Do other races of men approach you?

You must be

Not really. When I go out alone (rare) WM are neutral, or maybe just give the "hungry eyes" but say nothing. But when I have Fat Boy in tow, I get lots of kind overtures and compliments about how cute he is, etc. Maybe they want me to remember them fondly in case DH starts slipping lol
Not really. When I go out alone (rare) WM are neutral, or maybe just give the "hungry eyes" but say nothing. But when I have Fat Boy in tow, I get lots of kind overtures and compliments about how cute he is, etc. Maybe they want me to remember them fondly in case DH starts slipping lol

I can understand this. Just think, if you were interested in someone but you weren't sure they would be interested in you, and then you see that they have a bi-racial child (who happens to look like he has a white father) and he thought by chance he could possibly get with you, he will bend backwards or at least approach you. I mean, he assumes you like white men because your child looks part white.

I notice that when you look good, walk tall, and feel it, men start being gentlemen. Opening doors, holding it open after they've walked out, etc.
I can understand this. Just think, if you were interested in someone but you weren't sure they would be interested in you, and then you see that they have a bi-racial child (who happens to look like he has a white father) and he thought by chance he could possibly get with you, he will bend backwards or at least approach you. I mean, he assumes you like white men because your child looks part white.

I notice that when you look good, walk tall, and feel it, men start being gentlemen. Opening doors, holding it open after they've walked out, etc.

Yes, this is it exactly. They are hoping some chit chat might lead to me revealing I'm divorced, in which case they can get in the mix.

I always dress in a very feminine way, and I think that makes a difference too. I often wear long floral A-line skirts and other girly outfits. My makeup skills are whack but I'm trying to improve. :lachen: So yeah, anyway. That's why having Fat Boy in tow attracts white men. ($8/hr? any takers? lol)
Well I was out today with a girl friend of mine. We were walking around downtown. We were having a discussion and this drunk white guy starts talking to us lol. He was DRUNK lmao!!! He was like, "Where are you guys going? I'm going to So and So bar. Yall should come!" He was so sloppy! His stomach was showing and I think his shirt was unbuttoned! He was stumbling, almost fell into a bush!

Well I was out today with a girl friend of mine. We were walking around downtown. We were having a discussion and this drunk white guy starts talking to us lol. He was DRUNK lmao!!! He was like, "Where are you guys going? I'm going to So and So bar. Yall should come!" He was so sloppy! His stomach was showing and I think his shirt was unbuttoned! He was stumbling, almost fell into a bush!


LMAO! He was feeling good, huh. So you let him hit, right? :lachen: jk
:yep: @NaijaTroll: A lot depends on the particular woman in question too. Ashanti has her hair slicked back in a tight ponytail and is wearing hoops with a fizoogly dress, yet something about her is too adorable/cutesy/dollish to look, er, "urban":

This Lala chick right here though has flowing hair and still looks, um, "urban", "hood", "of lower SES" and whatever other synonyms one can find:


All I have to add to this thread is that Lala looks hood because of those eyebrows. IRL and on YT, I've noticed the uptick of BW sporting these stenciled thick arse eyebrows. Even my eyebrow lady tried to switch up my eyebrows to some thick arss mess. I think she got confused and I thought I was someone else. I don't sport thin brows just medium, but definitely not stenciled. Sorry to highjack, but this eyebrow trend annoys the **** out of me.
As far as clothes, my idea of hood includes wearing any kind of 'fancy' outfit and topping it off with a pair of sneakers :lol:

k she got confused and I thought I was someone else. I don't sport thin brows just medium, but definitely not stenciled. Sorry to highjack, but this eyebrow trend annoys the **** out of me. I almost didn't recognize her at the Golden Globes, at which she decided not to color her eyebrows in:
that's not lala.
I once dated an Asian, he approached but he was a "tiny" little bugger if you catch my drift:lol:

racheljay1985 hahaha......this is true. My best friend was a Korean girl and she hooked me up with a Korean guy. He was nice and all and I liked him.

:needhug: But she thought it was prudent to inform me that I will need to find a box of extra small condoms...

@racheljay1985 hahaha......this is true. My best friend was a Korean girl and she hooked me up with a Korean guy. He was nice and all and I liked him.

:needhug: But she thought it was prudent to inform me that I will need to find a box of extra small condoms...


Lol! Now, I know some Asian men are packing. But from my experience the "myth" exists:blush: I'm talking baby diaper small. :lachen:
Are you serious? :perplexed

What about puberty?

I just don't understand. :sad:

I guess it's just like genetics. Some people are more endowed then others. Breasts for example. Some women have large breasts, some don't and never will. He's tiny in height too, so maybe he was meant to help gather berries with the women instead of breeding with them:lachen:
ur probably right. That is so weird. Do nonblack men think it is such a bad thing to date a black woman? And if a man is interested in black women, why should they care what anyone else thinks. Some men should grow some balls!

This is silly! I see these posts a lot.

All physical things remaining in place (whether by defying gravity or being stuffed there): Approachable women generally get approached.

We can't just stand there and hope some man approaches us.
It's short lock eyes, bite lip corner, shy "busted" smile, downward look, hair, look in opposite direction... Look back. If I'm walking past a guy, I'll rub the top of my for 2-3 seconds. BAM! There's the secrets. ;-) Both work 70% of the time, all the time.

Men are sometimes shy when approaching women, but it can really increase interracially-- even if the guy has been there/done that. No guy wants to get shot down royally in front of his friends. So, if you're open... Be open!

Actually had a guy get mad and yell that I was a racist b/c I didnt give him my number-- in SC! When he started yelling, my close friend of almost 2 decades (a White redhead) and I turned to each other, started laughing and cracking jokes between each other. We walked to my jeep to the sounds of his yelling. Craziness! Dodged a bullet that night!

I've lived in SC, FL, AZ, CT and NYC and dated very eligible men from across the globe. I sometimes think it's more difficult for me b/c I'm taller than a lot of guys. And I've never been in a "closet". There's a savor for every flavor.

Some men have grown a pair.
Hispanic men have on occasion.I have yet to get a serious white guy and sadly no black men period.Im not into the Asian guys so thats no big deal.
I guess it's just like genetics. Some people are more endowed then others. Breasts for example. Some women have large breasts, some don't and never will. He's tiny in height too, so maybe he was meant to help gather berries with the women instead of breeding with them:lachen:


You know, I was thinking that it would be like breasts, but I said nahh because it just seems too important a member to not grow. I guess as long as it still does what it needs to do :perplexed. Still sad for them (and the woman involved with them) though. :sad:
I live in Japan so a lot of Japanese men approach me--maybe because that's all that is here lol. But before meeting my hubby (who is Japanese), I wasn't interested in them at all. They had left a bad image in my mind.
Anyways, I think Japanese men are interested in Black (or any other women) because they only have one choice here. Something different is exotic and my hubby said mainly Japanese women only have goat nipples lol. Boobs are important, if you look at any comic from Japan. Most women here have no boobs whatsoever. And then they also have no butt, nothing just skinny and legs. So I guess it can be said that women who are different are unique here.
yes, I get hit on by wm, hispanic and an Indian once. On a confused note, I am always being approached by African guys, usually asking me if i am from Nigeria because I look like "So & So" ( I am Haitian-I know we have some history but still)then proceed to talk my ears off. I have been getting a lot of stares lately, not sure if it is good or bad. I am in between braids and am wearing my hair out in a fro or twist-out. Maybe it's the incongruity of the afro with the chic outfit and makeup? I am so clueless and have been unsured of my appeal until my mid 20's, I wouldn't know someone was interested unless they spelled it out for me. The AA man will tell me 'you're gorgeous' as I walk down the street, but somehow I guess I think they are just saying that because they want something from me.
ok, where can I sign up for "EtherealEnigma's rules of flirtin". I had was sheltered as ayouth and have no clue, dilligently taking notes.
This is silly! I see these posts a lot.

All physical things remaining in place (whether by defying gravity or being stuffed there): Approachable women generally get approached.

We can't just stand there and hope some man approaches us.
It's short lock eyes, bite lip corner, shy "busted" smile, downward look, hair, look in opposite direction... Look back. If I'm walking past a guy, I'll rub the top of my for 2-3 seconds. BAM! There's the secrets. ;-) Both work 70% of the time, all the time.

Men are sometimes shy when approaching women, but it can really increase interracially-- even if the guy has been there/done that. No guy wants to get shot down royally in front of his friends. So, if you're open... Be open!

