Black men and light skinned women

This is how i felt when we had that conversation. I was so upset. But when I hear about how his customers treat the light secretary versus the dark one, it shows that it truly is a bigger problem, and not just our personal perceptions.

I don’t want to deny that your friend may be on to something, however, I also will say this (to call some of his points into question). I think we all agree that society (including “the Black race” generally) prefers light/white over Black. This is evidenced by the media, magazines, and these threads:lol:. However, I find that when someone definitely prefers something, they “see what they want to see” if that makes sense. I am not a fair skinned woman, and I pull attention from all kinds of men: Black men, light and dark, Latino men (they really like me:lol:), Indian men, Middle Eastern men, White Men, Asian Men (and even an alien or two:lol:). And I know I’m not alone. My Black female friends and family members span the range of complexions, and many of them also pull all kinds of men, so I know that not everyone ONLY finds lighter complexions attractive, nor do I believe that ALL men favor lighter complexions.

My point is that your friend is going to see things the way he sees them, and often we believe that others think the way we do. Sometimes a fairer person will have more success, sometimes they won’t. I am really stating this b/c of his comment about his light and dark female cousins. I’ve seen situations where the fair woman gets a lot of attention, and I’ve seen situations where the fair woman does not get lots of attention. And I’ve also seen situations where the dark woman gets lots of attention and situations where she does not get a lot of attention. I think back to Rudie Huxtable (who is now the gorgeous Keisha Knight Pulliam) or Ashley Banks or Lisa Turtle. These were brown/darker women, all who grew into stunning beauties. I can’t think of very many guys, even ones I know are color struck that wouldn’t die to have a date with one of these women. Similarly, Denise Huxtable and Hilary Banks could have had almost any guy they wanted. I use these as examples, b/c I think that perception is reality. And with your friend, it’s abundantly clear that he prefers fairer or “creamy” complexions over darker complexions. Therefore, he will probably assume every guy thinks this way. And as I said, b/c of his belief, every guy he knows that believes this, solidifies his belief, if that makes sense. And I’m not trying to be in denial, b/c I know colorism is very real.

Basically what I’m saying is that his comment about his light secretary versus his dark secretary may or may not be true, and this could be partly based on his own impression of what’s favored!
I heard recently that in Maryland/Washington DC, the black men love black women...

I guess it depends on where you're located, OP.


They need to check out Charles County.:lachen: Inter racial couples were all the rage until black from PG and DC starting moving to Chuck County.
When I read these type thread I feel like I want to cry. It really sadens me. Being light ain't no picnic. Why is it when black women, I don't even know, that don't like me call me "Light skinned B!tch". Being light in the black community is a nono. So tell me what I'm suppose to do, it not like I'm going anywhere? I can't help my color just like every one else. But because I'm seen as this or that, I have to be teased and frowned upon. Do I think I'm all that? yes, but my color has nothing to do with it. I'm a beautiful person outside and inside. Who wouldn't want to be with me? We are here and someone has to want us.

Light skinned men tend to want the dark girls.

Girl I feel you SO MUCH!!!
Oh wow.... :(

I usually don't post on potentially-heated threads like these, but I just had to add in some input.

To the OP:
Yes, I know the trend that seems to be common when it comes to black men (especially DARK black men) "preferring" lighter women. It's not rocket science. We see this "trend" all the time in the media, in movies, on tv, magazines, etc. For example, when's the last time Will Smith has had a black woman love interest in a movie that WAS NOT based on a "true story"?? (In other words, exclude "Ali", and "The Pursuit of Happyness") It's been quite a while... Usually they put him with a hispanic or white actress ("Hitch", "I-Robot", etc.). They do the same thing for Denzel Washington sometimes!

But anyway, I digress. It is what it is. On the one hand, while I do believe that you are attracted to who you are attracted to, I also believe that sometimes people's deep self-hate can cause them to subconsciously choose a preference for one type of person over another.

