Feminine Belles - Info/discussion/support Thread


Well-Known Member
Hi all! [EDIT: please read pages 7 and 8 before buying the belle academy]

This thread is about Melina's Feminine Belle Academy. http://thefemininebelle.blogspot.com The academy was mention in the Sense & Sensuality thread here: https://www.longhaircareforum.com/threads/sense-and-sensuality-loving-spinny.671609/

Membership gives women 2 years access to the Feminine Belle courses. FLASH SALE IS STILL ON (update: 25/04/2015. 14:30GMT).
You also get full access to The Art of Femininity blog which is also hosted on the Feminine Belle blog. Both blogs must have the same entries. The latest entry is: "Wife School 'coloring' 101: Part 1" :look:

Members (see list below) will be contributing to this thread to give our opinions on the courses and to provide information to LHCF ladies who would like to know more about the academy courses.

Feminine Belle Members should have received access to the following:
1) The Path to femininity (Review on page 2 of this thread, post #56 by kimbosheart)
2) The Art of Courtesany
3) The Feminine Goddess
4) Cleopatra's Secrets
5) Asian Femininity
6) French Femininity
7) Black Femininity
8) Charm Warfare
9) Make a man fall in love with you within minutes
10) Seduction Secrets of a Coquette
11) The Art of Beautification for Seductresses
12) The Art of being a Siren
13) The Art of Mystique for Seductresses
14) The Art of Being a Feminine Woman

Awaiting confirmation on when we will receive...
15) Feminine Confidence: Ebook & Software
16) True Femininty: Audio Program
17) How to use your Femininity to Attract Men
18) Masculine & Feminine Dynamics (page 2 of this thread, post #47 for access info - thanks BK)
19) The secrets to being The Woman who Men adore aka Secrets to being an adorable woman in the eyes of men (page 2 of this thread, post #47 for access info)
20) Mirror Work
21) How to talk to men (page 2 of this thread, post #47 for access info)
22) Elegant by design: Online finishing school discount
23) Bedroom Secrets :bdance: (page 2 of this thread, post #47 for access info)

phew! If any LHCF ladies have joined the academy or have full access to the blogs you are welcome to contribute. Everyone is welcome to contribute and ask questions.
Firstly, we will read book 7) black femininity then if members have no objection we will move onto book 1) then 2) and work our way down the list. Also see post #27 on page 1 of this thread for inspiration on how to approach the academy courses.

Main Question for Belles (thanks Kimbo): What drew you to this website (feminine belle) and purchasing the membership?

Prompt questions to help when writing your opinion on each course/ebook:
A) What are your thoughts on the book/course? B) What did you learn?
C) What did you already know? D) How can the teachings be applied to real life? E) Examples of how you applied it to real life? What worked and what didn't work?

This OP will be updated

Members (belles or other melina material) list so far:
@sweetvi (did you get the belle membership?)
@Layluh (did you get the belle membership?)
@BK Bombshell
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Since you plan to start with Black Femininity I will go ahead and purchase so that we can discuss. I am super excited to have a buddy because while she provides a wealth of information, it is a bit overwhelming and lonely. Now I have company. Yay!

I did not know the blog did not come with the academy. Perhaps I purchased a different package. Shoot! Yesterday she posted on the importance of wives looking good for their husbands. My task for today is to read the article. I will come back and post my thoughts this evening. Have a good day ladies!
Hmm....sounds interesting! Lately I've been trying to express more of my natural femininity as well (our culture always tries to make us suppress our natural femininity).....So far I feel so much BETTER lol.

I hope the course goes well for you! :yep: If you have any gems you wish to share, by all means please tell us here! :look:
I just purchased the black femininity course. Will she send me a link or is it a real book I will get in the mail?
Hi @SpeechieGirl I don't know if it is different for members who purchase the books and courses separately. Perhaps melina will email you the whole ebook.

If you do not receive your book within 48 hours it is best to email her. As far as I am aware, purchase of an individual course/ebook will give you private access to the blog site the book is hosted on. Your email should contain instructions for you to join the black femininity wordpress site. There you will have access to the ebook.
She will send a wordpress invite to your email so you can access the blog. It may take a bit. I haven't received my invitation yet either but they normally come in the evening. If you don't receive one in a day or two you can email her via the address on her free blog.

ETA I did receive my link. Everyone else have theirs?
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I've received the first 14 as well. I've skimmed some, including French Femininity. A lot of the info resonated with me, esp the simple, classic, minimalist pieces.

I'm really just looking at these as ways of finding specific things that fit me and that I can incorporate into my lifestyle and being.
Did you ladies see her recent post about keeping yourself up for your significant other? I am still trying to digest some of those hard truths but I do have to admit that in all the reading and exploring I have done in the last two years what she says is the truth.

I have also been following the Kon Mari Method thread and after reading what she had to say about dressing in a feminine and man pleasing matter, I'm going to purge my closet including the ugly post pregnancy undergarments I have and try something new!

I still have to let the parts about weight and hair sink in. I feel like I am definitely not yet winning points in those areas. But on a positive note, I feel like I finally have a clear roadmap for reinventing myself!
I know this might be a little OT but I figured I'd share.....

I've been re-reading this book lately, and I must say I REALLY really like it. :yep: It may be a little too "new age" for some, but some of the techniques/exercises are dead on! I IMMEDIATELY feel and notice a difference when I try them out. It's almost scary lol.

Powerful and Feminine: How to Increase Your Magnetic Presence and Attract the Attention you Want


I never realized that so many women in the world today are taught from an early age to suppress their natural femininity because we live in such a male-dominated world where masculinity is praised, and femininity is not. It's a VERY interesting book! :yep:
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@Layluh I agree. I have always used those pet names for the girls and young women in my family but never for adult women. That habit is about to change.

@Crystalicequeen123 thank you for the book recommendation! Yes, we are taught to suppress our femininity especially as black women. I know for some black women being sensual is not a good survival tactic when you are living in a under privileged area or having to compete with others to get your voice heard. The great thing about adulthood is that you can set the rules. We are unlearning our pasts and creating blooming futures!

@Duchesse I am certainly happy with my purchase so far. Have you considered buying one of the ebooks just to get a feel for her premium material? This thread will hopefully help LHCF members such as yourself, to make a decision about whether the course is worth buying.

@TracyNicole What is the Kon Mari Method? As a single woman I have been avoiding the material about being feminine for your partner. Perhaps it is worth looking at.

Ladies I will attempt to read black femininity over the weekend. I sent Melina an email about instructions on which course beginners should read first.

Have a good weekend!
@JollyGal I am interested in joining also but have no idea where to start. Is this the same blog that use to be called The Art Of Being A Feminine Woman? Should I go ahead and purchase the 2 year subscription to get the full benefit from her courses and teachings? How much was the flash sale? I see that a two year subscription is only $30 something, does it include all of the courses you received? Help this newbie please! Lol! I am also going to re-read the Sensuality thread over this weekend.
@JollyGal I am interested in joining also but have no idea where to start. Is this the same blog that use to be called The Art Of Being A Feminine Woman?
Art of Being Feminine is different from the Belle blog and the Christian femininity blog. How they differ? I do not know other than the Christian blog being specifically aimed at Christian women femininity.

Should I go ahead and purchase the 2 year subscription to get the full benefit from her courses and teachings?
Ultimately the decision lies with you. For me personally I am happy with my purchase so far. The amount of info received has shown me that it is worth the flash sale cost ($42 as opposed to $72). Whether it is worth the full cost of membership I guess only time will tell. It is fine and dandy to receive all the information but being able to apply it in real life AND get results will determine whether it is worth the price.
This might sound silly but I sacrificed this month's spend on chocolate, book/DVD and wine :headspin:for the belle academy blog at flash sale price. :biggrin: . Less pounds (ker-ching and jelly) but I'm going to learn something. What are your pros and cons of buying the Belle academy membership?

How much was the flash sale? I see that a two year subscription is only $30 something, does it include all of the courses you received?
The belle membership allows you access to the belle courses and tuition. The ebooks are not emailed to you, you get access to a private blog where the courses are hosted on their own unique URLs. Purchasing the belle premium blog access allows you to read the full articles on the belle blog but does not give you access to the Belle Academy. Does that make sense? Melina has been emailed so we can get some clarification on this. The website does not make it clear outright.

Help this newbie please! Lol! I am also going to re-read the Sensuality thread over this weekend. HTH

@sapphire74 please see above for my responses in purple. Click to expand. @traceynicole71 Kon Mari method looks interesting thank you
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I purchased the 2 year membership and courses from the flash sale. @JollyGal please add me to the list and I will start with the Black femininity course along with you ladies.
@sapphire74 so the sale is still on? this is good news!
You will be added to the member list with instructions for all members.

Ladies please like this post when you have finished reading the black femininity course or you are welcome to start discussing it right away. I've added some prompt questions/instructions to the OP for our discussion on the courses. Please let me know if you want me to add more questions to the OP
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[WILL BE EDITED AT A LATER DATE] My review on Black Femininity (book 7).

7a) My thoughts on the book so far...Black Femininity is a nice reminder of who black women are but yes nothing ground-breaking for me. It feels like an ode to black women (this is not a bad thing!) rather than a course. However, I am speaking from a place of being well-informed of my cultural group and beauty secrets black women use. I do love that she mentioned African Black Soap, Shea and Cocoa butters. I appreciate that Melina is aware of how black women have unfairly been portrayed in the media as a monolith and unfeminine.

7b) I did not learn much outside of what I have learned from my family members, friends, LHCF users and BWE blogs.
7c) I knew about using butters
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Thanks Jolly Gal for starting this thread. Now that I'm looking at all of the titles, I think some of this information will be repetitive but that's ok. A message has to be conveyed multiple ways and times before it sticks. I am going to email Melina, but I think my order for reading will be as follows:


The Feminine Goddess
The Path to femininity
The Art of Being a Feminine Woman
Charm Warfare
Masculine & Feminine Dynamics
How to talk to men
How to use your Femininity to Attract Men
The secrets to being The Woman who Men adore

Black Femininity
Cleopatra's Secrets
The Art of Beautification for Seductresses
The Art of Mystique for Seductresses
Seduction Secrets of a Coquette
The Art of being a Siren
The Art of Courtesanry
Make a man fall in love with you within minutes

I don't have the links for the ones in italics.

I love your review questions and I plan to use them in my reading. As far as pace, I'd like to see how quickly I can read through the ebooks, perhaps one a week will be ok for about 4 weeks, and then take a break. Since I paid $42, I'd like to try to structure it like a class with a curriculum to make sure I get through the content. I also want to take some time to look through the articles to see what the content is and if its a repeat of the ebook content and how hard to read are they. I may be able to read through the articles one a morning over coffee.

What I would like to know from the people in this thread: What drew you to this website and purchasing the membership?

I'll go first: I'm curious. I did the calling in the one challenge last year and I have seen so many benefits internally and in all of my relationships from that course. I think this may give me a finishing edge and like the author, I've always loved all things style and etiquette. I have a collection of fashion/style/beauty books and a small collection of etiquette books.
I purchased a membership because the Sense and Sensuality thread had me begin researching books on femininity and I found her previous blog the Seductive Woman through her Amazon reading recommendation list.

I purchased the Art of Beautification ebook and when I noticed how other people responded to the changes I incorporated I was sold! I don't think there is anything truly groundbreaking but I think she does an excellent job of providing thought provoking reading from a variety of perspectives so that the ideas really soak in.