Interracial Dating or Marriage

Interracial Dating? Yay or Nay?

  • Yay

    Votes: 510 70.4%
  • Nay

    Votes: 48 6.6%
  • Indifferent

    Votes: 154 21.3%

    Votes: 12 1.7%

  • Total voters
I did and I go for what I want in a man as opposed to going toward a race. It has never been a barrier because it never was a criteria.
I'm all for interracial dating. I don't believe in limiting yourself to one group when it comes to love. Doing this will make for some very lonely days, especially if you live in southern cali.
I just moved to a new city and I have had an influx of dates from non black men. I have to fight them off of me. It has been insane but a nice surprise.
I just love men! Race has never been a concern for me! I date men with whom I have similar interests and values.

My SO is African American and is anti inter racial dating, we agree to disagree about the subject.
I saw a very handsome white man today at the furniture store today. Tall and built and had real pretty piercing blue eyes. If I wasn't with my mother I would have struck up a conversation with him because he spoke to me twice. I did not feel like hearing her mouth. (Not she is against interracial dating she is praying that I get back with my ex who she adores).

So needless to say I am all for interracial dating. But ok I will admit when I see a handsome black man with a unattractive white women I do say to myself dang you could have gotten a pretty white woman not just just A white woman to date/marry. So yeah I am a little biased.
I just moved to a new city and I have had an influx of dates from non black men. I have to fight them off of me. It has been insane but a nice surprise.

Girl, and what city is this?? Inquiring minds want to know! :lachen:
My husband is mixed Italian and Panamanian but he looks caucasion. I love him dearly. He is wonderful to me and I only see us together forever.

There is a story in the bible about Moses and the fact that he married a woman from ethiopia (black woman). His sister Miriam, didn't like the fact that he married a black woman. She carried on something fierce about it.

So, God told her (i'm going to paraphrase here) "so, you don't like black skin and only like white skin huh?" so she was struck with leprosy (which turns your skin purely white). Everyone left her and didn't want to be around her because leprosy was very contagious. She found herself alone with her 'white skin' she loved so much. Moses begged God to change her skin back, and He did, for Moses sake.

God doesn't like us to be prejudice with each other and neither should we.

It's love....not color, that causes you to be happy!


It is funny you mentioned this. I know this post was from long ago, but my b/f is a non-black. His middle name is Moses and that tickled me to death when I found out. He is a white puerto rican. I thought it was quite ironic since I am black and all. Since I knew about the story in the Bible. :rolleyes: Anywhoo I am a firm believer in dating/marrying whoever you love and fit well together. My b/f treats me like a queen and we have a great time together. There are no games. I hate playing in relationships. No real probs. We have been together for 4 yrs. We have discussed marriage :grin:. Ha Ha. But we are waiting a few yrs to have our goals more settled.

Also, I love me some men. I have been attracted to every race of man under the sun as long as they look good and have certain qualities. My boo boo happened by accident. We were friends first as teenagers and then we just kept talking on the phone. He was and is my best friend. We like the same movies and stuff. Until, we realized we were falling in love with each other. It became so hard to go without talking to him for a long period. It is so easy to talk to him. Until, finally he blurted out how he was feeling. I admitted I was feeling the same way and we never looked back. Sometimes, someone who relates to you doesn't always have to be the same race. I have talked to other guys and we never connected on such a level. Its weird I said I prob wouldn't get with a white guy and here I am. lol I love my boo boo.
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My hubby is white. We've been married for 9 years. Before that time, no black men ever approached me, only white. I think black men have the same thoughts on IR dating. The exception is that they hate when sistas go outside their race to date/marry, but it's OK for them to do it.:rolleyes::lachen:
Although I only skimmed the 18 pages in this thread, my opinion is that I think women, black women especially, should be with someone who makes her HAPPY. Regardless of the man's color, he should love, honor, and RESPECT you. There have been so many occasions where black women are so caught up in being with a black man that they end up settling for trash. Even though my preference is black men, I keep an open mind when it comes to dating. Ironically I've been approached more by white men and men outside of my race than black men. From my personal experience it seems like guys outside of my race are willing to go the extra mile versus black men who have these egos since they are a hot commodity these days. Now I'm not saying I haven't dated my share of great black men, but it seems to me that some black men, especially who are well educated and in a higher income bracket, aren't willing to put in work to really win you over. If you have high standards like I do some of them give up in the middle of the fight and go for the chick that makes it easier to them. This doesn't bother me though because my high expectations are used as an elimination process.

Instead of getting caught up in one's skin color, look at the individual's character and how they treat you. Differences are what make relationships interesting. I learned so much about myself from dating men outside of my race. As a result of that I also have a lot of pride in being a black woman.

I think this is an excellent post. I feel the same way. I have liked and been approached by men of all races. Fine comes in all flavors:lick:
Indifferent, really don't care I don't understand why it is still an issue as its been around for centuries...
I think that many of my relatives would find it to be negative.

I once had a convo w/ a cousin (who is a b#$@)

her: what are you looking for in a man
me: someone who has a job, is honest, loyal, doesnt cheat
her: I'm just going to be honest and ask. Your standards are unusually high. Do you like white men?

Sigh. I dont date IR (well I dont date much at all right now) but I'm not against it. The main thing I thought was 'how the hell did you get that out of what I said? And what are you saying about black men? She's married and her husband is a pretty decent guy.

So if I brought home someone non-black, I know i'd hear a lot of junk talk for it. Of course, since i've never brought anyone home, they might just be relieved. :)
"We started hanging out and quickly became best friends. We were engaged shortly (like under 30 days) after moving in together. We have similar family values, ideas about child-rearing, and have the same respect for family, friends & even strangers. He's the ish... he refers to me as his queen. He da man.[/quote]"

Reminds me of my SO... just too cute !
I think that many of my relatives would find it to be negative.

I once had a convo w/ a cousin (who is a b#$@)

her: what are you looking for in a man
me: someone who has a job, is honest, loyal, doesnt cheat
her: I'm just going to be honest and ask. Your standards are unusually high. Do you like white men?

Sigh. I dont date IR (well I dont date much at all right now) but I'm not against it. The main thing I thought was 'how the hell did you get that out of what I said? And what are you saying about black men? She's married and her husband is a pretty decent guy.

So if I brought home someone non-black, I know i'd hear a lot of junk talk for it. Of course, since i've never brought anyone home, they might just be relieved. :)

That is too funny! So if you want a man who has a job; is honest and doesn't cheat, he MUST be white! LOL! Love it!

I guess your friend never heard of Bill Clinton! :lachen:

He had a job alright... got one too (blow)! :)

Had a job; but was a lying, cheating BUM! "Tell a Friend!" :lol:
I find it disturbing when people say "I prefer white men". If the preference is based solely on race, then it is racism. There are a cornucopia of personalities and traits that can be found in men of all races.

As to why someone would be attracted a certain skin color???? It's such an arbitrary trait.. It seems silly to me.
The next question is WHY, Sheny? That applies to anyone who prefers one race over another...

Yes, black women can be submissive too, to the white man who prefers Asians over anything else :rolleyes:
Something that bother's me...I mean, not really bothers me, but doesn't seem to "say it all" is the phrase, "love doesn't see color." I mean, I think it's true that you can't choose who you fall in love with, but the phrase can be misleading. I would hate to use the phrase and have people think that I don't care my significant other is not my race. It doesn't bother me, but I do care.

When entering into an interracial relationship, it is POINTLESS to try to ignore cultural differences (IMHO). Because they ARE there. You and your significant other aren't always going to see eye to eye on race-related issues (PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA anyone?). But I think the most important thing is to remember that growing up, people have different experiences in relation to their race or ethnicity, and a difference of opinion is just that, a difference of opinion.