Case in point:
I have a good friend of mine who I have known for YEARS! And in all of these years of knowing her, she has NEVER ever had a crush on a black guy. EVER! She's light-skinned (lighter than me), and even when she had crushes on celebrity guys, she would always crush on the white guys. Now, imo there's nothing wrong with liking guys of other races, and I'm all for IR relationships, but to NEVER EVER like a guy of your own race?? :confused: She hasn't really come out and said that she doesn't like black guys, but it's obvious that she was taught from a young age that "white is right". :ohwell: I feel for her. :nono:

But yeah....being a "brown-skinned" woman myself, I've noticed the trend. I have even had the experience of a guy not even wanting to give me a chance because I wasn't "light-skinned". For example, not too long ago, I was like in LOVE with this guy friend of mine. Now, keep in mind that this guy friend of mine is dark. He's darker than me! I even believe he knew my interest in him (it was kind of obvious), but he NEVER even gave me a chance. Didn't even want to go there! If anything, he ran away! lol! But what do I see him chasing after?? The light-skinned girls. He's dating one right now. Her personality is wack, and she's a little on the ditzy side, but doesn't matter to him since she's light-skinned I guess. :look: Hey...whatever floats your boat I guess. Oh well...HIS loss! Next!

Now, don't get me wrong...I don't have a problem with black men dating (or even marrying) white women or light-skinned women. PLEASE don't get this impression! My only beef is when black men will deliberately OVERLOOK other perfectly decent black women simply because they aren't "light" enough, or don't have what they consider "good hair", or "european features". :rolleyes:

It's so stupid if you ask me! :mad: I like guys of all shades! White, black, Asian, Indian, hispanic, dark, light, etc. Doesn't matter to me! But I really dislike it when I see some of my darker sisters being overlooked or even being told that they are too "dark" simply because they don't fit some kind of "mold".

It really is a form of self-hate. :nono:

But on the other hand, I DO agree with what everyone else is saying on this board. If you see that a guy doesn't like you because of your size, your hair texture, your skin tone, etc. DITCH HIM! Don't waste any time on him or any guy that doesn't find you desirable just the way you are.

I know that the grass is not always greener on the other side, and I'm sure a lot of times even our lighter-skinned sisters go through a LOT of hate issues and backlash also. So, it's not really "easy" for anyone. Is it easier for some than others?? Probably. But it's not completely "easy" for anyone.

Just continue to do YOU, and don't care what society thinks. There is someone for everyone out here.
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I love threads like this because sometimes it helps people look beyond preferences and such. I am not yellow but I am fairly light and I see this kind of stuff in action. I feel so bad for dark skinned black folks who have color struck family. Their family makes them feel bad for being darker. Case in point, my dh's borthers are both light skinned. His oldest brother is very light with green eyes and the middle brother is about my color. He stated without stating that he wanted our son to have my color because he didn't want anyone talking about him. his mother has stated that she loves him special because he is her little "hershey kiss" and he was not treated as well as the others.

I feel bad for him but I don't want him to pass it on to our son so I try to work on him and help him to be a better black man. I just get so upset when I see this negative behavior from each other. If it was others doing it the I could be mad at them but if it's us, it just makes me sad and depressed.
This is how i felt when we had that conversation. I was so upset. But when I hear about how his customers treat the light secretary versus the dark one, it shows that it truly is a bigger problem, and not just our personal perceptions.
:yep::yep: I believe this too, but I don't think we are ready to tackle this just yet.
This isnt something that affects me personally but...

I have no time for some kind of denial of the way things are. Attitudes to Black people/between Black people dont just change overnight, not even after 10 years, or 50.

Just like demeaning attitudes to women started so long ago and only now we have the possiblity of a female president. The hierachy of of hues is still there but it has faded a bit but not enough for people to convince me its not happening. When you look at the younger generation they are affected by the images of beauty put out on BET at the moment, its not the video girls fault ffs! :blush:

Just because you acknowledge that something is there doesnt mean you are attacking someone (which is annoying me about this thread). I dont get where the attack is:ohwell: I have only had light/mixed friends all my life by chance so I know their lives is just as up and down as mine, only the truly ghetto/insecure types are gonna say nasty things like that.

