Interracial Dating or Marriage

Interracial Dating? Yay or Nay?

  • Yay

    Votes: 510 70.4%
  • Nay

    Votes: 48 6.6%
  • Indifferent

    Votes: 154 21.3%

    Votes: 12 1.7%

  • Total voters
I chose indifferant because, I personally will never date outside my race because I feel that we (me and a white man) will NEVER have anything in common, and I am very PRO BLACK. However, my mom, has dated a white man for five years and they are perfect for each other and he makes her happy, so I do believe interracial relationship can work for some people. But not for me.

It's funny how people throw out that they are PRO BLACK as a reason why they don't date anyone who isn't Black. :perplexed
It is such a double standard. If a white person said they only dated white because they are PRO white...
It really depends on the people.

I think interracial relationships are beautiful. I'm pro-black and proud of my culture and everything, but I appreciate every culture and I must admit, white guys are just a turn on. Not because they're white, but for some reason they keep attracting me and vice versa.
I so agree. My SO is white and I cant tell you how many time I have had black guys give us looks when we are out together. I have even had black guys tell me I am wrong for being with a white guy. The kicker is so many of the black guys in my area are with white women, or other races. For some reason they get really upset when the table is turned.

I don't know if this has been mentioned but....when a brother sees a sister with a white guy...they flip out. But its alright for them to date out of their race. They don't understand why we're overreacting.

I grew up in a prod white, hispanic area. But, i've always been attracted to black men. Now that im older....everyone is in consideration.

Interractial dating and marriage is very common in my area.
It seems like ever since my last boyfriend that was white, asian, & hispanic, I just can NOT go back to black. Black is not an option to me. Im physically not attracted to them anymore..unless he's really hot...but I STILL wont settle.

I hope I didnt offend.
I still find black men very attractive. It doesnt really matter what race the man is as long as he is a good man. Unfortunately there are very few good black men in my area.

It seems like ever since my last boyfriend that was white, asian, & hispanic, I just can NOT go back to black. Black is not an option to me. Im physically not attracted to them anymore..unless he's really hot...but I STILL wont settle.

I hope I didnt offend.
I WISH I could get a white guy to date me. I always preferred white men ever since I was in High School. I don't know why, but I find them so freaking goregous!!!
I personally have never been attracted to people of other races, except mexicans but to me they are just light skinned black people, however, I feel its soooo hard to find someone you love and care about that you can stand to be around that feels the same way about you, if you are lucky enough to find it then it should'nt matter if they are black, white, purple or green.

:huh: :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
I don't know if I posted here before but I am for it. I don't discriminate when it comes to potential partners. Life is too short and I truly believe God didn't put us all on this earth so that we limit ourselves to one "race" Turn us inside out and we will all look the same *minus the heavy smokers*

Lol @ mexicans being light complected black people hahaha.
i do not have issues with dating opposite races. My BF of 5 yrs is 1/2 white..
i think interracial marriage is fine and i'm all for it.

if i ever get married, i'm 99% sure that it will be an interracial marriage. the only guys i've been in serious relationships with were white. connecting has more to do with what's on the inside than your ethnic background. i would never limit myself that way.
I wonder what are the stats for b/w relationships (she = black/he = white) for people over 50???? :rolleyes: When I visited Toronto fifty one hundred years ago I had never (and still until this day) seen so many white men with black women. It was pleasantly surprising.
this has been my issue in the past, i am pro black and especially pro black woman :look:, so for me it was like "you hypocrite how can you be pro black and like white guys and have their half breed babies?"....but you can, you can love the person and not like their race...:look:.... i realize more and more i am pro black woman...... with the exception of a few honorable male negros....

It really depends on the people.

I think interracial relationships are beautiful. I'm pro-black and proud of my culture and everything, but I appreciate every culture and I must admit, white guys are just a turn on. Not because they're white, but for some reason they keep attracting me and vice versa.
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I'm all for interracial dating, especially since I am the product of an interracial marriage. My mother always taught us that it doesn't matter what they look like as long as you love them. I am not really attracted to black men either... there are a few exceptions that I'd be able to count on both hands but that's just how my brain is wired I guess. :lachen:

Currently, my boyfriend of 3 years is as white as a sheet of paper lol. :grin: No one ever mentions anything to him, but I get questioned A LOT when we go out places. 99% of the time it is black men asking me why I'm with him as if I need to explain myself. :angry2:
GO For It ..shoot stay alone just to keep it black or being alone just to keep it white..It ain't right.! LOL . as luther would say.."..Love the one , Love the one Your With"
I say date who YOU like. Don't nobody gotta be in your bedroom but y'all!!!

btw, I just found out my mom is a racist!! Funny, my 19 year old son is bi- racial, I've dated every race under God's sun and now I'm engaged to a white man, she comes up with all these stories about how whites did her wrong when she was little and how she really hates white women b/c my dad dated and wanted to marry one before he dated and married her. She said, "If it were up to him, you wouldn't have been born!" and I'm like:shocked::blush:
I'm all for it. I'm married though, so that's not an option for me. But if I was interested in a guy of a different race, I would let them know. Before I got married, I've dated other races.
I love white men. I always had since I was in high school; I have no idea why I started dating black men, considering the few black men I dated I wasn't really interested in. But hey life lesson learn and I'm all about the white men. Nothing against men of other races, I'm just not interested in them.
I love white men. I always had since I was in high school; I have no idea why I started dating black men, considering the few black men I dated I wasn't really interested in. But hey life lesson learn and I'm all about the white men. Nothing against men of other races, I'm just not interested in them.

Same here! :yep:

I fancied my first White guy (or, Boy) since Primary School!

I've dated every race in my 30s (late developer:blush:), but always come back to White Men.

Yapping to a few but, nothing serious.:drunk:
I like men. Period. Of course, they have to meet certain standards and we have to relate very well to each other. I've dated [white] hispanic, yemeni, indian, white, black, peruvian, etc. Although I'm inclined to believe my preference is black, I think at this point, I really don't have a preference.

The only thing I'm weary of is dating a non-black man who only dates or has a very strong preference for black women. As great as we are:reddancer:, I think such a preference usually is the result of some underlying issues. Whether this preference stems from issues with their own race due to family or early dating experience or their acceptance of and attraction to stereotypes of black women, once I get a whiff of such a mentality, I:roadrunner:. If the preference is simply the result of growing up in a predominantly black/mixed environment, then I guess it's less worrisome. I will not be a party to anyone's race issues (this goes for black men as well).

The area that I currently live in is very diverse and there are many mixed couples. As I saw a black woman/white man couple walking down the street (a sight I'm very accustomed to) the other day, I thought about the fact, or at least my estimation, that the ratio of black male/non-black female : black female/non-black male couples is 1:1, or maybe 4:3.

I think it's important that regardless of one's preference, you don't feel as though you're socially obligated or otherwise forced into said preference. Regarding the latter situation, where a black female might feel like she has to be open to ir bc of a seeming lack of qualified black men, read the NY Times Wedding announcements every Sunday for a while and you'll see that qualified black men do exist and that you should not feel "forced" to look outside of your race, but you might have to look outside your "neighborhood". :yep:
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I'm Black. Hubby is white and Latino, looks Italian. I married him because I love him. My preference has always been for non BM, so I would have looked last in that pool anyway if I hadn't found hubs. In the end. Love someone truly and deeply, irregardless of color.

Would I do it again. Definitely. (But of course here's hoping that I don't have to! LOL)
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I'm open to dating interracially, but for some reason it "disturbs my spirit" when I hear/read of folks "prefering" other ethnic groups over their own. :shrug: