Do you find Asian men sexually attractive?

In General, Do You Find Asian Men Sexually Attractive?

  • Yes, love 'em!!

    Votes: 134 15.2%
  • Yes, but not my first preference

    Votes: 258 29.4%
  • No

    Votes: 374 42.5%
  • Never thought about it

    Votes: 113 12.9%

  • Total voters
I never used to, but a few months ago I began watching Asian drama (Korean, Taiwanese, and Japanese). OMG , there are some gorgeous, gorgeous Asian men out there :drool:.
I voted yes, but not my first preference

I have to correct myself because East Indian men are Asian, and they are HOT lol
I sure do think they are cute :D.

I mean look at Daniel Henney, aka my husband!


my god in heaven...

He is and agreed I've yet to find a person who wasn't game with Daniel Henney.

Choi Shiwon from Super Junior


holy shiznits. i literally stopped breathing for about 2 minutes when i saw this picture. this got me hot and bothered. seriously. my baby is gonna be in for a surprise when he gets home, lemme go start the incense...
i live in japan--well some(very few) of them are cute for an asian guy---but sexually hells no!!!! majority look and act gay
I'm married but I would date an Asian man. I used to have the biggest crush on my Vietnamese friends cousin. I also dated a half Black/Korean guy he was 6'4 and probably would have stayed with him but the crayon was too big. Couldn't work with it, apparently though his wife (the girl he dated after me lol) could and she was a tiny little thing.

I liked the taller Asian guys though, 5'8 or taller.
Most certainly. I'm generally attracted to attractive men, regardless of race. I don't have a preference for Asian men per se but I've seen attractive "specimens" from a range of Asian nationalities and ethniciities. I do have a particular appreciation for East Indian men and the chiseled faces of Korean men, such as Daniel Dae Kim.
I can only see myself settling down with a black man. But I've dated and would date a Cambodian man. Good Lord! *fans myself* A lot of the Cambodians I see in the Long Beach, CA area are dark skinned caramel some darker. Some can pass for an Asian and African American mix. They are the taller of all Asian races in my opinion. Long Beach is a melting pot within a melting pot so its no surprise that they are Asian with a hip hop soul. From what I've witnessed they are the sexiest and most confident (some cocky) of the Asian men I've come across. That being said, its not so much out of the ordinary for an African American woman and a Cambodian male to date...
I'm not sexually attracted to Asian men, but I will be honest with my opinion. I think Asian men are the most masculine out of all men (I'm not talking about looks). They are more responsible and less promiscuous. They take care of their woman, children, and overall household. Japanese men, in general, I find to be very macho as well as men from Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Pilippines. The cute ones always seem to come from the pilippines, vietnam, Indonesia, and Laos. Asian men have strong traditional values and they tend to respect women more than black men.
I'm open to ALL types, but if you would have asked me this a year or so ago, I would have placed Asian men below everyone else. NOT because of looks, but because I feel like I would click more with black and other non-Asian men before Asian men. Now I would place Asian men well above white men. There is this Asian guy at my university I'm really feeling, which is crazy because I'm not usually into Asian guys. Funny how age and experience changes things. I agree with some, not all, of what Celestial said. I don't see Asian men as less masculine at all. They are working and providing, which is what a man is supposed to do. I really think Asian men and Black women could make things happen.
I'm open to ALL types, but if you would have asked me this a year or so ago, I would have placed Asian men below everyone else. NOT because of looks, but because I feel like I would click more with black and other non-Asian men before Asian men. Now I would place Asian men well above white men. There is this Asian guy at my university I'm really feeling, which is crazy because I'm not usually into Asian guys. Funny how age and experience changes things. I agree with some, not all, of what Celestial said. I don't see Asian men as less masculine at all. They are working and providing, which is what a man is supposed to do. I really think Asian men and Black women could make things happen.

Thanks and that's how I view masculinity. I have yet to meet an Asian man who is unmasculine, feminine, or unmacho. I'm friends with many and they tend to be very masculine and macho. I will put hispanic/latin men as number two; native americans as number three; arabs as number four; black men as number five; and white men as number six. Now if people judge masculinity by a man's looks and swagger or sexual promiscuity then it would be different.
I'm totally into Asian guys right now, specifically Indian guys but I'm finding my attraction is spreading to other Asian nationalities too. I do prefer taller guys since I'm only 5'3 but honestly, as long as the guy is taller than me I really don't care. Indian guys just are so attractive to me right now and its been this way for a while so I don't see it changing any time soon. As for the racism, can't deny that it happens. But it does go both ways and it doesn't mean there aren't open-minded people out there. Black girls/Indian guys are a taboo pairing but I do know of a some couples like this so it can happen.
This may be years old but i just had to chime in and say hayll yea I do!! :lachen:
I'm mostly attracted to Japanese, Korean and Chinese men, they just have this certain aura to them that makes me weak in the knees and my voice and composure go on a week long vacation haha

Here's one of my fav Japanese actors who I think is really attractive

Its Kenichi Matsuyama affectionately known as MatsuKen! I just love him.
He can get it :blush:
Not often but there is a 6ft tall Korean man who owns the pawn shop near here and my bike was stolen last summer and he actually gave it back to me! (I had the paperwork)
He is super HOT and now kind of heroic....I love my classic cruiser with its bell and basket...I need to ride it more, it would be stolen less if it moved once in a while...
Not really into Asian men! I prefer a guy to be built and masculine looking. Now I'm not totally against it because I have seen some handsome Asian guys (a hand full). I really like that guy from the Tom Cruise movie "The Last Samurai".

Oh Yes I just saw ''The Green Hornet" today an Seth's side kick "Kato" was pretty darn handsome.
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^^ As a whole, they aren't. The same could be said about white men as a whole, but plenty of them are dating black women.

As for me, I tend to be an asian man magnet. It's most likely because a lot of my girlfriends are asian. I guess they just feel comfortable approaching me.
I haven't in the past, but recently some men have been catching my eye. :yep:

Ken Watanabe - after seeing him in The Last Samurai...:lick:

Michael Copon - thanks bravenewgirl!

Russell Wong

Russell! :lick: I've loved him since "Joy Luck Club".

Oh and Chad Hugo of the Neptunes :yep:
^^ As a whole, they aren't. The same could be said about white men as a whole, but plenty of them are dating black women.

As for me, I tend to be an asian man magnet. It's most likely because a lot of my girlfriends are asian. I guess they just feel comfortable approaching me.
I've seen waaaay more white men interested in black women than I've ever seen asian men with a black woman. And marriage...dont get me started.
I've seen waaaay more white men interested in black women than I've ever seen asian men with a black woman. And marriage...dont get me started.

True, but (in the USA, UK, etc) there are way more white men than asian men so of course you will see more of them interested in black woman.
Well I used to live in jamaica and I found asian men there sexy. The completely asian guys as well as the mixed ones. I guess cos they were so nice and tan and had major confidence. I don't find the asian men in the uk sexy for some reason.
I work temporarily at a non profit that serves the asian community so most of the people there are asian (vietnamese to be exact). Some are cute, more so because of their personality but I did see one HOT guy during a potluck, almost fell over. Tall, fine, everything.
"Do you find Asian men sexually attractive?"

When I saw this question, it made me laugh! :lachen:
me too!.... I just recently started finding asian guys attractive because of that asian guy investigator from the mentalist!:lachen::lachen:

I can think of plenty of other men that are attractive. Italian studs...Lawd yes!! Latinos...Africans...lots of white men...when I was watching the tv and Osama was giving a talk, this one FIONE looking man was standing behind him and I thought to myself "We need to be friends not enemies" :grin:.... Girl U are crazy!! but I like the way U think!:grin::lachen::lachen: I've even seen Amish men I thought was fione and they are as square as they come.....seriously girl stop!!, U gonna make me pee my self:lachen::spinning: ...But in my lifetime I have only seen maybe one or two Asian men that I could say are handsome with the sexually confident, manly vibe flippin off. When I think sex appeal asian men just dont come to mind. I think I need to scour the internet and see if I can find some.

I do! Especially some Korean men ooh la la..some of them are HOT! :dizzy:

Im so tempted to apply for the 'Teach English in S Korea' jobs,that I always see online....

Apply!!! they pay well

Aren't asian men usually not interested in black women?

That's what I thought! I have never in RL(only on TV) seen an asian man/black woman couple - My friend's sister's half Nigerian/filipino husband doesn't count.... He's Nigerian according to Nigerian culture lol!:lol:
There was the hottest Japanese guy in my class last semester. And there are a ton of hot asian men that go to my gym.
I dont see the point in being attracted to men who typically are discouraged and openly expressed NOT being attracted to black women. :ohwell: Doesn't it feel like a waste of time? It seems much more blatant in their culture to not like dark skin. INSTANT turn off for me. Can't even feign attraction.