I partly understand because I used to be very slim and felt self concious when people recently started going on about "model thin" ect... Even though it was annoying I have to understand that the underlying issue was bigger than me, it was more about a culture which made people feel ashamed, same as this. Sometimes the underlying point of conversation isnt what seems obvious like "Lightskinned", "Size Zero!". Its deeper
This isnt something that affects me personally but...

I have no time for some kind of denial of the way things are. Attitudes to Black people/between Black people dont just change overnight, not even after 10 years, or 50.

Just like demeaning attitudes to women started so long ago and only now we have the possiblity of a female president. The hierachy of of hues is still there but it has faded a bit but not enough for people to convince me its not happening. When you look at the younger generation they are affected by the images of beauty put out on BET at the moment, its not the video girls fault ffs! :blush:

Just because you acknowledge that something is there doesnt mean you are attacking someone (which is annoying me about this thread). I dont get where the attack is:ohwell: I have only had light/mixed friends all my life by chance so I know their lives is just as up and down as mine, only the truly ghetto/insecure types are gonna say nasty things like that.

I partly understand because I used to be very slim and felt self concious when people recently started going on about "model thin" ect... Even though it was annoying I have to understand that the underlying issue was bigger than me, it was more about a culture which made people feel ashamed, same as this. Sometimes the underlying point of conversation isnt what seems obvious like "Lightskinned", "Size Zero!". Its deeper

I think that all of us on here rrealize that there is an issue but many want to present that their sides of the story are not what some may think. Just because you are getting comments like "you're pretty for a dark-skinned girl" doesn't mean that light-skinned girls are getting tons of compliments (or rather back-handed compliments) either.

Someone in this thread mentioned how a guy she liked didn't like her back but when she saw him next he was with a light-skinned girl. I have had guys that I liked and they didn't like me and chose someone darker-skinned but I wouldn't automatically assume it was a colorism issue.

I just think people shouldn't be so quick to assume that the grass is always greener unless you have experienced the other side.
Before someone gets mad and starts cryin: THIS IS NOT A PERSONAL ATTACK, IT'S JUST MY THOUGHTS

I just don't see how someones skin can make them more or less attractive. Good looking is good looking and to include skin color in the equation smacks of something besides general attraction. Especially for black folks. We have a long history of being treated poorly if not light skinned. I see it with more than just the skin but hair as well. If your hair is nappy it's a problem but if it's anything else you got "good hair" wtf! I don't see all these white folks, asians, hispanics putting each other down because they aren't pale enough or their hair isn't curly. They except what they have and it is beautiful to them. I swear we are the only race that holds others up as the standard of beauty. My twin sister has to deal with all types of sh*t because she has "nappy" hair. I want to slap those d*mn people. I get tired of all the bull**** with black people and their hang ups about skin and hair. Let that crap go, these people need to learn to love what they can't change and stop trying to white up their babies. It's disgraceful behavior.

I'll keep my comments to myself, except to say some might not understand where you are coming from, so you are going to receive the "I don't see the big deal" comments. Seems familiar? Its just like a white person saying I don't see why Blacks are so I hear you. You can see how backwards some are and I am not talking about just about light versus dark. You will have a light person who can build up your darkskin and be rejected by someone of your own complexion. What I am talking about is as a whole and the root. You see it on this board. You see how we just uplift anything that is "less black looking". Look at all the Kim K post that is floating around of how BEAUTIFUL she is? If this is the case then we shouldn't frown when we see brothers being with a Kim K. Just like reading the post on Dijimon Houson. Why call him Amistad? Like this is his mascot name! We are worse than white people when they give us the name "boy"! IMHO, I just think as a whole we are screwed.
I don't see all these white folks, asians, hispanics putting each other down because they aren't pale enough or their hair isn't curly. They except what they have and it is beautiful to them.

Other races experience colorism. Asians do (Remember Anchal on ANTM?), and so do Hispanics (think about the fact that all Dominican ladies relax their hair no matter the texture).
I think that all of us on here rrealize that there is an issue but many want to present that their sides of the story are not what some may think. Just because you are getting comments like "you're pretty for a dark-skinned girl" doesn't mean that light-skinned girls are getting tons of compliments (or rather back-handed compliments) either.

