Black men and light skinned women

Perhaps I'm in the minority, I know the statistics say blah blah blah, and mulatto slaves generally sold for a lot more than pure black slaves......BUT

I personally do not have ANY hang ups about my color or anyone else's....light, dark, whatever. I've never felt I was in direct competition with anyone light or dark or that anyone's complexion gave them more advantages than me. I have my own special set of blessings to be thankful for and I'm not hating on anyone else's, whatever they may be!

Light women take crap; dark women take crap; fat women take crap; skinny women take crap; short women take crap; tall women take crap; ugly women take crap; pretty women take crap; dumb women take crap; smart women take crap.....:blah::blah::blah:

Stop comparing yourself to other people and focus on you and yours. The grass always looks greener somewhere else. All you can do is make sure you are sowing your seeds, and mowing and fertilizing your pasture to the best of your ability.:up:

and that's all folkz. Now let's move on.:yep:
POINT BLANK those of you all tripping over the light skinned/dark skinned thing NEED TO GET SOME ESTEEM and some BUSINESS! FOR REAL!

How trite is this topic and how trifling is it to hear beautiful black women in all shades cherry pick and nit pick over this silly thing! Are there black men who prefer light women - OF COURSE! Are there black women who prefer dark men - OF COURSE but ain't no one tripping over that. No one tripping when comedians joke about light-skinned brothers being out of style and other such funny comments.

If a brother ain't checking for you - SO WHAT! He ain't the last man on Earth - GO FIND SOMEONE ELSE!

I am brown and the product of a very dark mother and light skinned (hispanic) father - now what? And all 3 of his wives were dark BLACK WOMEN! He's divorced from them all and now only checks on puerto rican and dominican women who speak Spanish - now what?

Get a life and get over it already.
And let the church say AMEN!!!!!

People need to stop worrying what others are doing and handle their own business! Can't compare your blessings to someone else's. What God has for you is for you!

Perhaps I'm in the minority, I know the statistics say blah blah blah, and mulatto slaves generally sold for a lot more than pure black slaves......BUT

I personally do not have ANY hang ups about my color or anyone else's....light, dark, whatever. I've never felt I was in direct competition with anyone light or dark or that anyone's complexion gave them more advantages than me. I have my own special set of blessings to be thankful for and I'm not hating on anyone else's, whatever they may be!

Light women take crap; dark women take crap; fat women take crap; skinny women take crap; short women take crap; tall women take crap; ugly women take crap; pretty women take crap; dumb women take crap; smart women take crap.....:blah::blah::blah:

Stop comparing yourself to other people and focus on you and yours. The grass always looks greener somewhere else. All you can do is make sure you are sowing your seeds, and mowing and fertilizing your pasture to the best of your ability.:up:
I can understand that having a man tell you he doesn't want you for xyz reason that you can't control could be hurtful. I'm a very tiny girl and have had men say they wouldn't date me because I'm too small. I once walked by a group of guys who were like hey would you date someone like that and the guy was oh noo she's way to small. Of course I had a man at the time, but it still hurt. And YES, I have great self esteem. For the most part I think my small frame is quite sexy. And I do get the fuller women telling me I better not ever utter a complaint about my size, still everything in life is relative.

I agree with the ladies though, the best thing to do is just to love yourself for who you are and realize that there are men out here who love women of all shades.
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2 of my friends had a huge falling out and almost came to blows. It just so happens that a lot of men I dated were lightskin, not on purpose. Over and over my friend would say she only dates darkskinned guys and she don't like lightskin men...fine whatever good for her, hoot more 4 me..I don't discriminate.
anyway.. one night we are eating dinner and all of a sudden they ganging up on me telling me I'm never going to find a real man because all I date is lightskin men and I'm wrong and thats why I was single. huh:confused:
they were single too w/ no good sometimy men:look:
I was mad because how is it alright for u to say u don't like light skin men and only date dark but turn around and accuse me of avoiding a shade color. hypocrisy is it not.
anyway don't really kno my point :lol:but that has bothered me all these years and just wanted to share. i almost stuck my fork in her neck that nite..seriously.
for the record i'm not light or dark..I'm brown ...from the boogie Down productions of course..okay let me stop.:lol::look:
i like men who look like Bryce.. and Hill..and Justin .........
I can understand that having a man tell you he doesn't want you for xyz reason that you can't control could be hurtful. I'm a very tiny girl and have had men say they wouldn't date me because I'm too small. I once walked by a group of guys who were like hey would you date someone like that and the guy was oh noo she's way to small. Of course I had a man at the time, but it still hurt. And YES, I have great self esteem. For the most part I think my small frame is quite sexy. And I do get the fuller women telling me I better not ever utter a complaint about my size, still everything in life is relative.

I agree with the ladies though, the best thing to do is just to love yourself for who you are and realize that there are men out here who love women of all shades.

lol.went thru that the majority of my life. Even had men tell me straight to my face, I'm to skinny for them. One dude broke up ith me because his friends kept teasing him about it. Or always had guys who say i don't like skinny girls but u are cute.:lol: at least u have great self esteem. i didn't. which made it really bad.
2 of my friends had a huge falling out and almost came to blows. It just so happens that a lot of men I dated were lightskin, not on purpose. Over and over my friend would say she only dates darkskinned guys and she don't like lightskin men...fine whatever good for her, hoot more 4 me..I don't discriminate.
anyway.. one night we are eating dinner and all of a sudden they ganging up on me telling me I'm never going to find a real man because all I date is lightskin men and I'm wrong and thats why I was single. huh:confused:
they were single too w/ no good sometimy men:look:
I was mad because how is it alright for u to say u don't like light skin men and only date dark but turn around and accuse me of avoiding a shade color. hypocrisy is it not.
anyway don't really kno my point :lol:but that has bothered me all these years and just wanted to share. i almost stuck my fork in her neck that nite..seriously.
for the record i'm not light or dark..I'm brown ...from the boogie Down productions of course..okay let me stop.:lol::look:
i like men who look like Bryce.. and Hill..and Justin .........

Did someone say Bryce? :thud:
Well, I am not light skinned and I have plenty of black men checking me out that you very much. :drunk:

This is so me. I have never had a problem getting a black man. Their always trying to talk to me....more then I would like.

My brother is light..pale almost and he ONLY dates dark ( I mean dark ) girls. He told me he wasn't attracted to light skin girls. Let a dark skin girl walk down the street with a nice round booty and my brother is all over her.

My little sister is light when my son was little he use to call her white:lachen:. All her boyfriends have to be Morris Chestnut color she swears by it.

I truly believe opposites attract. I am only concerned when someone feels you are unattractive because of your skin color, or you are being judged because of you skin color:nono:.
POINT BLANK those of you all tripping over the light skinned/dark skinned thing NEED TO GET SOME ESTEEM and some BUSINESS! FOR REAL!

How trite is this topic and how trifling is it to hear beautiful black women in all shades cherry pick and nit pick over this silly thing! Are there black men who prefer light women - OF COURSE! Are there black women who prefer dark men - OF COURSE but ain't no one tripping over that. No one tripping when comedians joke about light-skinned brothers being out of style and other such funny comments.

If a brother ain't checking for you - SO WHAT! He ain't the last man on Earth - GO FIND SOMEONE ELSE!

I am brown and the product of a very dark mother and light skinned (hispanic) father - now what? And all 3 of his wives were dark BLACK WOMEN! He's divorced from them all and now only checks on puerto rican and dominican women who speak Spanish - now what?

Get a life and get over it already.

Sorry CurleeD but posts like these are the reason in-fighting on threads start. Please tell me how your post was helpful in the discussion at all?


I personally feel this is a problem. As uplifted black people it is our duty to better the world not just walk around hollerin about how folks can do whatever they want! If someone was telling your child they weren't good enough cause they were to light you'd try to fix that right? Or if your male friend said I don't date yellow black girls cause I don't want yellow babies ( I'd hope it would be a problem to you or do you just let your friends get bopped on the head by abusive men because you can't be bothered)it would be a problem. Our kids have to grow up and live with these peoples children and as responsible adults we need to take up the resposibility of encouraging self love as much as we would encourage financial responsibility. So if you think the topic is trite and these bbw complaining about it is trifling then take your negativity else where because it is not needed!

If I'm reading you wrong then I apologize.

