Do you find Asian men sexually attractive?

In General, Do You Find Asian Men Sexually Attractive?

  • Yes, love 'em!!

    Votes: 134 15.2%
  • Yes, but not my first preference

    Votes: 258 29.4%
  • No

    Votes: 374 42.5%
  • Never thought about it

    Votes: 113 12.9%

  • Total voters
I dont see the point in being attracted to men who typically are discouraged and openly expressed NOT being attracted to black women. :ohwell: Doesn't it feel like a waste of time? It seems much more blatant in their culture to not like dark skin. INSTANT turn off for me. Can't even feign attraction.

Not being snarky in any way, but what do you mean by this? Not all non-black men are alike. Just because some may be discouraged doesn't mean all of them are. Heck there are even black men who express not being attracted to black women.
I think SOME asian men are attractive, but not to date. I know their families are prejudice against dark skin so dating one is a no no for me. You marry a person & their family. Marriage is hard enough without adding racist family members to the mix
I have caught yellow fever lately, lol. I've been highly attracted to them. It must have to do with my addiction to Asian drama
Not being snarky in any way, but what do you mean by this? Not all non-black men are alike. Just because some may be discouraged doesn't mean all of them are. Heck there are even black men who express not being attracted to black women.
What I mean is their culture does not allow for liking black people, many people are isolated from blacks and are very racist (unabashedly), like pre-civil rights movement racist. My Japanese friend confirmed it in a conversation I had with him about race. It's a fact of life in their culture. Asians are conditioned to like light skin and white features. African people are the opposite of whites. Im sure there are americanized people who dont mind, but believe it or not they are heavily discouraged from marrying black women because many assume they have low social and economic status. I've read and heard some nasty comments from asian men about black women. even if the guy does likes black women, his parents, who are more likely than not first generation immigrants do not like black americans, their looks, or their culture, so he may have a hard time committing to you because parental acceptance is a strong contributor to what the children will do. I just see a lot of obstacles to overcome.
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Went to a Filipino party the other night and a few of the men were :lick: lord ha' mercy fine, 1 or 2 of them. The one I particularly remember looked Japanese-ish, tall, nicely built, gorgeous, nice "swagger". :lick: Mmmh good
Hell yeah. My ex was chinese and I never had a problem with his family. His mother kept asking when we were going to get married. lol
I met the sexiest asian man today. I think he was Korean. He was really handsome. Just very masculine and sturdy. I think this is the first asian man that I've ever been attracted to like that.
isnt the bottom line that they're just MEN!!??
Like men of any other ethnicity some will be hot, some so so and others unnatractive...its just humanity.

Exactly:yep: I find attractive men to be attractive, black, white, Asian etc. When a guy is hot he's hot. Ethnicity or race has nothing to do with it.

That being said, i find some Asian men to be very, very attractive.

I recall kissing an Asian guy (he was Hmong) in college once, it was quite....nice:look:, i'll leave it right there:lol::lol:
Yes, some of them are very handsome. But Asian's are like blacks we come from all over and our appearances range. South Asians, Eastern etc. My only issue is that the first Asian guy I ever slept with had a penis the size of a baby's d*ck and it kind of put me off. It was so small that we couldn't physically have sex because it was just too tiny and pointless. Of course sizes range but he wasn't quite convincing lol.

And the guy from Skull a reggae singer (below) mmmmm...

I would date an asian man but it really wouldn't be my first choice. I can think asian men are attractive and still wouldn't really be chasing him down to date him.
I do now, LOL. My potential SO is Vietnamese. But I wasn't really checking for Asian men like that. It just kinda worked out this way. I answered in that poll a long time ago as not a preference, but now I'd look twice.
I find asian men VERY attractive, since i was a kid, i wanted to get married to one. God made my dream a reality when he send me my Husband.
YUP! I would date an asian if he meets my qualifications. I am partial to Japanese men....don't know why!
I have to take back what I said earlier in the thread. I've come across a few that have caught my eye. But I have to say specifically its he yellow south east asians like Filipinos or some of the tan/yellow Hawaiians.
Its hard for me to find racists attractive. Sorry that is mean but Asians................oh my God. They are undercover racists!
Its hard for me to find racists attractive. Sorry that is mean but Asians................oh my God. They are undercover racists!

whoaaahhhh......what is your deal???!!:blush:

fyi everybody is a little racist/ can't just isolate a whole race....that is just ignorant and silly.....smdh...:nono:
Its hard for me to find racists attractive. Sorry that is mean but Asians................oh my God. They are undercover racists!

word all Asians are racist? :shocked: well I am shocked!

Hmm anyway what i'm hearing you saying is you're asexual Brighteyes35?

I've been attracted to asian men/boys since i was 6? When i met my crush Bobby, I was in ~love~ with him for 6 years. :lol:
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I kinda feel sorry when I hear so many black women confess their attraction for Asian men yet so few Asian men feel the same. I had a girl that was apart of some yahoo chat group that was dedicated to Asian men and black women who are attracted to each other. She kept pushing me to check it out so I did. When I went in I was like well where the heck are all the Asian men? The place was crawling with hundreds of black women but there were like no more than 10 Asian men. I was like wow.................this is sad!! All I'm saying is be careful, very careful!

I've dated plenty of Asian men. I'm well aware of how they feel about black women.

but you haven't dated all of them. :/ So you can't just make a statement that they are all like that. I mean the ladies that married asian men on this board, are you saying that their hubby's secretly think they're crap?

I can understand since all the asian men you've dated have been racist and you no longer what to date any. I just don't think you can say definitively that they are all like that.
I kinda feel sorry when I hear so many black women confess their attraction for Asian men yet so few Asian men feel the same. I had a girl that was apart of some yahoo chat group that was dedicated to Asian men and black women who are attracted to each other. She kept pushing me to check it out so I did. When I went in I was like well where the heck are all the Asian men? The place was crawling with hundreds of black women but there were like no more than 10 Asian men. I was like wow.................this is sad!! All I'm saying is be careful, very careful!
You're acting like there are no Asian man/Black woman pairings anywhere. I know of many AM/BW couples who are married, with kids or heading in that direction. You don't know how many Asian men are interested/not interested in black women because you don't know every single Asian male in the world. Maybe Asian men aren't as vocal about their attraction to black women as the reverse but I've had a handful of Asian men tell me they're interested in black women but they don't think black women would reciprocate so they keep quiet.:look: Also it's not like Asian men are exempt from being open and seeing the person on the inside instead of just color.