Interracial Dating or Marriage

Interracial Dating? Yay or Nay?

  • Yay

    Votes: 510 70.4%
  • Nay

    Votes: 48 6.6%
  • Indifferent

    Votes: 154 21.3%

    Votes: 12 1.7%

  • Total voters
:grin: I personally wouldn't want to marry someone insecure, or weak-minded of ANY COLOR!:grin:

Like Miss Cloefa said..(and I paraphrase), What's wrong with more options?!
In starting the reading of this thread from page 1 I wonder how many of those relationships are still viable/intact (not literally; just a thought that crossed my mind).
I'm curious about how this applies to white (British) or other European men. Any British or European ladies here who care to share?
Personally I am open to IRR -though this happened VERY slowly over a number of years due to my Afrcian background. I am married but if I happened to become single again (hopefully not! LOL!) I would NEVER date a white british male..
II once had a convo w/ a cousin (who is a b#$@)

her: what are you looking for in a man
me: someone who has a job, is honest, loyal, doesnt cheat
her: I'm just going to be honest and ask. Your standards are unusually high. Do you like white men?


I fail to see how wanting a man who has a job, is honest, loyal,and doesn't cheat eqauls having unusually high standards. WTF? That is the MINIMUM of what I expect from a man.
I'm curious about how this applies to white (British) or other European men. Any British or European ladies here who care to share?
Personally I am open to IRR -though this happened VERY slowly over a number of years due to my Afrcian background. I am married but if I happened to become single again (hopefully not! LOL!) I would NEVER date a white british male..

Despite being ever-so-happily married (of course!), why do you think that is? Is it the part of your African culture, or British culture? Or is this just your personal preference? If you don't mind me asking.
Despite being ever-so-happily married (of course!), why do you think that is? Is it the part of your African culture, or British culture? Or is this just your personal preference? If you don't mind me asking.
I don't mind at all.
It's not my African culture that makes me opposed to white british men; if anything my African background would make me opposed to dating a non-African simply because we were brought up to believe that only prostitutes dated white men. Please note - this is not the general consensus; in some areas white pairings are actively encouraged but in my particular culture they were not. The south-east region of my country has major sea-ports and many years ago white sailors who landed there would seek out the native/local women. At the time only prostitutes would sleep with these men hence the stigma which remains.
Fast-forward many years, now I live in the UK and have obviously learned and experienced a lot more about life and may of those old ideas are now considered...well..old. LOL!
Back to your question about white British men- from what I have witnessed and heard I have found them to be rather selfish, patronizing and entitled. They are often lazy around the home and expect the woman to do everything - cook, clean, look after the kids, etc without lifting a finger to assist. IMO they have no real respect for women. I have been at the receiving end of flirtatious comments or open stares from these men while their women were sitting right beside them - and quite a few women I know have had similar experiences.
There some more stuff but I don't want to put it all out here! LOL!
From what I gather, the positive stuff people say about European men is more likely in relation to Italians, Germans etc than British men.
Please note - I may be generalizing greatly but these have been my experiences. Which was why I wanted to hear from other European ladies.:grin:
I believe that a person should be with whomever makes them happy. My dh is hispanic and I couldn't be more thankful that I have such a wonderful man in my life. I dated outside my ethnicity before I met him, I never let ethnicity/race be a boundary in my love life. Or any part of my life for that matter.
Karyn Folan recently wrote a book about interracial dating. It's titled "Don't Bring Home a White Boy: And Other Notions that Keep Black Women from Dating Out. Has anyone read the book? If so, what do you think of it?