P.S I am married to a handsome black man with a beautiful baby boy so I ain't stuntin a man not looking my way or complaining about dark skinned men hittin on me cause I'm light, I DON'T CARE, I got mines and I hope you got yours.
Well, I am not light skinned and I have plenty of black men checking me out that you very much. :drunk:

You and me both HoneyDew. It seems like the majority of the men I attract are light skinned. Go figure? OP, it does happen and it's not something new. If people are still living in that ignorant frame of mind they need to wake up. It's 2007. I don't have time for ignorant, colorist people.
I thought you would be interested in hearing it from the black man's perspective. My best friend and I had this conversation about this very topic a few weeks ago. This is not our first time discussing this, but I always get heated about the blackmale blackwoman light/dark scenario.

Anyhow, here is the perspective of an intelligent, wise black man. I am always so disapointed, hurt, insulted when he comes out of his mouth with these things. It boils my blood -- truly!

Mind you, as with most of our convesations, we were talking about something else but switched you may not understand the first 2-3 lines.

me: LOL!
leave the lady alone
I think she is great
if she can put up with your crazy schedule
A_Black_Male: i keep her cause of psychology
she is light skinned
and for some reason
ever since i had a light skinned secretary
i get more business
me: L-O'
A_Black_Male: my PA is dark skinned though
me: really???
that's craZy
A_Black_Male: yes it like black men like alicia keys cream skin
me: Do you think the men are trying to get to her through doing business with you?
A_Black_Male: yes
but thats why i have hired her in the first place
she collects my money
twice as good as the dark ones
its like
they cant say no to light skin
very interesting
esp.. considering the darker ones are on average smarter than she is
me: that's so terrible
that reverse racism is prevalent
I didn' think it would be in Africa of all places ...Africa is the motherland
A_Black_Male: well
cream skin is nice to look at
speaking as a male
its not that darker is not better
but cream is yummy
i cnat explain it
u would need a sack wit two footballs to understand it
and a cue stick
me: I suppose that is your preference
I have dated light colored men
A_Black_Male: no
me: and yes, their skin was very nice
A_Black_Male: its not about preference
its about the truth
to the black man
me: so you say that is the rule?
A_Black_Male: caramel
is nice
its not that we prefere light skinned womne
me: but light skinned is better?
A_Black_Male: its just that light is nice to look at
not better
just nice to look at
me: I don't see the difference ...
A_Black_Male: think about it
me: you said caramel is nice...but cream is nice to look at
A_Black_Male: why is
me: that implies that cream negates caramel
A_Black_Male: that 99% of music videos
have light skinned girls
they are nice to look at
its not that it better
me: it's because of APPEALING to the white kids in the suburb
A_Black_Male: :O
me: you are crazy!
A_Black_Male: if y..o.u s.a.y.s.o.
i am a man
me: well you are not surprising me
A_Black_Male: i know what sells damn it
Woman i am in advertising
me: I always knew you prefered light/mixed girls
so it's not a surprise hearing this come from you.
A_Black_Male: my first cousin
me: it's always an interesting reality check though
A_Black_Male: is light skinned
she has no white in her
just a bit of arab like i do
but a lil lighter
just walking with her .. you get winks and stares
when i walk with my dark cousins
i dont get nada
ight girls are in fashion
next time
dark ones will e in fashion
me: Like I said
this isn't new coming from you
black men have this issue
it's funny
on the board there are often discussions about this
where many of the darker hued women
get tons of play from white, asian, hispanic etc
while the lighter ones catch the lightskilnned-loving , straight hair-loving black men
It's interesting...
I guess those men who are dark, think light is better
and those men who are light, think dark is better
Human psychology is interesting
A_Black_Male: they need our help to make their seeds darker
me: and you need the light woman's help to make your seeds whiter??
A_Black_Male: no
white is a reccessive gene
black genes are progressive
me: bs
A_Black_Male: did u do biology woman
me: I know my biology
but I have seen plenty of mixed black/white babies
and the baby shows a lot of white traits
so it's bs about the dominant/recessive traits
A_Black_Male: if u know ur biology so well
tell me which is more dominant
me: black men typically go after what looks opposite to them because they think it's status and because they want to erase the "African" part of them
A_Black_Male: the white or black gene?
me: there are women who do it to...
I mean, you can't blame people for wanting their children to "survive" in the yt man's world.
If you look at many American children, they look more and more mixed
it's hard finding a dark skinned, afro haired child.
A_Black_Male: you are not answering my ques
which is the dominant gene
black or white?
blue eyes
or brown eyes
me: ...I know my biology
A_Black_Male: which are dominant?
me: and yes the black gene is dominant
but at the same time,
A_Black_Male: dominant?
me: when a black person and a white person get together, the genes of both parents are expressed.
A_Black_Male: yes. but the black will be dominant
me: It's not like the black gene totally negates all the white stuff...else you won't have your little cream girls as you call it.
A_Black_Male: no
me: in your head it is
A_Black_Male: but the majority is black
me: but we see that the child expresses the traits of both parents
whatever the case is... u are missing my point
the black person seeks the light person to reduce the "African-ness"
in their offspring.
Ha, maybe I should follow the trend
and get with a non-black men
A_Black_Male: no
me: maybe my kids will be "better"
A_Black_Male: u are missing the whole point
it gets more deeper than that
but i have explained
the laws of attraction to u a billion times
me: what are u talking about?
A_Black_Male: never u mind
we will talk about this at home
me: okay
A_Black_Male: so b4 i sleep
talk to me
Edited to remove his name
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When I read these type thread I feel like I want to cry. It really sadens me. Being light ain't no picnic. Why is it when black women, I don't even know, that don't like me call me "Light skinned B!tch". Being light in the black community is a nono. So tell me what I'm suppose to do, it not like I'm going anywhere? I can't help my color just like every one else. But because I'm seen as this or that, I have to be teased and frowned upon. Do I think I'm all that? yes, but my color has nothing to do with it. I'm a beautiful person outside and inside. Who wouldn't want to be with me? We are here and someone has to want us.

Light skinned men tend to want the dark girls.

Don't normally chime in on these, BUT I feel you Dlewis. I been called all kinds of yellow b*tches from strangers and family alike for as long as I can remember. I even remember a friend whose parent told me "just because you lighter than my baby, don't think you ain't a n*gga like her with your yella self" and this was in elementary school!

Most of my girlfriends are beautiful, brown sisters so I never really got the light/dark thing in terms of light being more attractive. I think its interesting how I didnt choose to be light just as someone else didnt choose to be brown or dark, yet it's assumed that I got lucky somehow. I get it from all sides and its not a jealousy by any means, but moreso an assumption that I have it easy simply because of my complexion which is so far from the truth. At this point I just do me and let people think/feel what they want. I stopped carrying the burden and making it my issue a long time ago.
I have been trying to stay out of these threads but I just wanted to share my experiences.

As A light-skinned woman I feel people seem to think my life was somehow easier. There were people who liked to make me feel bad for being light and they were usually dark-skinned women. From the time I entered a majority black school, the women were merciless. I was called names and targeted frequently. I believe that these women were made to feel poorly by others for their skin color so they decided to lash out to anyone who was light. I think this made them feel better. The problem was, I was not the cause of the problem.
As an adult I still get referred to by my skin color and my size. I get comments like I got on here, that you are light and slim, etc. However, I am the single one and my friends are usually the ones in relationships so obviously their size and skin color haven't been all that detrimental.
Sure there are men who prefer light-skinned women but there are just as many that prefer dark-skinned women. As far as people and their comments, it goes both ways.
:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::blush::blush::blush: :perplexed:perplexed:wallbash:
I thought you would be interested in hearing it from the black man's perspective. My best friend and I had this conversation about this very topic a few weeks ago. This is not our first time discussing this, but I always get heated about the blackmale blackwoman light/dark scenario.

Anyhow, here is the perspective of an intelligent, wise black man. I am always so disapointed, hurt, insulted when he comes out of his mouth with these things. It boils my blood -- truly!

Mind you, as with most of our convesations, we were talking about something else but switched you may not understand the first 2-3 lines.
I thought you would be interested in hearing it from the black man's perspective. My best friend and I had this conversation about this very topic a few weeks ago. This is not our first time discussing this, but I always get heated about the blackmale blackwoman light/dark scenario.

Anyhow, here is the perspective of an intelligent, wise black man. I am always so disapointed, hurt, insulted when he comes out of his mouth with these things. It boils my blood -- truly!

Mind you, as with most of our convesations, we were talking about something else but switched you may not understand the first 2-3 lines.

From what I read, I beg to differ (no disrepect to you SweetNic):).

I wish I could list off convos I have had with men who have said that all they care about is if she is pretty period..but there would be too many to post.
From what I read, I beg to differ (no disrepect to you SweetNic):).

I wish I could list off convos I have had with men who have said that all they care about is if she is pretty period..but there would be too many to post.

