Black men and light skinned women

People have preferences. They do with other things, and this is no exception. Honestly, I think this subject is blown up to be more than what it really is. Mostly because the images we see on tv seem to perpetuate it more. But in actuality, for every man that prefers lightskinned women, I'm almost certain there's another that loves the brown girls. I mean, I have not seen a shortage of brown or darker skinned babies yet.... So what does that tell you?

That's because you can't control your genes.:grin: Folks think if they have a baby by fill in the blank than the baby will fill in the blank come out a certain way. It doesn't always happen that way. My son's father is fair skin and I am dark skin. My son has a very light complexion like his dad. My son's father wanted darker kids because he caught hell as a child. He didn't get his wish with his first born.
That's because you can't control your genes.:grin: Folks think if they have a baby by fill in the blank than the baby will fill in the blank come out a certain way. It doesn't always happen that way. My son's father is fair skin and I am dark skin. My son has a very light complexion like his dad. My son's father wanted darker kids because he caught hell as a child. He didn't get his wish with his first born.

This is very true. I’ve known biracial Black and white children that come out brown skin, and don’t even look stereotypically “mixed”
That's because you can't control your genes.:grin: Folks think if they have a baby by fill in the blank than the baby will fill in the blank come out a certain way. It doesn't always happen that way. My son's father is fair skin and I am dark skin. My son has a very light complexion like his dad. My son's father wanted darker kids because he caught hell as a child. He didn't get his wish with his first born.

I agree with this. My FIL married and had children with a white woman. The son is dark. His daughter came out light, blue eyes, 4z hair. I know that's not what he intended. He's now on his second white wife.

My BIL is also on his second white wife. All the kids except one is dark. I know they have strong genes.
You know, a lot of men will say, all they want is a pretty women, but being a woman that's considered "light skin" and I really dont view myself as being light skin, I've heard my share of ignorant comments regards to complexion. Sometimes, some men feel that it's only to say certain things because you don't fall into that criteria their "downing"

I just don't get it in the black/hispanic community. Why do we have this huge complex on complexion. I'm light, my mom is dark, one of my brothers is inbetween, got some cousins relatives that's very dark, some white. Just be glad that your alive and healthy.

There's more important things in the world that should be addressed and a cause for concern than something you cannot change. And I'm getting sick and tired of seeing my sisters, black (west indian included) and hispanic damage their skin with these bleaching cremes. It's not that serious.
I agree with this. My FIL married and had children with a white woman. The son is dark. His daughter came out light, blue eyes, 4z hair. I know that's not what he intended. He's now on his second white wife.

My BIL is also on his second white wife. All the kids except one is dark. I know they have strong genes.

I know you didn’t mean this to be funny Dlewis, but:funny:
You know, a lot of men will say, all they want is a pretty women, but being a woman that's considered "light skin" and I really dont view myself as being light skin, I've heard my share of ignorant comments regards to complexion. Sometimes, some men feel that it's only to say certain things because you don't fall into that criteria their "downing"

I just don't get it in the black/hispanic community. Why do we have this huge complex on complexion. I'm light, my mom is dark, one of my brothers is inbetween, got some cousins relatives that's very dark, some white. Just be glad that your alive and healthy.

There's more important things in the world that should be addressed and a cause for concern than something you cannot change. And I'm getting sick and tired of seeing my sisters, black (west indian included) and hispanic damage their skin with these bleaching cremes. It's not that serious.

