Do you find Asian men sexually attractive?

In General, Do You Find Asian Men Sexually Attractive?

  • Yes, love 'em!!

    Votes: 134 15.2%
  • Yes, but not my first preference

    Votes: 258 29.4%
  • No

    Votes: 374 42.5%
  • Never thought about it

    Votes: 113 12.9%

  • Total voters
Most Asians I have been attracted to are Indian. Very Sexy, like Sayyid from Lost ;). I have been attracted to very few others
I shouldn't be replying lol. But the only guy who was asian I felt was attractive graduated last and he was sooooo cute. He was half white-Half vietnamese. And he had a 4.0 haha
I had a guy friend in high school that was asian, and he was cute and funny (always had me rollin'). But we lost touch after high school when we went our separate ways to different colleges. I was recently thinking of callin him to see how his school year went, but
i lost the cell that had his number in it!:(
The guy who won survivor was hella fine. He is Korean. I like the bone structure of Koreans, very defined, very masculine. Also they don't seem to take any stuff. My step dad is Japanese, and my sibs are half Japanese. My best friends have always been Asian. I love the individuals, but I don't make blanket judgements about a race, including our own. Some people are fine, some aren't, race aint really that important.:D
I have been with an asian guy. I am going to say what i have to say but its not to piss off anyone ok.

They werent made for black women. asian men were made for asian women with short torsos to make a short .... feel useful. Physically its not a match. I came to that conclusion after dating this guy. no one can convince me that its possible that they are 'hung'.:lachen:

I hope this is not too rowdy for the board. if not feel free to delete.
I have nothing against short small framed men either (well as long has they have some moola):lol:

vivmaiko said:
Most Asians I have been attracted to are Indian. Very Sexy, like Sayyid from Lost ;). I have been attracted to very few others

Okay I'm confused here. Please explain how someone is Asian but Indian? That would make them Mixed/multi racial not Asian:confused:
firecracker said:
I have nothing against short small framed men either (well as long has they have some moola):lol:

Okay I'm confused here. Please explain how someone is Asian but Indian? That would make them Mixed/multi racial not Asian:confused:

To be Asian just means that a person is from that part of the world called Asia. Since India is considered to be in Asia, Indians are also considered Asians, just as the Chinese, Philipinos, Koreans etc. are all considered Asians. HTH :)
I have seen one cute Sri Lankan by at school...but as far as Japanese, Vietnamese, Chinese goes...I have seen very few. Most of them are too small in stature for my physical tastes. I find that most Americanized Asians men are taller and have more body mass.
Sure! I've lived in nearly every exotic location in the U.S. and after being in Hawaii I can definately say that there are some attractive ones. I'm more attracted to a mans personality, and his ability to make me laugh and hond a conversation though. Therefore, LOTA of Asian men are attractive to me.

***********I'm an equal opprotunity employer :D*******************
Glamourous said:
Sure! I've lived in nearly every exotic location in the U.S. and after being in Hawaii I can definately say that there are some attractive ones. I'm more attracted to a mans personality, and his ability to make me laugh and hond a conversation though. Therefore, LOTA of Asian men are attractive to me.

***********I'm an equal opprotunity employer :D*******************

I know that's right! :)

All races have hot men and women... God clearly is a non-discriminatory God. Heehee!

I love you, God! :love:
y'all are a trip.. you guys are so mean to the poor asian men.:)

I'm not really big on interracial dating, but if you are not asian or black... i won't even talk to you... i just won't.
And italians are the ones i find the least sexiest.. ugh.
But i'll jump over the chinese new year for an asian man...a beautiful race of I guess thaats cuz i go to school and live in a city where virtually everyone is filippino. I think black women and asian men should totally get together... now thats hot!
I find Asian Men with darker skin like the Vietnamese sexy. I don't see many Asian Men/Black Women unions though. :look:
lil'paw said:
I don't see many Asian Men/Black Women unions though. :look:

I think the main reason you don't see to many Asian men with Black women is because of cultural taboos from both peoples back grounds. Most people seem to feel better about Asian men white women. You don't really see them with Hispanics either. I think it is cultural taboos. But I do like Asian men a lot (if they are tall enough:grin: ) Don't tell my hubby though (this is our little secret) he is a wonderful beautiful black man and I love him very much!
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I never did until I saw someone's siggy yesterday. NOw I am stalking the forums looking for it so I can save it to my desktop!
Oh yes! Some of these guys are HOT!


Takeshi Kaneshiro is one of my favs.
MizAvalon said:
Oh, I completely forgot about Ken Watanabe! For anyone who doesn't know him, he was in "The Last Samurai" with Tom Cruise and he will be in this summer's "Batman begins" , also in "Memoirs of a Geisha" later this year I think. That is one good looking man. :lick: If anyone can find a pic, please do us all a favor! :)

I think he's great.

THis is Tempo aka T.O.P from the k-pop group Big Bang. They're like a korean B2K.
Also the guy in my siggy. That's Daniell Henney. He's half korean half white. Then there's will demps.

Damn I could go on for days. To answer the question.

AnnDriena_ said:

THis is Tempo aka T.O.P from the k-pop group Big Bang. They're like a korean B2K.
Also the guy in my siggy. That's Daniell Henney. He's half korean half white. Then there's will demps.

Damn I could go on for days. To answer the question.


I'D PIPE!(slang my boys use for "have sex with) Why stop here?! Keep going!
I know a lot of people don't think of Indians when you say asian, but I think some Indian actors are so dang sexy!
There is a guy at work who is fione! I never thought Asian men were attractive before him. He has very brown skin, almost Hawaiian-looking. I don't know what ethnicity he is.
I commend you all on your honesty, but truth be told...
I am offended by some of the posts.
Asian men have small what? C'mon... you know good full well that the only men who have larger-than-usual size :censored: are black men! I feel its just perpetuating ignorance bc what does someone's :censored: have to do with them being sexually attractive? I've only met one white man with a huge *** and his mother was puerto rican. A good-looking man is a good looking man regardless. I'm not going to get too into this thread and argue, but i feel like for a bunch of educated women who should know better and know how prejudice rumors can tarnish the reputation of an entire race of people, we shouldn't even begin to believe let alone spread foolishness like this. An asian man is a man just like any other.And all this talk about them not being as masculine as other races is a bunch of lies that the superior races want to spread to take away asian men's pride and respect. please...:mad:
sorry for coming off as rude but this is a bunch of ignorance and believe it if you want to, but i know better than that.:(
UmSumayyah said:
Um, you DO realize you've just said that asian men are from an inferior race?

Sorry, "superior", bc this doesn't reflect my personal opinion on asian men, but opinions that have been expressed to me.
I use to have a crush on a guy in college and not only he was fine but he was such a nice guy. I just love thier black hair.