Interracial: She's Black; He's White

Are you a Black woman with a White man?

  • Yes

    Votes: 95 46.8%
  • No

    Votes: 77 37.9%
  • Wouldn't dare?

    Votes: 5 2.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 26 12.8%

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  • Poll closed .
I'd love to do a study on this.

I find this also to be true with entertainers.

Like I'd expect Eminem, for example, to be more likely to date black women than say, some rock star. Same with the boy band guys who usually are around black musicians and appropriate some of their styles... again, in theory.

Nope. They're always with white women.

The entertainers that are involved with or married to black women, usually aren't in black-oriented genres.

It's really intriguing to me!

I think a lot of those white men are 'faking the funk' though. :lachen:

Take Timberlake for example - he's got blaccent, does r&b/pop music, dances but he goes supermegawhitegirlwhite when it comes to dating. I think he'd be down for a black chick, but he lacks the cojones in real life to go after one.
I'd love to do a study on this.

I find this also to be true with entertainers.

Like I'd expect Eminem, for example, to be more likely to date black women than say, some rock star. Same with the boy band guys who usually are around black musicians and appropriate some of their styles... again, in theory.

Nope. They're always with white women.

The entertainers that are involved with or married to black women, usually aren't in black-oriented genres.

It's really intriguing to me!

The mother of Kid Rock's son is a bw. He also dated a bw (dancer/stripper) for a while.
I understand that reaction - and I've had it at times. I wasn't judging you for what you wrote. That reaction is the natural product of the ideals and myths we've been indoctrinated with - both by family members and media. I can't even can't how many times I've had an extended family member say under their breath " yeah, but he ain't gonna marry yo a**"

I recognize that being shocked by any man's - no matter how beautiful/rich/talented - genuine interest in black women is wrong. It's an implied self-devaluing. Like - no way am I good enough for him. But being able to recognize it doesn't mean I'm completely free of it.

I love watching little blonde chicks do it in reverse with my SO. He's white and I'm in the vicinity but in their mind it's like ' no way is he with her.' and then they walk off all salty a few moments later - self confidence shaken by my BF's obvious lack of interest. :grin:

Oh I know you were not judging me. I just wanted to point out how I see it. Especially since I understood where you are coming from. I agree that black women need have self value in themselves, and not believe in the myths pepertuated by the media, and sadly as you mentioned, by family memebers. I had a BM cousin say that about another BW cousin (he was dating a non black woman BTW), and guess what, he married her. Yet at the same time I believe a lot of black women just cannot ignore the TV screen.

As for what happens with you and SO, I truly cannot wrap my mind around it. Why is it that they feel the need to prove that they are better than you. I have seen non black women do this to BW with BM. Like all eyes should be on them. And if the BM ignores them they look all salty as well. Like they Gods gift to everyman, and he should be happy she looked his way. I can't wait till this beauty entitlement thing is over. There is beauty in all races.
I think a lot of those white men are 'faking the funk' though. :lachen:

Take Timberlake for example - he's got blaccent, does r&b/pop music, dances but he goes supermegawhitegirlwhite when it comes to dating. I think he'd be down for a black chick, but he lacks the cojones in real life to go after one.

He actually seems pretty fearless to me, well at least as far as his art is concerned. If he wanted a black woman, I'm sure he would be with one. Maybe he just doesn't find most attractive?

Same with Eminem. This dude grew up in Blackville, USA and belongs to the blackest art form there is but only dates trashy blondes.
I'm open to dating all kinds of races/ethnicities. I just don't think they're all open to dating me. The way my brothers talk, black women just aren't a hot commodity unless it's for sex. It's kinda disconcerting.
I do believe that you are my IR dating twin, as we have had so many similar experiences.

Gawd, older white men loooove me. I'm so not interested, but if they want to buy me drinks while on the road, I won't stop 'em! :lol: (These are men in my industry that I'll see when we're at events/conferences and stuff... I know the deal and make sure that they get the idea that every one of our interactions will be out in the open with a whole lot of people around!)

I've had an NRA/Reagan-loving WM from Florida show serious interest and his mama was one of those, "Well, what about the children?" types. Yeah, that wasn't gonna work, but he was for real though in his interest.

The others have been more middle-of-the road. Only one true tree-hugging liberal hippie type, lol.

My current guy is more center-right, but like you said, he's the type to have traveled the world, interacted with many different people, etc., so his political leanings are based mostly on fiscal policies and his general upbringing in conservative towns, not any kind of closed-mindedness toward others.

You should see the type of white guys my mother attracts! :lol: Not the type that I'd expect to holla at a sister in a million years!

While we're on the subject, I've noticed a trend where I live that goes against what many people assume about age and open-mindedness. Black women in their 30s and older are approached way more often by white men than the younger ones. Young white men here don't show much interest in black women on the same scale as their older counterparts. I don't think this is the case everywhere, but it certainly is the case here. You'd think that the younger generation would be more open minded, but it looks like that comes with age. I have a black friend who dates white men exclusively, and she talks about this all the time.
You should see the type of white guys my mother attracts! :lol: Not the type that I'd expect to holla at a sister in a million years!

While we're on the subject, I've noticed a trend where I live that goes against what many people assume about age and open-mindedness. Black women in their 30s and older are approached way more often by white men than the younger ones. Young white men here don't show much interest in black women on the same scale as their older counterparts. I don't think this is the case everywhere, but it certainly is the case here. You'd think that the younger generation would be more open minded, but it looks like that comes with age. I have a black friend who dates white men exclusively, and she talks about this all the time.

YES! I also agree!

Evia mentioned this in one of her blogs as well.

Again, this goes against what we think would be the case... that young white guys would be open-minded and date whomever they want. Nah... when I was in high school and college, I didn't exist as far as WM were concerned. After college, it was like white on rice. Pun intended!
Young white men here don't show much interest in black women on the same scale as their older counterparts.

I'd have to agree with this...I don't see many "young interracial couples." Like I've only seen "three" over a period of 10-15 years. :nono: However, I've seen "two" older interracial couples in the last year...still not many because it's so rare. Just today, I was at the mall and I saw a couple...they were older....the guy was walking with a brace and the black lady with him didn't seem to be his attendant..I assumed they were a couple. Last year, I was at a store and there was an older couple...odd as they looked :look: (I'm not going to use this opportunity to rag on them)...they were at least 65-70 years of age. I also had a conversation with an older white man last year or 2007 in a doctor's waiting room. We're from the same area and somehow he just mentioned that he "got him a Black woman." :perplexed Not sure why he felt the need to tell me that but he was older like 60-65. Oh and speaking of getting hit on my older white men...they used to "flirt" with me all the time. A few years ago, an *older* white dude felt the need to give me his "card" and said he has a big house and lives by himself. :ohwell: See, I was coveting his pancakes and he took it to mean something else (you have to understand this was hospital cafeteria food and I was like why am I stuck with cold grits and he gets pancakes? :lol:).
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On the older couple more likely than younger couple thing, I'm thinking it may be just that you lose the need to conform to what you've been taught at home or in society and are more likely to "do you" and value what is real. JMO
I think a lot of those white men are 'faking the funk' though. :lachen:

Take Timberlake for example - he's got blaccent, does r&b/pop music, dances but he goes supermegawhitegirlwhite when it comes to dating. I think he'd be down for a black chick, but he lacks the cojones in real life to go after one.

I am not sure how true it is, but there were rumors that he once dated Tatyana Ali (Ashley from Fresh Prince).
YES! I also agree!

Evia mentioned this in one of her blogs as well.

Again, this goes against what we think would be the case... that young white guys would be open-minded and date whomever they want. Nah... when I was in high school and college, I didn't exist as far as WM were concerned. After college, it was like white on rice. Pun intended!

I wonder if a similar trend exists with black women? It seems like black women, no matter what age, aren't interested in dating white men.

My mother is approached by white men all of the time. She doesn't even look their way. Grocery store, gas station, it doesn't matter. My aunt is the same--she's a magnet. Neither would give a white man the time of day. My mother has had opportunities to date white men who had a lot going for them, but she's just not interested. Meanwhile, she's dating a man who has no job and no car while she has dreams of starting a business (there really IS a shortage of available decent black men in her age range as there is a very high incarceration rate here). :lol: A hot mess. You like what you like, and nothing can change that.
Just the fact that when we see a "hot" white guy with a black chick we go "for reals???" and are shocked by it tells me that a large part of BW attitude about WM is mental and not based on reality.

I might get stoned for this, but I find myself incredibly shocked when I see a good looking white dude with a black woman.:ohwell: Not because I think they don't find us attractive but because I rarely see it. Most white dudes around here that date Negroes are either hella old, hella fat, or pseudo-gangsters.

Even on here :look: when someone talks about how they're married to/dating a fine white boy, I'm looking like :perplexed:blush::ohwell::nono::sad: when I finally see his picture.
Just visited this site, and I admit I didn't really read it. I just looked at the pictures. There are a lot of actors and other yt men in power, who I had no clue about them being married to, or even attracted to black women.

My biggest shock was Luke Goss, who I think is a very fine specimen of a man, and I was always attracted to physicallity in movies. Was married to a black woman. He just embodies the yt womens dream of a handsome man so I admit I was shocked a black woman snatched him up.

Pictures for those who don't know who he is


In one night with the king


In Hell boy II (just remembered that hell boys wife is black as well)


He also was in blade II as the main villian. But that movie was gross to me.

When he was younger far left.



and check out his brother....


OMG I didn't know these two were still in the entertainment industry! :lachen: Memories...from wayyyyyyyyyyy back :grin:

He actually seems pretty fearless to me, well at least as far as his art is concerned. If he wanted a black woman, I'm sure he would be with one. Maybe he just doesn't find most attractive?

Same with Eminem. This dude grew up in Blackville, USA and belongs to the blackest art form there is but only dates trashy blondes.

Maybe because trashy blondes are the "ideal woman" for all rappers, black and white...?
My mother is approached by white men all of the time. She doesn't even look their way. Grocery store, gas station, it doesn't matter. My aunt is the same--she's a magnet. Neither would give a white man the time of day.

If it's not tmi, what city and state is this?

What do you think it is about your mom and aunt?

I just recently *really* opened my mind to actual IR dating and am finding something similar. I remember nice guys of different races used to hit on my mom, but she couldn't even let herself consider it. (She's tall, like 5'10, a size 10 and gotta donk :giggle: ) But she was raised in a very insular bmc cmty.

No time for that these days. It's a numbers game.
OMG I didn't know these two were still in the entertainment industry! :lachen: Memories...from wayyyyyyyyyyy back :grin:. My biggest shock was Luke Goss, who I think is a very fine specimen of a man, and I was always attracted to physicallity in movies. Was married to a black woman. He just embodies the yt womens dream of a handsome man so I admit I was shocked a black woman snatched him up.

Pictures for those who don't know who he is


Awwwww h e double hockey sticks NAWW!!!! Oh my ______________ THAT has become one of my fav movies of all: "One Night With the King". I show that thing to ALL my friends. I can't keep my eyes off Xerxes and now I guess I know WHY??!!!!!! Go figure. Who knew??? I wonder if he is still now into BW?
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If it's not tmi, what city and state is this?

What do you think it is about your mom and aunt?

I just recently *really* opened my mind to actual IR dating and am finding something similar. I remember nice guys of different races used to hit on my mom, but she couldn't even let herself consider it. (She's tall, like 5'10, a size 10 and gotta donk :giggle: ) But she was raised in a very insular bmc cmty.

No time for that these days. It's a numbers game.

My mother and aunt currently reside in North Mississippi but end up dating a lot of guys from Memphis :)nono:). Yea the older generation of BW aren't going to go there. I don't blame them. Looking at the crap my mother had to endure growing up, there's no way she could ever be sexually attracted to a white man and look past his skin.

I might get stoned for this, but I find myself incredibly shocked when I see a good looking white dude with a black woman.:ohwell: Not because I think they don't find us attractive but because I rarely see it. Most white dudes around here that date Negroes are either hella old, hella fat, or pseudo-gangsters.

Even on here :look: when someone talks about how they're married to/dating a fine white boy, I'm looking like :perplexed:blush::ohwell::nono::sad: when I finally see his picture.

There was a pretty in depth study done on interracial marriage and divorce that concluded the same thing about age...

Tucker and Mitchell-Kernan (1990) also found that Blacks in interracial marriages were more likely to differ significantly in age from their spouses than Blacks in same-race marriages.

Here is the study if interested...;col1

Which goes along with my observations on age that I made above. Some younger black women are approached more by older white men and find that they have more luck in dating interracially with older white men. Black female white male marriages have one of the highest rates of success, so I wonder if age plays a part?
My mother and aunt currently reside in North Mississippi but end up dating a lot of guys from Memphis :)nono:). Yea the older generation of BW aren't going to go there. I don't blame them. Looking at the crap my mother had to endure growing up, there's no way she could ever be sexually attracted to a white man and look past his skin.

Okay, now THIS makes a whole lot of sense.

I completely understand why many older black women wouldn't want to go there. Although things have changed to a degree, what happened back then to black women (including sexual exploitation) was real.

I just give the side eye to black women under 25 from say, uh, Cleveland, Ohio, who are like, "White men only want you for sex!" and they haven't even talked to nary a white man. :lol:

(I just randomly picked out Cleveland because it popped into my head... basically, I am just referring to young black women so far removed geographically and age-wise from real-live in-your-face exploitation by white men and are just feeding off what they've heard from others.)
I'd have to agree with this...I don't see many "young interracial couples." Like I've only seen "three" over a period of 10-15 years. :nono: However, I've seen "two" older interracial couples in the last year...still not many because it's so rare. Just today, I was at the mall and I saw a couple...they were older....the guy was walking with a brace and the black lady with him didn't seem to be his attendant..I assumed they were a couple. Last year, I was at a store and there was an older couple...odd as they looked :look: (I'm not going to use this opportunity to rag on them)...they were at least 50-60 years of age. I also had a conversation with an older white man last year or 2007 in a doctor's waiting room. We're from the same area and somehow he just mentioned that he "got him a Black woman." :perplexed Not sure why he felt the need to tell me that but he was older like 60-65. Oh and speaking of getting hit on my older white men...they used to "flirt" with me all the time. A few years ago, a dude felt the need to give me his "card" and said he has a big house and lives by himself. :ohwell: See, I was coveting his pancakes and he took it to mean something else (you have to understand this was hospital cafeteria food and I was like why am I stuck with cold grits and he gets pancakes? :lol:).

I know geography plays a HUGE role in what we see as far as IR couples. But I must say, that here in this part of N.E. OH Im living in I see it ALL the time. Its doesnt matter about age either, I see young and older IR couples ALL the time here. I asked my DH what the deal was, and he says it always been like that around these parts.
Okay, now THIS makes a whole lot of sense.

I completely understand why many older black women wouldn't want to go there. Although things have changed to a degree, what happened back then to black women (including sexual exploitation) was real.

I just give the side eye to black women under 25 from say, uh, Cleveland, Ohio, who are like, "White men only want you for sex!" and they haven't even talked to nary a white man. :lol:

(I just randomly picked out Cleveland because it popped into my head... basically, I am just referring to young black women so far removed geographically and age-wise from real-live in-your-face exploitation by white men and are just feeding off what they've heard from others.)

That is hysterical. They don't even interact with white men but want to tell you what one wants you for?:lachen:
Re: Moms/older BW and IR dating

My mom is in her early 50s and has been dating IR since HS (maybe earlier) but she definitely has a preference for black men:)rolleyes:). Part of her IR experiences might have to do with the fact that her and her WM male peers spent their formative years in a very progressive era. Also, she attended a PWI progressive independent school for lower and middle school, so that might have something to do with it too. Throughout her adult life she's also dated IR and I think her location (BK,NY) and the circles she travels in also played a major role.

No lie, this pic of the actor really reminds me of the Republican guy I mentioned. When I first saw him (the Repub), I immediately felt like I knew him from somewhere - I finally realized that he strongly resembled T-1000 from Terminator 2:lachen:. His eyes had a coldness about them but were very penetrating...

I was going to make another point but my mind has temporarily stopped working...
That is hysterical. They don't even interact with white men but want to tell you what one wants you for?:lachen:

I can understand that, though. Generation after generation, that sticking together and avoiding the man was what kept us alive. I can understand us being slow to warm up.
I think the age thing - especially moving forward - is geographic.

When I go out with my friends I'm approached by more young white guys than any other group. After that comes young black men. (YBM are by far the most vocal - they will make comments or *ahem* YELL at you from across the room in an effort to get my attn.) Older WM tend to approach me when I'm minding my own business - I got invited to a corporate christmas party while pumping gas :lachen: If it's a Older man in the club - a lot of the time he's foreign. I have NO idea what that is about. :perplexed

In college I found that young white men are interested, but sober many of them are afraid to approach black women b/c they assume that we don't date "out". I've literally heard them say this. It's kind of like some BW don't check from them b/c they figure they aren't checking for us, and some WM don't check for us, b/c they figure we aren't checking for them. get some liquor in 'em and it's a whole other story. :rofl:
I think the age thing - especially moving forward - is geographic.

When I go out with my friends I'm approached by more young white guys than any other group. After that comes young black men. (YBM are by far the most vocal - they will make comments or *ahem* YELL at you from across the room in an effort to get my attn.) Older WM tend to approach me when I'm minding my own business - I got invited to a corporate christmas party while pumping gas :lachen: If it's a Older man in the club - a lot of the time he's foreign. I have NO idea what that is about. :perplexed

In college I found that young white men are interested, but sober many of them are afraid to approach black women b/c they assume that we don't date "out". I've literally heard them say this. It's kind of like some BW don't check from them b/c they figure they aren't checking for us, and some WM don't check for us, b/c they figure we aren't checking for them. get some liquor in 'em and it's a whole other story. :rofl:

I think this is very true.
I know geography plays a HUGE role in what we see as far as IR couples. But I must say, that here in this part of N.E. OH Im living in I see it ALL the time. Its doesnt matter about age either, I see young and older IR couples ALL the time here. I asked my DH what the deal was, and he says it always been like that around these parts.

Well honey, bring it on down, what say 10-20 miles (not good at numbers); I tell you ain't happenin' in THIS part of NE Ohio. ESPECIALLY the dynamic of this discussion BW/WM. :nono: hands, on hips naah ahhh ova heya.
It's funny that I randomly mentioned Cleveland, and some of y'all actually live there, lol!

I just pulled a city out of thin air... how about that.
You should see the type of white guys my mother attracts! :lol: Not the type that I'd expect to holla at a sister in a million years!

While we're on the subject, I've noticed a trend where I live that goes against what many people assume about age and open-mindedness. Black women in their 30s and older are approached way more often by white men than the younger ones. Young white men here don't show much interest in black women on the same scale as their older counterparts. I don't think this is the case everywhere, but it certainly is the case here. You'd think that the younger generation would be more open minded, but it looks like that comes with age. I have a black friend who dates white men exclusively, and she talks about this all the time.

I think some white men care less about societal conventions as they age. Maybe when when they're younger what their family and friends thought was extra important and going against the grain to date IR wasn't worth the risk; but after some failed relationships and maybe a divorce, some are more willing to try something different to find happiness.
I think some white men care less about societal conventions as they age. Maybe when when they're younger what their family and friends thought was extra important and going against the grain to date IR wasn't worth the risk; but after some failed relationships and maybe a divorce, some are more willing to try something different to find happiness.

Which might explain why I've long been a magnet for recently divorced guys... seriously, just say no.

(Not saying this about all divorced men... but the recently divorced ones... RUN!)