Is It Easier For The Chocolate Sisters To Get Men Of Other Races!!!!!

How Easy Is It For You To Date Outside Your Race?

  • I consider myself dark complected and men of other races hit on me all the time.

    Votes: 164 33.9%
  • I consider myself light complected and men of other races hit on me all the time.

    Votes: 85 17.6%
  • I consider myself dark complected and men of other races hit on me once in a while.

    Votes: 97 20.0%
  • I consider myself light complected and men of other races hit on me once in a while.

    Votes: 66 13.6%
  • The only way I would be able to get a man of another race is to clubbed him over the head

    Votes: 37 7.6%
  • I don't want to date a man that is not Black.

    Votes: 35 7.2%

  • Total voters
These days I'm lucky if I get a book thrown at me! Lol - it seems like the further I go in my education the less likely I am to meet a black man that's together and wants me all I get are thugs and boys pretending to be men. My intentions as far as my professional career have scared a lot of men away - I'm not going to lie :lachen:. I am hardcore and I love what I do! Funnily enough I do consider myself browner - DC but I never thought about this in relation to who tried to talk to me. When I was in college I never got hit on, I was too "white" for the black guys and "to shy" for the white boys until around my senior year. Where I grew up it was always the light skinned girls who were considered pretty and I will admit no one was going at me anyway because I just couldn't afford the maintenance required to be "an it girl" back then.

When I was living in Boston, I probably couldn't pay a black man to approach me. It just never happened but I got hit on all the time by white guys, asked out, etc. Now ironically there are so many talented educated black men that I am around in medical school. Let me whisper a word about my intentions as doctor and they're like that's cool - but I'm immediately cast in the friend zone. Seems to me all the brothers in my school are making something of themselves and will have amazing careers but they aren't looking for a DC career woman. All I hear these days is...yeah I want my wife to stay at home and raise our kids....sheez. You just can't win! Even now if I get approached odds are it'll be a white boy before it's a black one :perplexed. I don't mean that to imply that there is any difference I firmly believe a man is a man, but I just find it odd that it's mostly white boys and none of the black ones. And don't even get me started about the whole natural hair thing...heaven forbid I should wear a braidout I'll never hear the end of it!
I'm light complexioned and I'm lucky to get hit on by anyone. I am attracted to white men, which sucks for me since I always see them going after women much darker than me. My girlfriend tells me that's just how it is; one day I was out with her and we saw 4 interracial couples--all white guys with dark-skinned black women. I don't see white guys with women who are lighter like me.

Interestingly, a white man won't hesitate to come over to tell me I'm beautiful, gorgeous, etc. But they'll turn around and pick an average-looking white girl over me. I get a lot of staring from all races, but black men also seldom approach. I might simply not seem approachable. I also look young. It's pretty isolating. It's also frustrating as hell to hear how pretty you are and to be asked why you don't have a man all the time when the truth is that despite all the education and smarts and looks and character and whatever else, you still can't give it away...

Two words: Millionaire's Club.
My best friend and I joked about this yesterday. She's Jewish/Hispanic and I'm a brown-skinned black person. It seems that when we go out, more Black guys approach her, and more Hispanic/White guys approach me. I cannot explain why. I would like more Black guys to approach me, though, and she wants more Hispanic guys to approach her.

I think chocolate girls can get more guys of other race. They're considered more exotic to some groups of people.
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I'm light complexioned and I'm lucky to get hit on by anyone. I am attracted to white men, which sucks for me since I always see them going after women much darker than me. My girlfriend tells me that's just how it is; one day I was out with her and we saw 4 interracial couples--all white guys with dark-skinned black women. I don't see white guys with women who are lighter like me.

Interestingly, a white man won't hesitate to come over to tell me I'm beautiful, gorgeous, etc. But they'll turn around and pick an average-looking white girl over me. I get a lot of staring from all races, but black men also seldom approach. I might simply not seem approachable. I also look young. It's pretty isolating. It's also frustrating as hell to hear how pretty you are and to be asked why you don't have a man all the time when the truth is that despite all the education and smarts and looks and character and whatever else, you still can't give it away...

I have had that, but in the reverse. Black men would hit on my light skinned girlfriends, but say to them, your girlfriend is pretty, nice complexion. That would frustrate me very much.
My answer is YES, esp if the men are European. The darker you are, the better the chances.

Some of them are creepy though. I've had a few of them follow me around in the club and the bar that I work out. Its like they have an African fetish or something.
A few things I have noticed...

1) European men have a serious AA fetish -- all that colonization gave them a hankerin for the brown sugar. Why do you think they kept trying to take over those little islands?

2) Size doesn't have anything to do with it - I've ranged from a 4 up to a 10. White men and other races hit on me at any weight - thought they seem to like the 6 range. Black guys hit on me more when I'm heavier. But I've never been anywhere NEAR a 0 or a 2 so that can't be it. I think I may be intimidating or some Asian or Mexican men however, b/c I'm 5'8" about 145 and athletic. It doesn't stop all of them, but I think if I were shorter/slighter I might attract more.

3) I've noticed alot of older white men approach YOUNGER black women. They've reached an age and station in their lives where they're confident enough to approach an AA woman, where as in their own youth they were too intimidated. Not only do they believe black women may not be attracted to them - BUT they also have to deal with the backlash from Black men. This goes for all races, but I think the most strained relationship is between white and black in this particular case.

Also - older men are more likely to be the type who have a fetish or want to be with a black woman for the "experience"

White Men who approach women their age or w/in 10 years are usually more likely just attracted to that woman or black women in general on a genuine level.

4) White people in general LOVE natural hair. They don't understand relaxers (or the need for them) and are desperately curious about how different our hair is from theirs.

5) I definitely think other races are fascinated by darker skin tones due to it being more exotic as in even more different from their own. But they recognize beauty in any tone, it just may be more striking when they first see it. I consider myself a medium tone - ranging from copper to island brown depending on the season and I still have people tell me I look exotic or ask what I am.
A few things I have noticed...

1) European men have a serious AA fetish -- all that colonization gave them a hankerin for the brown sugar. Why do you think they kept trying to take over those little islands?

2) Size doesn't have anything to do with it - I've ranged from a 4 up to a 10. White men and other races hit on me at any weight - thought they seem to like the 6 range. Black guys hit on me more when I'm heavier. But I've never been anywhere NEAR a 0 or a 2 so that can't be it. I think I may be intimidating or some Asian or Mexican men however, b/c I'm 5'8" about 145 and athletic. It doesn't stop all of them, but I think if I were shorter/slighter I might attract more.

3) I've noticed alot of older white men approach YOUNGER black women. They've reached an age and station in their lives where they're confident enough to approach an AA woman, where as in their own youth they were too intimidated. Not only do they believe black women may not be attracted to them - BUT they also have to deal with the backlash from Black men. This goes for all races, but I think the most strained relationship is between white and black in this particular case.

Also - older men are more likely to be the type who have a fetish or want to be with a black woman for the "experience"

White Men who approach women their age or w/in 10 years are usually more likely just attracted to that woman or black women in general on a genuine level.

4) White people in general LOVE natural hair. They don't understand relaxers (or the need for them) and are desperately curious about how different our hair is from theirs.

5) I definitely think other races are fascinated by darker skin tones due to it being more exotic as in even more different from their own. But they recognize beauty in any tone, it just may be more striking when they first see it. I consider myself a medium tone - ranging from copper to island brown depending on the season and I still have people tell me I look exotic or ask what I am.

The bolded is very true and very weird. :barf:
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I am brown skinned and 100% AA and I have been hit on by men of all kinds of races, ethnicities, etc..: every shade of AA, West Indian, White, Jewish, Hispanic, African, Asian and they're age ranges from my age to older. No Indian men though. I've seen some of them look like they wanna holla but they won't say anything to me. I think darker skin black women are seen as "exotic" and different. I love my AA men but I have dated outside of my race as well.
My best friend and I joked about this yesterday. She's Jewish/Hispanic and I'm a brown-skinned black person. It seems that when we go out, more Black guys approach her, and more Hispanic/White guys approach me. I cannot explain why. I would like more Black guys to approach me, though, and she wants more Hispanic guys to approach her.

I think chocolate girls can get more guys of other race. They're considered more exotic to some groups of people.

It's funny you say this. One of my friends who is Jewish and favors Kim K. (except her hair and eyes are lighter). She is very voluptuous like Kim K and my friend also has a naturally big booty. When we go out, Black men loooooove hitting on her and White men looooooove hitting on me. I do get hit on by Black men, but it's just funny b/c we both prefer our own. We have a theory (and it may be true in your case too). When you have friends of other races and men of their race hit on you, I think it's b/c they are more "comfortable." I think they assume that if you have a Latina friend (in your case) or a White friend, then you would probably date interracially too:yep: I could be wrong, but that's what we think
My SO was warned when we first started dating that all black women have terrible attitudes (especially the dark ones- like me). I guess it was like black women were the scum on the bottom of the barrel. Most of those guys that were dishing this advice are now dealing with non-chocolate women with attitudes A LOT worse than mine. All of them seem to think I am the sweetest thing that's come along since apple pie, but my SO thinks I have a bad attitude. He jokingly says his biggest fear is coming true- he is about to marry a mean black woman.
I dont think complexion has anything to do with it.... I've noticed that the skinnier I get, the more non-black men hit on me.

