Is It Easier For The Chocolate Sisters To Get Men Of Other Races!!!!!

How Easy Is It For You To Date Outside Your Race?

  • I consider myself dark complected and men of other races hit on me all the time.

    Votes: 164 33.9%
  • I consider myself light complected and men of other races hit on me all the time.

    Votes: 85 17.6%
  • I consider myself dark complected and men of other races hit on me once in a while.

    Votes: 97 20.0%
  • I consider myself light complected and men of other races hit on me once in a while.

    Votes: 66 13.6%
  • The only way I would be able to get a man of another race is to clubbed him over the head

    Votes: 37 7.6%
  • I don't want to date a man that is not Black.

    Votes: 35 7.2%

  • Total voters
PME_LADY said:
That is rather unfortunate. I think the truth of the matter is that many white men are just afraid too admit their attraction to black women because it is socially unacceptable because in Europe, it is very different. Oddly enough my experience in Europe, Spain, Portugal and Italy, was that they looked down on Asians and in Spain they did not like Hispanics, which is another thread. But ultimately the truth is that there is no one rule that is universal within any group.

I have to agree that its a cultural thing.
I live in Atlanta, and I have never been approached by a white guy. However, I have observed white guys checking out black females in the malls, clubs, on campus but not approaching. Its like they are afraid or something.

In New York, my friends and I got approached by Italian and Hispanic guys.
However, when I travel to the UK to visit family, I am always shocked at the variety of guys that approach us.
On our last trip to London, in a space of two weeks just going out and about shopping and sightseeing, several eastern European and Italian guys, an Indian guy,a Middle eastern guy and a few Brits asked my sister and I out on a dates and each time we were approached we would both be dumbfounded for a minute.
We just don't see it like that in Atlanta.
Omoge said:
I have to agree that its a cultural thing.
I live in Atlanta, and I have never been approached by a white guy. However, I have observed white guys checking out black females in the malls, clubs, on campus but not approaching. Its like they are afraid or something.

In New York, my friends and I got approached by Italian and Hispanic guys.
However, when I travel to the UK to visit family, I am always shocked at the variety of guys that approach us.
On our last trip to London, in a space of two weeks just going out and about shopping and sightseeing, several eastern European and Italian guys, an Indian guy,a Middle eastern guy and a few Brits asked my sister and I out on a dates and each time we were approached we would both be dumbfounded for a minute.
We just don't see it like that in Atlanta.
New York and Europe have been the best so far(for general male attention/approach) IMO too. I'm naturally shy and if a guy didn't make him himself known, he was out of luck.:lol:
Omoge said:
I have to agree that its a cultural thing.
I live in Atlanta, and I have never been approached by a white guy. However, I have observed white guys checking out black females in the malls, clubs, on campus but not approaching. Its like they are afraid or something.

In New York, my friends and I got approached by Italian and Hispanic guys.
However, when I travel to the UK to visit family, I am always shocked at the variety of guys that approach us.
On our last trip to London, in a space of two weeks just going out and about shopping and sightseeing, several eastern European and Italian guys, an Indian guy,a Middle eastern guy and a few Brits asked my sister and I out on a dates and each time we were approached we would both be dumbfounded for a minute.
We just don't see it like that in Atlanta.

I agree with the cultural thing as well. I while back, I was browsing through this online dating site, and this was just out of curiosity, but I browsed profiles of white men in the USA, and then white men in the UK. I noticed the overwhelming majority of white American men did not list AA women in their dating preferences, while the opposite was true for white British men... there were only a few of them who were not interested in dating black women.
I met a cute white guy recently.

He dated a half black/white woman once but wasn't sure if he could date one full-blown.

I hope he doesn't call me again. He sort of upset me last night.
Blossssom said:
I met a cute white guy recently.

He dated a half black/white woman once but wasn't sure if he could date one full-blown.

I hope he doesn't call me again. He sort of upset me last night.
wtf?! Oh no he didn't:mad:... well, he sounds like a *total* moron...

I think a lot of white guys, here in Cali anyway, are too afraid of what other white people will think of it.

I did date a white guy in my early 20s and he admitted that he felt white people stared when we went out and that it made him uncomfortable. We eventually broke it off.

And then there was the white guy at my last office. I dated him for quite some time and he was okay with it, but black men were not okay with it and he constantly threatened.

He was the last white guy I went out with. This guy last night is really cute but it doesn't sound like he's interested than anything more than a drink a quick screw when no one is looking.

Also, he automatically assumed that I only dated white guys. I asked him why would he assume that and he couldn't give me a straight answer.
Blossssom said:
I think a lot of white guys, here in Cali anyway, are too afraid of what other white people will think of it.

I did date a white guy in my early 20s and he admitted that he felt white people stared when we went out and that it made him uncomfortable. We eventually broke it off.

