Ambw: Asian Men Black Women Communities

I know a good number of black men who are into anime and kpop and date black girls. Regular dark brown black girls. So, ime, that's not a good reason to date am lol. Actually, most of my black guy friends in hs were into anime and stuff. Now they're engineers and still date regular looking bw. Black people (guys and girls) liking anime is very normal to me :look:

But maybe I'm just weird and attract other black weirdos :lol: we're out here! :wave:
I know a good number of black men who are into anime and kpop and date black girls. Regular dark brown black girls. So, ime, that's not a good reason to date am lol. Actually, most of my black guy friends in hs were into anime and stuff. Now they're engineers and still date regular looking bw. Black people (guys and girls) liking anime is very normal to me :look:

But maybe I'm just weird and attract other black weirdos :lol: we're out here! :wave:

i think she was talking about weeaboos. there are black weeaboos out there (like the one we had on this forum).
I just looked at that OK cupid data. This is so interesting:

... I was embarrassed none of the black girls were cute. ....

Really, NONE? That's harsh, :lol:. In the first picture, I thought girl sitting down with the grey boots was striking; in fact, I thought she looked out of place in the group pic. The one in the black jacket has a cute face too. At least half of the girls in the last picture, the one with the BET and HBO logos, are attractive too. I agree that most of the guys are not, um, Asian tv drama material though... I wonder if the girls who attend these meetings because of their interest in K-pop and the tv dramas come out disappointed.
I would say that is true I see many online profiles that say SEEKING LATINA OR ASIAN so being the troll that I am I sometimes send messages and ask why they don't like black women and then 99% of them say I hadn't met anyone so i was looking outward you seem nice let me take you out
:lol: :lol:

And that really begs the question that is is this what BM are looking for and maybe geographically these latina/Asian women aren't available? It seriously makes me sick. That chart says 98% of black men. I mean wow
I don't see anything wrong with the AMBW combo, but that group doesn't look very fun. Do they just go to the meetings, hoping to get chosen by a guy? I don't get a genuine "I'm having a good time & happy to be here" vibe from those photos. They should make it a speed-dating type of thing.
:lol: :lol:

And that really begs the question that is is this what BM are looking for and maybe geographically these latina/Asian women aren't available? It seriously makes me sick. That chart says 98% of black men. I mean wow
on okcupid that question is used as a barometer for racism - you wouldnt want to date someone of another race that answered no to that question. by that same token white people use it to say they arent open to interracial dating. so its more "bm are more open to IRD than bw" than specifically "i am this race and dont want to date my own race."

it does imply that women in general have an in-group preference more than men in general though. i wonder why.
on okcupid that question is used as a barometer for racism - you wouldnt want to date someone of another race that answered no to that question. by that same token white people use it to say they arent open to interracial dating. so its more "bm are more open to IRD than bw" than specifically "i am this race and dont want to date my own race."

it does imply that women in general have an in-group preference more than men in general though.
Oh ok, I see what you mean.
it does imply that women in general have an in-group preference more than men in general though. i wonder why.
I forget where I read this but it's true. And it makes sense if you look at history.:look::look: Men don't have the same hang ups about racial mixing as women do. If they do, it's been impressed upon them by their family/community.

As for AM/BW, I'm open to dating an AM just like I'm open to dating every race except white.:look: But these groups are something else. I'm not going to criticize the idea of them because they exist for every combo. But AM/BW groups are a special breed. A poster above said you have to be a certain type for these groups and its true. Like being into k-pop and anime. I'm not into k-pop and the only anime I care one lick about is Sailor Moon. :lol::lol: The groups tend to give fetish vibes, going both ways. Some AM are starting to call out the fetish-vibes coming from some BW. And the male-female ratio is crazy skewed. But I know from living in NorCal, some AM are into BW and have some nasty rejection stories. The AM-BW couples I know IRL are just like any other couple.

Just going on attraction, I'm most attracted to South Asian men and the few groups for this pairing are waaaaayyy different.
I forget where I read this but it's true. And it makes sense if you look at history.:look::look: Men don't have the same hang ups about racial mixing as women do. If they do, it's been impressed upon them by their family/community.

As for AM/BW, I'm open to dating an AM just like I'm open to dating every race except white.:look: But these groups are something else. I'm not going to criticize the idea of them because they exist for every combo. But AM/BW groups are a special breed. A poster above said you have to be a certain type for these groups and its true. Like being into k-pop and anime. I'm not into k-pop and the only anime I care one lick about is Sailor Moon. :lol::lol: The groups tend to give fetish vibes, going both ways. Some AM are starting to call out the fetish-vibes coming from some BW. And the male-female ratio is crazy skewed. But I know from living in NorCal, some AM are into BW and have some nasty rejection stories. The AM-BW couples I know IRL are just like any other couple.

Just going on attraction, I'm most attracted to South Asian men and the few groups for this pairing are waaaaayyy different.

OMG what kind of rejection stories have you heard? :look: please share

What are the South Asian men like? What ethnic groups from South Asia are more common pairings with Black women?
Looks like Hispanic men too.

no its still higher for men for hispanics.

I forget where I read this but it's true. And it makes sense if you look at history.:look::look: Men don't have the same hang ups about racial mixing as women do. If they do, it's been impressed upon them by their family/community.

As for AM/BW, I'm open to dating an AM just like I'm open to dating every race except white.:look: But these groups are something else. I'm not going to criticize the idea of them because they exist for every combo. But AM/BW groups are a special breed. A poster above said you have to be a certain type for these groups and its true. Like being into k-pop and anime. I'm not into k-pop and the only anime I care one lick about is Sailor Moon. :lol::lol: The groups tend to give fetish vibes, going both ways. Some AM are starting to call out the fetish-vibes coming from some BW. And the male-female ratio is crazy skewed. But I know from living in NorCal, some AM are into BW and have some nasty rejection stories. The AM-BW couples I know IRL are just like any other couple.

Just going on attraction, I'm most attracted to South Asian men and the few groups for this pairing are waaaaayyy different.

i think there's a lot of guilting and obligation about race on both sides (male/female). for women it's about "family" and for men it seems to just be about "ownership." wm do the same thing bm do where they can date the entire rainbow and feel like nobody else should have access to ww. but in general i agree with the points you raised here.
OMG what kind of rejection stories have you heard? :look: please share

What are the South Asian men like? What ethnic groups from South Asia are more common pairings with Black women?
For starters I had a male roomie for 2 years in college and grad school who was Filipino and he told me his friend's rejection stories. I think this was his way of hinting to me he liked me lol. Like one was at a club and asked a BW to dance and she said "Hell no I don't like Asian men." At my university, (I grew up in the Bay Area and went to college in SF) I met a number of East Asian men who were like BW aren't into AM. Then some talked about how since many AW are going out with WM, AM have started looking elsewhere.

Now for South Asian men, from my experiences in college they tend to interact mostly with other South Asians. East Asians do too but from having a Japanese roommate for a year, I could tell it was mostly East Asian women who keep to themselves. I say that because my Japanese roomie's best friend was Vietnamese and she was dating a BM at the time. Back to South Asians, I'm into Bollywood and that came up a few times because of the classes I was taking and once it did it was like the ice was broken lol. My sister takes Ubers a lot and some of her drivers are South Asian and the same thing happens with her.

As for the groups, it's mostly Indian men with black women, some Pakistani men. But not just US-born South Asians. Some British Asians, a number of Australian Asians and some directly from India. One thing I like is the groups are very candid about family disapproval, from both sides. Indian families get a lot of criticism but many black women admit that it was their family who had the most resistance to the relationship or more than they expected. There are also a number of older couples like people who met/married in their late30s-40s.

I went out with an Indian guy who was waaaayyyy too into American culture for my taste. He wanted to keep dating but I shut that down. South Asian men are just like other men, but you have to decide if you're more into men who identify more with their mother culture or American culture. One thing that turns me off East/Southeast Asian men is many identify more with American culture. That's the case with a lot of AM I know who are married to BW. South Asian men tend to identify with their mother culture, with the awareness that they are in the US, which I like.
Why Men Don’t Attend Anything That Smells Like a Singles Event
April 19, 2012 by Jeff J.

This ain't what it is fellas. This ain't what it is at all!

Men Don’t Like Being Told How to Date
If you want to push an event with the purpose of single mingle, you can’t have any variation of the word “date” in the title. Men see that and they assume they’re gonna be pushed through some routine or awkward ice breaker, when they’d rather just be sipping, chilling, and hawking. Men want to express interest on their own terms, on their own time, without provocation. They don’t want to hear rules and procedures.

Men are unable to take an event at face value
Whenever we’ve hosted events, the comments I get from some dudes are comical. They really believe that every event we throw is an undercover ponzi scheme! It isn’t that serious fellas.

Rest of the story in quote.

Why Men Don’t Attend Anything That Smells Like a Singles Event
April 19, 2012 by Jeff J.

This ain't what it is fellas. This ain't what it is at all!

I’ve been contributing to SBM for about four years. In this time we’ve have many different events. We have sponsored speed dates, happy hours, round table forums, and various other shindigs all over the east coast. After these events conclude, women will approach us and give the same review: “This was an excellent event, but you NEED to bring more men next time!” At first, I would inform the ladies that we exhaust our resources to attempt to make the ratios more favorable to them, but after a while even I got frustrated. We hold these events and they end up looking like a young black professional women’s upscale version of a music video. I’m serious, it’s like a “Tip Drill” with couth and class, if you will. No matter how many pics we post or the word of mouth accolades from the men that attend our events, men are still apprehensive about showing up to these types of functions. Knowing that there was no simple answer, I employed the help of SBMs event evangelical, Slim Jackson, to dig deeper into this issue. Pause. Slim what saith ye?

Man, it’s crazy and it’s frustrating. It’s crazy frustrating! I’ve lost sleep over this. Everyday I’m hustlin’. Everyday I’m hustling…to recruit men to support an event chock full of quality women. Doesn’t matter how I describe the function (By the way, are black people the only ones who call events functions?). The response is either a lie (No doubt. I’ll be there) or “Eh, I don’t know man. Sounds like some desperate sh*t.” What is desperate about coming out to talk to the opposite sex? How can that be any more desperate than hanging around the club at let out trying to score in the bottom of the ninth? F**k outta here wit that.

But of course it’s not that simple. I’ve learned another reason men are reluctant to come out to these type of events:

Men Don’t Like Being Told How to Date
If you want to push an event with the purpose of single mingle, you can’t have any variation of the word “date” in the title. Men see that and they assume they’re gonna be pushed through some routine or awkward ice breaker, when they’d rather just be sipping, chilling, and hawking. Men want to express interest on their own terms, on their own time, without provocation. They don’t want to hear rules and procedures.

Dating events get a bad rap, except for the opportunistic reality shows. Everybody knows the Bachelor really isn’t on there to find love. He’s on there to make money. As for everything else, we get used to seeing images of the less than palatable, chattable, and savory trying these speed dating events in order to seek what they couldn’t find elsewhere. It’s not so much that men expect desperation as much as they expect the cream of the crop on whatever night they’re out. They don’t expect to find the cream of the crop at these events, so they miss out on some good corn (I know women aren’t corn).

Men are unable to take an event at face value
Whenever we’ve hosted events, the comments I get from some dudes are comical. They really believe that every event we throw is an undercover ponzi scheme! It isn’t that serious fellas. Sometimes, a happy hour is just a happy hour. When we educate about sexual awareness, or engage on dating forums, we are looking to make our blog, and our brand, tangible. We are more than just six dudes who write good online. We like to provide outlets for social interaction in real life as well. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. As I explain to dudes we invite to our events ad nauseum, our events are an oasis. Whether you choose to quench your thirst, or remain parched, is up to you. We aren’t forcing or pressuring you to do anything. In high school, you could tell a dude “come to this event. They are usually dope and madd women will be there!”, and that’s all you needed! Now, I think that dudes kick excuses, don’t want to appear “thirsty”, and opt out of attending. If we threw wack events, I’d chill on any criticism, however, I see this trend everywhere else.

This isn’t a plea for more men to attend our events. This is a realistic and observatory view of a problem that women would like to see rectified in the future. See fellas, they are ASKING for you to show! I always comment to Slim, Sprads, and Jay how I never knew this many single, beautiful, professional women existed in New York. Well, the law of averages would agree, but seeing is believing. I don’t know how that could turn off a heterosexual man from attending an event. Not to mention that our events are actually QUALITY events! Either way ladies, we tried.

Men, what makes you apprehensive about attending events sponsored by sites like ours? Ladies, what do you think would change the dynamic in your favor? What can we do (if anything) to make these events more enticing for men to attend?