Ambw: Asian Men Black Women Communities

I would say that is true I see many online profiles that say SEEKING LATINA OR ASIAN so being the troll that I am I sometimes send messages and ask why they don't like black women and then 99% of them say I hadn't met anyone so i was looking outward you seem nice let me take you out
:lol: :lol:

And that really begs the question that is is this what BM are looking for and maybe geographically these latina/Asian women aren't available? It seriously makes me sick. That chart says 98% of black men. I mean wow
i think black men are dating opportunist. So online they want one thing but whatever they get IRL is fine too.
For starters I had a male roomie for 2 years in college and grad school who was Filipino and he told me his friend's rejection stories. I think this was his way of hinting to me he liked me lol. Like one was at a club and asked a BW to dance and she said "Hell no I don't like Asian men." At my university, (I grew up in the Bay Area and went to college in SF) I met a number of East Asian men who were like BW aren't into AM. Then some talked about how since many AW are going out with WM, AM have started looking elsewhere.

Now for South Asian men, from my experiences in college they tend to interact mostly with other South Asians. East Asians do too but from having a Japanese roommate for a year, I could tell it was mostly East Asian women who keep to themselves. I say that because my Japanese roomie's best friend was Vietnamese and she was dating a BM at the time. Back to South Asians, I'm into Bollywood and that came up a few times because of the classes I was taking and once it did it was like the ice was broken lol. My sister takes Ubers a lot and some of her drivers are South Asian and the same thing happens with her.

As for the groups, it's mostly Indian men with black women, some Pakistani men. But not just US-born South Asians. Some British Asians, a number of Australian Asians and some directly from India. One thing I like is the groups are very candid about family disapproval, from both sides. Indian families get a lot of criticism but many black women admit that it was their family who had the most resistance to the relationship or more than they expected. There are also a number of older couples like people who met/married in their late30s-40s.

I went out with an Indian guy who was waaaayyyy too into American culture for my taste. He wanted to keep dating but I shut that down. South Asian men are just like other men, but you have to decide if you're more into men who identify more with their mother culture or American culture. One thing that turns me off East/Southeast Asian men is many identify more with American culture. That's the case with a lot of AM I know who are married to BW. South Asian men tend to identify with their mother culture, with the awareness that they are in the US, which I like.

Okay so this explains the high number of Indian men messaging me on OKCupid :lol: Mmmm I think I like someone who identifies more so with American culture. I want someone like me first generation born over here but still connected somewhat to their mother culture.
I had a similar experience. I'm not "into" Asian men, but an Asian guy asked me out, that man was fine and tall for an Asian dude (6'2). I said yes, because I was attracted to him ( he also had $$ :look: ). He was American born, grew up around/in black and southern culture.

No "woe is us" agenda going on. Who does this "research" ??

We had fun, but when we went out, we drew all type of attention. BM would literally stare at us like this.


They would stare intently and not look away. Almost like they were trying to figure out if we were on a date or were co-workers just having lunch/dinner. When they realized we were on a date, it turned into a look of disgust.

BW gave me the "go girl" look...LOL.

WW - if looks could kill. When they saw us together, they became soooooo extra. They would start hair flipping, laughing loud, walking by constantly, anything to try and be seen, as if their mere presence overshadowed my being. Like if he saw them he would abandon me at the table and flock to them.

White waitresses would be overly flirty and just disrespectful. He always shut it down.

It was tiring. We had fun, dated awhile, but he ended up moving away being for work. We still keep in touch as friends, but the experience opened my eyes at the time.

I dated a gangstalicious Vietnamese guy back home. Good times, and he was a cutie, but too much baby momma drama.

OAN: Tired of these "no one wants us so let's just go together articles". Not saying these experiences aren't valid, but these narratives ingrain our supposed undesirability in the American psyche. Like a movie reel played constantly that eventually hypnotizes us and becomes apart of our collective subconscious

I didn't even read the article but if that's what it's saying, then "no way."
The hell are they talking about?

fetish vibes for micropeen or what

They outlined this in the article.

Why Men Don’t Attend Anything That Smells Like a Singles Event
April 19, 2012 by Jeff J.

This ain't what it is fellas. This ain't what it is at all!

Men Don’t Like Being Told How to Date
If you want to push an event with the purpose of single mingle, you can’t have any variation of the word “date” in the title. Men see that and they assume they’re gonna be pushed through some routine or awkward ice breaker, when they’d rather just be sipping, chilling, and hawking. Men want to express interest on their own terms, on their own time, without provocation. They don’t want to hear rules and procedures.

Men are unable to take an event at face value
Whenever we’ve hosted events, the comments I get from some dudes are comical. They really believe that every event we throw is an undercover ponzi scheme! It isn’t that serious fellas.

Rest of the story in quote.

This makes sense. I've been to plenty of singles events and I became a speed dating veteran (smh). the men really aren't feeling it and now I see why. I appreciate this insight. I like the idea of seeing a whole bunch of men at once and picking a handful to test out :look: but I see this idea is a tad unrealisitic :lol:. I realize I will just need to stay open to meeting men in general as opposed to setting aside a time and place for it.
These women look desperate and the men look like leftovers.
sounds like a perfect match:cheers:

I think the meetup groups are weird and are a bit fetishy but if that does it for them... That's cool. I mean there is a lid for every pot.

Of course i used to be worried i had an am fetish for AM so maybe i'm biased toward these women.

qchelle is right if you're purely looking to share your kpop/anime loving with there isn't a reason to date out. There are plenty of black weirdos.
Don't some meet up groups ask for a fee to offset the costs?

what I eman is since guys are so skeptical and their "being' is so against these events, yu'd think most times they would flop. I maqn speed dating esp is all about rules

then again maybe they do
what I eman is since guys are so skeptical and their "being' is so against these events, yu'd think most times they would flop. I maqn speed dating esp is all about rules

then again maybe they do

Hmm, you're right.

I've gone to speed dating events here in nyc, and lemme tell you. It's the same losers showing up over and over and over. That's who's funding these things.

Quick aside...I used to do the speed dating stuff because it's easier for me to read someone in person. It's many steps above online dating, imo. I've been successful in scoring quality dates this way... (but I'm super picky) so I ended up going to the events a couple of times over a span of 2-3 years. SAME DUDES, but different women. I stopped going only because there's only 2 companies I know of running these events (that black people come to) and I've attended too many times :nono: :lol:

*I may have contradicted myself. Great guys show up to these things (in groups :lick:), but not so often. it's the throwbacks who come to every event.
Those adding Bollywood in hopes of getting a South Asian better be careful. Jut might end up with numerous Nigerian men messages instead :lol:

alot of us esp my generation were raised on Bollywood. :yep:
OMG yes. Bollywood is very popular in Nigeria. Actually Africa and the Middle East in general. For the record I didn't add it to my profile for that reason lol. I was not anticipating the response I got at all.
Lol I was actually searching for another unrelated thread, but found this one. The AMBW match is definitely underrepresented. One thing about Asian men is that many are very shy about approaching women, especially non-Asian ones. Likely, if you want one, you will have to make the first move due to the shyness (but not aggressive or desperate-like). I asked my now fiance out, and 2 years later, we are still going strong!
^Did they recgnize you? since it was same rotation of dudes lol

Since this thread was bumped...I met the "sperminator" at one of those speed dating events he tried to holla at me (this was way before he made the news). I posted my version of the story in off-topic under the article.