I agree, nothing wise at all about him. sorry! And I could also provide many accounts of guys who have stated that they prefer dark-skinned or brown-skinned ladies, my brother only dates dark-skinned ladies. A group of guys in college proceeded to tell me and my sis that light-skinned ladies were hoes and "easy".
Let me just share a story and then I am moving on:
When I was younger there was this guy in my neighborhood that was fine. He was a tall chocolate brother and I had a ginormous crush. Finally I got the nerve to tell him but he turned me down flat. Why because I was too dark. Now he was darker than me and I was crush. So from then on I decided to get him back by only dating light skinned men. This went on for awhile and then I realized I was being stupid and ignorant like he was.

People have their preferences even if it is based on stupid reasons. But you know what, that doesn't stop anyone from being happy. If someone doesn't want me because of my complexion, then it is their loss cuz trust there is someone else who is going to love this sexy chocolate!!! We just need to treat people the way we want to be treated but unfortunately there will always be stupid, ignorant people in the world. That is why I surround myself with wonderful, fabulous, people who are beautiful inside and out. Love yourself for who you are and know that you are enough. You don't need to be lighter, darker, taller, bigger, smaller, lie about ish or anything for someone to approve you. Be the best you, you can be and to heck with people who got stuff to say. Keep the toxic people out of your life!!! No matter what color you are, there is someone out there for you so everyone else don't matter. Q
From what I read, I beg to differ (no disrepect to you SweetNic):).

I wish I could list off convos I have had with men who have said that all they care about is if she is pretty period..but there would be too many to post.

I agree with this:yep:. One thing I’ve learned is that all people have preferences. And we can get up in arms about what one man’s preference is (I think this is what CurleeDST was stating). Some men like fair-skinned women, some like dark-skinned women. Some like tall women, short women, thin women, thick women. What I have noticed (but not always) and I think this is why this gets so sensitive for some people is that SOME people that prefer fairer skinned people are more vocal about it than people that prefer darker-skinned people. And SOME people who have one preference or the other feel the need to insult the other group (i.e. a guy that likes dark-skinned women attacking light women as “not black enough,” “wannabe white” “pale/ugly” etc. or a man that likes fair skinned women attacking darker women as “ugly” “unattractive” “unfeminine”). These are truly the people that are causing us injury. I think if people had their preferences, that alone wouldn’t be such an issue. I think it’s when people attack others that don’t fit into their preference that the trouble begins. I’m just trying to make sense of something that will probably never make sense in the first place:)
Let me just share a story and then I am moving on:
When I was younger there was this guy in my neighborhood that was fine. He was a tall chocolate brother and I had a ginormous crush. Finally I got the nerve to tell him but he turned me down flat. Why because I was too dark. Now he was darker than me and I was crush. So from then on I decided to get him back by only dating light skinned men. This went on for awhile and then I realized I was being stupid and ignorant like he was.

People have their preferences even if it is based on stupid reasons. But you know what, that doesn't stop anyone from being happy. If someone doesn't want me because of my complexion, then it is their loss cuz trust there is someone else who is going to love this sexy chocolate!!! We just need to treat people the way we want to be treated but unfortunately there will always be stupid, ignorant people in the world. That is why I surround myself with wonderful, fabulous, people who are beautiful inside and out. Love yourself for who you are and know that you are enough. You don't need to be lighter, darker, taller, bigger, smaller, lie about ish or anything for someone to approve you. Be the best you, you can be and to heck with people who got stuff to say. Keep the toxic people out of your life!!! No matter what color you are, there is someone out there for you so everyone else don't matter. Q

I agree with the bolded, but that's not what's happening.:nono: If everyone did that life would be easier.
I agree with this:yep:. One thing I’ve learned is that all people have preferences. And we can get up in arms about what one man’s preference is (I think this is what CurleeDST was stating). Some men like fair-skinned women, some like dark-skinned women. Some like tall women, short women, thin women, thick women. What I have noticed (but not always) and I think this is why this gets so sensitive for some people is that SOME people that prefer fairer skinned people are more vocal about it than people that prefer darker-skinned people. And SOME people who have one preference or the other feel the need to insult the other group (i.e. a guy that likes dark-skinned women attacking light women as “not black enough,” “wannabe white” “pale/ugly” etc. or a man that likes fair skinned women attacking darker women as “ugly” “unattractive” “unfeminine”). These are truly the people that are causing us injury. I think if people had their preferences, that alone wouldn’t be such an issue. I think it’s when people attack others that don’t fit into their preference that the trouble begins. I’m just trying to make sense of something that will probably never make sense in the first place:)

I agree. But we have to start teaching our children better. We can say one thing and show something completely different.