:yep: It’s very unfortunate that it gets that bad for some(your bolded)!
This study examines the effects of the complexion of African American children in television commercials on the self-perception of African American children. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted. A total of 347 commercials were examined from Saturday morning television programming on broadcast stations in the Lynchburg, Virginia area during March 2007. The results of the quantitative analysis found a lack of darker complexion African American females in the pre-recorded commercials. A qualitative analysis was conducted with focus groups of African American children ages 6-10 who were asked questions after viewing 8 to 10 of the pre-recorded commercials from the Saturday morning programming to determine their perceptions of the varying skin complexion of children in the commercials. The qualitative analysis results were inconclusive regarding skin complexion preference, but noteworthy information was found for future research, including the children noticing the roles given to the African American children in the commercials.
One of my friends (AA male) were telling me that men look at fingertips and toes to tell if a woman is light-skinned. If her fingertips or toes are pink, then she is light-skinned. If they are dark, then she wouldn't classify. Needless to say... I'm never wearing open-toe shoes again. I don't want nobody eyeing up my feetsies.:sad::lachen:
One of my friends (AA male) were telling me that men look at fingertips and toes to tell if a woman is light-skinned. If her fingertips or toes are pink, then she is light-skinned. If they are dark, then she wouldn't classify. Needless to say... I'm never wearing open-toe shoes again. I don't want nobody eyeing up my feetsies.:sad::lachen:

That's new...So now there is a tipsies and toesies test....:lol: ok.
That's new...So now there is a tipsies and toesies test....:lol: ok.

I've heard of people doing this when a baby is born (checking the ears, between the toes and fingers to see how much "darker" a baby is going to get). Thank God I didn't grow up in a family like this!!!!!!!!!!! Let's hope I can recreate that with the family I have of my own!
One of my friends (AA male) were telling me that men look at fingertips and toes to tell if a woman is light-skinned. If her fingertips or toes are pink, then she is light-skinned. If they are dark, then she wouldn't classify. Needless to say... I'm never wearing open-toe shoes again. I don't want nobody eyeing up my feetsies.:sad::lachen:

Wow, no longer the paperbag test, now the pink finger tip/nose test lol. What will they think of next
Perhaps I'm in the minority, I know the statistics say blah blah blah, and mulatto slaves generally sold for a lot more than pure black slaves......BUT

I personally do not have ANY hang ups about my color or anyone else's....light, dark, whatever. I've never felt I was in direct competition with anyone light or dark or that anyone's complexion gave them more advantages than me. I have my own special set of blessings to be thankful for and I'm not hating on anyone else's, whatever they may be!

Light women take crap; dark women take crap; fat women take crap; skinny women take crap; short women take crap; tall women take crap; ugly women take crap; pretty women take crap; dumb women take crap; smart women take crap.....:blah::blah::blah:

Stop comparing yourself to other people and focus on you and yours. The grass always looks greener somewhere else. All you can do is make sure you are sowing your seeds, and mowing and fertilizing your pasture to the best of your ability.:up:

You were able to capture my exact thought on the matter. I like your post. ::Back to lurk mode::
One of my friends (AA male) were telling me that men look at fingertips and toes to tell if a woman is light-skinned. If her fingertips or toes are pink, then she is light-skinned. If they are dark, then she wouldn't classify. Needless to say... I'm never wearing open-toe shoes again. I don't want nobody eyeing up my feetsies.:sad::lachen:

Haha! :lol: Whaaa??

I don't get it...they can't tell just by looking at these women whether they are light-skinned or not?? We have to resort to looking at finger tips (whatever that means) and toes in order to see if people "classify"??

Wow... :nono: How sad...
I agree with whoever said that, if you focus on "all black men want light/white women", this will be your experience- all you will notice is what I previously posted.

I have known too many brown to darker complected women who have more than enough men climbing the walls for them, to agree that "all" black men prefer lighter women. I am considered light complected by most ppl, as a sidenote. If you believe you are inferior, you will be, point blank.
I agree with whoever said that, if you focus on "all black men want light/white women", this will be your experience- all you will notice is what I previously posted.

I have known too many brown to darker complected women who have more than enough men climbing the walls for them, to agree that "all" black men prefer lighter women. I am considered light complected by most ppl, as a sidenote. If you believe you are inferior, you will be, point blank.