And then there was the white guy at my last office. I dated him for quite some time and he was okay with it, but black men were not okay with it and he constantly threatened.

He was the last white guy I went out with. This guy last night is really cute but it doesn't sound like he's interested than anything more than a drink a quick screw when no one is looking.

Also, he automatically assumed that I only dated white guys. I asked him why would he assume that and he couldn't give me a straight answer.

Interesting point. The ones I dated were: A Boston transplant, 2 from Los Angeles(some ppl say things are diff there?), 3 New York transplants, 1 homegrown SF jewish guy but he looked Creole so ppl thought he was mixed/ already:lol:, 2 Israeli, 3 French, 1 British. Only one plain old 'white' appearing local Berkeley Jewish guy.

***re: the blue bolded

I had a similar experience but the guy was AfAm/and Latino mixed(Bay area guy). He told me his girlfriends had all been "redbones"/light exotics/asians/euros.

He kept trying to get me to hang @ his place but never out in public. I got the strictly sex vibe from him and NEXTed him quickly.
Kay, do you know that nut called here last night at midnight and left a message talking about, "After our conversation the night before, I don't think we're a good match and I won't be calling you again. Good luck finding your significant other." Ha! :)

Good riddance.
macherieamour said:
Ugh what a loser! NEXT!:mad:

He had to be drunk calling here at that time of night. Who calls somebody at midnight to tell them we're not a match? Why even CALL?

Yea, NEXT!
Blossssom said:
Kay, do you know that nut called here last night at midnight and left a message talking about, "After our conversation the night before, I don't think we're a good match and I won't be calling you again. Good luck finding your significant other." Ha! :)

Good riddance.
...To bad rubbish.

How completely cracktastic!!!!<smh> :down:

In general, it seems like the men I met who would bring up exs(esp giving physical/racial descriptions etc) were all losers.

If a guy was into me, he didn't say jack about them.
I agree, Kay... men who date based on race, or who bring up race, always make me leery... "Again, why are you dating me?" or whatever.
Blossssom said:
I agree, Kay... men who date based on race, or who bring up race, always make me leery... "Again, why are you dating me?" or whatever.

Its happen to me not too long ago with a white guy. I have always been told that they were controlling and domineering. I used to think my elders were nuts... until one told me he was exactly that way and proud. Looking back, i am afraid they might all be like that...
And all you have to do is call the shots with them...let them be the quick screw
I'm sorry but my "quick screw" days are behind me, primarily... "Tim" would have been an exception but I knew his situation beforehand, so when the sexual relationship went south, whose fault would that have been?

Sad... try to date interracially and there is always some hang-up.
bravenewgirl87 said:
Its happen to me not too long ago with a white guy. I have always been told that they were controlling and domineering. I used to think my elders were nuts... until one told me he was exactly that way and proud. Looking back, i am afraid they might all be like that...
And all you have to do is call the shots with them...let them be the quick screw

They're not all crazy, IMO. You do have to weed-out (i used to say 'cull' but that can sound cruel...:look:)just like w/ all guys.
My good friend of mine is Hatian and she has gorgeous,flawless, dark skin and lemme tell you when we go to the mall she would have to beat the white boys off with a stick. Too bad though for them because she has a preference for black men.
Wow, what a great topic! I am caramel-colored sister and I attract men of all races. I have dated everything that is out there with the exception of asian men;and my husband is california white-boy blond and he always comments on how my darker skin looks so healthy and glowy compared to his fair pale complexion. I think men of other races are more likely to appreciate how different our darker skintones are such a beautiful contrast to their lighter complexion.
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I have found that a lot of Italian men like dark skinned women. I have had Latin and Italian men fixate over my complexion and talk about it in regards to children, and it creeped me out a little bit. I am also a dark skinned sister who loves the sun, so whenever I go on vacation to the Caribbean or Miami, I sit out! I love dark even, bronzey tones, it's beautiful to me.

Anyways, I've dated inside and outside of my race for all of my dating years and my husband is Northern Chinese. He has fixated over my complexion as well. I guess to each his own, but these are just my experiences.
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I would consider myself between light and dark, more almondy in the winter, and richer in the summer. I don't think I've ever literally been asked out by a white man. I've had them hit on me in the street occasionally, but only in the summer when I'm rocking more skin and a tan. And they certainly flirt, but I don't really trust them, b/c I thnk they're trying to fulfill a fantasy. I get eyes, but I think I must seem more intimdating or not as noticable beyond being a nice looking black girl.
I have one friend who is dark and she gets hit on by every race, and another who is very light who has the same thing happen to her. They are both beautiful and know it and act like it, so I think it's a swagger thing, then a color thing.
I'm pretty much your average brown-skinned sista.... nice and chocolate in the summertime!!!! :D

