2017 Relationship And Dating Thread

The escape room was fun, but I didn't realize how much I dislike puzzles and riddles! My goodness, I'm mentally lazy af! :lol: We made it through the first part, but not the last part. It was interesting. It's hard tho lol. The place we went to is located in Power Plant, in the venue that the old Baltimore Comedy Factory was in.

We visited my parents today before we left Baltimore. That was his first time to my parents' house.

We're going to his dad's house next weekend for dinner. He doesn't like his dad's wife. ...I've never seen them really interact, so this should be interesting. From what he tells me, the reasons he don't like her are petty AFFFFffff! :look:
Uhm ya'll open relationship ladies upthread spill the beans on what made you want to do this!??? This is unusual for the woman to initiate so I'm very curious. What if he gets attached to the other 'nany, or wants to keep doing it when you're over it, ya'll must be some secure as heck ladies. Teach me!

@qchelle @Rocky91

I know you didn't ask me, but women do intiate this kind of thing. Also, it's much easier when your partner makes you feel secure. I've never had an open relationship, but there was one bofriend that I had whom I would've been ok with the idea. He was clingier than a mug. Dat negrum wasn't going nowhere. He told me about a female friend he had reconnected with. There was a part of me that hoped that he'd proceed with a date or something because he was always up my behind :lol:. I never presented the idea of him getting a 2nd gf for two reasons though" 1. He would've been hurt :lol: 2. My motivations were all wrong. I just wanted him to have 2 nd gf because he was a handful. Yes, I did love him though.

Not judging anyone else, as everyone has their preferences. there won't be swinging of any kind in my marriage. I know that my future marriage would not be blessed if we were sexing other people. Marriage needs a strong foundation, or it will eventually crumble.

The older I get the more I think it is important for people to stick to what they are into. Unless the relationship is one sided (or abusive) I don't really judge what folks are doing. Why? Because different dynamics work for different people. I know a couple going on 21 years who have done the threesome thing. The dude is still smitten with his wife. In fact, they had threesomes for about 10 years, grew out of it and now they are strictly monogamous.

There are people humping only each other and not lasting past 2 years.

I'm not a swinger, but I do recognize that different strokes for different folks really does apply to relationships. This is why I can't get up in arms about what others are doing, especially when I don't personally agree with it.

Please don't take this as picking on you, i'm just sort of thinking aloud. We've been sold a specific relationship dynamic that is more likely to fail than last. Isn't it interesting how we scoff at anything that doesn't fit those rules but actually works out? Also, there are alot of folks out here living alternative lifestyles but are hella discreet. We credit their longevity to monagamy, yet, they're swinging from chandeliers at the sex club but not telling anybody :lol:

I've learned alot in the past year :look:
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Ooooo what he say?

He asked me what I wanted to do and did I want to have drinks.

Initially, I wasn't sure how to read into his text. But, it took me 3 hrs to respond because I was in a meeting and he texted me like no answer? So, he was serious.

Entrapment... I was not going to tell him that I WANTED to have drinks with another man.

I told him I didn't care either way and that we'd just be catching up. He said ok, that's fine.

I didn't tell him until yesterday that I didn't go. He told me he was wondering why I wanted to have drinks with my ex and then asked how I would feel if he asked me the same thing... all I could say was touché.
He asked me what I wanted to do and did I want to have drinks.

Initially, I wasn't sure how to read into his text. But, it took me 3 hrs to respond because I was in a meeting and he texted me like no answer? So, he was serious.

Entrapment... I was not going to tell him that I WANTED to have drinks with another man.

I told him I didn't care either way and that we'd just be catching up. He said ok, that's fine.

I didn't tell him until yesterday that I didn't go. He told me he was wondering why I wanted to have drinks with my ex and then asked how I would feel if he asked me the same thing... all I could say was touché.
I knew it!!!!!!
I'm a single parent...can you give more details on this? How long was the meeting? What'd you guys do? How old is the kid?
We went to IHOP and then hung out at his place for a couple of hours and watched cartoons. So altogether I think the entire gathering was maybe about four or five hours long. His son is five.

It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. I wanted to get breakfast and first he said okay but we'd have to make it quick because he had to bring something back for his son. Then he said 'Actually nvm' and I was thinking he was going to cancel then I heard him telling his son to get dressed. And that's what happened.

We've been dating for 3.5 months, known each other for three years. Hope that helped, let me know if you have any other questions.
So the other day when I was at his place we were just chilling and his phone rang it was a friend/co-worker of his (I actually talked to this guy before). I didn't know at the time who it was. Here's the conversation snippets.

Boo-What's up bro
Yeah I'm just chilling with my Easter Bunny (that made me cheese so hard)
Naw I'm not getting into anything today but quality time.
What, heck naw, yeah, ok. Be safe...Talk to you later.

So after he hangs up he's like o that was such and such.
I said oh ok.
Then he says, he asked about you?
I said oh really.
He said yeah everybody always asks how you are?
I'm like who is everybody?
he's like all my boys....
So then he was like, everyone keeps asking if I messed this up yet?
I was like why would they ask you that?
He said he has a tendency to be kind of rigid and dismiss people. But there's no way he's ****** this up! (I don't see that in him at all in our interactions. But I will keep my eye on it...lol)
So he's been talking. I didn't say anything. But that made me feel hella good that he's talking to people about me. This feels very secure and different than anything I've experienced since my last awful break up 2 years ago. I might keep him...:lachen:
He lied to me about something that was so dumb and didn't even need to be lied about and I'm heated and I don't know what I'm going to do about it.
This man trying to make me fall for his butt....:lachen:
I'm going through some really difficult things, personal and professional. The other day he called and I was all broken down. Literally crying. I asked him to give me some time to get it out and I would call him back. This is what he wrote to me in a text right after we hung up:
Babe I know you are feeling down & I didn't want to intrude on the way you were feeling. Sometimes in order to see clearly we just have to feel everything, good or bad. I'm the same way when I'm going through stuff, I don't want the whole world in my face. I just want you to know that you are not alone and I'm definitely here standing right next to you. I hope you feel better before you fall asleep. Please call me back soon.

The crazy thing is, all his friends swear he's this big tough guy. He's a native New Yorker, cuss, fuss, can be short with people, but with me he's a big old teddy bear. :love:
I had a "crazy psycho girlfriend" moment the other night and surprisingly my relationship is alive and kicking. I might have to get crazy with him more often because the making up afterwards was :toocool:.

But... question for anyone with an IUD. Does it ever stop hurting when he hits your cervix or am I just gonna have to live with that until whenever I get off it?
I had a "crazy psycho girlfriend" moment the other night and surprisingly my relationship is alive and kicking. I might have to get crazy with him more often because the making up afterwards was :toocool:.

But... question for anyone with an IUD. Does it ever stop hurting when he hits your cervix or am I just gonna have to live with that until whenever I get off it?
My cervix hasn't stoped hurting when he hits it. I've learned to live with it as the pain isn't to bad unless we are in a couple different positions.
But the no babies is A1 so I won't take it out :lachen:
I had a "crazy psycho girlfriend" moment the other night and surprisingly my relationship is alive and kicking. I might have to get crazy with him more often because the making up afterwards was :toocool:.

But... question for anyone with an IUD. Does it ever stop hurting when he hits your cervix or am I just gonna have to live with that until whenever I get off it?

Live with it