Wow, good quote! :up: I need to get in that mind-set 100%. :yep: That's really deep.... :scratchch
I've heard of people doing this when a baby is born (checking the ears, between the toes and fingers to see how much "darker" a baby is going to get). Thank God I didn't grow up in a family like this!!!!!!!!!!! Let's hope I can recreate that with the family I have of my own!

My mom and my sister did this to my first born son. I was livid! Both my mom and my sisters are light skinned. I grew up amid tons of comments from people about my being the only dark skinned one in the family. One even went so far as to laugh and tell me I had to have been adopted. I did go thru a period of self hate during puberty but it was due to my very own sisters doing things like primping in front of the mirror and oohing and ahhing over themselves and then having the nerve to look at me and say "I bet you wish our dad had been yours huh?"

As for black men and light skinned women, I've been treated to many a times when a man with a light skinned or white woman would practically demand I look at him and when I do I get the "yeah, thats right" snub...For what???? Whatever...Then again theres been a few times when right after I get the snub, my hubby will appear with the kids and the "yeah, thats right" immediatly turns into a "what the h***!" and I get a snear.:nono:
My mom and my sister did this to my first born son. I was livid! Both my mom and my sisters are light skinned. I grew up amid tons of comments from people about my being the only dark skinned one in the family. One even went so far as to laugh and tell me I had to have been adopted. I did go thru a period of self hate during puberty but it was due to my very own sisters doing things like primping in front of the mirror and oohing and ahhing over themselves and then having the nerve to look at me and say "I bet you wish our dad had been yours huh?"

As for black men and light skinned women, I've been treated to many a times when a man with a light skinned or white woman would practically demand I look at him and when I do I get the "yeah, thats right" snub...For what???? Whatever...Then again theres been a few times when right after I get the snub, my hubby will appear with the kids and the "yeah, thats right" immediatly turns into a "what the h***!" and I get a snear.:nono:

Women can be awful.
I know that the grass is not always greener on the other side, and I'm sure a lot of times even our lighter-skinned sisters go through a LOT of hate issues and backlash also. So, it's not really "easy" for anyone. Is it easier for some than others?? Probably. But it's not completely "easy" for anyone.
For the most part I agree with the points you made, Crystalicequeen123.

One of our members had unpleasant comments posted on her Fotki about her not being "really black" because she is light-skinned with type 3 hair, so "stop showing off". I, on the other hand have been told that I'm "not pretty, just have long hair". OK... :rolleyes: In sum, it's probably not easier for either light- or dark-skinned women. Claiming otherwise is where people's feelings get hurt, because unless someone has been both light and dark we can't know how the other side feels.

At the end of the day all we can do is raise our children to not perpetuate this foolishness and call out friends and family when we hear them chatting nonsense.
I agree with whoever said that, if you focus on "all black men want light/white women", this will be your experience- all you will notice is what I previously posted.

I have known too many brown to darker complected women who have more than enough men climbing the walls for them, to agree that "all" black men prefer lighter women. I am considered light complected by most ppl, as a sidenote. If you believe you are inferior, you will be, point blank.

:yep: to your bolded points.
:eek: to your red bolded! I'm so sorry you had to go through this, and :clap::lol: to your bolded! Sadly, some of these guys that parade around with white women hate to see Black women with white men!
My mom and my sister did this to my first born son. I was livid! Both my mom and my sisters are light skinned. I grew up amid tons of comments from people about my being the only dark skinned one in the family. One even went so far as to laugh and tell me I had to have been adopted. I did go thru a period of self hate during puberty but it was due to my very own sisters doing things like primping in front of the mirror and oohing and ahhing over themselves and then having the nerve to look at me and say "I bet you wish our dad had been yours huh?"
As for black men and light skinned women, I've been treated to many a times when a man with a light skinned or white woman would practically demand I look at him and when I do I get the "yeah, thats right" snub...For what???? Whatever...Then again theres been a few times when right after I get the snub, my hubby will appear with the kids and the "yeah, thats right" immediatly turns into a "what the h***!" and I get a snear.:nono: