Is It Easier For The Chocolate Sisters To Get Men Of Other Races!!!!!

How Easy Is It For You To Date Outside Your Race?

  • I consider myself dark complected and men of other races hit on me all the time.

    Votes: 164 33.9%
  • I consider myself light complected and men of other races hit on me all the time.

    Votes: 85 17.6%
  • I consider myself dark complected and men of other races hit on me once in a while.

    Votes: 97 20.0%
  • I consider myself light complected and men of other races hit on me once in a while.

    Votes: 66 13.6%
  • The only way I would be able to get a man of another race is to clubbed him over the head

    Votes: 37 7.6%
  • I don't want to date a man that is not Black.

    Votes: 35 7.2%

  • Total voters
I think white men are attracted to size more than color. It's important not to rule that out. They will go for a size 0/2 woman before they look to a size 7/8 woman. I believe if a white man had to choose between a light-skinned 0/2 and a dark-skinned 7/8, he would most definitely go for the light-skinned one because she's tiny. Even Rozlip's stripper girl would be too thick for an average white man. Her body type will more likely attract a black man before it attracts a white one.

This defintely true - i'm very dark and get a lot more attention from white and other non-black men at a size 6 than at my current size 10. Most of the black women I know who have always attracted a lot of white men are thin with body shapes that are not as popular with black men - they tend to have a lack of booty lol.
I am a dark skinned sista with european facial features, thin lips, chinky looking eyes, medium nose with a big booty and ta ta's to match....much to my surprise only light skinned men and bi-racial men approach me :confused: ....I used to get accused of only liking "yella" men and not giving the darker skinned brothas a chance, but little did they know the darker skinned guys NEVER said anything to me. My only preference was that they had to be tall and attractive (to me)...I am talking 6'2" and taller and I really didn't care what race they most of my adult dating life I was always on the arm of a tall light skinned man. I married the first/only (tall and bald) brown-skinned man to approach me :lick: . We will celebrate our 5th year of marriage this October. :cool:

Girl I feel you, I'm very dark and while I have dated a few darkskinned men, in my age range I get the most attention from light-skinned black men. Darkskinned black men 35+ tend to love them some me.. I don't know what it is. I think I look responsible and mature or somethin, plus older men are not as pressed about the typical video girl look and tend to appreciate diversity of black beauty more.

As I said before, when I'm skinny I get a lot more play from white men and basically men of all races come out the woodwork. Good, more motivation for me to get my lazy behind to the gym tomorrow morning :lachen:
I'm a chocolate girl, and I keep gettin hit on by armenian(sp?) guys who have the most rudest pick up lines i mean just ew..anyhoo, my last few boyfriends have been white...but i get hit on by black men all the time i have no preference on race.. but from my observation out here in southern cali 9/10 times for IR AW/WM -a white guy is with a dark skinned girl,dark brown..basically no diluted lookin, or mixed looking..i mean u may see a couple of them, but usually I see them with chocolate girls..anyhoo, no its not hard at all for other races to "holla" at me lol
I have dark skin and guys of other races, mostly whites always seem to hit on me. I live just off of temple's campus in Philadelphia. The 2.5 years I've been here, I've been hit on by 2 black guys.

I think it's for a few reasons. I think some white guys want to try something new. You know... the whole "college is for experimentation" thing. Also, most of my friends here are white, so I end up at events where mostly whites are.

My boyfriend is white though, and his last girlfriend was light skinned. He doesn't like white girls. He says they're crazy. He always tells me "my last girlfriend was only half white and she was crazy."

My gay friend though, has a think for dark skin black men... like purple black... Wesley Snipes Black.
I've mainly get attention from older black men old enough to be my dad :ohwell:

I got hit on by this asian guy who worked at a chinese restuarant and by an indian guy who worked at t-mobile.
Now that I have locs I sometimes catch white guys lookin at me with this dumbfounded dreamy look in their eyes, or just straight starin me down when I was in the MD/VA area (white guys are bold there lol).. I don't get it..

Yea, maybe there's something to the theory..
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I'm light and I've been dating a Native American for the past 3 years. We met in Mississippi and I was a lot darker then. I haven't gotten that dark since and he tells me all the time how he misses the dark skin tone I had back in Mississippi. I just think it's funny (in a non-humorous way) that he's white as rice but he's always giving me stuff for being light.
Now that I have locs I sometimes catch white guys lookin at me with this dumbfounded dreamy look in their eyes, or just straight starin me down when I was in the MD/VA area (white guys are bold there lol).. I don't get it..

Yea, maybe there's something to the theory..

lmao i have box braids and i go to a school in a predominantly white city and let me say, i get stared at all the time with them. Unless they approach me, it's just really annoying.

I'm light and I've been dating a Native American for the past 3 years. We met in Mississippi and I was a lot darker then. I haven't gotten that dark since and he tells me all the time how he misses the dark skin tone I had back in Mississippi. I just think it's funny (in a non-humorous way) that he's white as rice but he's always giving me stuff for being light.

I'm sorry but if he kept on and on about it to me, I wouldn't find it funny at all but....that's just me!
These replies are interesting. Honestly nobody hits on me. I must be too fat or ugly or unapproachable or all three. Of the rare occasions I've been hit on it has been old black men, usually drunk.:perplexed
same here, but I don't like being hit on.

...except there is this white thug that keeps approaching me. I don't know why, I'm not into the thug culture. He's very polite though.
I get hit on by men of other races all the time and I don't think it has to do with my dark complexion...

I feel I have an "approchableness" (i know thats not a word) and openess that other black women tend to shy from

I have a white male friend who says that he is very much attracted to black women but doesn't bother because of the "vibe" he gets when he trys to strike up a conversation
I get hit on by men of other races all the time and I don't think it has to do with my dark complexion...

I feel I have an "approchableness" (i know thats not a word) and openess that other black women tend to shy from

I have a white male friend who says that he is very much attracted to black women but doesn't bother because of the "vibe" he gets when he trys to strike up a conversation

ITA, I'm friendly, so people (male or female, old and young) tend to talk to me and I TALK with them!

I grew up among white people, so they were never viewed as "different" by me nor did I felt that I was "different" from them.

I'm not sure about this "black women vibe" thing, but people can sense if you are OPEN (direct eye contact, alertness, relaxed facial features, and posture) by body language before you even say ONE word!

ps. I doubt if other races focus on our skin tones/shades as much as WE do....:ohwell:
I'm light complexioned and I'm lucky to get hit on by anyone. I am attracted to white men, which sucks for me since I always see them going after women much darker than me. My girlfriend tells me that's just how it is; one day I was out with her and we saw 4 interracial couples--all white guys with dark-skinned black women. I don't see white guys with women who are lighter like me.

Interestingly, a white man won't hesitate to come over to tell me I'm beautiful, gorgeous, etc. But they'll turn around and pick an average-looking white girl over me. I get a lot of staring from all races, but black men also seldom approach. I might simply not seem approachable. I also look young. It's pretty isolating. It's also frustrating as hell to hear how pretty you are and to be asked why you don't have a man all the time when the truth is that despite all the education and smarts and looks and character and whatever else, you still can't give it away...

Story of my life. :wallbash:

Forgot to say: I read this entire thread and it was like a novel -- so eye opening.
From what I have seen it seems like white men tend to like dark skin females and latin men tend to like lightskin black females.
I get hit on by latin men the most other than black males
I saw a couple yesterday at church who would prove these poll results true. She was a darker, natural BW and he was a tall, goofy looking WM. :lachen: She had her hair in kinky twists and the way she spoke.... well, to me she would seem like the kind of girl a BM probably wouldn't necessarily be drawn to. :look:
I can't believe I read this whole thread. Wow! To answer the question, I'm solidly brown skin. I've never been considered either light or dark. I get approached by black men and white men. Occassionally a Latino man will try to holla, but it's rare. I pull black men of every hue and type (light, dark, medium, thug, student, professional, etc.).
I don't think it has anything to do with my complexion. I'm 5'11 and am considered slim/athletic. Whenever guys holla the first thing they comment on is my height, so I think that's the thing that stands out for them. I tend to be really open and friendly so that helps too.
I have noticed that there is a difference in when I'll get hit on between white men and black men. Black men will approach me anywhere (i.e. the street, the grocery store, the mall, a bar, etc.). White men aren't so bold. When they approach me it's always in a social setting (i.e. party, social events, happy hours, sports bars). Either way it's all the same to me. Men are men.
I'm dark(er, more brown than anything) skinned, and I'm married to a white guy.
I've noticed that as well, OP, so much so that I asked DH about it! lol
He said that darker skinned ladies have a very rich color. High saturation? Plus the skin looks rich, smooth (um, like chocolate I think he was getting out without saying it...LOL)
But he also said it's not like he went out of his way to date me (first and only black chick he's been with whereas I've dated everytihng under the rainbow), but he said the first thing he noticed (and liked) about me was my skin tone.
Now, this is only his experience, but I HTH!
I'm light complexioned and I'm lucky to get hit on by anyone. I am attracted to white men, which sucks for me since I always see them going after women much darker than me. My girlfriend tells me that's just how it is; one day I was out with her and we saw 4 interracial couples--all white guys with dark-skinned black women. I don't see white guys with women who are lighter like me.

Interestingly, a white man won't hesitate to come over to tell me I'm beautiful, gorgeous, etc. But they'll turn around and pick an average-looking white girl over me. I get a lot of staring from all races, but black men also seldom approach. I might simply not seem approachable. I also look young. It's pretty isolating. It's also frustrating as hell to hear how pretty you are and to be asked why you don't have a man all the time when the truth is that despite all the education and smarts and looks and character and whatever else, you still can't give it away...

I could have written almost all of this myself.:rolleyes:
This thread was interesting mostly because I am married to a white American. I am British West Indian. I didn't grow up with the hang ups about skin tones but subconsciously I knew to limit my sun exposure due to Mom's comments about "turning into burnt toast".

I consider myself darker than the average black woman but it's never been a factor concerning who was attracted to me. My husband and I both experience our 1st serious interracial relationship w/ each other. I have always been very conservative concerning relationships so my lack of experience doesn't allow me to comment further.
interesting thread. when i'm walking around the city, i do see more interracial couples where the woman is medium tone or darker skin, and the guy is white.

as for me personally, i have very light skin but i have always and only been approached and pursued by white men. i've come to think that white men think it's "safe" to date a light skinned black woman. lol.

on a very rare occasion, a dark skinned black guy will approach me. extremely rare. like maybe 3 in my entire life. from my experience, i find that dark skinned black men think that i'm "above" them.

mixed race black men will have nothing to do with me. i went on a date with one and we were talking about our backgrounds. my parents are both black. but my mom is a medium tone, and my father has light skin like i do. his mom was white and his father was black. after that, he never called me again. ;) i also used to be on i came across a cute guy's profile. he was of mixed race. he was only looking to date, white or hispanic women. no black women!!! not even "interracial".
I consider myself chocolate and men of other races approach me. I don't think it is because of my complexion. I think it is because I am approachable regardless of race. HTH.
I would say that i have dark skin like chocolate :yep:, I live in the UK and it is very rare that someone from another race approaches me, to be honest the black men were i live go for the lighter skinned women, white men go for white women and the light skin black men/mixed men go for white or light skinned women... i have also heard the phrase you are pretty for a dark skin girl by dark/light skin men and also WOMEN! Last summer i went to Greece with my best friends who are both mixed and i got all the attention from the local men, i was complimented about my skin tone constantly which was weird because it’s usually my friends who do back home.
Also i went to New York last summer and i guess i got looks from other races as well as black men, i get asked all the time why are you single you are pretty? Well if nobody approaches me of course i will be single. :wallbash:
So i guess it also depends on where you live.
I'm chocolate and I get approached and complimented from the others a lot. But I am strictly Mandigo. The brothas approach me a lot too. though