish with me until I smile and talk and they realize I'm not about to run through a crowd roundhouse kicking everyone in it. I'm one of those people that people think I'm PISSED/ANGRY if I do not relax my face. Love being shy!

I'm getting better about it though because reacting that way is a burden. Those days (which are becoming more frequent as I try to consciously think this way now) when I'm just relaxed, treat guys as HUMAN BEINGS and not someone I have to impress then yes, I get "approached" as in random guys of different races strike up convo with me. I casually talk with them if I don't really find them cute and maybe flirt a bit if there's a serious spark.

I'm actually kind of glad that I can control how much attention I get with my countenance because it's overwhelming and not fun in any way when I'm not looking for it.

It really makes me sad to hear about the girls that straight up embarrass themselves and anyone close to them over any guy. I did know a girl that was like that around white guys and she didn't get over it till she became friends only with some straight white guys over time. That and she I guess got her fill of white guys after dating/sleeping with a string of them and started acting a fool over Asian guys. Issues.
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IMO, white guys are more comfortable expressing and acting upon their attraction.

I joined eHarmony a few months ago and all (well 99%) of the men that have contacted me are white and looking for a long term relationship.

Also, in my expereince, non-american "other" race men have always been open to interracial relationships. Many see you as "american" first versus "black" if that makes sense.
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Yes but not guys that I'm attracted to...

(TBH, I haven't really been attracted to non-BMs but now that my circle of friends has changed, I'm starting to notice WM *a little*)
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IMO, white guys are more comfortable expressing and acting upon their attraction.

I joined eHarmony a few months ago and all (well 99%) of the men that have contacted me are white and looking for a long term relationship.

Also, in my expereince, non-american "other" race men has always been open to interracial relationships. Many see you as "american" first versus "black" if that makes sense.

Yes, it makes very much sense to me. It's a cultural thing and it is powerful over race many times. I feel that I am more like my white American friends than most black Africans (the Africans ones who come over as adults. Not the ones who grew up in the US - we're similar).
Living in London, on rare, rare occasion but now that ive move up north (wayyy up, Yorkshire) they all seem to come up out the wood work to ask for 'directions' in their local area, in an attempt to get my number.
girl, you need to rock them hoops! ain't nothing wrong with looking urban.:look: to some folks you'll be associated with urban anyway simply because you're black. if a guy isn't approaching you because of the size of your earrings he is not the one for you.

i wear hoops even wear one in my nose. when i go to the club/bar i wear them so big they almost sit on my shoulders.:lol: i personally do not think i look ghetto, hood or "urban" but i'm sure many on this board would disagree and i'm okay with that.:lachen:




No, I am almost never approached by men of other races. But I'm rarely at social venues where other races are present. This really fine white man struck up a convo w/me one time at the bar at the W Buckhead in atl (Whiskey Blue). I was by myself and waiting on my homegirl. I was soooo caught off guard, I lost my composure and didn't really flirt or try to keep talking to him. lol.

The few times I have been approached they usu seem nervous and ask me right off if I date men or their race. I guess I must give off a vibe that I wouldn't or something, lol.

As for my appearance I'm dark brown, petite w/big boobs, lol. As far as how I dress, idk, I dress pretty basic, I don't think its "urban" though and I don't like flashy clothes. I do like to wear clothes that show off my shape tho. I shop at bcbg a lot, bebe every now and then. If i'm in work clothes its banana republic.
I agree with above about the looks and attraction. I attract non-black males more than black.

Long time ago,I shown a WM friend of mine a pic of Aaliyah and Brandy. He thought Aaliyah was hot but he thought Brandy was pretty and prefer to date her over Aaliyah.

What I am surprise about this thread because no one has mention this yet so I'll go ahead. From my understanding from talking to some non-black males, they are not keen on being with BW that are more likely to have relations with BM. They only want a BW that sleeps with their kind.


I hope a white guy doesn't ask me that question directly and hinge his dreams on it because I would straight up tell him if black men as a whole had their act together my white guy o meter would plummet. I enjoy white guys but the aesthetic of a black man is just much more appealing, unfortunately :lick:. I don't mean anything superficial like clothes or hairstyles, but I find in general black men are more into their bodies. Every black guy or well almost every that I've dated has had a beautiful athletic body. White guys, not so much, and their hips... oh em gee...

I find the notion of white men being attracted to black women who are unlikely to associate with black men both fascinating and insulting. Why should a black woman's 'acceptance' be predicated on her having minimal or no relations with those of her ethnic background?
Same reason why they do the same sh8t to white women. Scary black man and his huge scary penis. It ruins women, apparently. That's not to say that I don't think there could be some racist element to that - I think there very well could be - but I think primarily white men who have that issue are concerned with sexual performance/behavior/whatever/whatnot.

But, I honestly feel that the less urban i look, the better chances i have of being approached by non ethnic men.

Hmmmm, that's an interesting statement even though I don't personally agree with it. But then again I don't assess my style and clothing choices based on its level of urbanness, probably because it just isn't on my radar as far as when I'm shopping (I tend to lean three directions fashionwise - conservative day wear, bad-*** nightwear, and sweats for I'm-lazy-idgaf-leave-me-alone erstwhile).
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That's weird, because when I think famous IR couples, this is what comes to mind:







Plus, I'm dark skinned and most of the men who approach me are white. It might also be due to the fact that that's who I work with at this point. Often I'm the only female around, and I'm fine, so.... :lol:

Yeah, all of the women I know personally and see out and about w/white men are usually the same color as the pics you posted. medium/dark brown. they are usually slender tho.
Exactly. Most lighter skinned women I know are hardcore about the fact that they want black men, so....

Some more that just came to mind -



I think things need to be put into context. The common trend I notice on this thread is not skin color. It's that people live in metropolitan environments, are open/receptive/liberal, and/or met the person online (i.e. removed superficial boundaries).

So there's no need to complain or over-evaluate anything. Just position yourself to get what you want I guess.


I live in a super small conservative town in the deep south and I saw an older black lady with her white husband in the mall just yesterday. So even outside of metro areas, people are still open to it.
Like I said before, i'm dark skin, but that doesn't make wm approach me daily like the rest of you.

So you just going to skip over all the pictures of wm with lighter bw? :lol:
I don't know why people are still trying to say wm only date dark bw women. I know my experience is different from everyone else's, but the few wm bw coupes I see in real life, look like below:







WM are attracted to certain bw of all shades.
Yes. At first it was only online, a few times in person as well but rarely in my face. I do notice they stare hard though, and a few of them have actually said something.

My DB is white so it's definitely flattering but it caught me off guard the other day. I've been working out and eating healthier, dropped a few pounds, etc. and I was craving something non healthy so I went to grab a coney dog. I've seen this guy before, tall, handsome, blonde, with blue eyes but this day I just wanted to enjoy my dog and I wasn't focusing on anything but. I'd just come from the gym too.

He comes over to me (I was sitting at the counter) and asks me if I was all set to pay. Then he lowers his voice a little and asks "Are you single?" Silly me I said "Yes" and then, "No." I was so caught off guard it didn't register. My poor DB at military boot camp at the time had a girl forgetting she was in a relationship for a split second:lachen:I love my DB but mannnn, if I weren't taken I'd be all up in that ***. He was foinnne.

ETA: To answer the question, I think that it really does depend on the individual who's doing the approaching. The "look" of the lady he's approaching, location etc. Just having moved from NOVA myself it's more socially acceptable. DC,MD,VA is full of interracial couples with the majority of the white men being professionals and so are the black women. (not saying that women who don't look professional don't get picked up)

When I was younger I never really got hit on. I had a few black bfs here or there but more whites as I got older (I'm 25). Brothers rarely hit on me in NOVA but when I moved back to the midwest black men finally picked up on a girl. To be honest, I think it's all in my appearance. I tend to walk with a strut, confident, look like I'm in a hurry too, and stuck up/prissy, or spoiled. I know this because both male and female classmates have told me they didn't know I was so cool until after I spoke :lachen:

A few black men who've approached me at my college always tell me they had noticed me but were afraid to say anything because I looked like I didn't want anything to do with them. However, I'm one of the most outgoing and friendliest, I just happen to look like a sexy, cold hard *****. :lol: In fact, when I was enjoying my dog I believe I may have just looked approachable. Funny thing is, that coney hot dog place feels/looks segregated then a mother ****er. All the old white heads all go there and when a sister walks through the door they stare hard. I always feel like an outcast in there though I grew up in a predominately white community so when that guy hit on me I was very surprised.

There is definitely a stigma, but I don't think it's what we all assume (black women being dominant/hard). Most white men in particular who are interested in black women have always assumed that we were just not interested in them. And believe me, there are plenty who are and visa versa. Many of them say that they've been shot down publicly by black women and how they only date brothas. This is usually the main cause of them asking you if you date white men.

I once dated an Asian, he approached but he was a "tiny" little bugger if you catch my drift:lol: I remember in DC on the train when I first started wearing lace fronts this Hispanic guy just started hitting on me in Spanish, asking me what I was when I told him black he apologized assuming that I was part Spanish because my hair was pretty. :look: Another Spanish guy on another train was just plane disgusting and crude I had to move away before I cursed him out. I did get hit on by a few Middle Easterns in NOVA but found them to be the most crude. One guy had two wives in his country and tried to make me the 3rd. No Sir. :perplexed
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I am about to start renting DS out to BW who want to get their swirl on :grin: Toting his chubby self around makes men, esp white men take notice :lachen: DH is hapa haole (Japanese and white) but since DS has those blond streaks in his hair people usually assume his Daddy is white.

You will get LOTS of focused attention from white men with him in tow, that's a promise! :yep: WM leap to open doors, give me free stuff at the register, and bend over backwards to be friendly. You could slip in that you are babysitting at that point and get yourself a new man! :grin:

What do you ladies think? $10/hr sound fair? Hit me up! 'Bout time he started chipping in on apple juice.


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Yes. At first it was only online, a few times in person as well but rarely in my face. I do notice they stare hard though, and a few of them have actually said something.

My DB is white so it's definitely flattering but it caught me off guard the other day. I've been working out and eating healthier, dropped a few pounds, etc. and I was craving something non healthy so I went to grab a coney dog. I've seen this guy before, tall, handsome, blonde, with blue eyes but this day I just wanted to enjoy my dog and I wasn't focusing on anything but. I'd just come from the gym too.

He comes over to me (I was sitting at the counter) and asks me if I was all set to pay. Then he lowers his voice a little and asks "Are you single?" Silly me I said "Yes" and then, "No." I was so caught off guard it didn't register. My poor DB at military boot camp at the time had a girl forgetting she was in a relationship for a split second:lachen:I love my DB but mannnn, if I weren't taken I'd be all up in that ***. He was foinnne.

:lol: That is too cute

Everytime I see your avi, it reminds me of this girl I'm subbed to on YT and her bf. Go have a looksee: :)
I am about to start renting DS out to BW who want to get their swirl on :grin: Toting his chubby self around makes men, esp white men take notice :lachen: DH is hapa haole (Japanese and white) but since DS has those blond streaks in his hair people usually assume his Daddy is white.

You will get LOTS of focused attention from white men with him in tow, that's a promise! :yep: WM leap to open doors, give me free stuff at the register, and bend over backwards to be friendly. You could slip in that you are babysitting at that point and get yourself a new man! :grin:

What do you ladies think? $10/hr sound fair? Hit me up! 'Bout time he started chipping in on apple juice.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:You ain't right! Rentin that cute baby out! :lol:
I am about to start renting DS out to BW who want to get their swirl on :grin: Toting his chubby self around makes men, esp white men take notice :lachen: DH is hapa haole (Japanese and white) but since DS has those blond streaks in his hair people usually assume his Daddy is white.

You will get LOTS of focused attention from white men with him in tow, that's a promise! :yep: WM leap to open doors, give me free stuff at the register, and bend over backwards to be friendly. You could slip in that you are babysitting at that point and get yourself a new man! :grin:

What do you ladies think? $10/hr sound fair? Hit me up! 'Bout time he started chipping in on apple juice.

You must be
I've been approached by everybody (white, black, latin, indian etc.) except asian guys.....I can't ever remember an asian guy flirting or anything with me. Interesting. I wonder why, lol.

Anyway, I'm pretty non-threatening looking so I think that has a reason why random men come up to me in general. I'm petite and young looking so IDK.

IMO, white guys are more comfortable expressing and acting upon their attraction.

I joined eHarmony a few months ago and all (well 99%) of the men that have contacted me are white and looking for a long term relationship.

Also, in my expereince, non-american "other" race men have always been open to interracial relationships. Many see you as "american" first versus "black" if that makes sense.

I agree.....particularly about the foreign men part. I out-of-the-blue get hit on by foreign men the most out of any other group of men. It was initially surprising, but whatever. It's happened to me at the most random locations. At the library, in clubs, standing in line, and even the other day at Walmart, lol.

As far white guys, I mostly get hit on by them in work environments and clubs.
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