When it comes to the IMPORTANT things like: Child-rearing (someone mentioned that above), morals, values...whose turn it is to do the dishes...That's the relationships foundation. NOT necessarily their opinion on natural vs relaxer, or the importance of Black History month. It's good that they have an opinion on things, but I try not to get butt-hurt when He can't relate.
I think that many of my relatives would find it to be negative.

I once had a convo w/ a cousin (who is a b#$@)

her: what are you looking for in a man
me: someone who has a job, is honest, loyal, doesnt cheat
her: I'm just going to be honest and ask. Your standards are unusually high. Do you like white men?

Honest, loyal and doesn't cheat is not a black man trait?
My dh is Peruvian and I have only date 2 bm in my life. BM never really approached me. I am not sure why. My bff is white and she would make jokes that bm avoid me. If we were out at the mall aa man would ask for her number and completely overlook me while other races always asked me out. IDK. and it is not only me. I have 5 sisters and only 1 of them is datng (kind of) aa man. The rest get hit on by wm.
I would love to be with a white man or hispanic..not too into the asian guys or even the black guys.I know that some people get caught up in the whole race thing and I wish people could be color blind and not see anything.It would make life so much easier and you would actually be able to find a quality mate.
I find it disturbing when people say "I prefer white men". If the preference is based solely on race, then it is racism. There are a cornucopia of personalities and traits that can be found in men of all races.

As to why someone would be attracted a certain skin color???? It's such an arbitrary trait.. It seems silly to me.

:look: So if a Black man prefers Black women is he a racist?
I think you should go with who you like. Some people will always have a strong preference for men/women outside their race. My dad is very problack, proAfrica the whole bit.I have 5 siblings only 1 of which lived with my dad. He was a rolling stone in his youth and from the time she was in daycare she only liked milk. If a guy had a tan she wasn't interested and this is at like 4 and 5 yrs old. SO even if your raised to think one way yor heart and hormones might steer you in another direction.
I never believed that I could deeply relate to a man that was not black. However, I have learned that this is not always the case. My mind was changed when a latino strongly pursued me, he would not take no for an answer. Of course I rejected him several times, although I found him to be very attractive. I just did not believe that we would have anything in common. He brought to my attention that I was not giving him an opportunity because of his race, and he was right. So, I decided to explore the possibilities despite my apprehension. To my surprise, he esteemed me highly. He was very affectionate, fun, and loving. Needless to say that this changed my prospective, I would never rule out "love" due to race....or others opinions. I have been married to a latino for 8 years...we have 2 kids, and have been together for 10 years. I am not promoting IR relationships, but I don't believe that anyone has to be limited. I don't have a preference with race, I just prefer a man that loves me unconditionally, and I have found happiness with him.
Personally, being the mix that I am it would be stupid for me to be against IR. Funny enough I used to be, even down to the country of origin of the black man. I used to say I wold never date Nigerians, and I'm overly in love with one now. Go figure, but I still would be here if he was any other color.
In regards to others though, sometimes I feel that culture shapes personality and therefore there tends to be that "understood thing" about people of a given race that allows you to feel more comfortable.
Interracial Dating or Marriage-- For Starters...For me, --We really like each other, no pretense or it will not work. He makes me wet. I'm his madness and his sanity, I'm the final-stop shop Mocha Heart Throb Queen he has been in search of his whole life, can't live without because he respects, loves, adores, and is faithful to me for the rest of our God Blessed lives. Yes, I have an abundance to reciprocate... for heaven sake, for starters.
i current bf of 2 yrs is latino, and i previos bf of 8 months was white, so obviously i think that as long as a man treats you the way you want to be treated, there's nothing wrong with dating outside your race. i do have a problem with people who will only date people of a certain race because to me, it borders on racism...after all, what would you think of someone who liked you in every way but wouldn't date you because of what color you were? i think that a lot of women would find that there's a whole world of dating they haven't been able to experience because they haven't considered interracial realtionships an option