You can't say things like:

lady 1 - Do you know dlewis has started baking from her home?

lady 2 - Who is dlewis?

Lady 1 - She's that nice lady that drives a blue truck, her children go to daycare with our kids.

Lady 2 - Ow, I know that lightskinned MF that's married to that black a$$ n*gga. I won't buy sh!t from her.:perplexed

These type of conversation can't go on, esp in front of kids. Because children learn by what they live and often repeat what their parents say.
I agree. But we have to start teaching our children better. We can say one thing and show something completely different.

You can't say things like:

lady 1 - Do you know dlewis has started baking from her home?

lady 2 - Who is dlewis?

Lady 1 - She's that nice lady that drives a blue truck, her children go to daycare with our kids.

Lady 2 - Ow, I know that lightskinned MF that's married to that black a$$ n*gga. I won't buy sh!t from her.:perplexed

These type of conversation can't go on, esp in front of kids. Because children learn by what they live and often repeat what their parents say.

I totally agree with you! So much of our descriptions of each other always turn to complexion. I also believe that even children who were not raised in a colorstruck home (I’m an example of this) can still be “affected” by the larger society. All you have to do is turn on a tv, listen to other people who are affected by this. It’s a shame, and I don’t know how to totally get rid of this mentality. We can only do it one person at a time (as you said).
I agree with this:yep:. One thing I’ve learned is that all people have preferences. And we can get up in arms about what one man’s preference is (I think this is what CurleeDST was stating). Some men like fair-skinned women, some like dark-skinned women. Some like tall women, short women, thin women, thick women. What I have noticed (but not always) and I think this is why this gets so sensitive for some people is that SOME people that prefer fairer skinned people are more vocal about it than people that prefer darker-skinned people. And SOME people who have one preference or the other feel the need to insult the other group (i.e. a guy that likes dark-skinned women attacking light women as “not black enough,” “wannabe white” “pale/ugly” etc. or a man that likes fair skinned women attacking darker women as “ugly” “unattractive” “unfeminine”). These are truly the people that are causing us injury. I think if people had their preferences, that alone wouldn’t be such an issue. I think it’s when people attack others that don’t fit into their preference that the trouble begins. I’m just trying to make sense of something that will probably never make sense in the first place:)

I agree I understand having a preferences but I don't think another person should be put down because of it. But I don't take mess from people. I am quick to stop that madness. Just because I am dark skinned doesn't mean you can bash my light skinned sister around me cuz I don't play that!!! Q
From what I read, I beg to differ (no disrepect to you SweetNic):).

I wish I could list off convos I have had with men who have said that all they care about is if she is pretty period..but there would be too many to post.

Unfortunately when it comes to this topic, he and I disagree. As a matter of fact, he and I just got through arguing about this. On the flip side, I have know him for years and this is one of very few things we argue about. His stance/position here tends to take away from what otherwise is a very brilliant, passionate human being.
This is interesting, but I'm not surprised. I have met plenty a man who think like this. At least he was honest about it. I'm not gonna judge him and say hes not an intelligent man, he probbably is a good man, but for a "cream" woman :rolleyes:

This is how i felt when we had that conversation. I was so upset. But when I hear about how his customers treat the light secretary versus the dark one, it shows that it truly is a bigger problem, and not just our personal perceptions.
I agree I understand having a preferences but I don't think another person should be put down because of it. But I don't take mess from people. I am quick to stop that madness. Just because I am dark skinned doesn't mean you can bash my light skinned sister around me cuz I don't play that!!! Q

I totally agree with you queeny!
I agree. But we have to start teaching our children better. We can say one thing and show something completely different.

You can't say things like:

lady 1 - Do you know dlewis has started baking from her home?

lady 2 - Who is dlewis?

Lady 1 - She's that nice lady that drives a blue truck, her children go to daycare with our kids.

Lady 2 - Ow, I know that lightskinned MF that's married to that black a$$ n*gga. I won't buy sh!t from her.:perplexed

These type of conversation can't go on, esp in front of kids. Because children learn by what they live and often repeat what their parents say.

Grown people who use that type of language should be banned from your shop anyway :wallbash: They might contaminate the goods.