and the longer weave i get the more men of other races hit on me day it will be all my HAIR and No weave
and the longer weave i get the more men of other races hit on me day it will be all my HAIR and No weave

:lachen: you are so right!.... I've always had a thing for 20" weaves but now im a size 2/4 and seem to be a magnet for non-blacks these days.... i usually pass em on to my friends that will want them tho lol
These replies are interesting. Honestly nobody hits on me. I must be too fat or ugly or unapproachable or all three. Of the rare occasions I've been hit on it has been old black men, usually drunk.:perplexed
These replies are interesting. Honestly nobody hits on me. I must be too fat or ugly or unapproachable or all three. Of the rare occasions I've been hit on it has been old black men, usually drunk.:perplexed

Awe! Don't say that! I'm sure you are very beautiful and has a great personality! Those old creepy men hit on anything that moves. Believe me.:grin:
and the longer weave i get the more men of other races hit on me day it will be all my HAIR and No weave

This is completely true.

When I wore hair weave, when I strutted my stuff, I got CRAZY amounts of attention from non-Black men, especially White men. Now that I sport my own hair, while I am definitely still noticed and hit on quite often, the men aren't as forthright about approaching me or saying anything.
I'm dark and find that men of other races hit on me before they'd hit on my lighter skinned friends. Of all my friends, I'm the one whose joked on about how much white men love me.

I don't know if it's a color thing or if it's the way I carry myself. Black men hit on me as well, but I'd have to say that white men hit on me almost as much as black men, if not more.

Every now and then, I get the "I want you stare" from an Asian or Middle Eastern man, but only once did one ever attempt to hit on me. Actually, the one that did try to hit on me was a middle aged Chinese man who owned a BMW dealership. For that reason alone, I did not trust him because I felt like he just wanted to fulfill some sick fantasy, and therefore, I did not call him. I could've been wrong, but I wasn't trying to find out.

I agree. I am the lightest out of my friends and when it comes to Black guys I get the most attn but when It comes to other races My dark skinned friend gets the most! :ohwell:
I think it definitely has a lot to do with your geographic location. When I lived in New York, I was approached by men of difference races all the time. Since I moved to Texas 6 years ago, I've NEVER been approached by a man of another race and I've always been open to it.
I have heard from both sides of the fence (wm and dc bw) that they like the color contrast between the dark and light skin and find it exotic and different and
These replies are interesting. Honestly nobody hits on me. I must be too fat or ugly or unapproachable or all three. Of the rare occasions I've been hit on it has been old black men, usually drunk.:perplexed

really?? i honestly don't know why bc judging from your avi pic ur are very attractive! maybe they are intimidated?? :yep:
I think it's really how one carries themselves. Some black women regardless of skin colour naturally appeal to men of all races. One thing I observe in these threads is that when talking about the issue of skin colour, its like dark and light-skinned the two polar opposites are always mentioned. What about the dynamics of caramel and brown-skinned women?

Almond Eyes
I feel you on this. When I first saw your pics, I thought you were Middle Eastern, too. ;)

I get this ALL THE TIME from the Ethiopians...especially in D.C. Good Lord!

One cab driver got in an argument with me over it. I told him the majority of my African side comes from East Africa (Ethiopia/Eritrea), but he was steady saying that my immediate family is from there and I was trying to "pass" as an American. :ohwell:

I'm the same race as Ethiopians, but nationality is a whole other thing!

kind of off subject but, i'm multi racial and very fair skinned and i've had very few white men approach me. a lot of hispanic men approach me but, most of the men that show interest in me are african american. i do think a lot of white men perfer dark skinned african american women over lighter skin. that's just my observation.
In most of the BW/WM couples I've seen, the woman is dark skinned. I have my ideas of why this may be, but not everyone's relationship is the same.
I have black men as well as men of others races hit on me, but most of the time if the man isn't black it's a case of, "I only date black women because of XYZ" or "I normally don't find black women attractive but you're the exception."

I should note that the guy in my sig didn't fit into any of the above categories though.
I'm more of a butterscotch and I get hit on by all races. This includes white, black, Indian, Romanian, Bosnian, Italian(straight from Italy), Irish, and more. I dunno what it is, but they like me.
I think when im overseas i get more men trying to talk to me (i have darker skin). While in London i way more white men and indian men trying to pick me up, more so in the states like 3 to 1.