Y’all ever have that one ex boyfriend (we’ll call him Pastor Good Not) from back back in the day who finds you on social media and tries to shoot their shoot off 90’s energy??? Pesses me off
Dude broke my heart too. I was a fornicating Sunday school teacher (aka very selective with whom Id slip up with). He was a youth pastor at a different church. We would hang out and when I say the lord blessed his physical abilities....chile!!! I was the only sista he was messing with. All the young beckys on the missions team jocked him.
Annnnnddd of course after a year of messing around and him telling me God said I was his wife (I was a single mom of 1 too), he comes to my house and says he was wrong and God told him that he would be compromising if he married me. Leaves me with a parting gift: a book about being pure and sanctified (no lie). He then went on to be with one if the Beckys from his church. I was devastated.
They married (courted for a couple years), had 3 handicapped kids (no lie), and 1o or 11 years later we cross each others past in FB. By this time we’ve both been married for almost the same amount of time. My ex and I had one of those joint FB pages too so as Pastor Good Not sends a request me and then a request to our joint page. WE accept it. Next thing you know exDH and him are doing most of the chatting periodically. exDH would say how dude is stressed and unhappy always seeking advice about his situation. Anyway....
Fast forward Pastor and his love are rocky. Dh and I are not rocky per se but we were going through a separation. Joint FB page removed and Pastor reaches out and asks to talk. I obliged, we talk, nothing crazy but more the best advice I could give him considering. His confliction was perception about divorce in the church...me IDGAF about church perceptions anymore. I’m divorcing this ninja.
Okay, I remove him from my FB after a while—you know the classic FB purge. Doing me, 2 or 3 years go by and boom....last night I get an IG DM....its him.
He asking the usual catchup/mustard questions. We learn we’re both divorced (me longer than him). AND this joker works for the same organization as beta beau—lives in the same city. BRUH!!! I say nothing just “oh yeah I heard thats a good company”. This joker then asks if he could take me out and that after marrying Becky he realized he made a mistake and should’ve been with me—a sista. WHAT???!!
OH so you know I was happy to report that me and beta beau are not accepting applications at this present time and ended it with a God bless you sweetie. He was like “are you serious?!”
He wouldn’t be able to handle me anyway. ughhh the nerve....im still slightly pessed by how he broke my heart.
Dude broke my heart too. I was a fornicating Sunday school teacher (aka very selective with whom Id slip up with). He was a youth pastor at a different church. We would hang out and when I say the lord blessed his physical abilities....chile!!! I was the only sista he was messing with. All the young beckys on the missions team jocked him.
Annnnnddd of course after a year of messing around and him telling me God said I was his wife (I was a single mom of 1 too), he comes to my house and says he was wrong and God told him that he would be compromising if he married me. Leaves me with a parting gift: a book about being pure and sanctified (no lie). He then went on to be with one if the Beckys from his church. I was devastated.
They married (courted for a couple years), had 3 handicapped kids (no lie), and 1o or 11 years later we cross each others past in FB. By this time we’ve both been married for almost the same amount of time. My ex and I had one of those joint FB pages too so as Pastor Good Not sends a request me and then a request to our joint page. WE accept it. Next thing you know exDH and him are doing most of the chatting periodically. exDH would say how dude is stressed and unhappy always seeking advice about his situation. Anyway....
Fast forward Pastor and his love are rocky. Dh and I are not rocky per se but we were going through a separation. Joint FB page removed and Pastor reaches out and asks to talk. I obliged, we talk, nothing crazy but more the best advice I could give him considering. His confliction was perception about divorce in the church...me IDGAF about church perceptions anymore. I’m divorcing this ninja.
Okay, I remove him from my FB after a while—you know the classic FB purge. Doing me, 2 or 3 years go by and boom....last night I get an IG DM....its him.
He asking the usual catchup/mustard questions. We learn we’re both divorced (me longer than him). AND this joker works for the same organization as beta beau—lives in the same city. BRUH!!! I say nothing just “oh yeah I heard thats a good company”. This joker then asks if he could take me out and that after marrying Becky he realized he made a mistake and should’ve been with me—a sista. WHAT???!!
OH so you know I was happy to report that me and beta beau are not accepting applications at this present time and ended it with a God bless you sweetie. He was like “are you serious?!”
He wouldn’t be able to handle me anyway. ughhh the nerve....im still slightly pessed by how he broke my heart.