Actually had a guy get mad and yell that I was a racist b/c I didnt give him my number-- in SC! When he started yelling, my close friend of almost 2 decades (a White redhead) and I turned to each other, started laughing and cracking jokes between each other. We walked to my jeep to the sounds of his yelling. Craziness! Dodged a bullet that night!

I've lived in SC, FL, AZ, CT and NYC and dated very eligible men from across the globe. I sometimes think it's more difficult for me b/c I'm taller than a lot of guys. And I've never been in a "closet". There's a savor for every flavor.

Some men have grown a pair.
racheljay1985 hahaha......this is true. My best friend was a Korean girl and she hooked me up with a Korean guy. He was nice and all and I liked him.

:needhug: But she thought it was prudent to inform me that I will need to find a box of extra small condoms...

STOP. I once dated a Japanese guy but we never got to that point. He was REALLY clingy and I couldnt stand the sight of him. :nono:

I live in Japan so a lot of Japanese men approach me--maybe because that's all that is here lol. But before meeting my hubby (who is Japanese), I wasn't interested in them at all. They had left a bad image in my mind.
Anyways, I think Japanese men are interested in Black (or any other women) because they only have one choice here. Something different is exotic and my hubby said mainly Japanese women only have goat nipples lol. Boobs are important, if you look at any comic from Japan. Most women here have no boobs whatsoever. And then they also have no butt, nothing just skinny and legs. So I guess it can be said that women who are different are unique here.

Yeah i get hit on by ALL races :yep:
Yes all the time. White,Indian,Arab,Hispanic. The list goes on. I just inform them that I am married and move on.

Sent from my Sprint EVO using LHCF app
I get approached by men of numerous races and cultures, I've sampled a variety of cultures and races. I try not to discriminate i'm a lover of humanity.
if i think about it, this month, and last, i have been approached by many races of man. (my city's very multicultural)

If you asked me this question, i would have said NO! no one approaches me... but i realize, No, no 'good looking' men approach me... lol they're all pimply faced, 10 years younger than me or realllllllllllly old men.. lol
ok, where can I sign up for "EtherealEnigma's rules of flirtin". I had was sheltered as ayouth and have no clue, dilligently taking notes.

Ha! I was kiiiinda kidding, but I've actually had some success with those "techniques". Keeping the conversation going after they walk over is a whole 'nother thing depending on chemistry.

Stiletto Spy School has a class called Seduction... something that is good. You might be interested in attending a workshop if you're ever in NYC, Vegas (or have a group of girls that want them to visit). I was an intern there after seeing them on Tyra (and wrote this month's newsletter using an interview from a woman who grew up sheltered and was betrayed, abused as an adult).

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2
I attract Arab men, especially N. Africans (tunisian, Moroccan, Libyan) like it's going out of style. It drives DH up the wall.

He won't even let me walk into a gas station by myself (cuz you know they own all of them, according to hubby!)
And it does not help that the guy I dated before meeting him was Kurdish!

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EtherealEnigma , Rub the top of your what?:look:
This is silly! I see these posts a lot.

All physical things remaining in place (whether by defying gravity or being stuffed there): Approachable women generally get approached.

We can't just stand there and hope some man approaches us.
It's short lock eyes, bite lip corner, shy "busted" smile, downward look, hair, look in opposite direction... Look back. If I'm walking past a guy, I'll rub the top of my for 2-3 seconds. BAM! There's the secrets. ;-) Both work 70% of the time, all the time.

Men are sometimes shy when approaching women, but it can really increase interracially-- even if the guy has been there/done that. No guy wants to get shot down royally in front of his friends. So, if you're open... Be open!

Actually had a guy get mad and yell that I was a racist b/c I didnt give him my number-- in SC! When he started yelling, my close friend of almost 2 decades (a White redhead) and I turned to each other, started laughing and cracking jokes between each other. We walked to my jeep to the sounds of his yelling. Craziness! Dodged a bullet that night!

I've lived in SC, FL, AZ, CT and NYC and dated very eligible men from across the globe. I sometimes think it's more difficult for me b/c I'm taller than a lot of guys. And I've never been in a "closet". There's a savor for every flavor.

Some men have grown a pair.