Someone in this thread mentioned how a guy she liked didn't like her back but when she saw him next he was with a light-skinned girl. I have had guys that I liked and they didn't like me and chose someone darker-skinned but I wouldn't automatically assume it was a colorism issue.

I just think people shouldn't be so quick to assume that the grass is always greener unless you have experienced the other side.

Oh yeah...hehehe...that was me. :look:

To tell you the truth, I usually wouldn't assume that just because a guy went for a lighter-skinned girl that it was due to a colorism issue. But in THIS particular case with THIS particular guy friend of mine, I know almost for a fact that it was a colorism/self-hate issue. I have heard comments that he has made just in passing. Nothing so extreme as how he wouldn't date a "darker girl" or "you're pretty for a dark-skinned girl". But more so along the lines of how he doesn't like his OWN dark skin, thinks it's ugly, and how he would only mention how girls who were mixed of a certain race were "pretty", etc. It just goes on and on.

And to tell you the truth, in the beginning I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I really didn't want to believe that he was like a lot of other black guys out here who have a hang up on skin color/tone. But the more and more I got to know him and opened up my eyes, and saw a "pattern" in the girls he liked/would give attention to, it just became more and more evident that he had a "preference". I finally started to put two and two together.

Plus, couple that with the fact that he wouldn't even give me the time of day (not saying that he HAD to), but the fact that he wouldn't even entertain the "idea" of me when I figure that I'm just as pretty, smart (if not smarter), nice, and with a good personality (if not MORE so) than the girls he was/is interested in also let me know that it was a specific preference thing. It just makes me mad just thinking about it. :mad: Call it my imagination or whatever, but I know what I experienced, and even if a guy doesn't like you "like that", he's not going to run away from you just because you like him and he doesn't feel the same way. If anything in the least he'd be flattered.

But this guy?? Oh no... It was almost like he wanted to make SURE he gave me the impression that he wasn't ever entertaining the idea of liking me romantically. Almost like for him the brown/darker girls are good for "friends only", but the lighter-skinned girls are good for "girlfriend" material. :nono: It really is a shame that this belief has passed on for so long down the generations.
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I can't stand that! Many men AND women say they want their kids to have "good hair" or light colored eyes and what not.

To me, they come out looking worse than if they had just stuck to their own color spectrum. When i hear people say things like that i just back away and decide that they are just to ignorant to continue to have a conversation with.
I'll keep my comments to myself, except to say some might not understand where you are coming from, so you are going to receive the "I don't see the big deal" comments. Seems familiar? Its just like a white person saying I don't see why Blacks are so I hear you. You can see how backwards some are and I am not talking about just about light versus dark. You will have a light person who can build up your darkskin and be rejected by someone of your own complexion. What I am talking about is as a whole and the root. You see it on this board. You see how we just uplift anything that is "less black looking". Look at all the Kim K post that is floating around of how BEAUTIFUL she is? If this is the case then we shouldn't frown when we see brothers being with a Kim K. Just like reading the post on Dijimon Houson. Why call him Amistad? Like this is his mascot name! We are worse than white people when they give us the name "boy"! IMHO, I just think as a whole we are screwed.

I don't take issue wih interracial dating (or dating light/dark dark/light) as long as you are doing it out of love not just because they don't look black or your babies are gonna not look black. I used to get a little miffed about constantly seeing black men and white woman but then I had to remind myself and accept the fact that not all black men in relationships outside their race are out to diss black women( people are attrated to who they like I just don't like how folks try to make it seem like that's all black men like). It's easy to get caught up in media drama but as a black woman I know there are many black people with issues and they go out side their race to lighten up babies or because of self hatred. I'm no fool and their aren't that many black people out there that can say they are ignorant of the whole situation, that's just bs and denial.

And I am so tired of the whole "white women are black mens kryptonite" joke. That's insulting to black men and women.
Other races experience colorism. Asians do (Remember Anchal on ANTM?), and so do Hispanics (think about the fact that all Dominican ladies relax their hair no matter the texture).

You are right, there are exceptions but as a whole who has ever heard of a white person being treated badly by other white people because they are to pale.
I think that all of us on here rrealize that there is an issue but many want to present that their sides of the story are not what some may think. Just because you are getting comments like "you're pretty for a dark-skinned girl" doesn't mean that light-skinned girls are getting tons of compliments (or rather back-handed compliments) either.

Someone in this thread mentioned how a guy she liked didn't like her back but when she saw him next he was with a light-skinned girl. I have had guys that I liked and they didn't like me and chose someone darker-skinned but I wouldn't automatically assume it was a colorism issue.

I just think people shouldn't be so quick to assume that the grass is always greener unless you have experienced the other side.

The bottom line for me when it comes to light skin and relationships is women are women and men are men. Being picked out from a crowd by a bastard man because you stand out more isnt going to stop that man being a bastard:blush:

Im sure there are some *****y young women who think all things in life can be solved by being fair skinned but Im hoping the majority of women on LCHF can see that total bs. I dont live in US but it sounds a lot more complex and rough:ohwell:.

** Im hoping people were just talking about preferences and not trying to say the grass is greener. Right now as someone said earlier light skinned sells to Black men and White men. Everyone is individual of course but overall thats the truth with young Black men, Its not something that affects my day to day life but I do worry about young kids.
People have preferences. They do with other things, and this is no exception. Honestly, I think this subject is blown up to be more than what it really is. Mostly because the images we see on tv seem to perpetuate it more. But in actuality, for every man that prefers lightskinned women, I'm almost certain there's another that loves the brown girls. I mean, I have not seen a shortage of brown or darker skinned babies yet.... So what does that tell you?
I agree, nothing wise at all about him. sorry! And I could also provide many accounts of guys who have stated that they prefer dark-skinned or brown-skinned ladies, my brother only dates dark-skinned ladies. A group of guys in college proceeded to tell me and my sis that light-skinned ladies were hoes and "easy".

Some men are soooooooooo stupid. I wouldn’t have even given these fools the dignity of my time! Ugh!
You are right, there are exceptions but as a whole who has ever heard of a white person being treated badly by other white people because they are to pale.

They're probably the only ones who don't do it. At least not in the US. I take that back, they just use other things. It make not be the same magnitude as dark skin/light skin/good hair/black hair is for us. But what about Blonde hair, blue eyes, the whole idea of the Aryan race, ethnic origins (Immigrants were discriminated when they first came here but now they've assimilated into white culture). But those are things that can be changed. You can dye your hair or get contacts. We can't change our complexions.
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:amen::thankyou::thatsall: I know that these threads are always painful for some, because some have been “put through the ringer.” At the same time, I feel that for some these threads have been healing, b/c people realize they weren’t the only one mistreated for being dark-skinned or light-skinned. It’s always comforting to find out that you are not alone. I have learned a lot listening to you ladies’ stories about your experiences. And even though I’m not a parent yet, someday I will be, and these experiences will help me educate my future children!
I think that all of us on here rrealize that there is an issue but many want to present that their sides of the story are not what some may think. Just because you are getting comments like "you're pretty for a dark-skinned girl" doesn't mean that light-skinned girls are getting tons of compliments (or rather back-handed compliments) either.

Someone in this thread mentioned how a guy she liked didn't like her back but when she saw him next he was with a light-skinned girl. I have had guys that I liked and they didn't like me and chose someone darker-skinned but I wouldn't automatically assume it was a colorism issue.

I just think people shouldn't be so quick to assume that the grass is always greener unless you have experienced the other side.
I'll keep my comments to myself, except to say some might not understand where you are coming from, so you are going to receive the "I don't see the big deal" comments. Seems familiar? Its just like a white person saying I don't see why Blacks are so I hear you. You can see how backwards some are and I am not talking about just about light versus dark. You will have a light person who can build up your darkskin and be rejected by someone of your own complexion. What I am talking about is as a whole and the root. You see it on this board. You see how we just uplift anything that is "less black looking". Look at all the Kim K post that is floating around of how BEAUTIFUL she is? If this is the case then we shouldn't frown when we see brothers being with a Kim K. Just like reading the post on Dijimon Houson. Why call him Amistad? Like this is his mascot name! We are worse than white people when they give us the name "boy"! IMHO, I just think as a whole we are screwed.

I totally agree with you and I know exactly where you are coming from. I think a lot of this is very subconscious for some people. I remember a few months ago, a pic of 50 Cent with his baby mama, and someone said “she looks regular.” And this was followed by several posts that said she looks “so regular” “so average,” etc. And someone on the board said “does she look regular b/c she doesn’t look mixed, etc.” And the thread turned heated. However, I think SOME (and I say some) people subconsciously do this. I think some people aren’t even aware of what they are doing. BTW, 50’s baby mama was brown/deep brown and slightly heavyset (or “thick” as some would call it). You couldn’t really see how tall she was b/c she was sitting down!
I am tired of hearing "oh but there are brothers out there who love your type" my issue with that is very soon, the few out there who do "like your type" will be fought over and rare.

On another note. I not against anyone's hue, but it is a sad day when you have to hear a brother say I love me some black women. One would think he should already love black women, but with the growing numbers of black men wanting non-black women.....

Also does anyone know if this a huge problem in Dallas Tx? If I remember correctly I think it was on here, that someone said that the men out there prefer Light skinned women. Now I am a pretty deep brown and my main purpose of moving to Dallas is to find a husband, because I hear the men there are into marriage, but I don't want my color to be an issue.
Maybe women should stop raising their sons to believe anything other than dark is better. Most times it starts at home.
You are right, there are exceptions but as a whole who has ever heard of a white person being treated badly by other white people because they are to pale.

It happened to my colleague. She is very fair and blond, like most Swedes, and she was teaching some people from Central Europe. They asked her to please not stand under the light/lamp because she's so pale they couldn't see her :huh: They told her that her features are too weak etc and gave her make up as a parting gift. That's like someone telling a dark skinned black person not to stand in the dark, because "we can't see you". That is colorism too...
They're probably the only ones who don't do it. At least not in the US. I take that back, they just use other things. It make not be the same magnitude as dark skin/light skin/good hair/black hair is for us. But what about Blonde hair, blue eyes, the whole idea of the Aryan race, ethnic origins (Immigrants were discriminated when they first came here but now they've assimilated into white culture). But those are things that can be changed. You can dye your hair or get contacts. We can't change our complexions.

This is the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth! My mom told me this when I was young about white people having the same issues (blonde/blue eyes). Have you all ever noticed when a celebrity (including Jessica Alba, Beyonce and JLO) comes out with darker hair and eyes? They are called “cute” “adorable” and “girl next door beauty.” As soon as they get that blonde hair, they become “smoking” “smoldering” “gorgeous” Their face hasn’t changed, so how did they become soooooo much more attractive? Same thing when a celeb that has short hair grows it long (Madonna, Halle Berry, Kelly Rowland). When Jessica Alba came out, she had dark hair and darker eyes. Now she has been blonde and light brown hair, and she was always beautiful, but now she’s in a different category of beauty. Same with Beyonce and the long wigs/weave. Same with Jessica Simpson and the bleach blonde hair (yeah, it’s dyed too). And there’s nothing wrong with this, but it’s just interesting to see. Then you have natural blondes who are just naturally pretty, like Charlize Theron and Reese Witherspoon (oops my bad, Reese is actually naturally brunette, and has been getting her hair dyed since childhood for pageants/debutantes:eek:--even her mother confirmed this)!

Oh, and Jewish people (Italians) have been getting nose jobs for centuries. My favorite example of this is Marilyn Monroe (and all my friends, who I can’t post their pics online:eek::look:)


Marilyn's Cosmetic Surgery
Prior to the shooting of Ladies of the Chorus, (1948) Dr. Walter Taylor, an orthodontist specializing in cosmetic surgery, fixed her front teeth, which protruded slightly.
In 1950, Johnny Hyde arranged for her to have her nose and chin surgically perfected. The details are unknown.
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Maybe women should stop raising their sons to believe anything other than dark is better. Most times it starts at home.