I've lived all over, from the north to the south. Ive never been hit on by men of other races, ever. I only receive attention from the brothas.... which works out just fine for me. :)
I definitely consider myself a chocolate-skinned sista....and an equal opportunity one at that! Don't get me wrong, I believe in affirmative action and all. I loovvveee dark skin.:p But I've attracted men of all races for as long as I can remember. And as many black men that ONLY date white women or other non-black women, why should it be a problem for black women to explore our "other" options too? It cracks me up when a black man who dates outside of his race is so quick to criticize a black woman who dates outside of hers??? I say to each his own...or "her" own in this case!:)

I heard a statistic that said 42% of single black women over age 30 will never marry? Could part of the reason for that be that many of us are not open dating outside of our race?
dlewis said:
This will be interesting.

When I see interracial couples, its normally a darker woman with white, spanish, etc.......

I've noticed that too. In fact, I'm light skinned and my fiancee is White, and we seem to get more stares than other BW/WM couples in the room. Where the other Black women in the room are darker. IDK why...
KiniKakes said:
I'm pretty much your average brown-skinned sista.... nice and chocolate in the summertime!!!! :D

I've lived all over, from the north to the south. Ive never been hit on by men of other races, ever. I only receive attention from the brothas.... which works out just fine for me. :)

really? I'm surprised you are so pretty!!!

Well I'm a white man magnet:lachen: my friends ALWAYS tease me about this, and I'm brown skinned.

I prefer them chocolate though, but hey the right vanilla might just....
rozlips said:
I've been told by white men that they don't approach lighter skinned black women because they are generally rejected more by them. Apparently lc black women tend to be more 'militant.' I think if you look at our history many of the 'ride or die' sisters have been of a paler hue. Presumably they're trying to prove their blackness and being with a white man isn't part of that. I also think that lc black women have more success with black men, so they're not as available to white men as their dc counterpart.

That soooo used to be me!:( Thank God I've grown up and learned to love myself just as I am.:) When I was younger, I only dated very dark guys. I mean ONLY! Now...color isn't even an issue.
Statistics say black American women and asian men have the most difficult time dating outside their race. I've dated some white men in my past but the one I liked a lot did not find me attractive. In all actuality a great many men, no matter their racial background, do not find me attractive. I find men of my own race ask me me about my racial background as if they hope I am biracial and are disapointed to find I am not. As well, men of my own race actively seek biracial women with black as part of their heritage, but also openly and willingly date hispanic, asian, and caucasian women. They're also more than willing to date black women who AREN'T American, ie cuban, egyptian, persian. Men seem more drawn to a woman who is exotic than a plain ole sistah.
Wow, this thread has been so enlightening! So many different nationalities of men find black women gorgeous! It's kinda sad that many of us have internalized the bs messages about BW not being beautiful.

I've certainly gotten the "you're so pretty... for a black girl" and "you sure are smart... for a black girl" comments. They really hurt, deep deep down, when you are young.

I'm on the light skinned side, I'm actually half white. This did not deter men of any race. I've had constant attention especially from Latino men and Indo/Pakistani men! Those guys luv them some me. But Pacific Islanders, Asian guys, Jewish guys, generic white guys, pretty much any type has shown me mad love.

I never did get much attention from black men, and that's just fine with me. I've always especially liked men with golden skin and jet black hair, be they Asian or Latino. A blonde guy could be a billionaire genius, and I could not work with him! Let alone a redhead... bleh.

My husband, as I've mentioned on here before, is half Japanese and half Italian. He's always loved black women, the darker the better. The thicker the better, too! Jumbo popcorn booties and phat buzooms, ya know. Like the figure 8. That's my figure, too. You'd think I'd get more attention from BM, but nope.

Of course, if they see me with my husband I get stank looks and some comments muttered under the breath. What they don't know is my husband can FIGHT and will beat a fool down with the quickness, so if they get too ignant they'll get it good.

I love my skin... it took a long time to get to a point where I could honestly say that, but I can now! It's a coppery warm color that reminds me of pumpkins or a shiny new penny. I luv it cuz it's mine!!!!!!!!
I am a dark skinned sista with european facial features, thin lips, chinky looking eyes, medium nose with a big booty and ta ta's to match....much to my surprise only light skinned men and bi-racial men approach me :confused: ....I used to get accused of only liking "yella" men and not giving the darker skinned brothas a chance, but little did they know the darker skinned guys NEVER said anything to me. My only preference was that they had to be tall and attractive (to me)...I am talking 6'2" and taller and I really didn't care what race they most of my adult dating life I was always on the arm of a tall light skinned man. I married the first/only (tall and bald) brown-skinned man to approach me :lick: . We will celebrate our 5th year of marriage this October. :cool: