Do you find Asian men sexually attractive?

In General, Do You Find Asian Men Sexually Attractive?

  • Yes, love 'em!!

    Votes: 134 15.2%
  • Yes, but not my first preference

    Votes: 258 29.4%
  • No

    Votes: 374 42.5%
  • Never thought about it

    Votes: 113 12.9%

  • Total voters
SweetNic_JA said:
Was there a ring?? If not he's fair game. Girrrrl, schedule another cleaning next week. :lol:

No, there was not a ring. I was tempted to ask the receptionist or the dental hygenist if he ws that you mention it, I may need to go by there to get him to fill out a form for me documenting my exam for the military....:lol: Any ol' excuse, right?:grin:
SweetNic_JA said:
Once again, i'm sorry to hear that. Were most of the men like that? I'm surprised to hear this considering So Korea is so modern. I spent some time in a modern Asian country and didn't experience anything close to this. I wonder if it's a Korean thing. I heard that are generally very racist people.

A lot of the ones that I met and interacted with were racist, but they didn't mind trying to sell us their bootleg goods. I guess green money counteracts our black faces, but then again, that's how it is pretty much everywhere.
The Asian men on Survivor are very cute in my opinion, but on average its hard to find one that looks that good.
LondonDiva said:
Now you know you need to divulge a lil more than that:)

All I'll say is there is a reason why so many Asian women want non-Asian men. It's like looking at a five year-old boy. Not attractive AT ALL.

I know because um, a friend of a friend was telling me about some guy she had heard about. :lol:
i actually was at the park one time walking and saw this one Asian guy playing basketball and was like whoa he was actually taller then the average Asian....i mean he was tall...and not bad looking either....

i wouldnt dismiss dating a Asian guy...but again my image of a Asian guy is Jet Li...i just like is swagger or there is something about him..maybe its all that martial arts that he does...

but then again i dont see that many around either and that i would date...

but then again i would be afraid of the issues of race and the prejudice that his relatives or parents may have towards interracial dating...i know my side wouldnt be too much of a issue...
Hairgasm said:
All I'll say is there is a reason why so many Asian women want non-Asian men. It's like looking at a five year-old boy. Not attractive AT ALL.

I know because um, a friend of a friend was telling me about some guy she had heard about. :lol:

Well that's not very fair. At six foot two the SO is very proportionate if you catch my drift. LOL!

But I honestly thought you were talking about the fact that you can see the veins on their flat little tushies. DH's *** looks like an old white woman's legs. :lachen:
jaiku said:
There are alot of ugly ****'s of all races. I don't disciminate. I think good looks can not be denied no matter what race. He is my favorite asian guy of the moment.

Japanese Soccer player Hidetoshi Nakata



Bumping for sassy!
I found Jet Li attractive in ONE movie (I think it was a Mel Gibson movie).

The two brothers on Amazing Race are attractive on the outside and their spirit/personality is attractive.

I like Koi Boi from Survivor.

I used to live in Koreatown (in Los Angeles) so I saw some good-looking Asian men everyday.

I've never dated one though. My one stereotype is that they all have nice legs. I haven't had that debunked YET.
patient1 said:
I found Jet Li attractive in ONE movie (I think it was a Mel Gibson movie).

The two brothers on Amazing Race are attractive on the outside and their spirit/personality is attractive.

I like Koi Boi from Survivor.

I used to live in Koreatown (in Los Angeles) so I saw some good-looking Asian men everyday.

I've never dated one though. My one stereotype is that they all have nice legs. I haven't had that debunked YET.
Hide (see above) has nice legs. He's a soccer player.
See Berry. I haven't seen an Asian man without nice legs yet.

I tried to add your man to my list but the edit wouldn't save. Also wanted to add that Japanese baseball player(eta: that's him with the soccer player, huh Berry!!) and the calligraphy warrior from Hero!

When Asian men get a little grimy, they get a lot sexier.
This question made me giggle a little. I like em in all flavors. Matter of fact I have quite the girl crush on a Japanese man who owns a computer shop not far from my house.
I think there are plenty of great looking asian men but weather it could work due to way different ideas from both peoples background, I think it is rare but anything could happen. That guy in House of Flying Daggers was hot! He was almost prettier then Ziyi! :lol: :drunk: :spinning:
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Sometime I will meet an asian guy (not in dating situations -I have a man :))that I find attactive, but most times it is because he is cute or make me laugh.
I've seen some tall, slim ( but well built) asian that I found attractive.

That reminds me years ago when I worked with an asian guy who asked me out..I was so taken aback..I didn't even consider going for some reason.
I think asian men are gorgeous! They are my number one weakness. My asian male friends are all hard bodied, buff, and very masculine. As well as respectful to women:D. But then again, asian men love me-- they are the only thing i get honestly. I think they love black women's curves...
EbonyF said:
I guess since my SO is one (Chinese-Amer.) lol. I really like the look of Japanese men especially.

Im not riding the fence but (LOOKS TO LEFT AND RIGHT) Japanese men are something special..Remember the one on Rome must die..He was the bad guy I believe his name was KAI.;)
I find alot of Asian men attractive especially Japanese and Korean men.
I'm not sure if many of them would find me atttractive since I'm a plus sized chick and most Asian men I've found attractive usually date thin women.
I think some Asian men are very attractive. I dated a ½ Korean 1/2 Black men back in college and it was great he could speak 3 languages and he had some pretty hair. Also he was very attractive.
I was asked out by an Asian guy recently and I would have dated him if I was not engaged LOL. I do agree Korean, Vietnamese, and Japanese seem to be a bit more attractive than Chinese.

It was funny because I did read an article which said Asian men and black women are the least likely to get married, which leads me to believe they otta start marring each other. I mentioned it to my Asain friend/co-worker and he sort of agreed. I think they are a lot less likely to ask a black women out tho.
I've dated a half japanese half trinidadian guy.. He was fukking sexy.


I have had chinese guys interested in me before.

Hmm.. mostly chinese guys from the caribbean.

There is one guy in my old uni that I have the biggest crush on...