I agree. :yep:

And not only that, but I think that we as black people in general can sometimes unknowingly create a "preference" in the minds of our children just based on some of the things we say or the comments we may make about a particular skin tone/hair texture/etc.

Sometimes we may think that we're just joking when we call someone "blacker than coal", or joke about "kinky hair", or even when we praise a child that has more european features but yet say little/next to nothing about a darker child. :ohwell: But in all honesty, children pick up on a lot of stuff. Parents don't have to be so blatant about their own preferences in order for children to pick up on them.

My own mom was talking just the other day in front of my sister and said something like: "This is my chocolate baby" and gave her a big hug. (My sister is darker than my mother and I) She meant it as a term of endearment, but just that comment alone gave me a funny feeling, and I could tell that my sister didn't really appreciate it that much (it's like...why bring attention to skin tone at all??), but see it's little comments like these that can cause children to grow up with a complex or self-hate issues. :nono:

Another prime example is when people are so quick to admit/state how they have white/hispanic/indian/some european in their blood, but yet won't state the obvious about how they have some African in their blood lines. Umm...all of us have some African in our blood-lines, yet very few will just outright state this. :nono:

*sigh* It's going to take a long time for these preferences to be completely erradicated from our human race. :(
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Oh yeah...hehehe...that was me. :look:

To tell you the truth, I usually wouldn't assume that just because a guy went for a lighter-skinned girl that it was due to a colorism issue. But in THIS particular case with THIS particular guy friend of mine, I know almost for a fact that it was a colorism/self-hate issue. I have heard comments that he has made just in passing. Nothing so extreme as how he wouldn't date a "darker girl" or "you're pretty for a dark-skinned girl". But more so along the lines of how he doesn't like his OWN dark skin, thinks it's ugly, and how he would only mention how girls who were mixed of a certain race were "pretty", etc. It just goes on and on.

And to tell you the truth, in the beginning I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I really didn't want to believe that he was like a lot of other black guys out here who have a hang up on skin color/tone. But the more and more I got to know him and opened up my eyes, and saw a "pattern" in the girls he liked/would give attention to, it just became more and more evident that he had a "preference". I finally started to put two and two together.

Plus, couple that with the fact that he wouldn't even give me the time of day (not saying that he HAD to), but the fact that he wouldn't even entertain the "idea" of me when I figure that I'm just as pretty, smart (if not smarter), nice, and with a good personality (if not MORE so) than the girls he was/is interested in also let me know that it was a specific preference thing. It just makes me mad just thinking about it. :mad: Call it my imagination or whatever, but I know what I experienced, and even if a guy doesn't like you "like that", he's not going to run away from you just because you like him and he doesn't feel the same way. If anything in the least he'd be flattered.

But this guy?? Oh no... It was almost like he wanted to make SURE he gave me the impression that he wasn't ever entertaining the idea of liking me romantically. Almost like for him the brown/darker girls are good for "friends only", but the lighter-skinned girls are good for "girlfriend" material. :nono: It really is a shame that this belief has passed on for so long down the generations.

I can see where you are coming from. I guess I have experienced the opposite so maybe it was reverse colorism :spinning: I remember being very embarrassed in about the 3rd grade when two cuties at a party said my sis and I were too pale and he liked girls with color :rolleyes: I had this happen numerous times :lol: I guess it comes to a point of when it is a preference and when it is colorism. But I do see that there is a def issue in this country with colorism and I don't believe it is going away anytime soon. It is too ingrained in many of our belief systems, just like racism in this country.
But, as to the OP, I have had friends of all colors and my darker-skinned friends never had any issues finding men :yep: :)
From what I read, I beg to differ (no disrepect to you SweetNic):).

I wish I could list off convos I have had with men who have said that all they care about is if she is pretty period..but there would be too many to post.

My thoughts exactly...he sound like an disrespect to you SweetNic.